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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)


Location:Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, Cattileona

Rin furrowed his brow. "A mark? What do you mean, a mark...?" He looked down at his bare torso but saw nothing but his wounds. They were still trying to heal up on their own. However, his mind was getting a bit distorted from the morphine dose Mizuki had given him.

As he tried to think about what might've caused the so-called mark Cattileona pointed out, he recalled his confrontation with Yellow, the demon who visited him before he awoke from unconsciousness. That Demon had struck his torso with something, he remembered.

"He hit me..." Rin said aloud, not realizing he did. his head began to swim as the morphine began to take full effect.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow
Wolfrose said:
Location:Medical Wing

Company: Mizuki, Cattileona

Rin furrowed his brow. "A mark? What do you mean, a mark...?" He looked down at his bare torso but saw nothing but his wounds. They were still trying to heal up on their own. However, his mind was getting a bit distorted from the morphine dose Mizuki had given him.

As he tried to think about what might've caused the so-called mark Cattileona pointed out, he recalled his confrontation with Yellow, the demon who visited him before he awoke from unconsciousness. That Demon had struck his torso with something, he remembered.

"He hit me..." Rin said aloud, not realizing he did. his head began to swim as the morphine began to take full effect.

@Wise Owl @I am Shadow
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Medical Ward

Company: Rin, Mizuki.

Cattileona could tell he wasn't exactly thinking rationally considering the morphine was dulling his mind. She expected this since morphine was a drug, and such effects were bound to happen, especially the dosage because of his wounds which were extensive.

Cattileona didn't need him to entirely assist her, she simple nodded at his words, and took the liberty of reading his thoughts prior to when he was beginning to show such effects. She picked up on something of a Yellow demon in which he confronted in his unconscious state as to which Rin tried to leave causing this Yellow demon to hit him.

It was a bit fuzzy, Rin's thoughts, but she managed to receive them, narrowing her eyes as she remembered distinctively something about a yellow cloaked figure, or something that was yellow figure in a odd place. A dream land of sorts. Very little was given on him, and only the insane worshippers left some knowledge, but little or at all any. Thus was because their state of sanity was beyond repairable. She thought long and hard on what it was exactly she read of such mentions of a particular yellow figure or cloak. Her concerns more dire.

She knew it was risky, seeing as she wasn't sure how extensive this dreamland was, and if she would accidentally cross over it when accessing Rin's memories at that time of his confrontation, but, she had no other choice. She knew the mark was there, as she could feel it's presence on Rin, but she had to know exactly what she was dealing with.

"Sorry...." She simple muttered as her concentration was now completely on Rin's mind. She was telepathically reading his memories, much like a movie playing before her eyes as she searched through the desired memory. She was looking for, mostly, the portion where he fell unconscious, in which she found the moment his mind went black for a split second after the battle of a shadow demon. It was then she was hoping to see the scene of Rin's encounter with this Yellow Demon, as she hoped, considering Rin was somewhat conscious. Thus, he could remember what had happened, and it would have been placed in his mind as a memory. So, she was bound to pick it up and have the chance to replay the memory. Or...she may have gotten more then she asked for as this was most likely risky into entering the dream world, or making her presence aware to the yellow demon whom was trapped there.

(( I left it where she may or may not see such a memory of Rin's encounter with the Yellow demon considering I don't know how the dream world works and how the whole Carcosa thing works, plus I don't know if he could suddenly being Cattileona into the dreamworld just for looking over Rin's. So yeah, just figured I would do that incase of such problems, errors, plans or such, and I dearly hope I didn't totally botch the Corosa information thing, as I remebered she doesn't know any or much information and that very little was given because of insane worshippers and stuff. If I made a mistake please let me know @Barbas. I do not want to want to ruin the whole bit on that and want to make sure I'm doing things in your agreement.))

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow @Barbas
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images.jpg.4ee7c6f6510fed47d5f7502089c59bba.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/images.jpg.4ee7c6f6510fed47d5f7502089c59bba.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa


As Cattileona was looking through Rin's memories, she suddenly begins to hear the sound of a flute playing in her mind. After a few minutes, the demon finds herself in the throne room of the King in Yellow, Hastur. Sitting motionless on his throne, Hastur simply observesCattileona while playing his lute.


@Wise Owl



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@Barbas[/URL]. I do not want to want to ruin the whole bit on that and want to make sure I'm doing things in your agreement.))

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow @Barbas

Location: Medical Wing

Company: Cattileona, Mizuki, and now King in Yellow

Rin was slowly beginning to slip into a sleep-like state, his mind becoming fuzzy. He wasn't even aware of Cattileona's attempt to prod around in his mind, or that the King in Yellow was using his mind to invite her into his world.

At least he wouldn't feel any pain as Mizuki finished her work on him.

@Wise Owl @Barbas @I am Shadow

Altaynna said:
"...of course, sir." Turning behind her, she regarded Yukio, waiting for his response.
@Nyxianforeigner @Wolfrose

Location: His office

Company: Evelyn, Yukio

Mephisto smirked and raised an eyebrow, waiting for Yukio's response. "Well, Mr. Okumura? Is that a plan?" He grinned and drummed his fingers on the shaft of his staff patiently.

@Altaynna @Nyxianforeigner
Location: Mephistos Office

Company: Mephisto, Evelyn

"Oh! Erm, Yes sir, Thats quite alright with me. I'll get right on that and then later on we can discuss the matter we were going to disguss later. I suppose. " He then turned to Evelyn, "Lets get going. Dont want to keep the Headmaster too long now, do we?"

@Altaynna @Wolfrose
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Evelyn Oniwa

Location: Mephistos Office

Company: Mephisto, Yukio

"Of course not." Evelyn moved to leave, pausing and bowing to Mephisto before moving to leave. As she moved outside, she stuck her hands in her pocket, her claw blades once again giving her solace. "I don't suppose you're going to tell me what you're doing here instead of out in the fields, Yukio?" As they left, she bumped into a kitten that moved passed her legs, strutting into Mephisto's office and sitting down in one of the chairs, regarding him for a moment.


Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephisto

Sitting on a chair in her cat form, she watched the demon in front of her for a moment, not saying anything as her tail curled around her legs.

@Nyxianforeigner @Wolfrose
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Location: His office

Company: Yukio, Evelyn

Mephisto merely shrugged, still smirking. "If that is what you wish to do, then so be it." He turned around and made his way back to his chair, fluttering his fingers back over his shoulder to dismiss them. "Ta-taaa~!" he sang to them.

@Altaynna @Nyxianforeigner

Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephisto

She let out a mew, not responding beyond that. She watched him for a moment, barely blinking, hoping she could speak to him for a moment. After all, those exorcists had left the office, and she knew that he worked, but appreciated a distraction. Often.

Location: Leaving Mephistos Office

Company: Evelyn

"I have to keep an eye on my troublesome brother," Yukio then pushed the bridge of his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "He can get out of control and reckless if not supervized. Though Im the younger of both of us. I have the most experience. Thats all I'm going to say."

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Location: The hallways

Company: Yukio

Evelyn laughed. "Your brother? I lived at the vatican, Yukio, and I'm an exorcist. I'm aware of what he is. Don't worry about it." She shrugged, looking around the hallways, her face burning with her blush at the utter embarrassment from her idiocy. "So I suppose I'm stuck in your classes, then." she regarded him for a long moment before speaking directly to him, turning to look at him. "It's been awhile, Yukio."

Location: The Hallways

Company: Evelyn

"Yes, It has. how have you been faring Evelyn?" He turned to look at her and give his full attention. "The last time I even spoke to you alone was... When was that? Sorry... I know I have a great memory and all... But I cant seem to remember the last time we spoke."

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Location: Hallways

Company: Yukio

"It certainly has been awhile. I think...the last time was when Fujimoto brought you to the Vatican. Pretty sure I got to talk to you then at some point. We discussed your latest care...gremlins or something. Nothing important, just training for you." She removed her hands, the claw blades forming around her hand with its own mechanism. She didn't seem to notice, staring over at Yukio. "I was sorry to hear of the loss of such an amazing exorcist, by the way. And for your loss, I heard he was like a father to you."

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Location: Hallway

Company: Evelyn

"Well he did take us in when we were young, Though, I did resent Rin and blame him for the death of Fujimoto... I have to admit that I did blame myself as well, I was so afraid of becoming like my brother... That I was a little too hard on him." Rubbing his neck for a moment before noticing the claws, clearing his throat, he changed the subject. "Right then... I suppose, living on the past would only drag us down... Though, I would like to know how you've been faring?"

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Location: Hallway

Company: Yukio

"Mostly fine, destroyed some demons, and of course I have Marwolaeth." she shrugged, before noticing her blades, twisting her wrists and they quickly folded away into knuckle dusters. She regarded them for a moment, before regarding Yukio again. "Remember being taught? It must be hilarious to be teaching these kids. Any promising exorcists?"

Location: Hallways

Company: Evelyn

"Of course there's Ban, Konekomuru have become promising Arias, Shiemi and Izumo have made promising tamers. Rin, of course still has some work to do, but he's become a promising knight." Yukio acknowledged the progress of his students. "I admire their teamwork and determination too."

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Altaynna said:
Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephisto

She let out a mew, not responding beyond that. She watched him for a moment, barely blinking, hoping she could speak to him for a moment. After all, those exorcists had left the office, and she knew that he worked, but appreciated a distraction. Often.


Location: Hiss office

Company: His daughter, Kimchi

upon hearing the mew, Mephisto paused and perked. His eyes darted to the side, well aware of who was there.

"Kimchi," he remarked, with a twinge of surprise upon his voice. "What a surprise that you're here." he continued about his business, not really affected by her presence being there. Deep down, though he hid it however, he was glad to see her doing well. "It's been quite a while. I supposed you were down causing some trouble in Gehenna." He sat down in his chair and propped his feet up on the dest, resting his hands behind his head, and looked to her with a welcoming smile.


Location: Hallway

Company: Yukio

"That's good news for our order, Yukio." A smile flickered across her face and she regarded him for a moment. "Would you be up for friendly sparring?" She stopped, turning fully, watching him.


Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Her father, Mephisto

The cat's gaze softened before she transformed, turning into her more human looking form. She smiled at her father, hoping for something that seemed guinine. "I have been visiting relatives. But I wanted to visit you. After all, it's been a few decades. And...I heard of some trouble, and an interesting tidbit regarding...Satan's son."

@Wolfrose @Nyxianforeigner

Location: His office

Company: Kimchi

A twinkle of curiosity glinted in Mephisto's eyes. "So you heard some interesting details about Rin Okumura? Hmm... Very interesting." he brought his feet down and leaned forward, crossing his arms over his desk top.

"What exactly did you hear going around down there?" he asked his daughter with intrigue. He had to admit he was proud of her, she was of use to him yet.


Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Her father; Mephisto

"I have heard of the usual, son of satan, and a few...interesting tidbits, as I said. Such as...while I heard he is training to be an exorcist, I have also heard that he has been using his satanic powers. and if I'm not mistaken...he is getting more and more like his father with each usage of power. And...he has begun drawing demons to him like a moth to a flame. Whether on purpose or not, they have begun flocking to him. Hence why I'm here." She smiled, and and leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers. "After all, you are my father." She paused, her smirk growing. "And I thought you might like some help and some knowledge, since you don't seem to be tuning into Gehenna often."


Location: His office

Company: Kimchi

Mephisto sighed and leaned back causally in his chair. "Yes, i am well aware of what Rin is doing. I want him to draw out the Demons. Why do you think I haven't stopped him? i want to see his true power..." He smirked at the thought, recalling how Rin so easily defeated his brother during the Vatican trial as they tried to determine what to do with him. And that was only a fraction of it. He rocked back and forth in the chair.

"As for Gehenna, it bores me. I would much rather remain up here. Things are so much more interesting up above. The humans amuse me, and I have taken quite a liking to them. They're quite a peculiar race... I've become acquainted with a few of them. Rin's father was one of my closest acquaintances..." He became a bit saddened, recalling the man before his death. "I have learned much from them." He looked to the ceiling and continued rocking back and forth.


Location: Her father's office

Company: Mephisto

"I am well aware of you liking to humans, father." Her words were slightly harsh, but she cooled down quickly, and immediately. Now was not the time, nor was it the place, and he didn'tcare about her, or her mother. Satan, she didn't even care about her mother. Or, rather, she hadn't cared about her. "Of course you knew, the power is indescribable. However, he has attracted the interest of your brother, Lucifer. No doubt you knew that as well, however...I had to make sure. It is good to know the movements of my uncles, particularly the king of light." Her expression remained cool, and she regarded her nails, her retractable claws unsheathing as she examined them.

(Should I take over Lucifer...?)

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No I'm Satan. i just didn't want to bring him in yet. Plot purposes))


Location: His office

Company: Kimchi

Mephisto noted her tone from before, but dismissed it. "I meant no offense to you by expressing my feelings about humans," he reassured her, his voice slightly icy. "I just simply wanted to hear information i didn't already know." He lifted his head to look at her.

"It's quite obvious that Satan has become interested in his own sons, Kimchi. Because you said that, I assume you didn't witness the attempt of Satan to take over Assiah by using Gehenna's Gate, did you?' he asked her, clasping his hands together on top of his desk and smirking at her expectantly.


Location: Mephisto's office

Company: her father

Kimchi snorted. "Of course I did, I'm no fool. However, I was speaking of your brother Lucifer. One of the eight kings? Yes, Rey has procured his attention. I have been keep in an eye on my uncles, father." She sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Ah, but one upping and arguing gets us nowhere. If you have no wish for me to stay, I could simply leave. Or, perhaps, keep on eye on the son of satan himself. He may prove to be...interesting." She stood, watching her father and tilting her head to the side for a moment, just watching. Should she say anything more? There was nothing left to tell, beyond the fact that Lucifer had started movements, gathering followers. Ah, but it see me to serve no purpose as of yet.

All she had wanted was to see her father, but of course she had ruined it, proving that she was the nothing her father took her for. She bowed deeply and fluidly, regarding her father with one last look. "Unless you have need of me."

Please, say that I am not worthless in your eyes, father. Say you do not wish me to leave you once more. Please.

(I meant the most powerful of the eight kings, the king of light, Lucifer. I don't suppose you know him then...? Check out the wiki on him and the other kings
:D )

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No I knew that was Lucifer. Mephisto wasn't talking about him in my reply, he was talking about Amaimon.))

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