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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]

Ai was out on the field playing football (soccer) with himself. He bounced the ball from one kneecap to the other, counting how many he could get before he messed up. The boy had a streak of twenty so far, but the number twenty two is what got him, and the ball missed his knee. He kicked it instead, watching it land a few feet ahead of where he visualized the goal to be. Ai blinked and ran up to the ball, going for what he called a power kick and swung his foot at the ball. It barely skimmed the edge of the ball, sending it into the forest and him to the ground. He caught himself with his elbows, unknowingly scraping the skin there upon impact.

Ai's elbows stung as he stood up, but he ignored the pain and went to find where the ball had landed. He slipped through a row of bushes and listened to the dirt beneath his shoes. It was pretty eerie in the forest, and it made his heart race a bit. When he caught sight of the ball, he quickly ran to get it, holding it in his hands as he looked around. He wanted to get out of there, but something had I fact caught his eye: Nakami was there? Curiosity filled him and he crept up to her side as he did the first time they met and whispered, "what is that, Nakami?" He said, blue eyes fixated on the dagger.
Nakami jumped in shock, not realising any sound of movement before. Her hand skimmed across the tree stump and flung the dagger off of it, causing it to pierce her leg deeply. Blood dribbled down her leg and the dagger was still stuck into her. "A-Ai..! It really hurts! The dagger!" She quickly looked down at her leg, feeling her stomach sink in disgust. "Please, it hurts so much.. Pull it out of me!" Nakami turned away as tears formed in her eyes. They quickly rolled down her cheeks and dropped on to the floor. Drip, drop, drip, drop. The girl was already weak enough, and to her the pain of it was unbearable. "PLEASE!" She screamed, weakly laying down on the floor. Of course this was embarrassing for Nakami since she had only met the boy this morning--despite this Nakami wouldn't do such a thing herself. No way.

(Ok maybe this was too much ... lol but I'm not editing it :3)

Ai's eyes widened when Nakami got stabbed in the leg, a hand coming to cover his mouth at the sight afore him. He started to step backwards, but was snapped out of the startled state when she screamed and he crouched down to her. His hands frantically hovered over where she'd been stabbed, though he could barely push himself to even think about taking it out. Wouldn't it just make it bleed more? He looked around, as if there was someone to help them, before he grabbed the handle and covered his eyes, pulling it from her leg quickly so it wouldn't hurt as much,"sorry!" A gap made way through his fingers and he peeked at the wound, dropping the dagger on the stump and thinking. "Ah- umm...." He was trying to stay calm, but even he had his limits.

Ai looked at her leg and the blood coming from it. He frowned worriedly, 'I need a way to keep her from losing too much..' The obvious thing to do would be to tear a piece of clothing and wrap it up, but he couldn't think straight with how sudden this all was. So he frantically pulled the shirt from his back off and tied it around her leg tightly. Not thinking much else about the fact that he could've used the dagger. He scooted closer to her and helped her onto her feet the best he could, his head locked beneath her arm. "Are you okay?..I-I mean in a situation where you're stabbed and wha-" he silenced and looked at her, worry strung across his soft features.

( yay for drama) @Sunkissed
Nakami arched her back as he pulled out the dagger, moaning in pain. "It hurts.. It hurts a lot.." She put her head into Ai's chest and cried, her tears flowing from her eyes onto his body. "I need to get back to school.. They'll tell me off for being out here!" Nakami clenched her fists and banged them on the ground. "The dagger. You need to get it.. and give it back to me, when I-" She reached for the dagger but was too low on the ground to pick it up. Letting out an exhausted sigh, Nakami flopped to the ground once more after mumbling, "I'm sorry.." and passed out. Blood continued trickling down all sides of her leg.

"Oh dear," Ai apparently hadn't done a very good job at holding her up. he looked around until he spotted her bag and grabbed it, putting the bloody dagger into a pocket without thinking about it getting on anything. 'Nakami seemed pretty worried about it being left here,' he put the bag over his shoulder and then tried to pick Nakami up. Quite frankly, he wasn't the tallest person in the school, but he held her up on his back the best he could and carried her out of the forest. It was slower getting to the school than the thought it would be, and he was exhausted by the time they got onto the hall that lead to the infirmary. No, it wasn't that Nakami was heavy. Ai had already just about tired himself playing football, aside from not having much strength in the first place. he tried not to think about how much blood she could've lost, and pushed himself to the infirmary. it was almost like opposite roles now as he laid her onto the bed and got the nurse.

Hikazu Akiyama


Hikazu looked around the nurses office and found a cupboard with medical gaze. He tossed them to the bed next to the girl. He then began to search around the room. The use of heightened smell made it a bit easier to find the ointment. It took him two tries to find it. The first was full of medical pills the next were flesh wound treatments. What his giver had was a flesh wound. He took the appropriate ointment and toss it on the bed. He would get some hydrogen peroxide and a wet paper towel before beginning.

Hikazu walked over Tsukino to slowly remove the bloody paper towels, making sure not to toss them away. He put them to the side before cleaning the wound. His entire concentration was on cleaning the wound. "Im Hikazu Akiyama. This might sting a little." He said to the girl. He poured some hydrogen peroxide over the wound with the hopes of killing the bacteria that festered within.

As her finger began to foam and bubble he would speak again. "Whats your name?" He would look up for the first time, his dark crimson eyes glimmering up into yours."
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Nakami appeared to be tossing and turning in her sleep, despite her weak and vulnerable state. She clung on to Ai's hand as the only source of someone who cared about her, even though she was currently feeling guilty that she had to put him through this--and at such a late time too. The doctor took Nakami into a room and did all he need to do to her wound, and said that she needed to stay there overnight. Not so long after the doctor had left the room, Nakami's eyes fluttered open. She sat up and stared down at her leg after she had took away the white blanket. "Oh my god, gross!"

Tsukino watched as he paced back and forth getting things from cabinets and tossing them into the empty bed space right next to her seeming to already know what to grab and what to do while she on the other had simply had no clue. She watched him intrigued by what he would do next, grabbing her hand and taking the paper towels off.

Hikazu Aki- Her thoughts suddenly interrupted by the stinging and burning of her hand, a greater pain than cutting herself. Flinching with a puppy like whimper, she pulled back her hand from his grasp bringing it up to her chest as she stared at Akiyama with teary eyes. Tsukino's emotionless expression changed but only slightly to a rather painful one, as if he had hurt her in some way, which he did. She was unaware of what he was doing, all she knew was that he poured a liquid substance on her wound and it started bubbling then burning.

(Fucking hate hydrogen peroxide)

Hikazu Akiyama


"Relax you big baby. Its hydrogen peroxide. It cleans the wounds so it won't get infected from whatever was on the scissors or on the ground. Now I asked you a question. Whats your name?" Hikazu asked the girl once again. He would snatched her hand back to his with lightning quick speed. He would looked over the cut on her finger, dabbing it with a paper towel and then smiling softly up at her. "The worst part is over you baby."

Hikazu would take the ointment and treat her wound with it. He would use a q-tip, dipping it in the solution and then gently twirling it along the cut. It would help mend the cut closed. He would still wait upon the girls name to finish the treatment. He needed to know the girl with B positive bloods name. He just had to know who she was.

@Defective Kitten
Ai watched Nakami move the blanket and comment on her own wound. His fingers intertwined together repeatedly as he spoke, his face still showing worry, "You okay Nakami?" he realized he was being a worry-wart for asking so much and glanced away with a pink flush to his cheeks. It wasn't but a moment before he suddenly sparked up and removed the bag from his shoulder and handed it to Nakami with a small smile," I got the dagger for Nakami!" Ai at least felt good about that, though he didn't notice the volume of his voice within the room.

Nakami looked up to Ai, grinning. It was present on her face that she was very happy that he was there. "I think I'm fine now." She noticed his blush on the tips of his cheeks which also caused hers to turn pink too. "O-Oh.. About that.." Nakami stuttered. "Well, I didn't pack it in my suitcase but when I was opening it in my dorm--well, there it was. And it came with this weird parchment too, I was just scared to tell anyone unless they thought I was crazy." She started to look a bit worried. "The parchment said that 'they' gave it to me to protect me from something in the academy, but I can't think of anything they would mean."

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Feeling her hand get snatched back again in a matter of a second or so, it seemed that the bad part really was over. Her stiffness slowly fading as Akiyama began putting on a cream for the wound, a cooling sensation more or less. Using her other clean hand to whip her eyes dry before the tears rolled down, she looked at him sticking her tongue out at him for calling her a baby before speaking. "Tsukino.. Ayano Tsukino." Her soft monotoned voice returning from the whimper and her emotionless expression followed along with it as she stared back at his crimson eyes with her own amber.

Now that she took a close glance of him, she had realized his hair was white along with his skin pale but his eyes popped out like stars. White. Her small hand reached out to his hair, touching it ever so lightly. "White." Stating his hair color as if she were in a trance, continuing to stroke threads with her finger tips.
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Hikazu Akiyama


Hikazu spoke to Ayano Tsukino in a sarcastic tone, "No, Its actually violet. a very dim shade of violet. So dim that when they sun hits my hair it turns white."

Hikazu would wrap a bandage around your finger and then stands up, once again towering over you. He slowly cleans up everything. Carefully putting the medical supplies used in the trash and the reusable back in their rightful places. One specific thing he does to himself is put the papertowels covered in blood on top of the trash so its easy access later. MMMMM.....blood.

"Alright! You all fixed up. You can do whatever it is you want to do now." the boy held out a hand to help you down from the bed.

@Defective Kitten
Ai let a minute and light hearted giggle escape at Nakami's words. "Silly, why would someone think Nakami was crazy because of that?" He gave a small smile," I believe you," a hand came to rub the back of his neck and he made a sound as if thinking,"Though that is confusing. I wonder what it's supposed to be protecting you from?"

The meek boy got a little excited, and he couldn't help but point out something, "Ah, Nakami~ this is kind of like a mystery game!"

Nakami smiled and took a deep breath, attempting to stand up but first wobbling a little bit and then gaining her balance properly. "I suppose so.. I don't know who put it in there. I think I'm fine to walk now, shall we go and get dinner?" She began to walk out of the door and down the stairs, holding onto the banister and tucking a strand of her silky brown hair behind her ear. To make sure Ai was still behind her she turned around. "It keeps bleeding--my leg. But I think that they didn't put a bandage on it since it was so deep, it wouldn't really help it."

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Ai followed behind her like a pup until he finally made it to her side, his brows furrowing up for a moment, "Shouldn't you give it a little time to heal before you walk on it?" He was only worried for his newfound friend. She had already stabbed herself and was always so quick-minded that he worried something would happen that would cause the wound to start pouring blood again. Even he had taken the time to bandage his elbows and knees to keep from bleeding while the doctor checked up on Nakami. Ai's gaze shifted to the wall as he sighed slightly, pushing the worry away to be replaced by a more appealing thought," I wonder what is for dinner?" His stomach felt ill from seeing so much blood in one day, but he knew what his mother always told him: 'Even if you aren't hungry you should eat in times of poor health! It helps you get stronger!' Her energetic and hearty voice echoed in his head, causing him to quietly laugh to himself.

Nakami smiled. "I think it'll be fine, as long as it gets air then it'll heal." She reached the bottom of the stairwell, walking into the dining hall. A flock of girls fleed over to the wounded Nakami, asking her questions such as 'What happened to your leg!?,' 'Are you alright?,' and 'Does it hurt?' The girl shook her head, laughing. "I'm fine. I just.. Er, tripped up." Nakami lied, obviously seeing that the girls didn't believe her--despite this they still nodded their heads and agreed anyways. She turned around and motioned for Ai to come and sit with them, quickly looking at the menu which was listed as 'Sushi with a side of rice and vegetables.' Nakami frowned--she didn't really like Sushi, but she figured she would just eat it anyways. "Do you like it?" She turned to Ai, pointing at the menu.

(Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I lost my work because when I posted it said the website was updating.)

Ai moved so that he didn't get wedged away when a crowd of girls came over to talk to Nakami. He sat near her at the table and looked to the menu when she pointed at it,"Um.....sometimes? It really depends on how it's made." That was fine. Even if it turned out he wasn't fond of how the sushi was made here, he could easily be fine with eating just the rice and vegetables. A small hand came to tuck a bit of his hair behind his ear as he looked around, studying the people at the table with a light expression.

(It's alright. I know I take forever to type usually so I can't complain. :P @Sunkissed )
Tsukino blinked at the boy's response, not understanding that he was being sarcastic or what sarcasm really even was. "Violet?" She repeated after him in a mumbled tone, staring at him again but his hair was obviously white. Weirdo.

After her hand was bandaged up and returned back to her, Tsukino looked down at the plastic and closed her hand which wrinkled the bandage then opened it again, straightening it out, and continued doing this a few more times almost as if she'd never seen such a thing in her life. Her focus on the bandage was quickly interrupted when Akiyama said she could do whatever she wanted now, Whatever.. I want? Tsukino look at Akiyama with a blank stare, all she knew was to paint so painting was the only option. "Paint." Her response was quick and simple, taking his hand and lifted herself off the bed. Once standing now, he was still towering over her almost a foot taller. "Thank you." It was strange how her voice never seemed to change from her soft monotone, well accept for the whimper from before.

@Edward Valentine
Nakami heard one of the girls talk to another about how 'girly' the boy looked. She peered over for a few seconds and rolled her eyes, shaking her head. At first sight she seemed as if she didn't realise what they were talking about since she chose her actions so swiftly, but if you looked at her long enough you would be able to know that she was a lot smarter than she looked. Nakami picked up her chopsticks and positioned them in her hands, "Idatakimasu!" picking up the rice with them and placing it in her mouth. "It's good! You should try it."

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Hikazu Akiyama

Nursery - Dorm

"Well then Ill leave you to it Miss Tsukino." He bowed to the girl a little and then took his own leave. He would make his way towards his own dorm or at least to the RA, Resident Assistant, to ask where his room was for the time being. She would point him to the room. He would follow suit.

The key turned into dorm room and entered. Inside was definitely nicer than he expected, but he and apparently his dorm buddy's parents made a large contribution to the school.

"So it does have two floors.
A common area/ living room. Its reasonably clean, but I'll have to scrub it spotless." Hikazu spoke to himself.

He made his way to upstairs. There were three doors. One on each wall not used by the staircase on the back wall. On the left was first door he opened. Seemed it was
dorm room. He would close the door and check out the next room, it was a dorm room. The same dorm room. "Seems fair, then that just leaves the..."

He opened the last door to a
double bathroom. "Well thats reasonable. I think I can live here on the weekdays. I'll have to get someone to come in during the weekends to spruce it up with the latest apparel but for now it works."

Hikazu made his way to the dorm room farthest from the bathroom and dropped his backpack on it. He would go down stairs and get all his luggage, bringing it back up stairs and beginning to put it away concisely.

@WeabooTrash @Defective Kitten
Ai didn't seem to catch wind of someone talking about him, and simply looked at the sushi and rice in front of him with a smile. He fixed his chopsticks into his hands and gave his quick thanks in a slip of a mumble, not wanting to say it do to being picked on about how he sounded. Nevertheless, he disregarded the prodding negative reminder and took a bite of the food. "Ah, it really is good!" He seemed to have lightened up a little, though his stomach felt strange taking in the sustenance. The boy continued eat, though not quickly, tapping his feet against the floor quietly.

Nakami looked up to Ai. He didn't seem like he noticed that the other girls were talking about him, and she was relieved. She added some seasoning to the rice in her bowl and picked some up again, chewing and swallowing. "My mom always made me eat sushi--it makes me unwell, though." Picking up a vegetable she ate that too and started a conversation with the girl next to her. "So, do you like it so far?" The girl blushed and nodded quickly. "Y-Yes, Nakami! Especially because you're here!" Nakami's eyes widened--she also started to blush out of shock and pointed the carrot she was holding at herself. "M-Me?"


Kai finally made her way up to her dorms. She'd been wandering the grounds for that last couple hours. The outside was really beautiful, though her boots were quite wet from the dew on the grass. After that she'd wandered the halls, looking for her classroom so she'd be able to find it tomorrow.

She already had her dorm number, having asked the woman at the advisory office when she got her schedule. As she turned the lock in the key, the door swung open without a sound, which Kai though was very nice. Her dorm was adequete, very nice and clean. It was bigger than her place at home, though she'd have to have a couple things sent over. The dorm definatley needs some color. Her suitcases were behind the door, and she sets to unpacking.​
Tsukino left the infirmary no later than Akiyama did, taking the bloody towels with her to dispose of in a more discrete place that doesn't look like someone just got murdered with all the blood. She walked back to the art room in a steady and rather slow pace, her mind wandered a bit. Once there, the smell of blood seemed to have lifted from the room but everything was just pitched black with a bit of moonlight shining through. Tsukino took her painting, grabbed the bloody towel from the trash in there as well, and went back to her dorm. If her things had been sent to her already, she would be able to paint at her dorm. Throwing away the bloody towels in an outdoor trash can before walking into the dormitory.

When Tsukino arrived, her belongings had been delivered and brought up to her room already. In the room were two suitcases and her easel propped up near her bed. Placing the unfinished painting down, and began unpacking. One suitcase filled with clothing and necessities while the other was just filled with art supplies. As she sat down to finish her painting on the easel, her tummy began grumbling. "Rawr." Replying back to her tummy before getting up to go to the dining hall. Thinking back she hasn't eaten anything that day, just slept and painted.

Walking down to the dining hall at her steady pace, she eventually made it with students still eating surprisingly. "Meat bun." Talking softly to herself as she walked in before going up to the concession stand and bought a single bun. Of corse being fed and given everything to her, she didn't understand that she had to pay. "Yen?" Tsukino questioned the lady as she asked for 300 Yen for the bun in which she simply looked at her with a poker face, unaware of the currency system nor having any on her.

"Meat bun."

"Yes hun, you need to pay for that. 300 Yen, so do you have it or not. If not I can't let you have it."

"Meat bun." Tsukino held the bun in her hand, not wanting to give it back but rather just to eat it.

"Young lady, please pay or give it back. You're holding up the line."

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