Blue Mountain High School

Flower blinks and then thinks about it for a second. "Listen by mechelle tumes." she said and then tilted her head waiting to know why he wanted to know.
"I can sing any song as long as I know the name. It's weird I know but I thought it would be cool to show you." he said. then he began to lean in for a kiss but pulled back and blushed. "did you like it?" he asked trying to change the subject.
Flower blushed noticing he was leaning. Then nodded and smiled as he asked if she like it. " were...great." She said smiling. She looked at the ground. "I really liked it."
Hearing that she really liked his singing gave him the confidence he needed. He leaned in again this time he didn't pull away.
Flower looked up at him and then blushed deeply seeing him get closer. Her heart was racing, she looked at him and then lookedat his lips. She swallowed a bit and leaned in herself.
They kiss. He ignored all of the gasps around them. He just focused on Flower. he pulled away and blushed. "I'm sorry if that was to fast." he said.
Flower blushing even deeper now she shook her head no. "It's fine." She said and smiled at him. The frowned hearing the other kids. She looked around, then back at him. "..." She smiled a small smile. If only there weren't so many people here.
"Don't pay any attention to them. Just focus on me." He said with a smile. 'Although I wish I could say the same thing about me' he thought to himself.
Flower nodded and looked at him. She smiled and then watched as the class was dismissed. She looked back at the guy she just kissed. It was a good feeling.
he heard the bell ring. walked over and grabbed his back pack. He watched as the girl of his dreams walks away. He walks to Biology and sits down.
Flower walks to her next class. She found it was Biology. She was happy to sit bysomeone she liked and knew. She looked at him and smiled. She looked at her dest happy to be here.
Flower blushed a bit. "Yeah....that's great." she said smiling at him. She looked at her dest and then messed with her pencil.
Flower looked at him and then blinked wondering what he was doing. She looked back at her dest once she started to catch on. She blushed alittle.
He noticed that she was looking at her desk. He stopped looking back at her he had her image in his head. He finished the drawing. "Here you go." he said giving her the picture.

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