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Fantasy Blood Rose at Midnight (Always accepting! Vampire rp!)


Alucard was sitting on a little throne in the middle of a huge hall, with cobblestone walls and a huge chandelier hanging from the roof. There was a little table near the throne with a glass of red wine on it. He was smoking a cigar, a Cuban Cigar. He would look left at a blond, tall-standing girl. He would nod at her, saying: "Seras, go check outside." The girl would go outside, taking a huge rifle. (THis girl will be @Birdsie if he wants the place). He would lift a hand, and a little swarm of ghouls would begin to slowly drag itself towards the...restaurant the date was going on in. He was informed that more vampires were there, and it was his pleasure to annihilate them. He would begin to laugh maniacally as he saw trough the eyes of a little bat, observing the scene at the restaurant.

@Libra259 @IkutoForever2222 @Rukia
The bat flopped on the ground till it was able to regain its balance.

Uta covered his mouth in shock. "oh my....yes i understand....i will do anything to help you" He was a pretty good guy, he makes sure he takes little from his victims.
Rukia said:
Lyrev turned to Claudine and Jack as he noticed their presence. Smiling brightly,he waved to them both.

"I love double dates!"

He turned his attention back to Crowley with a smirk.

"You look great,but no news in that. Wine sounds good."


"Okay first off, this isn't a date." The Brit said, as he sat in his chair and poured himself a drink. "I have a boyfriend, you know. We are simply here as friends. Friends with benefits, maybe. But not a date."
Libra259 said:
"Honestly im not sure.. Theres way to many items on this menu.." Claudine replies. She was never 'high maintenance' or anything like that. She prefered the simple things in life.
Libra259 said:
Claudine heard something suddenly hit into the window. She quickly looked over to see what it was and saw only a blackish brown blur. So she curiously gets up and walks towards the window.
Jack was about to respond when the bat hit the window. He would follow Red over to look
Lyrev pushed himself up,startled at the sound. He quickly walked over to the window and noticed the bat.

"Hey little boy. What happened?"

Holding him gently,he pulled the note to his hands and read it with a frown. All the expression in his face suddenly disappeared as he looked at the words.

Lyrev hated slavers.

"Crowley...this date will have to wait a bit. I need to kill somebody."

@Safety Hammer @IkutoForever2222
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Gabriel97 said:
Alucard was sitting on a little throne in the middle of a huge hall, with cobblestone walls and a huge chandelier hanging from the roof. There was a little table near the throne with a glass of red wine on it. He was smoking a cigar, a Cuban Cigar. He would look left at a blond, tall-standing girl. He would nod at her, saying: "Seras, go check outside." The girl would go outside, taking a huge rifle. (THis girl will be @Birdsie if he wants the place). He would lift a hand, and a little swarm of ghouls would begin to slowly drag itself towards the...restaurant the date was going on in. He was informed that more vampires were there, and it was his pleasure to annihilate them. He would begin to laugh maniacally as he saw trough the eyes of a little bat, observing the scene at the restaurant.

@Libra259 @IkutoForever2222 @Rukia
Claudine sensed quite a few presences coming towards the restaurant. She looked out of the window to see a bat on the ground making whimpering like noises. She wonders what was coming and also why a bat hit the window.

@everyone else in the restaurant
Rukia said:
Lyrev pushed himself up,startled at the sound. He quickly walked over to the window and noticed the bat.

"Hey little boy. What happened?"

Holding him gently,he pulled the note to his hands and read it with a frown. All the expression in his face suddenly disappeared as he looked at the words.

Lyrev hated slavers.

"Crowley...this date will have to wait a bit. I need to kill somebody."

@Safety Hammer @IkutoForever2222
"It's not a date!" Crowley said, as he grumpily drank his wine.
The Swarm of Ghouls

The swarm would break in the restaurant really quickly, attacking whoever was in the room, but standing aside from the group of vampires. They were devouring everyone they saw, the devoured people slowly got up as ghouls, too. Half of them would get out, attacking the people outside, the other half remained in the restaurant, attacking the staff and devouring them.


"Friends have dates too,jeez. I don't wanna steal you from your boyfriend. I don't do boyfriends." Lyrev rolled his eyes and took another glance at the paper in his hands.

He growled with annoyance as a swarm of ghouls suddenly invaded the restaurant.

"I hate America."

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Gabriel97 said:
Alucard was sitting on a little throne in the middle of a huge hall, with cobblestone walls and a huge chandelier hanging from the roof. There was a little table near the throne with a glass of red wine on it. He was smoking a cigar, a Cuban Cigar. He would look left at a blond, tall-standing girl. He would nod at her, saying: "Seras, go check outside." The girl would go outside, taking a huge rifle. (THis girl will be @Birdsie if he wants the place). He would lift a hand, and a little swarm of ghouls would begin to slowly drag itself towards the...restaurant the date was going on in. He was informed that more vampires were there, and it was his pleasure to annihilate them. He would begin to laugh maniacally as he saw trough the eyes of a little bat, observing the scene at the restaurant.

@Libra259 @IkutoForever2222 @Rukia
(You ruin my date, then have the nerve to go and not even mention me? Jeez Louise!)

Rukia said:
Lyrev pushed himself up,startled at the sound. He quickly walked over to the window and noticed the bat.

"Hey little boy. What happened?"

Holding him gently,he pulled the note to his hands and read it with a frown. All the expression in his face suddenly disappeared as he looked at the words.

Lyrev hated slavers.

"Crowley...this date will have to wait a bit. I need to kill somebody."

@Safety Hammer @IkutoForever2222
"What happened?" Jack asked. He felt multiple presences coming towards the Bistro. They felt... Off. He walked over to the kitchen door, and shouted something in Russian. The head waiter could be heard shouting in russian at the poeple in the kitchen. Jack came back. "Red. I believe our date is going to be ruined,"

@Libra259 @Safety Hammer @Rukia
Gabriel97 said:
The Swarm of Ghouls
The swarm would break in the restaurant really quickly, attacking whoever was in the room, but standing aside from the group of vampires. They were devouring everyone they saw, the devoured people slowly got up as ghouls, too. Half of them would get out, attacking the people outside, the other half remained in the restaurant, attacking the staff and devouring them.


The staff were vampires, and began totdefend the resturant. Jack would attack any ghoul that tried to get near Red, killing them instantly with his claws
Gabriel97 said:
The Swarm of Ghouls
The swarm would break in the restaurant really quickly, attacking whoever was in the room, but standing aside from the group of vampires. They were devouring everyone they saw, the devoured people slowly got up as ghouls, too. Half of them would get out, attacking the people outside, the other half remained in the restaurant, attacking the staff and devouring them.


"Aw, motherFUCKER!" Crowley yelled as he accidentally smashed his wine glass in his hand. His eyes and hair went completely black and his skin turned red. "I HAVEN'T EATEN IN A FUCKING WEEK, AND THE ONE TIME I FINALLY BOOK RESERVATIONS, ORDER SOME FUCKING FOOD, AND DRINK A GLASS OF PINOT NOIR, THIS HAPPENS?!!! I'M FUCKING DONE!" Crowley flipped the table and made his way to the ghouls.
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The Swarm Of Ghouls

The swarm would be getting quickly decimated by Jack, but even more got in the restaurant, attacking the small group of vampires, and Red.

Five of them got on her, trying to bite her neck. The other half was roaming free in the town, devouring other people.
Lyrev was being...well. He was being Lyrev. He drank calmly from his wine glass until a ghoul actually came close to him. He rolled his eyes and smashed his hand against the thing's face,making it explode.

"AND I'M NOT EVEN A FUCKING VAMPIRE!!!" Crowley shouted, as he grabbed a ghoul by the skull and the jaw, before ripping it down the middle.
Claudine just stood there in disgust as the ghouls would eat basically everyone there. The feeling that she was also a human did not help the already alarming feeling developing in her stomach. She was thankful Jack got the ghouls away and she could help if she had a damn weapon. Which she unfortunately didnt have since she wasnt gonna bring a gun to a date. "Yeah definitely.. Sorry about that.." She as god knows how many ghouls tackled her to the ground. She'd thrash around then shout, a wave a white light emits off her hands sending the ghouls flying and sending herself into a table. @Anyone in the resturant
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"AND I'M NOT EVEN A FUCKING VAMPIRE!!!" Crowley shouted, as he grabbed a ghoul by the skull and the jaw, before ripping it down the middle.

The Swarm Of Ghoul

The swarm was nearly annihilated, but the entire swarm (outside's too) got in, and started attacking people inside. A voice can be heard coming from one of them: "Hellsing's Mansion, you pitiful creatures."

Afterwards, the speaking ghoul exploded in a splat of blood.
Zeke brought the wine to his master. "Here you go sir" He made sure he kept his head bowed. The master yanked his chain and Zeke fell onto his lap, the was being pet like a dog.

The bat let out a shriek and flew off back to the mansion where Zeke was.
Gabriel97 said:
The Swarm Of Ghouls
The swarm would be getting quickly decimated by Jack, but even more got in the restaurant, attacking the small group of vampires, and Red.

Five of them got on her, trying to bite her neck. The other half was roaming free in the town, devouring other people.
The staff quickly killed most of the remaining ghouls, and would begin killing ones out in the town.

Jack became enraged, pucking up all five of the ghouls. He smashed them down and clawed them to death, and continued to calw them until he was finally out of breath.

IkutoForever2222 said:
The bat flopped on the ground till it was able to regain its balance.
Uta covered his mouth in shock. "oh my....yes i understand....i will do anything to help you" He was a pretty good guy, he makes sure he takes little from his victims.
"Good," Mindy said. She heared screaming outside. Pulling out her pistol, she would wave for Uta to follow her. "C'mon. I hear something." She said as she exited the small mask shop. She saw a shit ton of ghouls coming out of some fancy ass resturant. She shot one in the head before moving towards them.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]The staff quickly killed most of the remaining ghouls, and would begin killing ones out in the town.
Jack became enraged, pucking up all five of the ghouls. He smashed them down and clawed them to death, and continued to calw them until he was finally out of breath.

"Good," Mindy said. She heared screaming outside. Pulling out her pistol, she would wave for Uta to follow her. "C'mon. I hear something." She said as she exited the small mask shop. She saw a shit ton of ghouls coming out of some fancy ass resturant. She shot one in the head before moving towards them.

Uta followed obediently and watched in shock at all the ghouls. He smelt blood everywhere, and slowly started to get dizzy from it.
Val wandered put of the kitchen, on a mission for dry clothes. But, all her clothes were in the laundry room. "Damn it," She muttered.

Lyrev was still trying to decide whether he was annoyed or just bored as he kept punching and kicking ghouls out of his way.

"Vampires are so dramatic. Hellsing mansion? Seriously?"

Blood spattered in his clothes and he just seemed pissed.
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Claudine quickly got up with a groan and looked at the table she broke. She'd pick up a leg of the table that broke off, it may not do much but its something. She'd smack away any ghouls that came at her. "Thanks mother!" She shouted and headed towards the exit. Oh what was that spell?.. Think! She looked out and groaned. Well she was absolutely useless in a situation like this.

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