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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)

Or last two replies rather. Lucifer and Satan are the same thing though, Lucifer is merely his Angelic/human form))
Barbas said:
View attachment 295944
The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa


As Cattileona was looking through Rin's memories, she suddenly begins to hear the sound of a flute playing in her mind. After a few minutes, the demon finds herself in the throne room of the King in Yellow, Hastur. Sitting motionless on his throne, Hastur simply observes Cattileona while playing his lute.


@Wise Owl
Wolfrose said:
Location: Medical Wing

Company: Cattileona, Mizuki, and now King in Yellow

Rin was slowly beginning to slip into a sleep-like state, his mind becoming fuzzy. He wasn't even aware of Cattileona's attempt to prod around in his mind, or that the King in Yellow was using his mind to invite her into his world.

At least he wouldn't feel any pain as Mizuki finished her work on him.

@Wise Owl @Barbas @I am Shadow
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Body in Medical Ward and conscious in Dream world Carcosa

Company: Rin, Mizuki, conscious in company of the King in Yellow

Cattileona made a small wavering gasp as she found her presence within the dreamworld, and she very well expected this to happen. She knew it was going to happen.

She took a moment to gain her surroundings since she was blind and required concentration on her senses to make her have a visual. Soon, her eyes then rested on the very Yellow demon playing the flute.

She knew more then ever what she had gotten herself into, the insane speaking something of Carcosa, and that rang through her head several times.

"So it is....what I suspected" she simple muttered, "The King of Yellow, what your insane worshippers call you." Her eyes drawn to his as she seemed pretty adaptable with her blindness.

On the outside, Mizuki and Rin could see, or if they wished to draw their attention to Cattileona, would see Cattileona's breathing a bit rapid, as if she was in some sort of state, but it couldn't be determined what's going on.

(( by the ways, Lucifer is an actual King of Gehenna, the first, under Satan, in the manga. Figured I would clarify that if it wasn't for you @Wolfrose ))

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow @Barbas

Location: His office

Company: Kimchi

Mephisto chuckled with mild amusement at her response and stood. "Kimchi, I wasn't trying to argue with or... What did you call it... 'one-up' you. I'm simply already well aware of what is happening down in Gehenna, as well as what is happening up here, in Assiah. i was merely teasing you about your resourcefulness, have you not caught onto my wild sense of humor yet?" He grinned, his fangs glinting. "You know that I care about you, otherwise all i have done for you in your past I wouldn't have done. You know that I don't waste time on things unimportant to me. I thought you knew me better than that." He crossed to the other side of his room.

"Lucifer, in either of his forms, poses no threat to me, my academy, or my intentions. So he is of no concern to me currently. As for my brothers, if any of them try to interfere with my doings, well. I simply won't hesitate to punish them." He looked back over his shoulder at Kimchi, his eye glinting wryly.

" You can go ask Amaimon all about that." He grinned, flashing his fangs once more, and winked to his daughter.

The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosca

Company: Cattileona

Observing his guest while she was thinking to herself, the King in Yellow waits until she spoke before discarding his lute." Insane? I prefer the term Enlightened. After all, my followers who pleased me were well rewarded for their efforts. Though I suppose lesser beings would be unable to fully comprehend my gifts."

@Wise Owl

Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephisto

"You named your only child Kimchi, I can never be sure what you are thinking." She raised a brow at her father, a faint smile dancing at the corners of her mouth. "And I am well aware what you did to Amaimon."

Her heart felt slightly lighter at her father's sentences. "And perhaps I should know you better, father." If you didn't push me away and if I didn't spend so much time in Gehenna. "And you know full well that you keep to yourself."


Location: His office

Company: Kimchi

"I didn't name you Kimchi. Your mother did. But you are right about my state of mind. I am quite crazy upstairs to most, so I've been told," he replied to his daughter. "So-so." He responded to the rest of her words dismissively, then turned back around ti face her.

"I regret not having the time to get to know my own daughter better, but as you are probably already aware of, I'm not exactly sure how to treat a child.. I barely have any success with Rin Okumura, his brother, and the other students here. But my responsibilities in this world are very pressig, so it is rare I have any freetime at all. However, if you would like to stay and perhaps see what my wrld is like and just how pretentious it is, I can put you in the best class I have on campus- the class in which Satan's youngest son teaches. If that would suffice for your tastes..." He raised an eyebrow and smirked at her.

Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location: Carcosca

Company: Cattileona

Observing his guest while she was thinking to herself, the King in Yellow waits until she spoke before discarding his lute." Insane? I prefer the term Enlightened. After all, my followers who pleased me were well rewarded for their efforts. Though I suppose lesser beings would be unable to fully comprehend my gifts."

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Body in Medical Ward and conscious in Dream world Carcosa

Company: Rin, Mizuki, conscious in company of the King in Yellow

Cattileona scoffed, not a usual trait of her but she did this time to this man's...strange gifts, as she knew quite well instanity wasn't really enlightenment if you were too crazy to know what a mushroom was.

"If I'm a lesser being to you, then why did you bring me here? I'm not as stupid to believe I just accidentally came here by my own accord of looking through memories, such things cannot be done by a simple memory. This is your dream land after all". She questioned this yellow cloaked man, clearly more intelligent than she appeared to be, of if one ever questioned her intelligence.

The King in Yellow

Location : Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

"The reason I brought you to my little 'prison' is actually quite simple. I wish to recruit you. You see, my ability to interact with Assiah is unfortunatelyquite limited, which is why I have to rely on servants like that coward Sargon to do my, hmm what's the human term for it? Ah, 'dirty work'. And I wish to gain a Demon minion who is actually competent and doesn't suffer from a severe phobia!"

@Wise Owl
Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location : Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

"The reason I brought you to my little 'prison' is actually quite simple. I wish to recruit you. You see, my ability to interact with Assiah is unfortunatelyquite limited, which is why I have to rely on servants like that coward Sargon to do my, hmm what's the human term for it? Ah, 'dirty work'. And I wish to gain a Demon minion who is actually competent and doesn't suffer from a severe phobia!"

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Carcosa, Dream world.

Company: King of Yellow

Cattileona frowned at him, clearly noticing he hasn't done his research on her. A grin swept across her face as her answer was unexpected most likely to the Yellow King, "You clearly have not done much 'research' on me" she mused, before turning her tone back to a monotoned voice and expression.

"I'm sorry, but I have no interest in being recruited by you. Unlike your...incompetent servants, I have grown to love and care for humans, for Assiah. Sure they have not treated me well...but they are something I could not betray. I love Assiah, as I do for Gehenna, and if I remember anything about what your worshippers have told me or have told many, is that you are trapped here, imprisoned. I can only imagine there is a very good reason for that" she stated.

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The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Utterly surprised that she would dare to refuse his offer, the Yellow King is suddenly filled with an intense rage as he concentrates his full might on Cattileona as he tries to shatter her will power and sanity."You foolish wretch! Do you have any idea insignificant you are compared to me?! You will serve me, or else you will experience an eternity of unrelenting torment!"

@Wise Owl
Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Utterly surprised that she would dare to refuse his offer, the Yellow King is suddenly filled with an intense rage as he concentrates his full might on Cattileona as he tries to shatter her will power and sanity."You foolish wretch! Do you have any idea insignificant you are compared to me?! You will serve me, or else you will experience an eternity of unrelenting torment!"

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Carcosa, Dream world

Company: Enraged King of Yellow

Cattileona could feel something, something deep within her mind and her body, as if the man was trying to waver her will, her sanity, her very power. She was, to say the least, lucky enough to with stand most of it because of not only her gifts with her mind, but also the mentality she has suffered for many years in her life as a demon.

However, it was quite hard on her, as it was wavering her just a little, a slight feeling of such pain seeping through. "Ahaha, ehehe~" she managed to laugh, even though the pain deep within her was getting worse, managing to shatter her a little as she could feel such power getting worse, but she perceivered. "Y...you think I'm not suffering...eternal torment. You really don't know me" she managed to bring her blind, foggy eyes back up to him, still losing such defiance towards him, her will, spirit, sanity, and power still holding strong.

"I have lived such torment...since I was born, you hardly....could scratch the surface" she mused, still keeping that defiant stance even if she was wavering a little, her nose beginning to bleed. Her eyes beginning to glow a little, as she gritted her teeth, swinging her arm infront of her, with a gesture of her hand across his waist. This was an attempt into telekinetically cutting him, or at least an attempt to show she was much more stronger then even he could expect.

The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Somewhat surprised that the Demon was able to resist his mental attack, The King in Yellow decides to try a more direct attack. Extending his right hand, Hastur summons three small, blue orbs around Cattileona which simultaneously fire a steady stream of electricity at the Demon while the Yellow King continues his mental attacks. "Your powers are strong, but not strong enough. In your realm, you could possible ward off my attacks. But here, my power is without limit!"

@Wise Owl
Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Somewhat surprised that the Demon was able to resist his mental attack, The King in Yellow decides to try a more direct attack. Extending his right hand, Hastur summons three small, blue orbs around Cattileona which simultaneously fire a steady stream of electricity at the Demon while the Yellow King continues his mental attacks. "Your powers are strong, but not strong enough. In your realm, you could possible ward off my attacks. But here, my power is without limit!"

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Carcosa, Dream world

Company: King in Yellow

Cattileona, besides the concentration to fight back the mental attack, noticed the forming blue orbs around her, and immediately jumped up away from them. As she was in the air, she gestured her hands again as to make more of those telekinetic strikes towards the King in Yellow, still relenting and swift.

As she attempted to strike and possible manage to hit the King in Yellow, if he dodged or not, he would be able to see the area around him taking damage. Such damage was seen as simple, clean, swift strikes, like claw lines. The stone or whatever hard material beneath him, was cut so deep it cracked such material away, splitting or crumbling apart. It was assumed her extensive mental abilities gave her the powers to be able to telekinetically make a cut into whatever focused strike she made with her hand, or mind.

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The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Focusing all of his contentration on forming a shield to blocks the attacks headed right at him, Hastur doesn't notice the ground beneath him being destroyed, causing him to fall down the large hole created by Cattileona. After the King in Yellow was temporarily buried by the ruble, a multiple loud growls are heard as the monsters that dwell in the dream world slowly make their way into the throne room.


@Wise Owl
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Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Focusing all of his contentration on forming a shield to blocks the attacks headed right at him, Hastur doesn't notice the ground beneath him being destroyed, causing him to fall down the large hole created by Cattileona. After the King in Yellow was temporarily buried by the ruble, a multiple loud growls are heard as the monsters that dwell in the dream world slowly make their way into the throne room.


@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Dream World, Carcosa. Trying to regain conciounsness to Medical Ward

Company: King in Yellow, possible soon to be Rin and Mizuki

Cattileona sighed a breath of relief as it was possible since he was temporarily buried, he wasn't focusing as much on mentally attacking her mind for her sanity, power, and will.

It was short lived however as she could hear the several creatures whom dwelled this dream world, and had only one option left, regaining conciounsness, or she was most likely going to be in much worse trouble.

She knew very well she was not well enough prepared to keep fighting, especially when placing herself at great risk, including the fact she knew she was in no way strong or prepared enough to fight these monsters approaching and the King in Yellow alone.

She was however wavering, and just landed on the ground, seeing as a high demon was impacting her mind quite harshly, or maybe...perhaps it was something deeper that was effecting her, causing her to waver.

With her small opening left, she remained focused on her thoughts, remembering where she was meant to be. As if she was concentrating on snapping out of her unconscious state, travelling back to her conciounse mind at the Medical Ward with Rin and Mizuki, concentrating very hard on this as to succeed in slipping away from the dream world, Carcosa.

(( sorry if it's gonna be a little short, but she knows when it's a good time to get the hell out of there :P ))

@Barbas @Wolfrose @I am Shadow
The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

While Cattileona was trying to escape Carcosa, a chain with glowing symbols on it bursts out of the ground and tries to wrap around her throat while Hastur's voice is heard all around the throne room. "You idiotic worm! Do you truly believe that you can escape so easily?This is MY realm! And I will not tolerate such insolence!"

@Wise Owl
Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

While Cattileona was trying to escape Carcosa, a chain with glowing symbols on it bursts out of the ground and tries to wrap around her throat while Hastur's voice is heard all around the throne room. "You idiotic worm! Do you truly believe that you can escape so easily?This is MY realm! And I will not tolerate such insolence!"

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Dream World, Carcosa. Trying to regain conciounsness to Medical Ward

Company: King in Yellow, possible soon to be Rin and Mizuki

Cattileona simple ignored him, as if he no longer existed in her mind, making herself more or less conscious but alone, and most of all, slowly slipping back into reality to her conciounse state. She made it so even if she felt the chain around her neck, she was no longer within the Carcosa realm, drifting away into nothing before him.

Such drifting was like becoming more and more of a ghost, and slowly vanishing back to her conciouse mind. She was much more skilled in her mental abilities then one would think.

She was aware that she was not truly within the realm, but just her conciouse state or a fraction of it, making her realize she could remove herself to become 'conciouse' again in reality.

@Barbas @Wolfrose @I am Shadow
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The King in Yellow

Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Enraged that the demon managed to escape his realm, the King in Yellow emits a loud roar which caused the entire castle to begin to shake while it's inhabitants cowered in fear.

@Wise Owl
Barbas said:
The King in Yellow
Location: Carcosa

Company: Cattileona

Enraged that the demon managed to escape his realm, the King in Yellow emits a loud roar which caused the entire castle to begin to shake while it's inhabitants cowered in fear.

@Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Medical Ward

Company: Rin and Mizuki

Cattileona could hear the last of his loud, enraged screams, chilling her to the bone as she slowly regained concouseness.

She gasped heavily, before collapsing onto the ground suddenly from both suprise, but also effects she had taken earlier from the King in Yellow.

@Barbas @Wolfrose @I am Shadow

Location: Mephisto's office

Company: Mephisto

Kimchi laughed softly, her own fangs shining as she grinned in response. "I understand father. And you make it sound as if I inherited anything less than your own tastes. Yes, it would be interesting to observe the newest exorcists. Although I doubt they would be very enthusiastic at another demon in their class." She flicked her leg over her other, her combat boots catch in the light as she grinned at her father. "Perhaps learning about...your world, as you put it, would be a benefit."

Mizuki A.

Location: medical wing

Company: a collapsed Cattileona, Rin, and Kuro

Mizuki continued to work on Rin, she had gotten the bleeding to stop after Cattileona stepped away, and she was soon onto cleaning the wound. Quickly she had cleaned the wound of any other dirt that had collected during the fight between Rin and the demon. Soon after she finished cleaning it of all the big stuff in the wound that her pouring water hadn't cleaned out, she moved on the the rubbing alcohol. She applied it and was soon to the part of applying antibiotics. Before she could apply the antibiotics, the teacher passed out, groaning at the new problem at hand, but only under her breath so she wouldn't sound rude, because even though she was slightly exhausted she was still going to be polite when going about her business. Quickly she took off the sterile gloves and walked over to Cattileona and she hauled up the teacher by her underarms onto a chair, surprisingly, with her frail arms, it only took her about 5 minutes to haul Cattileona 10 feet away to the nearest chair which just so happened to be, unluckily enough for Mizuki, to be in the very back corner of the room. After that she rushed back to her post of tending to Rin's wounds.

Mizuki soon got new sterile gloves because when she went to go and place the other ones down, they had fallen to the floor and that was just unsanitary to touch a wound with gloves that had been on the floor. So now she was applying the antibiotic. Soon, she would be preparing the needle and thread for stitches.

@Wolfrose @Wise Owl
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@Wolfrose[/URL] @Wise Owl
~ Cattileona ~

Location: Medical Ward

Company: Rin and Mizuki

Cattileona didn't exactly pass out, but her not so conciouns state made it hard for her to operate or move. She gave out a weak, "Thank you" to Mizuki as she mostly helped place her on a chair as Cattileona tried to move a little to take off some her weight in carrying to make it easier for Mizuki.

Cattileona didn't seem quite right, as she was breathing rather heavily, her eyes lingering to Rin. "Mizuki.....mark....I need you to find a mark on Rin....it should be there. It's yellow....and is hard to miss." She spoke ragidly but as softly as possible, informing Mizuki for such mark to be supposedly on Rin's body.

She could still feel the intense pain as the very strong mental attack the King in Yellow had placed on her was still causing great effect. She also was tracing her fingers over her neck, as if that familiar chain that wrapped around her neck when she was proceeding to escape from Carcosa by the yellow demon...was still there. From Mizuki's point of view, Cattileona's moved her fingers over her neck in a way that made it seem like there was an invisible object around her neck. A chain.

Mizuki's point of view would also present her wary looking state as her dopy eyes and rapid breathing was quite sudden since her collapse, which would make one question. Cattileona looked like she was in distress and pain, which a abrupt collaspe would not cause.

She gave herself a moment to try and recover, whilst letting Mizuki do her thing, and possibly keep an eye out for a mark if she wished.

@Wolfrose @I am Shadow
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