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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]

Nakami drew her attention to her roommate, Tsukino. She found her quite weird but didn't bother to say anything about it. Realising the situation she was in the girl stood up and walked over to her. "Uhh, Tsukino.. Don't you have any money? Do you want it?" She looked at the woman apologetically, but instead of accepting it she shot Nakami a death glare. "Ahaha.. Um, here." Nakami handed the woman 300 yen and took Tsukino to where she, the group of girls and Ai were sitting. "Why were you acting like that? Do you just repeat what you want?" She laughed, beginning to eat the rest of the rice that was left in the bowl with her chopsticks.

@Defective Kitten
Having been saved by Nakami and being brought back to where she sat, Tsukino began nibbling at the bun like a rabbit of some sort. Hearing Naka's remark about her acting like that, she simply glanced up at her, tilting her head. "Acting?" Staring at her blankly while nibbling at the bun. In all honesty, Tsukino just simply didn't understand how the world worked or even how society views things. While she lived in England before moving to Japan, everything was practically given to her such as food, shelter, clothes. She didn't go out much but just painted since that was what she was famous for, some of her work becoming masterpieces in museums. Glancing at everyone at the table, she noticed a few girls seeming to be blushing at Naka while a girly looking boy just ate his food with such delight. "Tsukino likes buns." She simply stated to Naka, blinking twice.
The girls behind her laughed mockingly at what Tsukino had said.

"How dare you make her pay for something and not thank her for it?" One of them said, the rest of the girls agreeing. "Yeah. That's rude."

Nakami now realised it was a bit rude of her to not thank her, but another thing she also realised was that that was just how she acted around people. "No, it's fine. I don't mind." Unfortunately the girls still protested--Nakami stood up and yawned, grabbing Tsukino by the hand and beginning to walk to their dorm. "Bye, Ai." She waved and walked up the stairs, where they finally arrived. For some reason the corridor leading up to their room had no one walking in it besides the two of them.. No lights, no noise besides their own footsteps. "U-Uh.. Tsukino, don't you think it's a bit scary here? It's cold too. I feel like a monster or something is gonna jump out at us.."

@Defective Kitten @Magni
Tsukino heard the follower's comments, simply staring at them with a dull expression not necessarily offended but also not seeming to really care for them. Half way through eating the bun, Tsukino was dragged once again by Naka back to their dorm, Naka waving bye to everyone at the table and Tsukino just following her lead by waving at Ai also, despite not even knowing him. While walking in the corridor, she just ate her bun while walking behind Naka which seemed to be frightened by the darkness and silence. "You're scared of a lot of things." Tsukino speaking in her usual soft tone to Naka, looking at the hallway rather at her as she said so. First she was scared of the blood, than she screamed because of it, now she's scared of the cold and darkness. She's what Akiyama would call a "baby" or so she would assume anyways. "Monster. What so that? Is it a cake?"
Nakami's grip on Tsukino's hand grew tighter as they made it deeper into the long, dark corridor. "N-No, it's a type of beast.. There's loads of types of them. They're huge, and scary.. One I can think of right now is a vampire. There's werewolves and ghosts too.." Was she scared of a lot of things? Blood, Water, the dark, monsters and- okay, maybe she was. A shiver was suddenly sent down her spine, causing Nakami to quickly turn around in a frantic state. "N..Nothing's there...?"

@Defective Kitten
Feeling Naka suddenly squeeze down at her hand, Tsukino was rather confused on why she was so frightened. Tsukino remained her poker face, still eating the bun her rabbit like manner while following right behind her. "Should we walk faster?" Suggesting for Naka so her nerves could calm a bit if they got to their dorm faster. Playing a rather cruel trick and deciding to scare her a little bit more, Tsukino quietly got close to Naka's ear and blew a short cold breeze past her neck and shoulder area.
Ambrogio felt disappointed after all his classes, since he didn't gather any new knowledge, and after school went straight to the library, where he spent his whole afternoon without interacting with anyone whatsoever. As he was leafing through many books, he seemed to find one that caught his attention - "Surviving Among Humans". "What does a book with such a title have anything to do with this school? If we have to hide amongst them, wouldn't this title be rather suspicious to the humans?" Thinking about it made him curious, thus he started reading it. He had already read over 200 pages by the time the sun went down and the sky turned pitch black.

Looking towards the window next to him, he decided it was time for him to go to his dorm. Leaving the book back to its place, he stretched his arms as the had fallen asleep and took his leave. Remembering the whole map of the school was no challenge for him, thus he knew where his dorm room was. He walked up the stairs and saw two corridors in the opposite directions, separating the male and female section. He knew where he was supposed to turn, but heard suspicious to him creaking from the other side. Feeling the need to investigate, he went to the girls' corridor and taking fast paced steps, he soon saw the silhouettes of two people, one of which seemed to be shaking. Ambrogio thought he didn't need to walk faster, thus continued stepping with the same tempo, his steps echoing through the corridor, following the two unknown people.

@Sunkissed @Defective Kitten
Nakami gulped, suddenly hearing the sound of creaking behind her. But it wasn't Tsukino. "A-Ayano, do you hear that? The creaking?" Her heart rate increased as more shivers were shot down her spine. She turned around to see a large silhouette not too far away from her. Letting out a high pitched scream the girl let go of Tsukino's hand, scurrying to her dorm room and on the way scraping her knee on the wooden floor--where her wound was, also creating a small scratch underneath it that had a thin slit of blood rising through it. Nakami squinted her eyes to see in the dark and hadn't noticed the pain as she was distracted by her own panic. "S-SEE! I TOLD YOU THERE WERE MONSTERS!"

@Defective Kitten @WeabooTrash
Ayano? Since when were that close? Blinking at the girl as she screamed once more and ran away leaving Tsukino in the dark corridor with the large figure behind them. She simply wasn't frightened, turning around with the bun in her mouth to face this "monster" that she talked about. As she waited for the so called beast to show up, Tsukino made out the figure to be one of the boys at the bathroom party. "Monster?" Questioning him with a tilt of her head before blinking once and turning back to the route of her dorm, walking away from him at her steady pace. "Baby." Tsu remarked at Naka for her screams and scared like ways before finishing the bun completely, crumbles left on her face.

@WeabooTrash @Sunkissed
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Ambrogio's ears were pierced by the scream he had just heard. Keeping up with his pace, he closed in on the two people. Hearing one of the girls' remark on him being a monster, the vampire clicked his tongue in irritation. As he smelled blood from nearby, he figured someone has surely gotten injured. His appetite was immediately lost as he sensed the acetyl-galactosamine, a carbohydrate he had surely hated from a young age. "I recognise this atrocious scent...", he murmured. Looking with great intensity as his night vision wasn't all that well developed, since it was based more on psychic powers, he managed to partially see the person closest to him - a girl with what appeared to be crumbles on her face. Looking closely, he knew it was Tsukino Ayano - no one can mistake that hardcore pokerface even in the dark. "Was that You who had screamed just now?" He asked, trying to keep his face smiling and hiding his irritation from the echoing scream inside his ear canals. He did not seem to pay any attention to fallen person, whatsoever.

@Sunkissed @Defective Kitten
Tsukino stopped in her tracks as Ambrogio asked her about the scream, shaking her head at him. "No, that was Naka. She said you were a monster but you don't look like a monster as she described." Blinking at the boy as she pointed at the fallen Naka, obviously she was in pain of some sort. Continuing her stroll to her dorm, Tsu didn't question why he was in the girl's part of the dorm. "Pervert." Simply stating with her calm tone of voice. Once in front of the fallen, Tsukino simply opened the door with her key and stepped over her, walking into the dorm where she stood in front of the mini fridge taking out a piece of cake. Stepping back over to Naka, squatting in front of her whilst eating the cake before offering her some the ease the pain. "Cake?" Some of the icing getting on her cheek as she offered.

@Sunkissed @WeabooTrash
Nakami was beginning to feel the pain on the wound from the dagger--she had landed on it. "A-Ah, it's bleeding. It's going down my leg.." She looked down to see the stream of blood coursing towards the floor, gulping and looking away. "It hurts. I don't think the stitches worked," Tears were starting to form in her eyes, but only from the stinging sensation. Nakami curled up into a ball on the floor and peered her eyes down to her leg once more. "W-Was there a m-m-m-monster?" She wiped the icing along her face, creating a large white line.

@Defective Kitten @WeabooTrash
Continuing her cake since it seemed Naka didn't want any, Tsu shook her head at Naka's question. "It's was Sansone, is he want you call a pervert?" Asking her as a she glanced over to her bloodied leg, "Why're you bleeding?" Not knowing that she had stabbed her own leg earlier due to her own bloody problems, "Why are you laying there?" Questioning her once more, the cake seeming to be her main focus though.

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"It was him?" She looked up at seemed to feel relieved. "S-Sorry for making such a fuss. I just get scared." Nakami sniffled. "A-Ah.. I'm bleeding because, Erm.. I fell." Lying, she slowly stood up and limped to the door, twisting the knob and opening it. Nakami began to walk to the bathroom. 'I'll clean it up there. She probably won't believe me if she sees how bad the cut is--' Her thoughts were cut off when she suddenly bumped into Ambrogio. "S-Sansone San? Is that you? I can't see anything." She placed her hands out to feel around.

@Defective Kitten @WeabooTrash
Listening to Tsukino‘s explanation, he nodded. "Thank You, I suppose!" He replied as she opposed to him being a monster, but later on felt a bit irritated when she called him a pervert - especially with that monotone voice of hers. "I simply wanted to help them out in case of trouble, yet... I am called a pervert. I am not even interested in humans, to begin with! I-...", and thus continued rambling in his mind of how he doesn't like humans and why he was in that particular corridor.

Looking at Nakami as she was lying with her leg bloody, he closed in on her after Tsukino left, but the emotionless-looking girl came back with... a piece of cake. Ambrogio, highly confused about it, ignored Tsukino as she asked her obvious questions and stretched out a hand to Nakami. "Would You like of me-" and was cut off by her standing up on her own and bumping into him BEFORE REACHING THE FREAKING DOORKNOBAND AND GOING INTO THE BATHROOM (Where is your logic, yo! He does not simply stand inside girls' dorms in front of the bathroom door. Only Nakami does that with guys! Jeez.)

Feeling her hands touch his chest and later poking his cheek, he was rather disgusted by a person with had fallen on the filthy floor touching his 'oh-so-clean‘ self, especially as she reeked of his least favourite blood group, and tried to endure his negative emotions. Keeping on that charming warm smile, he gently grabbed her hand as she was waving it, moving it aside, and answered. "Yes, Nakami-san, that is me. Would You please keep Your hands in place as You may hurt someone that way? And your wound needs proper treatment, not just a simple wash. You have had it for a whole day bleeding and I feel concerned about You. Shall we go to the infirmary for another time and get it patched up decently?"

@Sunkissed @Defective Kitten
Nakami rolled her eyes. "Um, no. I'll just wash it." She seemed kind of annoyed, mostly because it was obvious to her that he was putting on an act. "I'm not stupid you know, I know you don't like me." Nakami poked him in the eye one last time, snickering a tiny bit and then walking to the bathroom. She turned on the light and wiped her cut with the cold water from the tap. Once again her eyes began to water from the stinging sensation, but she managed not to cry.

Ambrogio didn't react in a particular way to that. He simply stood there and kept smiling in a way one might think he'd be trying to annoy her with kindness. "If that are Your true thoughts, I shall respect that." He didn't show any different emotion nor facial expression upon being poked directly in the eye, as he didn't feel pain nor get injured - just a slight tickle. Leaving the corridor, he looked for the last time towards the two girls' already closed door and went on his way to the dorm, going through the boys' corridor.

@Sunkissed @Defective Kitten
Nakami was starting to lose a lot of blood. A worried emotion struck her face as she looked at the towel she was wiping her leg with. "I'm losing a lot.. Is it too late for a shower?" Nakami didn't want blood all over herself in the morning, so she decided to take off her uniform and place it on a bench outside the shower. She turned it on and hopped inside, washing her leg, but she started to feel dizzy. "Ugh, my vision's going blurry. Maybe I should go bac-" A teacher turned off the lights in the school, exclaiming, 'LIGHTS OUT!' Oh no. What was she going to do? She couldn't see anything at all, and she wasn't feeling well?
Sansone's offer was quickly rejected by Naka with a slam of the door, leaving him standing outside the bathroom with Tsu simply eating her cake staring at him with her usual poker face. After a moment he left their dorm, Tsukino put her plate away and got dress in an oversized t-shirt and flopped onto her bed thinking that Naka would return whenever she was done. Despite having slept all day, it didn't take her long before she slipped into the dream world. All the cake in the world!

(See ya tomorrow's love!)
Ai had already finished eating and was making his way to the boys' dormitory when the lights to the school all seemed to be suddenly cut off. Was it that late already? He looked around, having to blink a few times for his eyes to adjust to the new lighting- or lack thereof. Even so, he could barely see anything around him. It took him a moment to get to the entrance to the dorms, feeling a bit of relief when his hands managed to find it. He kept one of his hands on the wall as he walked to make sure he didn't stray away from it, and tried to see if he could read the numbers on the doors to find his own.

Ai sometimes had get close to the numbers to read them, though he was careful not to make too much noise so he wouldn't wake anyone. If they were asleep. It was quiet, but he was more fixated on trying to find his room to let it bother him, mostly. He had to move from one side of the hall to the other, confusedly stepping through the dark until he got close to another wall, and he childishly tried to make a game of it to keep from focusing on the fact that he couldn't see. Each few times he would pick up a little speed, barely enough for his knees to feel sore, to get to the other side until he ran into something. bop, Ai landed on onto his bum with a small, "oof."
Ambrogio continued walking in the corridor until someone turned off the lights. It was a teacher who had beforehand notified about the rules everyone had to follow - getting to the dorm by a certain time was one of them, but the vampire didn't seem to follow that rule. He was, of course, nervous about breaking a 'law' on school ground, as one might say, thus he hurried up. Ambrogio didn't, however, use his super fast speed as that'd immediately make him seem inhuman.

At one point he heard footsteps and slowed down. Thinking that it might be another boy to his own dorm, Ambrogio felt the need to help as it was pitch black and all he could see were silhouettes and slight dark images thanks to his low psychic abilities, what's left for a human. He didn't like helping people, however, as he didn't want to have anything to do with them, but he did do so for his own image.

Walking towards the opposite direction, he saw a boy who had been walking while holding onto the wall. The image was too blurry for Ambrogio to recognise him, thus the vampire continued stepping slowly towards him. As he got closer, the pale-skinned first-year recognised the face of the 'boy' - it was Ai Totsuka, the feminine-looking Senpai, who carries around Ambrogio's favourite bloodline: O Negative.

Closing in on him, he could smell a bit of the scent and was simply hipnotised by the incredible odor. But soon he accidentally bumped into Ai and he remained with his back straight, while his Senpai fell on the floor. "Oh, I apologise greatly about this! It is pitch black and I could barely see! Please, take my hand!", he said with a concerned-sounding voice and an appropriate expression, which wasn't exactly of matter as it couldn't have been seen anyways. Ambrogio stretched his hand to Ai, hoping the boy could find it in the darkness and use it as support to get up, so that he could be on his good side.


(I'm also gonna go to sleep, as it's, like, 4.39 AM. Good nighties, yo!)
Ai looked up and around when he heard a voice, a familiar one at that, his sight centering in on the direction it was coming from. The words spoken took a moment to fully register in his mind, and he could just barely see a hand outstretched ahead of him. He accepted the offer and took it with his own, using it to help pull himself from the floor," No, I'm sorry, I should've been more careful." it was true, he should've already been at his dorm and asleep instead of losing track of time and wandering around in the dark. He let go of the hand after standing up properly, and he stared at the shadowed figure in front of himself to try and make out who it was. Ai wasn't sure whether it was right to feel bad about not recognizing this person, considering he couldn't see his face clearly, but he did nevertheless. Glancing around as if ashamed of something, even though the movement probably wasn't seen.
Nakami was starting to panic--this didn't make her feel better, and she immediately fell into the wall of the shower to stable herself. Her eyes were beginning to give up on her as she had blurry vision (and the fact that she was in pitch darkness.) Suddenly something crawled along her foot and up her leg, stopping. "Wh-Wh-What was that.." It began crawling again. "SPIDER!" She exclaimed, loud enough to wake everyone up. Nakami also began to scream and frantically try to find the knob for the shower to turn it off, but she was only splashing water around and shaking her foot in the air to get the spider off. Unfortunately it only clung on, and as was mentioned before she was still losing a lot of blood. Her heart rate began to increase.
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Osamu was outside the school, looking through the gates with a smile. "Home, sweet home" He mumbled to himself as he jumped over the gate and into the school yard. At first, he wasn't sure if it was the same place. It looked so different from what he was used too. But, he didn't read the sign wrong, it was his school from long ago. Chishio academy. He looked around, full of nostalgia and confusion. "I'm going to get lost so easily" He muttered to himself as he walked further in. He looked at the door which was locked. "I want to go in..." He told himself. "Man, that sucks, almost as much as I do!" Osamu joked as he tried to unlock the door. It took him a few attempts, but he finally did. "Score" He walked in to the building and turned on the light for the hall. He looked down the hall for any signs of life.

After seeing no one, he began to travel down the hall at his own pace. Osamu tried his best to stay quiet, but some of the floorboards creaked as he walked over them. The sound of the floor echoed through the school as Osamu continued to stroll through. He passed where his old classroom should have been and sighed.
"The memories of getting beaten." He looked in to the dark room to try and see what was inside. However, he couldn't see so he continued his journey through the school. Osamu got to a corner and looked round it. He almost walked around but spotted a few people outside. "Shoot" He said aloud as he tried to hide behind the turning.
Nakami screamed. "LET GO, GO AWAY, GET OFF ME! AHHHHHH!" She shook her leg as hard as she could, but it still wouldn't go away. Her head felt as if she was rocking back and forth. Her hair was wet from the water in the shower, and it was flying everywhere. Bare in mind no lights were turned on--it was her absolute worst nightmare. Shrieks were heard from the bathroom, causing the floor to echo it around the whole school. One last time her heart pumped severely fast, and she closed her eyes, falling to the floor.

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