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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]

Ai's cheeks burned when Nakami just stared at him for no apparent reason. He tried to pull away or dodge the eye contact, though the awkward build up was put at ease for him when she questioned his schedule. Even so, he stuttered a little, "M-Mathematics, I think."

It was hard for him to remember exactly, since he hadn't took the time to read over his classes more than once. Still, he was sure it was math. Curious, Ai looked back to Nakami and smiled gently,"what about Nakami?"
"Oh, ok. Nakami has gym. But I don't like it, I'm not very good at sports." Nakami smiled, noticing his stutter. She moved a bit closer to where he was sitting, and pulled out a piece of candy from her pocket. Nakami took his hand and put it inside. "Bon Appetite." The bell had rang for classes, so Nakami picked up her bag and waved goodbye to him. She travelled to the changing rooms and pulled off her clothes, replacing them with her gym shorts and crop top before sitting down and putting on her trainers. Swiftly Nakami snatched a bow out of her bag and collected her silky smooth locks to the back of her head, tying it up to reveal the flawless skin on her neck and shoulders. In her opinion the gym clothes the school provided for the girls showed a bit too much skin--but at least they were comfortable.

Ai waved goodbye to Nakami, but continued to sit still as his attention fell to the candy. He watched his fingers fiddle with it as he questioned himself. 'Did I just make a friend?', he stared at the candy a little longer before gripping it with a happy smile and placing it into his pocket. It was hard for him to keep from smiling about the idea of a real friend. Even as he hopped up from the bed and left the infirmary. His quick pace had to be increased to a small run as he realized he would be late if he didn't hurry. Ai didn't like the idea of running in the hall due to incidents where people collide, but still couldn't be late for class.

It wasn't that far away from the infirmary, and Ai slowed down as he made it to the classroom. He took his assigned seat in the back if the class and used a moment to even out his breath. Unfortunately, he didn't practice that much this past year, and it showed with how tired he was with just that.

After a moment, Ai took out his required supplies and organized them onto the desk as needed for him to get easy access. He looked around the room with a sweet expression, being sure to try and memorize his classmates incase he ever got lost.

Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

Hikazu needed to calm down. The boy was annoying to say the least but Hikazu needed revenge for that childs insolence. He would get it too. He would do it in the worst way possible. Hikazu wouldn't kill that boy. Hikazu wouldn't torture the boy. Hikazu had an even worse way to dispose of that fool, but right now there was a girl in here who neither cared or wanted to have anything to do with Hikazu. That didnt seem to bother him for now.

He started to take pictures out the window. The orange and purple sky meshing with the pink cherry blossoms. The emptiness of the school at sunset only adding to the beauty of the sight.

Snap. Snap. Two pictures taken before Hikazu, before he got angry. His jaw clenching tight and he moved from that window to the next with a sort of aura that could be described as frustrated and annoyed.

Snap. He would look to the camera, seemly more annoyed now. He needed something but he couldn't tell yet. He looked over to the girl painting and the receding glow illuminating her shadow. He moved to the door of the art room, kneeling down to be on level with the bottom edge of the window. He made sure to get the cracks of paint and the worn wood floors whilst patiently waiting on the sun to disappear behind his camera's frame. There it was. The split second of nirvana he wanted.

SNAP. SNAP. SNAP. Hikazu took three pictures. Three pictures that he looked at and seem content, no..satisfied with. He would return to his original location and start to plan out his day for tomorrow to made get some time in the darkroom.

@Defective Kitten
Tsukino noticed the boy's anger as he snapped some pictures on his camera although not taking much note to it, everyone gets angry once in a while. Noticing the tube of brown paint running low, she took a scan around the room searching for the extra paints they usually had on hand. Her amber eyes landed on a box labeled "Brown" on top of the shelf, obviously too tall for her short height to reach. Walking up to the shelf and trying to reach the box by getting on her tippy toes and jumping, Tsukino gave up and eventually grabbed a stood that was more or less wobbly.

Placing the stood right beneath the shelf, carefully climbing her way until she stood steadily on the stood. Still, her finger tips barely grazed the boxed. Beginning to make cute little mouse-like squeaks and little hops in order to reach the box, she was finally able to grasp the box with her two little hands landing on the stood and barely catching herself before she fell, letting out a quiet relieving sigh.

Taking a new tube and placing the box on a relatively shorter shelf for her conveyance, climbing back down to open it but was stopped by the seal that was on every tube. Not using much logic to think about the cap with the little sharp tip on the inside that was provided, Tsukino took a pair of sharp scissors and punctured the seal, her hand slipping from the small target and giving her a fairly sized cut which was deeper than it appeared. Blood ran down her wrist staining her pale skin, "Ow..." Speaking softly with her usual monotoned voice, as if the cut didn't affect her emotionally but more physically. Her expression didn't change from the dull one she always had but her eyes kept on the blood as it slowly dripped, unknowing of what to do next.

@Edward Valentine

Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

The girl was bleeding. The girl was bleeding. She is bleeding. There is blood. Drink. Drink! Hikazu's mind screaming and thrashing with everything it has to get a taste but two hundred years of experience and probably the best teachers around taught him how to control his thirst. How to sneak a sip. How to do anything necessary to keep his inner demon at bay.

He glanced over at the girl as she said "Ow" and his head perked up. This was his chance. He put his camera down and walked on over to her. His towering figure casting a shadow over her. He kneeled down to be under her height, but to be somewhat eye level. Hikazu spoke up, "Can I help? It doesn't seem safe try an open a paint bottle with scissors." He smiled lightly at the girl and chuckled to himself. Maybe he could give her dull nerves a jolt of excitement.

@Defective Kitten
A bit too engulfed in the sight of her own blood, the boy who she forgot was there caught her off guard with his present. Glancing up a bit to look him in the eyes, it seemed that he wanted to help her. Blinking at him twice she lifted her hand over to him, the blood a few inches from his face. "The red is leaking." Speaking in to the boy softly, unaware of his motives.

Tsukino looked at him with eyes that seemed like she weren't even in this word, as if she were in another. Her emotionless expression was oddly enough charmingly cute but wasn't changing, as if she didn't know how to. As she held out her hand to the boy, the blood began rolling down her finger tips and made little droplets on the wooden floor, didn't seem as if it were about to stop anytime soon by itself. Looking down at him to watch his next move, she wasn't much for a talker.

@Edward Valentine

Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

"Oh fuck me!! How the hell can't...thats just rude." Hikazu thought to himself. He was slowly, but surely making his way closer to the finger. It was a subtle millimeter by millimeter. His fang slowly growing. the struggle was real. He fought back with all he had but the closer he got the more intoxicating he became and he could smell it. It was B positive blood. It was his favorite. The sour, yet savory flavor he yearned for daily. His mouth slowly engulfed the girls finger. His supple lips pressed against her flesh as he fought to keep his fangs at bay, but he couldn't control his tongue. It had a mind of its own. Hikazu was tenderly sucking the girls finger of the blood. His eyes closed, his face flustered and his body hot. Tsukino could of sworn that she heard him moan a little.

@Defective Kitten
Hearing the moan he gave, it seemed that he enjoyed it quite a bit, Strange.This boy was full of surprises, Tsukino finally showed some type of emotion as he sucked her bloody finger, a flinch before pulling her hand back to her chest. Still a bloody mess but covered by her other hand now staining both hands, staring up at him with just a bit of surprise in her eyes but her expression didn't seem to change much. "You licked my finger.." Tsukino's voice still soft and quiet as she stated the obvious as her eyes showed no fear towards him just a bit of shock. Having only known painting her whole life, she didn't know much about mythical creatures or fairy tales, only painting, unaware of or had an idea of what he might be.

@Edward Valentine

Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

The boy seemed put off by have the finger taken from him. His fangs lurched of his own will and were revealed for the splitest of seconds. He seemed even more embarrassed of himself than anything. It had been years since he lost control like that, but this girl....this school. All the constant temptations and it just had to be the best B Positive blood he had ever had. He grumbled in an agonizing want towards the finger that was take from him.

"Sorry. I just w-wanted to make sure that your blood didnt drop on the floor...." Hikazu said and then entered the internal monologue, "FUCK! YOU DIDNT WANT IT GO ON THE FLOOR. ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID! WAKE UP JACKASS! YOU MIGHT HAVE TO KILL HER RIGHT NOW. JUST SEE HOW THIS TURNS AND THEN FROM THERE YOU'LL DECIDE."

Hikazu watched and waited the girls reaction before engaging again.

@Defective Kitten
"Oh." Was her first response before glancing down at the ground as if she were bowing slightly and saw the blood on the ground. His excuse was somewhat shady but Tsukino didn't know any better and went with it.

Looking back up at the boy, not noticing the sharpened teeth come out for the quick second, her eyes locked on him with her normal dull gaze. The eye contact with quickly broken as she turned around and walking away from the boy as if she were about to leave the room and tell someone, but it wasn't like she was in much of a rush. She walked away rather calmly from him before stopping right in front of the door way and picked up the roll of paper towels that was placed on the shelf near the doorway. Walking back to him, she tore a piece off and began cleaning up the small droplets of blood on the floor while her hand still continued to bleed a little bit, now seeming to be stopping but at a rather slow pace.

@Edward Valentine
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Nakami's class had finished. She took out the pink bow in her hair and put it inside her bag, changing her clothes into her regular uniform and walking along the corridor. Suddenly her eyes came in contact with the blonde-haired girl that she supposedly shared dorms with. "Tsukino? Did you cut yourself?" She looked down at her hand and gulped in disgust. As she looked inside the art room she spotted the tall boy that had embarrassed her outside the bathroom--he seemed to look embarrassed himself.

@Defective Kitten @Edward Valentine
Tsukino's dull gazed moved over to a new voice behind her, it was the girl with the dagger in her room. "Dagger." Simply stating out of context as she looked at her, hearing the question and giving a small nod with a soft reply, "Yes." Leaving the paper towel on the ground to soak up the blood as she stood up to face her, the dull expression looked at her as if she weren't interested in anything. The deep wound continuing to form streams of blood down her finger tips which created more droplets on the ground, getting distracted by the dropping of her blood she simply glanced down and watched it. "Oh." Her soft voice let out.

@Edward Valentine @Sunkissed
Nakami seemed startled as she mentioned the dagger from earlier. "Shush about that." She walked further into the art room and looked down at the blood that was currently dripping on to the floor. "Blood.. Blood. I hate blood, no one would accuse me of being a vampire. That's for sure." Nakami nervously laughed and scratched the back of her head in awkwardness.

@Defective Kitten @Edward Valentine
Tsukino simply stared at Nakami's awkwardness, blinking twice at her request before tilting her head a bit. "Vampire? Is that a cake?" Asking Nakami with a rather soft voice, her expression didn't show that she really cared but that was because she didn't really know how to show emotions as much as other people did. The cut continuing to bleed down her hand but it didn't seem she was in much pain, almost as if she had forgot if about it. The small droplets soon merged forming a rather small puddle.

@Sunkissed @Edward Valentine
"N-No. They're just creatures that aren't real, they suck blood and drink it. It's disgusting, so I'm glad they aren't real." She pulled a chair out from the desk and sat on it, watching the blood create a puddle on the floor in front of her very eyes. It made her squirm, so much so that the blood circulating round her own body grew a faster and faster pace along with her heartbeat.

@Defective Kitten @Edward Valentine

Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

Hikazu doesn't like the way this conversation turned, especially now that this chick entered. She as just in the way and it annoyed him. First her blood sets him off for the day. Then she eavesdrops on him. Now she is interrupting what could of been a good moment for him to get more blood. She had to go.

Hikazu clenched his jaw shut and walked over to his seat next to the window. The night sky slowly appearing now. He began to sort through his pictures, or at least thats what he wanted the two girls to thing. His entire focus was on Nakami. The little blood stain she saw the other girl trying to clean because to leak. The red liquid oozing out over the wooden flours. It slowly creeping towards her. It looked as if the school was leaking blood. Suddenly everything went pitch black and the lights flicker. She was alone in the school, blood oozing from the ceiling and the puddle on the ground that leaked towards her was now a lake. She was alone as the blood slowly rose in the room, covering her ankles and getting to her knees before the lights went out again and when they came back, everything was normal as if everything you saw never happened.
Nakami's body went in to sudden shock. She felt as if something was taking over her body--that made her blood feel as if it was ice cold. The girl gulped with utter depression and supposedly looked around the illusioned room, tears beginning to form in her eyes as a drop of blood splattered onto her uniform. Her legs... Her knees! It was rising to her knees!? Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tucked herself up into a ball, mumbling "Stop.. Stop!" Repeatedly. Nakami began to scream and clenched her fists in fear. Was this real? No.. Surely not. It had all disappeared. It was just in her imagination.

@Edward Valentine @Defective Kitten
As Tsukino bent down to whip up the blood stained floor, Nakami began crying and screaming than suddenly stopped after begging for it to stop. Not uttering a single word to the girl. but just stared up at her, blinking twice and simply went on to wiping the blood. Who knew such a small girl had this much blood to give? Although in reality only a few milliliters had been spilled, it just seemed a lot more due to the amount of surface it covered. Strange. Looking back up at the girl who sat terrified for her own life, "Sleep?" Tsukino suggested with a tilt of the head, the same emotionless expression she always had stared at Naka blinking three times. Looking down at her own hand, it seemed the wound needed a bandage for it to stop completely.

@Edward Valentine @Sunkissed
"U-Uh.. Yeah.. I think I should sleep." She wiped the tears from her eyes as her shaky voice barely spoke. That wasn't real. It wasn't. It wasn't real. Nakami kept repeating these words in her head and slowly walked out of the room to her dorm. She lay down on the bed and pulled her hair to one side of her neck. "I'm not tired." The girl mumbled, sitting up and pulling the dagger out from under the bed. She lay it neatly on the white sheets of her bed and picked it up, inspecting it.

@Edward Valentine @Defective Kitten

Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

Hikazu looked over to the girl in the art room. They were alone again and now was his chance to talk about what happened. He put his camera back on the chair after getting up and walked over to her. He looked to the blood stain on the ground, this time there was no hesitation. His thirst had been quenched for the time being. He could speak with a free mind.

"Are you okay? The last girl seemed a little freaked out by how much blood you lost, but it doesn't seem like a lot. Are you feeling okay?" Hikazu asked the girl. He had to put on a show to at least let the naive girl figure out he wasn't up to no good or a vampire. That was something he would have to task himself with as well. Why was that girl from before talking about vampires. It was only the first day, this wasn't good.

"Maybe we should take you to the nurse to get your hand checked out." He says, really wanting his new favorite blood supply to be okay and alive so he can get a constant supply.

@Defective Kitten
Seeing that Nakami left the room and going headed back to what she could assume the dormitory, her attention was quickly taken by the boy who wanted to know her wellbeing. Tsukino nodded, "Yes." Staring up at the boy as she stood up holding the wad of bloodied paper towels in which she threw away in the trash can by the entrance. Remembering the painting, she walked back to the easel to put away the painting making sure not to get blood on it. She had plans to finish it tomorrow if not today, not having a deadline made her painting seem much more fun.

Walking back up to the strange boy, from what she recalled he drank a little of her blood and Naka said something about creatures drinking blood. Pushing that all aside she held her hands in a cup like manner to avoid anymore of the blood to drip, "Nurse." Her voice small just like her stature. Waiting for him to lead her to the nurses since she didn't know the school lay out herself. It was already dark though, it was highly unlikely that anyone would be at the nurses at the moments. The longer they waited, the more blood flowed out but it stayed rather steady at the moment.

@Edward Valentine
Nakami picked up the dagger and folded it in the leather bag again. She walked out of her dorm and ran to the forest--where no one could possibly find her or suspect she was there. Tsukino could walk into the dorm at any minute. Nakami felt the wind brush along the smooth skin of her neck and down her spine, causing her to shiver. The trees rustled and she could hear the sound of twigs snapping as she walked. The girl lay down the bag on a tree stump and inspected it. She was wondering why someone had gave this to her--what would she need protection from?


Hikazu Akiyama

Art Room

Hikazu took the girl by the hand, the none bloody hand, but first he made sure to wrap it up with paper towels. Hikazu wrapped her hand tight and made sure she held it close so it wouldn't unravel as they made their way to the nurse. He would leave the room with his backpack and camera around his neck.

As they walked down the hallway, he would give the girl a lecture. "You know next time anythings out of your reach or your having trouble just come find me. Theres no reason for you to get hurt if you can ask someone for help. Okay?"

@Defective Kitten
Seeing how fast the boy moved as he wrapped her hand with a paper towel and lead her by the hand to the nurse's, perhaps he wasn't so strange after all. On the way he began giving her a small lecture about asking him for help and not needing to hurt herself, "Ok." Replied with a surprised gleam in her eyes as she stared up at him, keeping her other hand near her chest.

At the nurse's it seemed that there really wasn't anyone there, the nurse must've left to go home already. Tsukino took a peek into the room but got dragged in anyways by the boy. Being sat down on the bed, she didn't take her eyes off of the kind seeming boy, "What's your name?" Asking with two blinks, holding out her paper wrapped hand so he could apply ointment and a bandage, not having ever done such things herself. If she hurt herself, she would just continue painting and pretend the red was just paint. Never have taken must care of herself it seemed.

@Edward Valentine
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