Blue Mountain High School

Leo finished the drawing just in time to get out of this class. 'Time for lunch.' he thought to himself. 'Wonder if Flower will be there.' he thought.
Flower walked off to lunch. She kept a look out for anyone she knew. Well mostly leo. She sighed seeing a long line and then shrugged still looking around.
Leo walks into the lunch room. He looked around the room and saw Flower standing looking around. He walks up from behind and covers her eyes. "Guess who." he said.
Flower jerked a bit as someone covered her eyes. She smiled and the giggled. "Hey leo." She said grabing his hand and prying it off her eyes.
He smiled and laughed. "Schools almost over. Finally can't wait to get out of here." he said as he grabbed her hand and led her to an open table.
Flower looked up at him and blushed. "Um.....yeah." She said quietly and then looked at the table. She was embarrased about it.
Flower blushed even more. "Um....yeah....that first kiss." SHe said looking down. She smiled shyly as she shifted feeling embarassed.
Flower looked at him and smiled. "Oh I see." She said still blushing. She looked away noticing a few stares from other people.
He stopped moving and looked around at the few people staring at them. "I..was wondering...what am you?" he asked tripping over his words. He was really nervous about asking her this question. But he really wanted to know.
Flower looks at him and then looks down. "Well I mean....we kissed...and I like boyfriend, I don't know if you agree."
That word 'boyfriend' echoed through his head. he shook his head no."No I am really glad you think of me like that. I really like you too. So I guess we're dating now huh?" he asked rubbing the back of his head.
Flower blushed a deep red as he leaned in but she didn't pull away. She looked at him and then leans in alittle herself.
Flower was still blushing and nods smiling. "Um yeah." She said looking down. Who would have thought she would manage to get a boyfriend already. She looked around and then back at him.
Flower jerks back and looks down. "Yes..." She said quietly. She looked at him and blushed. "..." She leaned back in the chair.

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