Blue Mountain High School

Flower started walking. "A few blocks down from the school, just down the hill." She said walking quickly and then smiled at him.
Flower smiled and kept walking. She looked at her house and opened the door. The place was super clean although it was quite small and there wasn't much stuff in it.
Flower smiles and nods. "Well I guess my mom taught me something before she died." She smiled and then looked down sighing a bit.
Flower smiled a bit as he hugged her and she hugged back. "Thanks." She said and then looked down. "Well um I'll go get my things." She said and pulled away going to her room.
Leo stood near the door. This was the first time he had been a girls house.'Wow she lost both her parents. How sad.' he thought.
Serena walked down the sidewalk, wearing a pure white mini dress that made her bright blue eyes stand out immensely. She ignored the stares that most boys were giving her and continued to model walk straight.

"Ugh. There is nothing to do around here." She mumbled half to herself. She spotted her yellow sports car and sighed, opening its doors and climbing in without showing anything. She turned on the engine, making loud VROOOM VROOOOM noises that made her grin. She blasted the song Everytime We Touch by Cascada, than she pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street.
Leo smiled. They walked down the street. A few blocks away they turned and walked down a smaller street lined with beautiful roses leading to a large house on a hill overlooking the town. "This is my house." he said walking up to the door. He opened the door. The main room was filled with pictures of his mother.
Flower walked in, she took off her shoes and then looked around. She blinked and then looked at Leo. She smiled a bit and then looked back around the room. It was nice, she however was a bit nervous about what Leo's dad would think of her. She hid behind her white hair again.
He looked at Flower. "You don't have to be nervous." he said. "My dad will love you." he smiled and grabbed Flower's hand. "come on let me show you to your room." he said walking up the grand stair case. He opened a door on the left down the hall. The room was large with dark blue walls. "Do you like it?" he asked.
Flower nodded and smiled at him. She ran in and looked around. SHe set her bag down and then pushed her white hair behind her ear. She looked at leo and smiled sweetly.
He smiled back. He walked over and kissed her this time he didn't pull away right away. "I am so happy you can stay with us. Well if you need me I'll be down the hall." he smiled. Then started to walk away.
Flower smiled and nodded. "Me too." She sat on the bed looking around. She looked out the window and opened the blinds.
He walked to his room and shut the door. he turned on the raido his faveorite song came on. He started to sing what hurts the most.
Flower sat on her bed and listened to him. She smiled and then started thinking of a few things. Like when was his father coming home. She sighed and then looked at herself in a merrior. She smiled a bit, she really was happy about being able to stay here. She grabbed a piece of her hair and started to play with it while she sat there thinking.
Leo stopped singing and opened his door and walked down the stairs. he spoke with the maid and sighed. He walked back up and knocked on Flower's door.
Flower opened the door and then smiled. "Hey Leo, what's up?" She asked and then leaned on the door post. She rubbed her head and then looked at him.
Flower nodded and then smiled slightly. She looked down and then rubbed her head. "Oh I see..." She looked at him. "That's ok."
Flower smiled as he hugged her. "OK...goodnight..." She closed her door and then sat on her bed. She blinked wondering what his dad did for a living.

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