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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)

Zeke shivered in fear as his Master pet him, laughing at something he had no idea. He wasnt allowed to look at the screen. He kept his eyes closed and just laid there quietly.
IkutoForever2222 said:
Uta followed obediently and watched in shock at all the ghouls. He smelt blood everywhere, and slowly started to get dizzy from it.
Mindy turned back to Uta. "You're not gonna go feral on me, are you?" She asked bluntly

Libra259 said:
Claudine quickly got up with a groan and looked at the table she broke. She'd pick up a leg of the table that broke off, it may not do much but its something. She'd smack away any ghouls that came at her. "Thanks mother!" She shouted and headed towards the exit. Oh what was that spell?.. Think! She looked out and groaned. Well she was absolutely useless in a situation like this.
"Are you alright? Were you hurt? What was that?" Jack asked, in rapid succession.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]Mindy turned back to Uta. "You're not gonna go feral on me, are you?" She asked bluntly
"Are you alright? Were you hurt? What was that?" Jack asked, in rapid succession.

"I have no idea but i know it had to do with my mother and its probably magic. Im fine, no I- behind you!" She'd smack the ghoul that lunged at Jack and sigh. It was like.. Um.. Oh I got it! But I dont think I can do it. Worth a shot though..
Most of the ghouls had been defeated by now. Lyrev stepped in the head of one of them,blood all over his dark suit. Pulling the note from his pocket,he went back to his original task.

Every slaver that crossed his path died slowly and painfully. This one wouldn't be much different. Walking out of the restaurant,he kicked a few bodies out of his way. His form disappeared in thin air,materializing in front of the address mentioned in the note.

The demon could smell vampires inside. Growling,Lyrev decided to go for the dramatic approach. He jumped through the window,making a loud noise and glass fly everywhere.

"I AM VERY...annoyed.I'm going to taste blood tonight." His voice was dangerously low.

IkutoForever2222 said:
Uta smacked his face. "nope....perfectly sane" Though he ended up plugging his nose. "im good" He said in a funny voice.
"C'mon then," She said. She would run over to the resturant, killing any ghoul that got close. She witnessed several staff members killing ghouls using claws. Vampires. But sane ones. She walked up to the head waiter. "What the hell happened here?" The russian glowered at her and said, "None of yoir bussiness," she crossed her arms. "It's the business of the Association," the russian swore in his native tongue. "Ghouls attacked. That's all we know. Go ask the ones that were eating,"
Zeke jumped off his masters lap, of course naked, but that was because he was lik an animal. His master thinks pets dont need clothes.

The Master stood up angrily. "who are you?!"

Uta followed behind her.

Libra259 said:
"I have no idea but i know it had to do with my mother and its probably magic. Im fine, no I- behind you!" She'd smack the ghoul that lunged at Jack and sigh. It was like.. Um.. Oh I got it! But I dont think I can do it. Worth a shot though..
Jack would leap atop it, and decapitate the monster. He got back up, and would begin to lead Red out of the resturant. As they would exit, Mindy would see them. "Stop! Official Association agent!" she shouted, pointing her pistol at the two. After a moment, she'd lower the gun. "Jacques?" she said. "Mindy?"

@IkutoForever2222 @Libra259
-Theo since that Jack was in danger , but also there was someone stronger Jack and physically stronger than him.A thing he had not ever felt yet , an thus he rose from the floor of the basement , aproached the door with only anger a hot wash of anger , it was if he was now even stronger even though it already seemed nothing could keep Theo caged not even the titanium reinforced door to the basement, theo cut through it with his arms like a hot knife.. through butter he then walke outside untill he was about twenty feet away from the house he then kneeled to a running stance -" If i cant fly, atleast im fucking fast" @Gabriel97 @Dalamus Ulom
Lyrev growled loudly as he stepped forward towards the man. His eyes were completely black. He usually would have noticed the man standing naked in the room,but now all of his hate was turned to one point.

"I am the demon that will end your life,little bitch."

He launched himself forward,grabbing the man and tossing him across the room.

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Libra259 said:
Claudine stood there with a raised eyebrow. "You two know each other? And official association agent?" She asked confused. What the hell is happening?!?
"We met in Panama, about three years ago," Jack said. "The Association is a group that polices the supernatural. If it goes bump in the night or does something unnatural, the Association has its eye on it," Mindy said. Jack looked to Red, and said, "They're monster hunters, basically,"
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer](Nue.. I has no one to RP with.)

(I mean I'm making a new character if you can wait a bit and my computer can quit shutting off)
Dragasis said:
-he began to run and ran so fast the oxygen in the air was ignited causing a trail of burt grass he also made it to the town in three seconds and stopped perfectly infront of the resturant he was on fire, he kicked the door down and walked into the back room catching the creature that was thrown- @Rukia @Dalamus Ulom @Libra259 @IkutoForever2222
(What? Okay, besides the fact that that is the most OP post I've ever seen, you do know that @Rukia and @IkutoForever2222 are not in the restaurant, right?)
Dragasis said:
-he began to run and ran so fast the oxygen in the air was ignited causing a trail of burt grass he also made it to the town in three seconds and stopped perfectly infront of the resturant he was on fire, he kicked the door down and walked into the back room catching the creature that was thrown- @Rukia @Dalamus Ulom @Libra259 @IkutoForever2222
(Jack, Mindy, and Red are outside)
Dragasis said:
Im exchanging any magic or flight capability for raw physical strength
(The fuck do you mean magical capability? You can't just play it off like that dude. We aren't that dumb.)

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