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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]

"U-Uhm, yes.." Nakami nodded, looking down to the floor in embarrasment. She reached up in the cupboard for the bandages, and wrapped them around the wound on her leg. The girl had also placed a plaster on her finger from where she had cut herself. "Wait.." Nakami turned around to face him. "What does it... taste like? I can't bare the site of it, so how could you possibly be able to consume it and then want more?"

@Ethan Hart
Osamu turned and began to walk away, confused with why he wasn't dead. Then she told him to wait. "Picture your favourite drink." He told her "Now imagine that there is this really rare batch which tastes ten times better then normal. That's how it tastes. You have a rare blood type if I'm not mistaken." He waited to see if she was going to ask anything else. "Is that all?" He asked her. If there was nothing else, he would leave and see her tomorrow if anything.

"Right.." Ahh, strawberry lemonade.. That sounded quite appetising. She understood now, even though his drinking habits were quite strange. "Yep. I'll keep your secret safe." Nakami winked jokingly and laughed, wiping the dagger and putting it back in the bottom of her bag. "Goodnight." She switched the light off, walking her way back to the dorm and sleeping.

@Ethan Hart
"Yes, It's different,"Ai smiled to himself in the dark. He had gotten it right, which helped relieve a bit off of his shoulders. At least he knew who the person was now. The boy instinctively nodded when Sansone suggested they should go ahead and begin traversing down to their rooms. Though he found it strange that his company's voice cracked, he thought to himself that he may also not like the dark. " Yes!" He answered after realizing that he probably wasn't seen nodding his head, and started to walk farther into the shadows. Ai was more than ready to crawl into bed and go to sleep. His body was already starting to sore up from all the activity today. It was strange, meeting these new people, but he was ever so happy to have made at least one friend. As he started thinking to himself about all that happened, he did seem to realize something odd. Ai turned his head to look in whatever direction he thought Sansone was at and spoke with curiosity evident in his voice,"How did Sansone know my name?"

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The fact that Ai noticed Ambrogio's different accent did make the vampire feel... imperfect. But his striving for perfection shouldn't get in the way, especially at such times, thus he simply nodded at the boy's words and continued with his own speech. (From the last post) Hearing an approval to his proposal to finally get a move on, he felt relieved that Ai didn't notice the mixture in names, thus Ambrogio said happily and surprisingly enthusiastically "Okay then! We shall now move to room 63 first." and started walking in front of Ai.

Ambrogio was having the usual dispute inside his head, regarding his surroundings and what was happening at the time. "Hm, I hope the dorms have comfortable beds and especially curtains! I would not like to wake up with skin burns... I hope it has kitchenware as well - as if I would eat from that terrible food they serve in the cafeteria, hmph! It should, of course... Hm, I wonder if Talli had taken my luggage to the room as promised. My spare uniforms are there, as well as my luxurious hair conditioner and shampoo! My skin is also very delicate, so I cannot simply wash myself with whichever it is soap! Only German brands work best for me! And..."

As he continued thinking about the dorms, silently walking in front of Ai, he noticed his Senpai slowing down and thus the vampire looked behind himself. Ambrogio's eyes widened as he heard the boy speak. "Ah... he noticed..." He knew there was no reason to lie, but that would just make him seem suspicious if he were to tell the truth. Thus made up a semi-believable excuse. "Ah, excuse me, Totsuka-Senpai! I learnt Your name from a certain sheet of paper that was put in the noticeboard outside in the yard - it was a list of all the students that are currently in this school. That's how I know You are my overclassmen as well. Did You not see it? I fear the have already taken it down as I personally checked after school." He hoped the boy overlooked the many papers on the noticeboard outside, so that his excuse would work out.

"Ah, no I didn't notice...the notice board," Ai had no doubts that there was a notice board for such a big school, but rather realized how silly the statement he was making sounded. He pondered a moment while he walked," That sounds convenient! I wonder why they took it down..." It wasn't much of a question, considering he guessed that Sansone probably wouldn't know. His pace steadily increased to normal whilst he looked around, tired and a little nervous from the all the darkness.

(Sorry Dx can't post much atm. @WeabooTrash )
Trying to warm up the situation as he heard Ai sounding rather nervous at the first statement, Ambrogio failed at making a joke. "Well, it is not that noticeable anyways, despite what it is called." His formal manner and excessive words made it sound boring rather than funny. He was honestly relieved that Ai didn't look at the board and thus at the Senpai's disappointed-sounding exclamation, he let out a rather believable sigh. "It could have proved to be useful. I am also sad they took it down, but at least I remember the most important to me names. If You happen to want to learn the name of a classmate, for example, I may have remember it." At least at that statement it would have been normal and realistic to say he had photographic memory, thus his worries disappeared.

As both of them started walking at the previous pace, the vampire started cautiously looking at both of his sides, examining carefully he numbers of the dorms. He couldn't see all that well with his undeveloped night vision, so the numbers looked rather smudged, but still readable. He was staring intently and walking slightly faster, until he found the number 63. "Totsuka-Senpai, this must be Your room!" He didn't think that it wasn't dark, though, but it was pitch black instead, which most probably made him seem either suspicious or superhuman for seeing in such lighting. More like supernatural, if one might ask.

(As long as there's something to work with, it's perfect!)

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[Ok @Magni @WeabooTrash if you guys need to know we are timeskipping to the next day. You can continue in the next post you make but then in the next paragraph you have to continue the day.]


Nakami woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, stretching her arms in the air and yawning. She picked it up and tried to refocus her blurry vision. "Almost 8am, ok." Her eyes suddely opened and she exclaimed, "WAIT, NO! NOT OKAY!" Nakami placed her clock back and brushed her teeth in the bathroom as well as her hair, putting on her uniform and sliding on her shoes. She shook Tsukino to wake her up. "TSUKINO! WAKE UP, IT'S 7.55AM! WE HAVE 5 MINUTES TO GET TO BREAKFAST!" Looking in the mirror, Nakami sorted out her hair and quickly applied some lipgloss. "Come on! We're going to be late!"

@Defective Kitten
Tsukino crawled out from under all her sheets hearing and feeling Naka trying to wake her up, something about being late. She simply groaned in response, walking over to the bathroom in her slow manner and began brushing her teeth. After finishing that which basically took up the 5 minutes that they had, she slipped into her uniform which was another 5 minutes and brushed her hair down along side with a few other things. In the end Tsukino took about 15 minutes to get ready, still groggy from being woken up so suddenly. "Ready." Her monotoned voice spoke followed by a steady yawn, rubbing her eyes due to the itchiness that's usual felt in the morning.

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Hikazu Akiyama


Hikazu was the first one up at four am. He would do his morning exercises and his morning practice with his Kenjutsu with a bamboo sword and his families own secret martial art, also know as the emperor's dancing lotus technique. He would spend around two hours doing this. Once finished, Hikazu made his way towards the bathroom where he would take a nice hot shower and a tend to his daily regimen of cleaning, washing and moisturizing.

He would head down stairs to brew a pot of coffee and cook up some morning blood sausage. It was the usual thing. Hikazu would get dressed in his clothing, collect all things he would want in his bag for the day and made his way to Homeroom with the rest of the vampires. Still he had yet to meet his roommate since he fell asleep before he came in.

"Oh well, Ill find out later." He closed the door behind him and headed off to class.
Ria sat down in the back of the dining hall with a a plate of eggs, bacon and sausage, despite not having to eat human foods, she like the taste and the texture and was something that blood just didn't offer. She did however had a seemingly normal can of Dr.Pepper which so opened and drank gleefully before sighing "Carbonated blood...What will they think of next...Who's idea was it to make this in the first place!" Ria ranted to herself quietly before leaning back and taking another sip before looking around the dining hall.

"Seems kinda...Empty its 8:00" Ria thought to herself "Why is it that i'm always on time when everyone else is late, that only seems awkward for me when i'm early and people show up late all at the same time"

Ria sighed once more before taking a sip of her soda "Oh well.."
Osamu had just walked out of the head masters office, very happy and proud at the same time. His mind control had worked on the head master, and he was now a fully fledge student at Chishio Academy. He wasn't sure if it was going to work again. So, he was celebrating by going to the dinning hall. He walked in and smelt something rather strange. Was that...blood? It smelt weird, but there was a hint of that red liquid which pumped through humans veins. "You're a vampire aren't you?" He wasn't afraid to say it out loud. She was the only other person in the dinning hall.

Osamu looked at the girl, looking at her details. "How ironic, you have blood red hair. Almost makes me hungry." He told the red headed girl. He may have joked, but something wasn't right. Why was it so empty? More importantly, why was she the only one here? But, the most important thing was..."What blood are you drinking?" The vampire asked as he walked over to her table. "The only reason I ask is because I am hungry. Maybe because of your hair, maybe not." He sat down opposite her and waited for her to reply.
Rias chuckled a bit "Well if you really wanted to know...Its process donor blood from the Kantory family's new company, Im surprised you haven't heard about it, the blood is O- if your really wondering" She explained leaning back in her chair, stretching a bit.

"My hair on the other hand is nearly a trait of the Gremory family. But yes has been known to be quite enticing." She paused. "I'm inquiring that you would want some?" Rias sighed. "If your going to be a student here you're going to have to learn how to take care of yourself, depending on others is a dangerous business" She told him boldly, looking into his eyes with a serious look before it softened and she slid a can to him across the table before putting away her tray and walking out to homeroom "You owe me" Rias shot at him before vanishing into the halls and into her homeroom class where she sat down in the back of the room.
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"I can take care of myself. I would just rather go at my own pace." He told the girl as he opened the can. "Thanks." Osamu said to girl which was no longer there. Blood donors? Interesting. Not harming any humans yet quenching your thirst for their blood. Smart, but it could only take you so far. He took a sip of the drink and was surprised by the taste. It wasn't like the blood he had last night, yet somehow just as refreshing. It also had a negative taste to it, if you could say something had a negative taste. Just to be sure, he took another sip of it and tried to describe the taste. Again, satisfying and negative.

Leaving him alone gave him the perfect time think. Would he like being there? Would he run away again? But the one he was most worried about was would he want more of that girls blood? It was very delicious. Probably because it was rare. He didn't want to drink more of her blood, it would be kinda weird that she knew he was a vampire. He took had another taste of his so called Dr.Pepper and leaned back. What was he going to do? What if he couldn't resist? "I'm an idiot." He told himself as he downed the rest of the canned blood.
Ai's hand came to feel around on the wall, stoping when it touched the cool metal shape of a door knob. He couldn't see anything, but could guess what it looked like through the blurring darkness. "You can see that?", It was odd that Sansone could even see the door let alone read the numbers on it, but Ai sounded more impressed than suspicious,"Wow, Sansone must have really good eyesight! Lucky, I can't see a thing." He looked around when he said that, his brows scrunching as he tried to see anything surrounding them,"Hm." It was only a moment before Ai turned the doorknob and looked back to where he believed Sansone to be,"thank you for helping me find my room, Sansone, and be careful getting to your own." He couldn't help but be a little worried. Even if someone had good eyesight it could still be dangerous out there. "Goodnight," he said lightly, opening the door and disappearing behind it as he yawned.

(Sorry if it seems like I rushed it, and for taking so long to reply. @WeabooTrash )

Hikazu Akiyama


There were no other vampires in the classroom, but Hikazu didnt seem mind. It gave him time to sit back and enjoy the morning brew he so loved to sip on and the picture from yesterday. He stared at the pictures of the girl he so longed after and just after one day. He sipped on his coffee and smiled to himself.

Hikazu didnt notice the vampire with crimson hair enter the room, or he just didnt care to look. He was to busy with his other things until he got to the end of his pictures. He picked up the camera and turned it towards the girl taking a quick snap of her before smiling softly at the picture and returning to his desk as he looked at the picture admirably.
Rias looked at Hikazu with an annoyed look. "If your going to take pictures of girls atleast be discreet about it" she said angrily before flicking a small piece of paper at him which moved fast enough that it burned up before it reached his face as floating embers.

Hikazu Akiyama


"Well its not like I'm taking upstart pictures. Its one picture, not the end of the world. Especially not ours." He flashed the girl a sly wink before rolling his eyes at himself and took out the binder in his backpack. Hikazu put the photos away and took out a pen. He scribbled something on the paper and folded it up before tossing it with two fingers at the girl, maybe he would slice her neck and we could see a little account this morning, but from her earlier actions he knew she would catch it.

"Its an invasion of my privacy" Rias sighed with annoyance "Dont wink at me" She said looking away from him looking uncomfortable. "Insensitive jerk.."..."Humans.." she said quietly
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