Blue Mountain High School

"Its strange I feel like I remember being here with my mother when I was younger. She died when I was very young." he said looking at Flower. "I'm sorry." he said.
"No it's okay we can stay here if you want... I'm really happy to be here with you." he said with a smile. he looked at her and gave her a kiss. "I really like you Flower I'm so glad I met you today." he said.
Flower blushed and looked at him nodding. "I....really like you too." She said and moved a bit closer. Still, even though she really didn't want to move she puts distance between them. She looked at him and smiled.
He smiled back. Although he was confused if she really liked him then why did she not want to be close to him. Was it his fault? was it something he did? "Hey...can I...ask you something?" he asked. he didn't look at her.
Flower looked at him with a smile and nodded. "Um sure." She said and then wondered why he wasn't looking at her. She suddenly looked at the ground. She didn't know what to do this was all new. She grabbed her own hands setting them in front of her.
Flower looks at him and then looks down. "Well...I guess...I mean I want to be close to you but then I get scared i guess...I've never liked someone this much before..." She said trailing off and then looks at him. She moves closer and stays there.
feeling her heat when she got close made him feel really happy. "You don't need to be scared any more." he said. he moved closer they were almost touching now. "Flower I have never felt like this way about a girl before. Flower I love you." he said giving her a kiss.
Flower looks at him smiling. She loved it when he kissed her. She smiled looking around the park. The dogs that ran around made her smile. She looked at leo and then down at the ground. She grabbed his arm and moved to where she was slightly leaning on him. She blushed a bit as she did keeping her eyes down.
He started to remember more and more about the park. he had a secret place in the woods. "I want to show you something." he said leading her into a clearing in the woods.
Flower blinks and follows as he leads her. She looked around woundering what could be out here. She looked back at him curious about what he wanted to show her. She kept walking this time keeping close. She glanced around hearing birds.
"Almost there." he said pushing bushes out of the way. after about five minutes he pulls aside another bush. behind the bush was a beautiful lake and an old house on the side of it. "My mother owned this place now it's mine." he said with a smile. "Do you like it?" he asked.
Flower's eyes widened. "Are you kidding? It's beautiful!" She said looking around. She ran up to the edge of the lake and smiled at the shining water. She looked back at Leo and smiled. "It's so cool!" She yelled.
He smiles at Flower. "I'm so glad you like it. we can come here when ever you want and stay here for as long as you want." he said. "Come on inside." he said walking towards the house.
Flower nodded and ran after him. Her more outgoing side showed as she jumped up and then landing right beside him. She was quite flexible and even knew verious fighting styles thanks to her dad and older sister. She looked at him and smiled. It was very nice here and she loved to run and climb.
Leo pulled out a key. he opened the door. inside the main hall there was pictures of Leo when he was young. on the left was the living room. on the right was the kitchen. straight ahead was a stair case. "This was my home away from home. I came here almost every day. I love it here." he said looking around. it has been about five years since he was in the house. but the inside was intact. it looked like it was brand new.
Flower walked in and looked at his pictures. "Wow you cute even back then." She said giggling a bit. She looked around it was amazing to her. She wanted to race around and explore like this was her new house but she held herself. She looked at him and smiled. "This is really neat!"
"Come on I'll show you around." he said grabbing her hand. "Lets see..well this is the living room." he said pointing to the left. It was all blue. "This is the kitchen" he said pointing to the right.
Flower smiled letting him lead her around. She took in all the sights in the house and looked at all the rooms. She was quite happy. She looked around as he pointed out the rooms.
He lead her up stairs. "This is my room." he said opening the door. Leo's room was deep blue and his walls were covered in his drawing. almost all of them won awards.

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