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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]

Hearing the high pitched scream, Tsukino woke up from her short slumber not feeling any different or any less tired than before. Standing up, she headed to the bathroom in her slow manner and opened the door. The bathroom light was off and the only thing she could see was steam. "Showering in the dark.." Commentating Naka's choices before turning on the light to the bathroom, seeing a screaming Naka with a spider on the leg assuming why she screaming. Walking up to the naked and wet Naka, Tsu put her hand on a cup-like form and picked up the spider in her hand, walking back outside, turning off the light as she left. The spider crawled all around Tsu's hand before she opened the window and let it outside. Without a sound, she laid in her bed and went back to sleep as if she had never woken up in the first place.
Osamu suddenly heard screaming. Where was it from? "Up? Left? Right? I don't know." Osamu continued his stroll through school, not knowing where he was going. He decided to see if anyone was awake near him. "Hello!?!" He shouted out "Anyone here!?!" He looked around to see if anyone was coming out. This was a school after all. And people in school always break there curfew. "Wait, we had dorms?" He asked himself "I would have stayed here" Normally, he wouldn't have wanted to stay at a creepy school like this. There was just a scream in the middle of the night, the typical horror movie stuff. But, he was the thing from the horror movies now. He wasn't afraid. That's the reason why he was here, other then checking it out.

After waiting a few minutes in the same spot, he walked for about five minutes and shouted out again.
"Anyone? I-I need..." He paused "Help" Osamu shouted, trying to attract attention. He was bored. He needed someone to talk too. Anyone would do. Heck, even a werewolf would do. "Aw come on, someone's gotta be awake!" Osamu shouted in frustration. "Just come out already. I can't promise I wont bite." Osamu laughed slightly at his joke that no one would get. He wondered if there were any vamps in this school. They would get it. "I'm getting really bored!" He shouted out.
A few minutes later, Nakami had woken up to Tsukino taking the spider away. "Th-Thank you.." She stood up and looked down at her leg. It was still bleeding? Maybe she could go to the infirmary to check it out. The shower had helped her leg stop hurting so much, but the blood wouldn't stop running. "I think I'll go bandage it up." Nakami wrapped a towel around her body, placing it above the cut so it didn't get any blood on it. The corridors were dark. That feeling was coming back again. A monster? She flinched as she heard the footsteps, her heart rate increasing once again as she saw a figure in the dark. "Who's there!?" Nakami said, feeling threatened. Why was this all happening to her--heck, on the first day, too!?

@Defective Kitten @Ethan Hart
Osamu finally heard someone. "Took you long eno-" He sniffed the air. "Is that blood?" He asked her as he walked into vision. "You're hurt, and in a towel...okay then." He looked at Nakami. She just asked who was there, so Osamu took it upon himself to tell her who he was. "My name's Osamu. It's a pleasure to meet you...insert name here...please?" He turned away from her and began asking questions. "You going to the infirmary? You should, that's one....nice....cut." He shock his head to snap out of it. "Allow me to walk you there. It's the least I could do after scaring you." He turned back round and gave her a warm smile.

Nakami jumped once she heard a reply. "H-How can you see me, if it's so dark..?" She soon forgot about the question and instead took into mind that he said her cut was 'nice.' "I'm Nakami. How did you know I have a cut? Are you like a vampire or something?" She joked, beginning to walk despite not seeing anything. "Where is the infirmary? Since you can.. see everything, somehow." Nakami's hair was still wet from the shower. The cold atmosphere from the school made her shiver. "Sorry if I'm being rude. I just.. don't like the dark."

@Ethan Hart
Nakami had just asked if he was a vampire. "What sort of thing is that to say to someone? I just ate loads of carrots." He told her as a joke. "I guessed you had a cut. To be honest that was more to creep you out. As a joke of course. I'm very used to these halls so I know my way around. I can't see." Osamu lied. "Are you cold? Do you want a jacket?" He asked her, trying to act as friendly as possible. The cut had him on edge. The scent of blood made him hungry. But he couldn't just bite a random person. That was a violation. "I don't have a jacket, but I have this T-shirt." He offered. "Don't worry, I have something underneath. It covers up more then a t-shirt." Osamu told her. She then said sorry for being rude. "You ain't being rude. You're just scared. It's fine."

"O-Oh, right." She shook her head at his offer, despite the fact he 'couldn't see.' "I'm fine, I think I'm just cold because my hair's still wet. I thought having a shower would wash the blood away, but it only made the pain go away. Then there was a spider.. and, It all went dark. I think I passed out and hit my head on something." Nakami wrapped the towel around herself tighter to make sure none of the water from her hair dripped on to her body.

@Ethan Hart
As she shook her head, water from her hair flew onto Osamu face. "Yup, feeling the water right now." She then mentioned a spider. "You're scared of spiders? There are a lot of things that a worse then spiders out tonight..." He said rather grimly "That's what my friends say anyway." Osamu mentioned full of joy. "I think the infirmary is this way. I haven't been here for quite a long time, so some things have changed." He told her as he turned around. "This way!" He then turned around and mentioned something about the dark. "We're gonna lose each other unless we do something. Something that will keep us close and allow us to know we are close to each other? Hm..." Osamu began to think for a solution.

"Hold hands?" Nakami reached out for his hand and held it. "Did you not think of that already?" She laughed, thinking it was quite funny. Probably not for him though-- she figured he would be embarrased. "So, what year are you in? I'm in first.. it's my first day, and all of this has happened." Nakami sighed. "I'm just bad luck in human form, really." She began walking along with this so called 'Osamu.' He seemed kind of nice, but he was probably only doing that because he didn't have anything better to do.

@Ethan Hart
She grabbed his hand. That was bad. What if she found out he had no pulse? He had to keep her distracted until they arrived at the infirmary. "First year. I haven't technically started yet. I start tomorrow. If it's past midnight then I start today." Osamu said. He had to think of what a normal human would do in this situation. Probably blush with embarrassment. Well, he could act embarrassed. "So...uh..." He pretended to be at a lost for words and he began to act very fidgety. "A human form of bad luck hu?" He asked "Sounds...uh....pretty bad." All Osamu could do now was to act like this. His secret could be revealed right now, and they barley knew each other. If it was someone who knew for like a month, he would of been fine, but a few minutes? This really wasn't his night.

Nakami raised her eyebrows. "Why are you acting weird? Are you embarrased?" She laughed again, but soon placed her fingers around his wrist to make sure of... something. "Uhm, that's weird. You don't have a pulse?" Nakami didn't seem to add up everything from before-- him being able to know she had a cut, seeing in the dark and all that. This school was quite weird. "Why? Are you feeling alright, are you going to faint like me before?"

@Ethan Hart

Why did she have to do that? Everything would have been fine, but no, she had to place her fingers on his wrist. "Y-yeah, I'm feeling strange. I'm probably going to faint. Faint, yeah that's it" Osamu ripped his arm away from her to stop her from feeling his pulse any longer. "Good thing we're going to infirmary, am I right?" He then put his hand on his wrist. "I do have a pulse." He lied. "Is this a continuation from that vampire joke you said earlier? Good, I like jokers." He told her as he continued to walk with her, slightly further away from her now however. If she got turned tonight, it was her fault.

(Sorry for being a party pooper, but no one is turning into a vampire in the roleplay since the character spots would be all messed up.)

Nakami frowned. Why was he acting like this, so.. so, strange? "Um.. I wasn't joking. I couldn't feel your pulse.." She noticed he began to walk further away from her. Was she being annoying? Is that why? "I-I mean, um.. haha, yeah. It was a joke. I could feel it, even though I don't believe in vampires... hahaha.." Nakami gulped, feeling as if she had made him upset or something. "Sorry. I'm not good at jokes."

@Ethan Hart
(Yeah, I know. I just wanted to write something along those line.)

She wasn't backing down from this. Osamu had no choice if she continued. He would have to attack her. He got ready and then she admitted to her joking. Osamu backed down, loosing up. "No, you are. The best jokers are the ones that don't admit they're joking. There also known as good actors." He told her. "It should be around around here." As he walked, the floorboards creaked. "So, you've cut yourself and passed out on you're first day? How is that humanly possible? You need like a body guard or something." He joked as they approached their destination.

(Ok ^-^)

Nakami nervously laughed. "Haha.. Yeah, I don't know how I did either. I stabbed myself with this 'ruby dagger,' ..Well, atleast that's what the parchment said. I didn't pack it or anything, it just appeared there when I opened my suitcase, and it said I needed it to protect me from something. It's probably some stupid joke." She shook her head and smiled. "Well, it's me who's been doing all the damage. I don't think it'd help a lot."

@Ethan Hart
As Ambrogio pulled Ai up, he could hear the boy apologise. "Why, You should not apologise! However, You really should have been a bit more cautious and less careless - You could have harmed Yourself!" Acting concerned about the boy, his hand felt empty as Ai let go. He noticed in the dark that Ai's face was facing his for quite the long while - as though he was focusing on Ambrogio's features to recognise who he was. As the vampire was looking at the boy's silhouette, he asked: "Are You alright? Would You like of me to help You find Your dorm? It is dark, after all, and could be dangerous for a single person." He didn't, however, notice Ai shifting his gaze from time to, thus couldn't recognise anything more than gestures.


(I couldn't think of anything more to write, so I apologise for the shortness.)
Dangerous? Ai couldn't see how it was possibly dangerous in a dormitory corridor, dark or not. However, He shifted a bit on his feet when he remembered what Nakami said about the dagger, and rubbed the back of his head. Maybe it actually was better if he didn't travel alone right now," If it's really not a bother...I don't mind." He glanced into the darkness that filled the hallway farther ahead and tried not to think about it," 63," he said in a rather soft voice, referring to the number that was plastered on his door somewhere down the hall. It was a bit embarrassing for him to be accepting help from a stranger simply because of this childish fear, and caused a faint flood of pink on his cheeks that was thankfully hidden. Even so, he was still half-sure that the person near him wasn't a complete stranger. They had to have met at some point during the day- "OH, you're Sansone!" He exclaimed after a moment of thinking, his mind managing to pinpoint where he had heard the voice from; The foreign student who greeted he and Nakami outside of the bathroom. Unless, of course, he was wrong in which then he could've hurt the persons feelings," you are...Right?"

(I can't say anything about short posts)

"May I see said dagger?" Osamu asked Nakami as they turned a corner to find the infirmary. "Well, I guess this where we part." He said as read the sign. "How do you plan on getting back to your dorm?" Osamu was wondering that ever since he said he would walk her to the infirmary. He never said that he would walk her back, and she couldn't walk back alone. He would have offered walking her back, but he was getting hungry. He needed to go out for a...bite. "I'm getting kind of hungry, and I was thinking of going out to get something to eat, so I'm afraid I can't walk you back." Osamu told her.

"Uhm, sure.. but, it has my blood on it." She gulped, feeling through her bag. Nakami had eventually found it, but unfortunately the tip of the blade stabbed her in the finger. "O-Ow. I think I just stabbed myself." The girl secured her hand on the handle of the blade and pulled it out of the bag, revealing it to Osamu. "Is there a light in here? I'm kinda scared of the dark." Nakami placed her hand on the lightswitch, turning the lights on for the Infirmary. "Much better. Sorry that I'm dressed like this, I couldn't dress myself in the dark." Oh yeah! She forgot about going back to the dorm. Nakami averted her eyes to the clock and read the time: "11pm? That's pretty late... I think I'll find my way around." She looked down at her finger, which had started to sting. The cut on her finger had dispersed blood from it. "See, I told you I'm unlucky."

@Ethan Hart
As she went to grab her dagger, she cut her finger, making it bleed. Osamu's eyes began to twitch as he struggled to resist the blood. "Th-thank you. Are you...okay?" He watched as the blood dropped onto the floor, making the sound of dripping water. "S-so, are you going...in?" He asked rather quickly as he looked at the dagger. He was trying his hardest to fight the urge to get just a taste. "Yeah...unlucky....t-t-t-totally. I'll bring the dagger back t-t-tomorrow if that's okay." Osamu stared at the cut. He was finding it so hard not to go over and drink it. He bit his tongue to try and help. Her clumsiness would be her down fall in this world. Finally, Osamu thought he got himself under control. He then made the mistake to sniff the air. His instincts kicked in. Suddenly, he put her finger in her mouth and drank. The satisfaction. It was so delicious. He refused to turn her though, not biting into her. He simply sucked. He didn't want to do it, but the scent was over powering. After a few minutes, he stopped sucking and stepped back. "I'm sorry for that." Osamu told her "Your blood is rather delicious. The aroma was so hypnotising. I couldn't help it any longer." Osamu felt like he had just committed the worst crime he could have. He felt so guilty. He handed her dagger back to her. "If you want to kill me, do it... Do it because I suck"

The girl had noticed that he seemed somewhat nervous after she had cut her finger. "Um, yeah..?" Nakami's eyes widened as he put his mouth on her finger. "H-Hey, what are you.." Why was he doing that? How weird. "Uhm.. are you.. drinking it? Please stop," Nakami questioned. As soon as he let go she pulled her finger behind her back, along with the dagger he had handed her. She took a few steps back. "D-D-Delicious? How could you smell it?" The colour of her cheeks turned to an embarrasing pink. "Why would I want to kill you?! Is that what this is for!?" She threw the dagger on the floor, blood splattering everywhere. "Why did you do that?"

@Ethan Hart
"You still don't get it? Remember that thing you don't believe in, vampires?" He began. "Yeah, there real. And do you want to know something, I'm one. You were right from the beginning. That's why you may want to kill me. I understand if you do." Osamu looked at her. Was she...blushing? What a strange reaction. "There no point in denying it any more." The blood spattered as the dagger hit the ground. "You're wasting good blood. Come on, don't do that. I know I seem like I suck right now. Actually, I do suck, metaphorically and literally." Osamu was wondering why she had dropped the dagger. Was it not apparent that he was a monster? Was it not obvious that that daggers message, was about vampires. "I could just make you forget about me. I think...I haven't really practised my mind control. A new ability. Why am I still talking about this?"

"You're a.. vampire?" Nakami mumbled, looking down to the floor at the blood and then back to her finger. They were real? "I-I wouldn't be able to... to kill someone. That's terrible!" She felt disgusted by the blood on the floor. How could he love something so much, that she.. hated? "You can really do that? That's so cool." Soon she shook her head to get rid of the thought. "N-No, I mean.. it's not your fault if you were born like that, it's just.." Nakami took a step back. "a bit weird."

@Ethan Hart
Ambrogio smiled as his offer was accepted, despite the fact that the changed facial expression could not be seen. "Of course it would not be a bother! After all, I am in the same direction." Before he could ask for a room number, he heard '63' from Ai and for a moment thought the boy may read minds - ironically, he seriously thought his Senpai was a psychic vampire, but then remembered that Ai could not see in the dark.

Hearing his own name, Ambrogio looked at him and exclaimed: "Ah, so You recognised my voice? I am very glad, Totsuka-san! It must be because of my Italian accent that it is so memorable." A moment of silence was followed, especially since the vampire called him by his surname. "Wait a minute... He introduced himself simply as Ai when we first met each other! I... I hope he does not remember that! Otherwise I would have to come up with an excuse as to how I know his full name."

Being a bit shaken as he realised he addressed the boy the wrong way, Ambrogio tried staying in place and finally broke the awkward silence. "Well, would You like of us to go?" The vampire said it in a polite manner, as usual, but his voice was a bit cracked at the last word. He continued smiling in a welcoming way, however, even when that didn't even matter at that particular moment, since no one could see anything.

"You wouldn't be killing anyone, I'm already dead, technically. And, I can, it's kind of unpredictable though." Osamu didn't know why she was attacking him, or even still speaking to him. She thought he was born like this. "Actually, I wasn't born like this. I was born a normal human and then I asked to get turned into a vampire. I was intrigued. I didn't think vampires were real and he said I could become immortal. So, being curious, I got killed and turned into this." Maybe it would have been better if he didn't explain his story. He missed out major details, so he now just looked like a fool. "The weird thing is that I agree with you here." Silence filled the gap for a few seconds before Osamu said something. "If you ain't going to kill me, can I go?" The vampire asked her.


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