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Fantasy BloodBath - Chishio Academy [Vampires/Humans academy]

<p>Nakami was about to leave for the ceremony until she felt a stinging sensation on her fingers. Blood? Again? She usually wasn't this clumsy. Or.. Maybe she was. But whatever! She felt a little sick at the sight of the blood on her fingers, making sure to quickly walk inside the school and go to the bathroom to wipe it off. As she was walking past the boy's bathroom she peered inside to see that Ambrogio was there. "Sansone-San? Why is there blood on your mouth?" Nakami asked curiously, waiting outside the opened door for him to reply as well as laying her hands flat in the air.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16275-weabootrash/" data-mentionid="16275">@WeabooTrash</a></p>
While Ambrogio was cleaning his teeth, he sensed a familiar scent and looked toward the bathroom door. Nakami called his name and that startled him as he wasn't expecting anyone to see him with blood anywhere on his body. He felt nervous on the inside, but put out a charming front, as he was quite skilled at that, and replied with a natural tone. "Ah, Nakami-san! I apologise that You have to see me in such a state. I accidentally bit my lower lip too hard and my teeth slightly pierced it, making it bleed. Now I am trying to clean the blood off of my teeth as I could not simply walk around school with a bloody mouth!" He already had the certain red liquid on the inside of his lip from the bloody handkerchief he had been nibbling on minutes ago, so no one could tell whether he had a wound or not. He was smiling at Nakami with a rather awkward smile, as he wanted to leave an effect of nervousness, as though he was embarrassed by having blood on his teeth.

"O-Oh.. Right!" She laughed nervously. Was she making him uncomfortable? It seemed liked it somehow.. Nakami grinned and showed her hands to him. "I guess we're both the same, then." She lowered them and looked up at him with a scared look in her eyes. "U-Uhm.. the cuts on my hands.. Do you by any chance know why someone might have gave me a dagger?" Nakami shook her head. "U-Uh..! Never mind! I've already asked you enough." Although she was still curious, he seemed uncomfortable so Nakami didn't want to linger there for any longer. She made her way into the bathroom and washed her hands, then wiped them with a tissue and disposed of it. 'Disgusting. I hate blood, wish I wasn't so clumsy.'


Hikazu Akiyama

Entrance Ceremony

After getting introduced to his fellow classmates, he quickly realized that these people might not be the people he spends the rest of the year with. He forgot that classes are assigned to individuals and will be posted after the ceremony. It was in the handbook, but he had spaced on it. He sighed to himself and grabbed his bag. He left the protests of girls and annoyed growls of some guys. He shut the door behind him and headed off towards the entrance ceremony, just to get the scent of that familiar blood.

A sudden intoxicating chill was sent down his spine. That scent. He had to have some. He dashed down the stairs and around the corner to see a girl approaching the boy...no a vampire. He made his way towards them, his eyes noting the small dribble coming from her finger tips before he returns his gaze to the boy. He watched as the boy washed the blood from his teeth and watched as he lied terribly. He also watched as the most naive girl on the planet got away just tossing her blood away. That intoxicating and arousing liquid that oozed from her body. Oh god, how he desired the chance to sink his teeth into her supple flesh and slowly, drink from her veins.

He gulped to himself. Hikazu walked over to the girl and pretended to bump into her. "Oh! Im sorry. Please forgive my rudeness." He bowed his head before offering a hand. "Im Hikazu Akiyama." The boy with towering height and snow capped hair said to the girl in front of him.
Nakami was walking out of the bathroom and was stopped by bumping into a very tall boy. Well, maybe she was just short. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." She laughed and shook his hand. "Nakami." Nakami nodded and took a single step forward after realising she had left her bag in the bathroom. "Oh wait, my bag." She turned around and slung the bag over her shoulder, then bent downwards and pulled up her socks. Nakami walked out of the bathroom and soon again interacted with the light-haired boy. "So, uh.. What class do you have next? I have gym."

@Edward Valentine

Hikazu Akiyama

Advisors Office

"I was going to check with my advisor. Apparently I missed the ceremony, so now Im kinda lost." He laughed to himself and gestured to the bathroom. "Do you mind if I slip on by? its kinda the reason I bumped into you in the first place." He laughed the rubbed the back of his head with the other hand. The one you didn't shake.

He walked on by you into the boys bathroom He would disappear for a few seconds before popping his head back out. "Hey Nakami, right? Next time you need to use the bathroom, make sure its the girls." He points to the sign that obviously reads boys bathroom and then laughs at you a little before shutting the door and leaving himself to the other Vampire boy.

Now let me tell you what you didn't see. One when he bumped into Nakami, he grabbed her arm to keep her stable but also get get a pulse of blood going back to her hands. When he shook her hand, it was a firm but friendly handshake. Hikazu made sure of that, but he also made sure to drag his hand along yours as you dropped it just to get one or two drops of blood from your finger tips without realizing it. He had also used the bathroom as an excuse to talk with boy whilst eating your blood and keeping you away from that area again, thus the reason he embarrassed you.

Hikazu looked to the boy and then to his hand, sniffing the drop of blood on it before taking a paper towel. He would get the tip wet before dipping it against his hand. The blood would disperse across it and he would suck on tip, get a clean yet diluted taste of Nakami's blood.

"Next time just say you bit your tongue. Its more believable than a full blown explanation about how it happened. I mean you might as well of just said, hey I like to suck blood. I find it delicious and refreshing." Hikazu said to the italian.

@Sunkissed @WeabooTrash
Nakami's cheeks were suddenly tinted a pinkish-red colour out of embarrassment as she read the sign. "U-Uh.. Mhm." She nodded and walked away from the bathroom, looking down at her hands and realising that only the top of her finger was smudged with blood. "Why? I thought I wiped all of it off." Nakami had reached the end of the corridor, but she could still hear faint talking through the wall. She pressed her head against it to hear the conversation and caught a slight mumble about 'sucking blood.' Her eyebrows lowered in confusion as she took her head away from the wall and placed all of her silky hair at the right side of her pale, smooth neck. Soon after she had repeated the words in her mind, Nakami was beginning to wonder why there were so many things in this school.. related to blood? The dagger, her hand, and the teeth? Of course she wouldn't even think of the word 'vampire' to even have been talked about in this totally innocent school. But that wasn't what the parchment that came with the dagger said, did it now?

@Edward Valentine
A soft patting of shoes meeting the floor slowly grew louder towards the second year's home room as he rushed to make it on time. What Ai didn't know was that his watch was set ahead by a few minutes, and that most students weren't going to their home rooms at the time.

He opened the door without looking, in fear of being scolded, only to be greeted by a near-empty room. They boy blinked before going to his seat and placing his bag down.

Ai sat in the room for a few minutes, very little students coming in to the class. Of course it had dawned on him by now that he was either early or really late, and he had been sitting there like a moron for no reason. With a gentle sigh, he decided to go and get himself some water and left the classroom. He headed over to the water fountains, tucking a tuft of gray hair behind his ear as he leaned down and took a few sips. However, he stopped when he saw something odd. A girl with her ear pressed to the wall leading to the bathrooms. Ai stood up straight, his head tilting slightly with curiosity when she moved away from the wall. He stepped over to her, quietly stepping up to her side and whispering,"um...what are you doing?" Ai's light visage had curious written all over it, even as he blinked and clasped his hands behind his back.

Nakami turned to the boy and blinked, smiling. He looked friendly. "Shh." She placed a finger over his mouth and listened closer to the wall. Did they hear them speak? It had gotten oddly quiet, and she couldn't hear anyone talking. "What's your name?" She whispered and slumped down to the ground, grinning. "I'm Nakami." Nakami grinned, remembering the question the rather feminine looking boy had asked her. "Oh.. Well, I'm kind of eavesdropping." The girl made sure to keep her voice as quiet as possible, seeing as there was a chance that they might be listening to her speak on the other side of the wall.

Looking at Nakami's bloody hands made him feel even greater thirst, but restrained himself and didn't show his true desires. Upon hearing about a dagger, he himself was confused and couldn't say anything about it. Then he reminded himself that this was a school for both humans and vampires. "Maybe for protection against vampires? I should ask her about it." But when he wanted to ask, she had already apologised for bothering him and disappeared. "Could she for the sake of anything holy stop doing that?!" He was rather irritated and got back to the bathroom mirror, trying to spot even the lightest imperfections in his dental hygiene.

The dark-haired vampire heard a certain deep voice that caught his attention a few minutes after scrubbing and flossing his teeth like crazy, and cleaned the mess after himself, throwing anything unneeded in the trash can. As he turned around, he felt a noticeable aura right in front of him - what he could see was an obvious albino. He watched as the visibly older man did what he was doing. "Sniffing his own hand? How disgusting!", Ambrogio thought. "Still sucking on his finger after simply holding his had under the water tap? That is completely bad-mannered and nonhygenic..."

The older man spoke to the younger vampire, and thus the Italian got startled at first from the stranger's words, then pulled off a smile and answered. "Oh, so You do have an idea of who I may be, fine sir? Well, You do realise that tongues are much harder to pierce by a human's tooth than the lip, do You not? The human students must not be aware of our presence, nor of our existence in general - do You understand that?" Letting out a rather confident chuckle, he took his leave from the bathroom. "You may admire blood for its taste, but what I see it as is receiving the needed blood cells for our organisms to survive as we simply do not have them. Please do not show such ignorance - You may be a fine specimen with hundreds of years of experience, but Your maturity shows different. We shall see each other again, Akiyama-san!" Ambrogio knew of the other vampire's name and identity because he did his research before school - acquiring a full list of students and their identification documents was a thing his servant managed to do thanks to the authority of his parents and bloodline in general, thus resulting in the principal being convinced (by a threat, that is).

Walking out of the bathroom, he saw a feminine-looking boy and Nakami. He greeted them with a bow. "Why, greeting!", Ambrogio exclaimed and looked towards the boy with a smile. "I am Ambrogio d'Clemente Sansone! May I have the honor of knowing Your name?" He pronounced his name slowly, syllable by syllable as he knew his name was troublesome for pronounciation. The vampire's thoughts were absorbing the space in his mind as he could catch a smell of blood from the boy in front of him. "Ahh, such simplistic yet delightful smell! It must be an O group as I can't sense neither unnecessary acetyl-galactosamine nor unneeded extra Galactose cells! How wonderful! It smells much fresher than the blood in my bloodbag, but the scent is not any different than it~" His smile was widening at the thought of having a taste from the boy's blood, but once realising that, he slowly got it back to its previous kind, cheerful state, which completely contrasted his true personality.

@Edward Valentine @Sunkissed @Magni
Ai almost went cross eyed when she quieted him with her finger. blinking it away, he watched her with a friendly smile as she slumped down, pondering about joining Nakami to reply when another person showed up with a greeting. The boys eyes slightly widened in awe at the male's obviously foreign name. 'I hope I can remember that', he thought, before breaking a his stare to smile at the both of them,"I'm AI, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

@Sunkissed @WeabooTrash
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Nakami stood up, beginning to pace her feet into a running position. "I-I wasn't eavesdropping!" Her cheeks turned red, and she picked up her bag swiftly. Unfortunately she hit the boy she had just met in the face with it. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" She bent downwards and looked at his nose. "A.. Nosebleed. I'm really sorry..!" Nakami looked up at Sansune with a worried look on her face. "Should we take him to the infirmary?"

@Magni @WeabooTrash
Ai had little time to react to Namaki's nervous fit about eavesdropping before he was hit in the face with something and a warm sensation began tingling along his nose. He lifted a finger and touched it, only to find a few smears of fresh blood on his fingertips,"Blood?" The pain had only just come in after he realized his nose was bleeding, the tingling being accompanied by a sharp soreness that made him wince,"sssss, that's going to hurt in the morning." He tried to be a little humorous, though his eyes were just barely watering as a natural reaction from the pain.

@Sunkissed @WeabooTrash

It seemed that at the opening ceremony was where you got assigned classes, which Kai learned when she saw a teacher and asked directions. Of course the one time she missed them would the time se actually needed to be there. It made sense that the humans and vampires would be segregated.

She made a quick pit stop into the bathroom, to wash her face and hands. Kai never wore markup, vampires had flawless complexions, but she didn't really care about that. She looked at hersled in the mirror. Her black hair fell in waves to her waist, and choppy bangs emphasized her large brown eyes. After making sure she presentable she exited the bathroom.​
Still smiling at the boy, Ambrogio again bowed at Ai's introduction but suddenly all his dreams of getting some blood tonight were shattered once Nakami claimed that she wasn't eavesdropping and caused the boy a nosebleed by hitting him with her bag. As she looked at Ambrogio, he couldn't focus on anything else than the dribbling red liquid. Sniffing it from afar, he was mesmerized by the smell of his favourite blood group - O-, which could literally be compatible with any other upon donorship, although can receive blood only from the same group.

The bloodthirsty vampire got back to his senses ad replied in a rather startled way. "Ah, well... Of course, let's go visit the infirmary again~" Then took out his second handkerchief from the inside of his jacked and passed it to the boy. "This is for Your poor nose, Ai-kun.", and smiled charismatically as he was holding the expensive napkin in his hands. Of course, he was going to do the same trick, as it never seized to fail~

@Magni @Sunkissed
"Uh.. No. He's fine. I'll take him by myself now." She grabbed the boy's hand before he could take the napkin from Ambrogio and dragged him to the infirmary, sitting him on a bed. Nakami felt strange around that boy. He seemed nice and all, but was was he doing when no one else was there? The encounter in the bathroom seemed awkward enough. Despite her dorky demeanour Nakami was no fool--she could obviously sense something suspicious. Even though she hated blood she took a tissue out of the drawer and placed it on his nose. "Sorry that I hit you."

@WeabooTrash @Magni

Hikazu Akiyama


Hikazu was completely perplexed by the boy that just left. He was rude, arrogant and a really just an ass hole for no plain reason. Hikazu knew that he had to be dealt with. First, Hikazu wanted to suck the rest of the diluted blood from the paper towel. He would suck on it and wash his hand, spitting it into the trash and then using some more paper towel to clean his hands before leaving the bathroom. He pasted the group of people talking to each other. He smiled curiously at Nakami. He looked puzzled at the new guy who joined the group. And you could of sworn for a millisecond that he gave the evilest death glare to Ambrogio.

He pasted all three of them. He took out his water bottle and took a sip of the blood. He capped it and put it away before entering the advisors office. For the next three hours Hikazu would spend it listening to some lady blabber on about how he would love his classes and how all the girls would just eat his height up. He was starting to get a little tired of it all when she let him off the hook. She giggled to herself and apologized for keeping him so long.

It was free period and Hikazu had missed nearly all his morning classes. He didn't have any afternoon classes so he made his way over to the art room to look through his pictures on his camera and maybe take some more pictures, print some out....who knew. He just wanted some alone time. Some peace and quiet from everything and everyone. Maybe some evil planning to get back at the rude boy from earlier.

@Defective Kitten
Ai was suddenly strung along to the infirmary yet again unable to react. He kind of giggled when she put him on the bed and apologized, dismissing it as he held the tissue to his nose,"Nakami moves so fast it's hard to keep up." His expression seemed cheerful and amused, and if not a bit confused about her haste to leave.

(Sorry it's so small. )
Time had passed by so quickly, Tsukino woke up to the sound of doors slamming in the hallway, it had seemed she had slept her first day of school. Sitting up rather slowly, she rubbed her eye to wake herself up before looking around the room to find herself alone still. Deciding it would be best to spend her time finishing the painting, Tsukino picked herself up from the comfortable bed and walked out of her dorm. Just from her appearance, it was rather obvious she had just woken up.

Making a slow but steady walk to the art room, it seemed the sun was starting to go down and the cool night wind was already starting to pick up. On her way to it seemed that there were some people having a gathering near the bathrooms, they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Party? Continuing on minding her own business, Tsukino made it to the room but there seemed to already be a boy occupying the space. Looking at him with two blinks, she simply stared at him with a dull expression before walking in. The lights were off and the only thing that lit the room was the descending sun through the glass. He didn't seem bothersome or noisy, she could live with it.

Taking out an easel and getting the painting from the cubby, she simply continued with the painting without a sound to the boy. Often taking a glance or two at the boy as she painted but nothing more, his presents didn't bother her but it wasn't any better either. The painting was finally able to take on an imagine, a tree, or to be more precise, a cherry blossom tree.
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As Nakami took away Ambrogio's "prey", his smile was blown to smithereens and he muttered, "Wait...". He was completely infuriated on the inside, but tried to keep a calm appearance. As he was sobbing in his mind after he put the handkerchief back in its pocket, he was thinking "Why... Why would you take away such a perfect catch?! W-well, I don't need him anyway... Plus, I can take hold of him at any time! Why, yes!" Completely distracted by his thoughts, he didn't even notice Hikazu walking by him, what's left for the filthy glare, and Ambrogio continued on his way to the ceremony a few minutes before it had even begun. Yes, he completely ignored Hikazu.

Getting outside in the courtyard, the vampire found his specified place and stood there, listening to the principal's quite detailed speech. At one point, Ambrogio noticed the old man giving him a horrified glance - who knew what the reason was? (Of course, the vampire's parents.) Thus he remained there the entire time, taking notes in a notebook he had taken out from his bag and listening carefully to the man's words with a delighted smirk.

(Hah, none of you got your wished reactions! *evil villain laugh*)

@Edward Valentine @Sunkissed @Magni (tagging you in this just to raise your excitement for nothing xD Ah, how evil and cruel sleepy me is...)

As Kai exits the bathroom, she sees a crowd over by the boys room. It doesn't really interest her though, and she continues on her way to the advisory office. She sees students grouped alog the hallways, giggling and talking. It always seemed like human girls were so carefree and bubbly.

Her train of thought ends when she arrives at the office. A woman talks obnoxiously for almost 15 before actually giving her a schedule and map to find her class. She's missed most of the morning ones already, so she decides to head to the library.​
Hana walked leisurely down the street, the sun shining through the canopy-like trees and the clouds in the distance threatening rain. She had decided to walk to academy today, and though she could have made it in time, she decided it wasn't in her best interest. First days are for introductions and squeal-filled reunions, neither of which she was fond of. The advisor had been more than willing to chat with her on the phone about her schedule and dorm plans.

Though the only thing she needed to consume to keep her body alive was blood, the uncomfortable grumbling still rang through Hana's stomach. After almost 200 years, she still could not understand why she had to perform mundane tasks like eating and sleeping. The things she could accomplish instead of sleeping were endless, but yet if she hasn't consumed any fresh human blood in the last 24 hours or so, her body still demands rest. She walked through the over-dramatic gates of Chishio academy, and in response to the grumbling, made her way towards the dining hall.
Nakami seemed to 'click' with the boy very well. "A-Ai, do you... want to be friends with me? I don't have any yet." She grinned and stood up, opening a window. Suddenly a wasp flew into the room and circled around her head, which causes Nakami to let out an ear-piercing scream (that the whole school could hear... Somehow.) "AHHHHHHHHH! GET IT AWAY, GET IT AWAY!" She picked up a magazine and ran around the room frantically, attempting to swat the wasp with it. It eventually flew out of the room and Nakami shut the window, sitting down on the bed. "D-Don't tell anyone about that, okay?"

Ai's eyes widened a bit and blinked when Nakami asked to be his friend. No one had ever really asked to be his friend. They always assumed. He sat there a moment in silence, the fair skin of his cheeks hazing over a light pink, until Nakami began chasing a wasp around the room frantically. Watching her run about like that only for the wasp to leave sparked laughter into Ai and he tried to stop it, but couldn't. The boy sat there, a light hearted and quiet laugh escaping his chest at the same time as guilt for laughing at her,"I-I'm s-sorry Nakami." He held a hand over his lips to try and stop, eventually removing it and settling down with a sigh of exhaust.

Nakami noticed that his cheeks had turned a light pink colour. She turned away to try and hide her blush too, and put her hands on her skirt as she began to laugh. "Y-Your collar.. It has blood on it." She grabbed a tissue from her bag, the one that had previously hit him, and wiped the blood from his collar. She looked into his eyes and stared at them, causing her cheeks to turn even more red. Nakami sat down and placed the tissue in the bin, looking around the room awkwardly once more. "S-So.. What class do you have next?"

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