Blue Mountain High School

Flower looked at the picture and suddenly blushed. She hid her face. "Thanks." She said smiling even though she hid her face.
Flower carefully put it in a folder that had her pictures in it. She closed it quickly and looked at the teacher who was eyeing the two. Flower noticed this which made her blush even more. She looked at desk and then put her hands on her lap.
Flower nodded. "It's ok." She quietly replied and then listened as the teacher started class. She kept her eye sight on her desk.
Flower watched him answer questions but was very quiet herself. Untill the teacher asked her a question. She looked at her desk and answer correctly. She smiled a bit and then slightly looked up.
Flower smiles even more and then puts her hair behind her ears. Although with a glance from the teacher her hair fell back in front of her face. She looks at Leo and still gives him a smile. Whispers from other students makes her look away and back at her desk.
Leo felt bad that all of these kids were talking so much but it was his fault partly by kissing her but he didn't regret it at all.
Flower sighs as class seemed to go slowly. She looked at Leo hoping school would be over soon. She was feeling pretty happy even though her shyness was getting the best of her.
Flower giggles as she heres him. She looks at the teacher and then back at her desk. As soon as the bell rings she smiles gathering her things. Thank goodness it was over.
Flower stretches out and then looks at leo noding. She looked at all the kids happy to be free from this class. WHat a day it's been flower thought to herself.
Flower nodded. She had already taken art. She went to her next class and then sighed her mind wondering. She ended up thinking of her first kiss, which was from Leo today.
Leo walked into art and sat down. He was thinking about things. Then the image of Flower popped into his head. Then the kiss. The feeling of her lips on his, the heat of her body against his. All of the other kids watching. All he wanted was the day to be over and to see Flower again.
Flower looked at the teacher, he was slightly boring her. Although she wasn't entirly listening because she was busy in her own world she managed to give a correct answer when he asked her a question. She was now paying alittle more attention.
Leo was told to draw something that meant something to him. But what? He didn't really hold anything close to him because he knew nothing would last. But for some reason he started to draw Flower. Well he had his answer. The thing that meant something to him, Flower. the only thing he could think of was Flower.
Flower looks at the teacher and then sighs. Class was so long to her. She looked out the window and then was oh so happy to race out of class when it was finished. Soon school would be over.

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