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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](The fuck do you mean magical capability? You can't just play it off like that dude. We aren't that dumb.)

(oh well gee dude im sorry but im gonna keep it just minus the fire part as long as im the fastest)
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]"We met in Panama, about three years ago," Jack said. "The Association is a group that polices the supernatural. If it goes bump in the night or does something unnatural, the Association has its eye on it," Mindy said. Jack looked to Red, and said, "They're monster hunters, basically,"

"Ah I see.." Claudine says. So like my mother... Hm.. Its kinda cool how they can keep all this a secret from other humans..
Zee shrieked and hid in the corner.

The man thud dedicated on the floor and grunted, then stood with his fists up, ready to fight.

Uta stood there, lost in the crowd. "Oh dear....I have done it now"
Crowley decided to go after Lyrev. After stopping at a McDonald's, Crowley was at the other mansion with a bag of food in his mouth. He looked over to see that Zeke was sitting in the corner, a leash around his neck and completely naked. After stepping through the broken window and walking to where the boy was, he offered him a hand. "C'mon, kid. Let's get you outta here."

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Lyrev laughed,finding the scene in front of him rather pathetic. He had turned cruel and emotionless as he walked to the man.

"You can't fight me. Just die already and let's finish this."

He jumped forward,grabbing the stranger and hitting his head against the ground repeatedly.

Zeke looked up at Crowley and took his hand, nodding a bit. Zeke had visible bruises all over his body. "T-Thanks" Hentai whispered.

The man eventually died when his head was smashed.
Lyrev felt his little toy go limp in his hands. He let the body go and tried to calm himself with a deep breath,noticing the boy in the room for the first time. The chains and wounds marked him as the slave who sent him the message.

He walked forward,worry in his expression. Rising one hand,he touched one brush in Zeke's face.

"He wounded you...I should bring him back and kill him again."

"No one is ever going to touch you like that again. I promise." Lyrev's voice was boiling with anger as he looked at the boy. He tried to calm down and breathed deeply through his nose. "You are obviously tired and wounded. You're coming with us to our house,okay? I will take care of those wounds."

He held the boy's hands and waited for consent.

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Libra259 said:
"Ah I see.." Claudine says. So like my mother... Hm.. Its kinda cool how they can keep all this a secret from other humans..
"And who the hell are you?" Mindy would ask Red.
"Who the hell am I? Well whose asking? Last I recall I dont have to give my name out if I dont want to." Claudine replies with a chuckle. Her tone wasnt rude or anything though her words were rather rude. She wasn't trying but this girl reminded her of a girl who use to live in her village. They just didn't like her.
Zeke looked at Crowley, then back at Lyrev. He then nodded and walked with him. "I can give you a massage if you want...you are very tense..." He was used to slave work, but now he actually felt like helping.
Lyrev hadn't noticed that his eyes were still black,like they were in his demonic form. His posture also still showed anger. He shook his head,making his eyes go back to their original colours.

No,don't worry about it. We have to take care of you,first."

Lyrev held onto the Crowley and Zeke and suddenly they disappeared,reappearing inside of the house. He walked quickly to one of the cupboards and grabbed a medical pack.

"Sit down in the sofa for me,okay? I will be quick. What is your name?"

Libra259 said:
"Who the hell am I? Well whose asking? Last I recall I dont have to give my name out if I dont want to." Claudine replies with a chuckle. Her tone wasnt rude or anything though her words were rather rude. She wasn't trying but this girl reminded her of a girl who use to live in her village. They just didn't like her.
Mindy frowned. "Last I recall, you were just attacked by a shit ton of ghouls. That killed a lot of people. And it's my job to get the facts, then bury 'em where no one'll look. And that includes your involvement. I need to know exactly who you are, so we can make sure no one can link you to this. There are some crazy people we've got to deal with, you know? If you're not careful, some insane cultist'll try ta sacrifice you,"

Jack would lean down and whisper into her ear. "You don't want the Association as an enemy. I know first hand how dangerous they are. They may be human, but they can go hand to hand with a starving vampire, and win,"

"Zekiel.That is a nice name.I'm Lyrev,demon of mischief and professional hot guy in the spare hours."

Lyrev's eyes sparkled with their old humor. He started to clean Zeke's wounds gently,being careful not to hurt him. When he was done,he quickly disappeared and came back down with a bunch of clothes.

"As much as I don't mind you staying around naked,I don't think that is comfortable. Here,use my clothes. They will be a bit big on you but they will do for now."

"I'm human....and thank you....it's nice to meet you" He grabbed the clothes and pulled them on. Yup, hey were big, way too big. But he was absolutely adorable. He gave a cute smile* " your a funny one"
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]Mindy frowned. "Last I recall, you were just attacked by a shit ton of ghouls. That killed a lot of people. And it's my job to get the facts, then bury 'em where no one'll look. And that includes your involvement. I need to know exactly who you are, so we can make sure no one can link you to this. There are some crazy people we've got to deal with, you know? If you're not careful, some insane cultist'll try ta sacrifice you,"
Jack would lean down and whisper into her ear. "You don't want the Association as an enemy. I know first hand how dangerous they are. They may be human, but they can go hand to hand with a starving vampire, and win,"

"Look my involvement is taken care of so dont worry about that." Claudine sighs. Oh how Claudine wanted to give Jack a look and shout, 'well my mother could do the same using no magic so woop dee do.' Obviously that was rude and she'd rather not be seen as rude but just like everyone else she has things she'd like to stay hidden. She still doesn't trust most of these people. She wasnt going to go around and tell them her name. Claudine wasnt the most well known name and she was certainly not going to give anyone her last name. If someone already knew she was the daughter of the sorceress who created a new subcategory of vampires then other people will be able to too. She'd be screwed if that happened.
Lyrev titled his head lightly,smiling as he noticed how adorable the young human looked in his clothes.

"That will have to do for a while,at least until we can go to town and buy you new clothes. But now..."

He stepped forward and held the chains in his hands,breaking them with ease.

"Now you are not an slave anymore."

"It's all right. No one should ever be chained up."

Lyrev replied to the smile with one of his own. He bit his lower lip for a moment,wondering what else he could do. But he didn't know exactly how to care of a human.

"How about some food? Are you hungry? There must be some human food in the kitchen."

"And my name is Crowley, Grand Duke of Hell." The brit said, taking a bite of his burger. "Oi, keep it in yer pants, Lyrev. We still have to get wasted tonight."
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Rukia said:
"It's all right. No one should ever be chained up."

Lyrev replied to the smile with one of his own. He bit his lower lip for a moment,wondering what else he could do. But he didn't know exactly how to care of a human.

"How about some food? Are you hungry? There must be some human food in the kitchen."

"I bought food for a reason, dipshit." Crowley said as he sipped on his cola.

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