Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi had fully released the sun upon his back and now it was high in the air, above all of the combatants. He felt the power of Suzaku recharging his own power. Just as he looked back up at Kaizen, he seen him basically faceplant upon the ground and blast a cero point blank.

“What a loser.” Riyoshi spoke out as he chuckled slightly.

Just as he finished his sentence, he felt a presence next to him, but his reaction speed was not near high enough to attack the figure. Just as his eyes met up with the location, the being was gone. A startled look shot across his face as he tried to get his defense up, but as he was about to move, he felt claws ripping through his skin. As the gashes opened up across his body, crimson light began to emit from the wounds. The wounds were not healing fast enough to counter the attack speed, but they were healing nonetheless.

Riyoshi, get your shit together. Just because we are helping out, does not mean that you can take all the punishment you want. We can only do so much. Ryujin yelled out as he punched Riyoshi in the arm.

He is right young master. You are going to need to get some distance from whatever is hitting you and get closer to me. Suzaku spoke out as he took in a deep breath.

Snapping back into reality, Riyoshi tried to time the attacks, so when he was not getting attacked, he would make a break for it and head straight above them. In between the latest attacks, Riyoshi leaped into the air, blood pouring from the last wounds as Suzaku was no longer healing Riyoshi.
Itsuki was shocked as Grimmjow quickly disappeared and reappeared countering Kaizen's attack. This speed was unparalleled. But before Itsuki could make another thought, Riyoshi was struck and wounded mortally as well. Itsuki that to himself that perhaps that Hado would not be appropriate and cancelled the incantation. Pointing his shikai at Grimmjow, and quickly said another Bakudo: "Bakudo No. 63! Sajosakubu!" Bright chains appeared from Itsuki's blade and whipped through the air towards Grimmjow. Normally physical strength alone isnt enough to break it, but Grimmjow was a force to reckoned with and Itsuki doubt it would hold him. If it granted the others a few seconds to recover, then it would be worth it.
Kishi's eyes widened in shock, barely able to claw at her face, her mask appearing quickly ass she was blown back from the force of cero, landing on her side, twisting her arm painfully beneath her. The teen pushed herself up with the arm that was twisted beneath her, wincing as she took in her scorched lower legs and her fingertips Currently gold eyes looked around, trying to locate her friends.

"Guys.." The teen forced herself on her feet, healing quickly from the burns on her skin, the skin rehealing pure white like a hollows. Instinctively her blades came to her hand, ice and fire respectively, as she noticed two of her comrades fallen already. "Bastard..." She felt a fleeting panic in her chest, as she laid eyes on Riyoshi., he was her friend, and they'd been through some crap together but he couldn't... He was up, like an idiot again though, so there was something to be said there.

"Itsuki, take care of Yama's brat!" But she was planning on taking advantage of Grimmjow's momentary immobility, no matter how brief it may be, and raised her hands together as if casting a kido towards Grimmjow. 'Riyoshi better get out of the way here...' "Shimono Nenshou!" A concentrated blast of ice and fire, swirled together, headed towards the prone arrancar.
Kaizen was unpleasantly surprised by Grimmjow's speed as he was suddenly faceplanting into the ground making the cero blow up in his face and the area around him. He scraped himself off of the ground the left side of his mask cracked off. His ears were ringing from the blast but he still managed to hear the kid yell to Itsuki to " take care of Yama's brat." He gritted his teeth and slammed his fist into the ground unknowingly letting off an explosion of his energy. It burst straight up in a pillar leveling out the ground around him. He stepped out of the dust he kicked up, his mask fully reformed and his power radiating off him. "Stay where you are Itsuki, and kid its a hundred years too early for you to call me a brat." He held his sword on a strong grip with his right hand and lifted his left one up palm forward and his fingers together. He was about to use one of the few kido that he bothered to learn. " Hado

Number 88 Hiryu Gekizoku shinten raiho!" The bright blue beam raced forward just behind Kishi's blast. Kaizen was beyond pissed even if he missed he didn't care he would ride off as many as possible to just hit him.

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As Itsuki's attack shot towards Riyoshi, the slashes stopped at Riyoshi giving him a brief second as Itsuki's spell just flew through the air and away, as he couldn't even see Grimmjow. Kishi and Kaizen's attacks followed in suit as they just flew through afterimages of Grimmjow.

"Stop attacking you fools! There is no point in attacking when you can't even see him! We need someway to keep up with pure speed or we won't even be able to defend, let alone attack!"

How could they be so foolish as to attack something they couldn't see, just guessing he was there. If they could barely seem him, did they really think they could hit him. Torres tried desperately to try adjust his eyes to Grimmjow's new speed, but it was incredible what new levels of agility and acceleration. He tried to focus but could only catched quick and random glimpses of Grimmjow's after images. How in the world had he achieved such velocity?!

As fast their attacks flew into air, little green crystalline structures shot into Torres, Kishi, Kaizen and Itsuki. They were in fact his Garra de la Pantera, and while small, they were incredible devastating as Grimmjow had once demonstrated to Ichigo they could easily destroy entire skyscrapers with ease. So as soon as they collide with the four, the resulting explosions would be fierce and overwhelming. Riyoshi would soon feel the slashes resuming on his chest from the opponent he could barely see, having only given him a five second reprieve.

Torres was sent flying back from the Garra as he skid through the air, out the explosion as blood poured out his mouth and he had to use his scarf to stop his recoil or at least slow it down to skid himself to a halt as he coughed up more. Not only speed, but he could deliver such powerful attacks with ease. He collapsed onto one arm, as it stood if they kept up their current plan of attack Grimmjow would kill them easily.
As he leaped into the air, Riyoshi felt the attacks subside from his flesh. Blood poured from his wounds and from his mouth as he kept ascending towards the giant sun in the sky he created earlier.

One Riyoshi thought as he brought his left hand up to his chest.

The wounds upon his chest was severe as Grimmjow’s claws were basically turning his flesh into ribbons.

Two Riyoshi continued to count as he headed from the ground.

He was now 15 feet above grimmjow, or at least where he thought he might have been.

Three Riyoshi counted as his eyes began to close as his speed began to slow down.

Four Riyoshi thought as he was now almost stopped in the air.

Five Riyoshi thought as his right hand reached out for the sun.

He was halfway to the giant sun he created when he felt the claws beginning to tear into his flesh once again. He was not going to make it out of this alive if he did not get closer to the sun. As the claws dug into his chest once again, he was snapped back into reality as the shear amount of pain was enough to basically wake the dead, Riyoshi took in a breath and as he was seeing the after images of Grimmjow circling him, he let out a phrase he was hoping that he would not have to mutter again.

“Dissolve the barriers of life and death, Ryujin!” Riyoshi spoke out as his left arm began to gather a liquid substance upon the skin.

Soon the liquid would shoot out from his arm and cover Riyoshi’s body. This liquid was no ordinary liquid, but more of an acidic nature. This power was going to stop his wounds from bleeding and hopefully damage anything attacking him.

His right hand that held his white hot blade came down and he tried to hit Grimmjow. He was trying to basically get some more distance into the air and closer to the sun. His power was increasing the closer he got to the sun, but he was still not as close as he wanted to be.
Itsuki cursed to himself as Grimmjow quickly dodged his Kido. The Hallow had gained unparalleled speed. He noticed the green shards fly towards and barely had enough time to create Bakudo shield (Enkosen) but it soon shattered from the explosion. Itsuki got flown back from the blast, not terribly inquired but he was quite battered. He groggily got up, his face wincing with pain. Itsuki looked around for the others. Torres, Riyoshi and Kishi all had their healing abilities, and Itsuki was sure they could manage. However he did not know if Kaizen could heal himself adequately from the shard attacks. He looked around for Kaizen and wondered if he needed aid.
Kaizen was driven back bythe force of the shards, he had managed to raise his sword quick enough to block two but missed one that found its home in his shoulder. He bit back the pain and reserved into the wound pulling the sharp little thing out, his head turned in the direction they came from. He growled a very bad sign, the anger was getting the better of him and his hollow was taking the opportunity to pitch in. It was rare when Kaizen and his hollow aged but as the breaking came to awareness they shared a thought, " Crush the enemy kill each other later." Kai's awareness sharpened and he was able to follow Grimmjows movements better, tuning out old after images and following his newest. He watched for a pattern but became frustrated when he couldn't find one. " How can we crush him when we can't even SEE him!"

At that moment words his grandfather said ringing in his head, his vision slipped into memory seeing the familiar walls of his grandfather's home. The courtyard to be exact a place where Kaizen the majority of his training time. Yama's harsh tone in his ear. " Boy! do not strike blindly at what you can only see. Strike at what you feel strike at the very core of your opponent." Kaizens voice took a whiny tone. " But how can it be a blind strike if I CAN see? That doesn't make sense. And what CORE?" That comment earned him a hard whack on his head from the head captains stick the captain there and gone before the young man could react."Use your skills boy! Feel your enemy, find his core and strike at that. You know but you don't do it. Find me. " At the time Kaizen hated training with the geezer the constant disapproval and berating made him feel worthless but also drive build to be better, just to finally shut the old coot up. Kaizen did as his grandfather said and concentrated searching for his enemy reaching for his presence and striking at his core.

"In the memory his blade was at Yama's throat surprising even the head captain. In the present he had tried to aim his blade level with Grimmjow's chest, but behind him. He would MAKE Grimmjow work for his victory."
Grimmjow just continued attacking as Riyoshi did his little counting until the liquid suddenly swirled around Riyoshi. Grimmjow immediately retracted his claws seeing they now smoked from scratching the liquid which was burning them. He growled, the Shinigami was foolish if he thought that would stop him.

Suddenly he was shocked by a new burst of speed, by the other Shinigami which had appeared behind, but he immediately swept to the side in mid-air as he turned to growl at the boy as he suddenly felt blood drip along his back, the boy had actually cut him. Now he was going to show them. He shot out his arm grabbing Kaizen's face, his speed was still more than they were ready for as he threw Kaizen into Riyoshi. He was curious if Riyoshi's new acidic liquid would as effective against the other Shinigami.

Torres turned to Kishi and jumped towards her.

"Kishi, I don't have enough power to beat him and we need to slow him down. I need to borrow your power."

It was obvious was he meant, just like what he had done with Riyoshi. It was time to borrow Kishi's power and element.
Kishi's eyes widened as she was struck with Grimmjow's attack, gritting her teeth at the pain, not having reacted quickly enough to create a barrier or to dodge it. She was bleeding profusely from her shoulder, above her heart, and from her abdomen. She watched as the others dealt with the attacks, in varying degrees, as her hollow powers took over, white bubbling from her wounds and sealing them over once more. The teen grimaced, leaving a moment for herself to worry over Itsuki before she noticed he was alright, if a bit battered.

Gold eyes flicked towards Torres, surprised at his approach, only having really been paying attention to Grimmjow's energy at that moment, "Oh...Yeah. yeah, okay." Her eyes set, ready to do this.

(( Short post for the now, I know. Tbh, I am ridiculously busy, but spring break starts up after tomorrow, more free time then. And Pyo, do your thing,. ))
Within a second of the next barrage of attacks, the liquid had actually made Grimmjow stop attacking, but his attack had accomplished nothing. Oh well, It had made an opening that Kaizen took advantage of, and Riyoshi was happy about it. Just as he seen the shinigami appear, Grimmjow was soon throwing the man upon him and his acid coated skin. Releasing his white blade, it soon dissipated into the air and made a small but effective flame wall. These flames would not burn Kaizen, but act more like a brick wall.

“Kaizen, i need some time. Do you think that you can keep him off of me and allow me to get to the giant sun up there?” Riyoshi asked as he pointed his hollowfied arm up to the sun he created.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi was prepared for anything that Grimmjow was about to throw at them. He was hoping if anything, Kaizen would be able to keep grimmjow occupied for the next six seconds at least.
Kaizen was glad for the stop he felt that the acid wouldn't be very good for him. After slamming into the flame wall he couldn't tell if he wasn't being burned due to the intentions of his ally or because of the resistance to flames gained by being hit with ryujin jakka repeatedly. He turned his head Glancing backwards at Riyoshi nodding, "I'll do my best."

He looked forward his eyes getting that glazed over look of someone who wasn't paying attention, when really he was just tracking Grimmjow's spiritual pressure, finding it easier to lock on to. He Flashstepped behind Grimmjow again his sword raised and swirling with his power. It formed a claw yet again but with his mask on the mass of energy had doubled in size the claws looking more solid and quite sharp. "Terror Claw!!!" He swung and the claw kept pace moving at a blinding speed.
"Ok, but it will hurt..." Torres nodded as he then warned Kishi, his tail scarf slowly lifting up like a snake preparing to strike as it shot forward just as fast and jabbed into her shoulder. Piercing through the skin as blood dripped down, he didn't strike any internal organs, only the shoulder. As the pain throbbed along the dripping blood, Kishi could feel her energy draining like she was getting more tired and weak. He was literally sucking away her reiatsu.

Grimmjow flew forward to counter Kaizen's attack, as he latched on to him as he grabbed Kaizen's arms, allowing the claws to tear into him as they began to cut into his skin, but not doing nearly enough damage as they should. His hardened skin, the Resureccion had enhanced it, as strong as it had been before, it was even more powerful now. He wasn't just fast, but damaging him would take an enormous amount of power.

"Your Shikai is not enough to damage me, while your mask has given you enough speed to somewhat follow me, it doesn't give you enough power to pierce my armor fully. You cannot hurt with me those worthless claws of yours. Let me show you real claws!" He growled as he dug his claws into Kaizen's wrists where he was holding him, tearing through the flesh and slowly cutting into vital arteries. He was literally slitting his wrists, if Kaizen didn't find some way to remove his arms from Grimmjow's grasp, he would bleed to death.

Furthermore, Grimmjow's speed during their collision had forced them to go up, not down and they were heading back into Riyoshi's firewall as Grimmjow smashed Kaizen into the wall, trying to crush his body against it like one would an actual wall as he pushed harder trying to squash him like a grape. If Riyoshi was foolish enough to dissippate the wall as Grimmjow expected, then both of them would just go flying forward and collide into Riyoshi, an unwanted result for Riyoshi. Grimmjow was fighting clever, making sure to consider all his enemies at once. Despite being outnumbered, he was still able to fight all of them effectively and come up with counters for each of their moves. A definite improvement from original, purely untactile fight with Ichigo from those days long past.

(Hope I'm doing ok playing Grimmjow, also Kaizen, you won't get too far with only a Shikai against Grimmjow in Ressureccion. If you wanna fight on equal footing or surpass him, your gonna need your Bankai)
Kaizen grinned wickedly, releasing his mask to look Grimmjow dead in his eyes. "I think you have greatly underestimated me, espada." Kaizen's reishi swirled around the both of them creating a funnel around the both of them. Normally he would have to save up for a few moments to gain this much but this was special, Kaizen flicked his wrists with incredible speed dislodging Grimmjow's claws and wrapping his free hand around Grimmjow's wrist. He pulled his feet up placing them against the wall, then surged forward using his reiatsu to help push Grimmjow down, they rocketed downward in a twister of Kaizen's energy slamming down hard creating a crater. kaizen's voice rang out smooth and strong, much like a young Genryuusai, "Bankai."

Immediately the ground under them shattered, a pillar of Kaizen's black reishi rose around them expanding and morphing until it resembled a massive thickly armored dragon, at the base of it's spine it disappeared into the ground. Kaizen stood with Grimmjow still tightly in his grip. An extended ribcage formed around them like a cage The ribs were solid but flowed as Kaizen's energy moved through the dragon. "Kohai Jigoku Doragon. This is my bankai, a visage of my zanpakuto's true form." He looked up through the swirling mass all the way up to the head, he could more than just see it, his senses were sharpened he could picture in his mind what the dragon was seeing, hear what it heard, and feel what it felt. When Kaizen activated it gave his zanpakuto's awareness a physical form outside of his innerworld. Jigoku loomed over the group, the same size as Komamura's Tenken.

Kaizen released Grimmjow's wrist his sword arm whipping up but instead of cutting, Kaizen simply punched the arrancar in his stomach with enough force to drive him out of Jigoku's body. The reishi that made the ribs opened to let him through before solidifying again. Kaizen stepped through almost like he was blending back into the world outside of the dragon's body. He raised a new sword at the arrancar's chest, it was a blade that had a single edge with a serrated section towards the middle, and a sharp, smooth edge near the tip. He looked at Grimmjow. "You ready to start this for real?" kaizen's body had healed quickly the scorch marks were faded and the cuts just thin lines on his body. (Jigoku
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Grimmjow smirked as he skidded to a halt after being kicked out of the dragon's body with a large smile on his face.

"Finally your actually a decent opponent and not an annoying speck. At least you got to show some real power before you died. Yes, let's start this for real!"

He grumbled as he bit down hard on his teeth causing his gums to bleed as they trickled down his teeth into his throat as he opened his throat to roar, while simultaneously forming a Gran Ray Cero.

"Cero Rugido!" He let loose a massive energy sonic roar laced with incredibly powerful blue Cero energy that blasted forward destroying the ground in front of it as shot towards Kaizen and his dragon destroying everything in his path. While the dragon may survive, if Kaizen took it head on he would most likely die.
Itsuki finally crawled out of the rubble. His muscles were bruised and tired from the earlier attack but had recovered quickly. Observing the battle he noticed that Torres was siphoning power from Kishi, Riyoshi was preparing for a powerful attack, and Kaizen had released his bankai with a large powerful beast at his control. Itsuki saw a large and lethal cero launched by Grimmjow towards Kaizen. Itsuki quickly raises his sword and with his Shirai empowerment shouts "Kigai No Jomon!" Green hexagons materialize in front of the attack and form a strong turtle-shaped, hexagonal shield. Itsuki hopes that would protect Kaizen from most of the cero's blast before shunpoing away to Kishi and Torres. He would imagine Kishi would be tired after he absorbed some of her power. It did look painful as well.
Kaizen was taken aback by the force of the cero, combined with the roar. He had a feeling if he let it hit him that he would indeed die, he was about to use Jigoku's hand to defend when green hexagons appeared in front of him, He knew it must be from Itsuki and made a mental note to thank him. just in case the shield didn't hold up he stepped inside Jigoku's ribcage knowing that the sheer amount of reishi that was concentrated in each section of Jigoku would be enough to hold up against even the most powerful attacks, unless this espada was stronger than the geezer. Kaizen decided to counter with a move of his own he held up his sword pointing at Grimmjoww and instantly his dragon moved, it's left arm flying forward claws stretched forward to skewer Grimmjow, it was in fact Kaizen's move "Terror claw" but since he was in bankai all three moves he could currently use were at his disposal whenever Jigoku moved. Jigoku's movements were surprisingly swift moving much faster than any being it's size should. Kaizen knew that even if his opponent could block his attack at full strength he could reuse it as easily as moving his own body. "This just became very interesting."
Sensing that Kaizen was able to handle Grimmjow, Riyoshi arrived in front of the giant sun. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi brought up his left hand and placed it upon the fiery surface. A section of sun opened up and Riyoshi walked into the sun.

“All right guys, lets supercharge this battle.” Riyoshi spoke out loud within the sun.

The sun began to get brighter as the flames radiated from it and upon the battlefield. The flames were not hot, but had a healing essence to them. The flames radiated for ten seconds before retracting back into the sun, before the entire sun vanished from sight. Standing in the spot that the sun once stood, Riyoshi was not in flame while staring at the giant dragon fighting Grimmjow. Taking a step, his reiatsu began to burn the air around him.

( )
Kishi grit her teeth, ignoring the pull of her strength and power. Torres could probably use it better then she could anyway. As he pulled at her power, her ban kai disappeared, her shikai appearing once more in her hands. She was trying to force herself not to reject Torres's power through his scarf, her hollow side reacting violently to another presence attempting to syphon away her power. Her eyes faded once more to the dual color they had been earlier, and she blinked as suddenly Itsuki was next to them.

For the moment, she ignored him, focusing once more on the fight with Grimmjow. Kaizen's ban kai was impressive, she would admit, and it looked like Riyoshi was pulling out the big guns so to speak as well now. Her feet dug into the ground, eyes squinting in the after shock of Grimmjow's cero. Well... The teen hoped Torres would be done soon so she could heal herself once more and get back into the damned fight. Sitting here was driving her insane, and she was starting to get antsy.
Torres new type of Cero smashed into Itsuki's shield as a horrible screeching sound was heard as it blasted against the hexagons, brightly light screeching against it as the ear-splitting sound continued, seemingly unable to penetrate until it suddenly smashed through the wall heading for Kaizen as it smashed into his Bankai's chest, sending the creature back a little, but thanks to Itsuki's shield having lost the majority of it's strength and devastating power. Thus making it only a minor pain to the massive Bankai.

Then the dragon's huge claw came flying towards Grimmjow as he growled, opting for some insane reason not to dodge as he caught the giant claw with his bare claws and dug his feet into the ground, his claws digging into the broken ground as he was managing to hold the giant claw in place despite it's size eclipsing him. He seemed unable to push it away, but was still more than strong enough to hold this claw with it's flowing reiatsu at bay thanks to diamond hard Hierro skin.

Meanwhile the energy flowed out of Kishi as Torres was forced to remove the blade before he drained her completely and killed her. Suddenly his body glowed with her energy as his blades suddenly began to spike as one began to glow with flame and the other began to freeze over with ice. Ribbons began to unwind from the back of them much like her blades. As he continued to glow with their combined reiatsu, now having access to ice and fire elementals.
Itsuki sighed relief as the Kaizen's bankai withstood the weakened cero. He looked towards Riyoshi and felt the healing essence of the sun envelope him. It felt nice and rejuvenated some of his energy. Such great power within the participants battling. Grimmjow with his ultra-strength and diamond Hierro was almost unparalleled. The grandson of the first commander had incredible power as well. Torres was becoming just as powerful by absorbing some of Kishi's power, and Riyoshi had already brought out "the big guns." The amount of reiatsu released could be quite bothersome to a regular human being. Itsuki saw Torres finish siphoning power and Kishi was weakening. Itsuki immediately started healing her and replenishing her reishi. (I going to be gone for an entire week and won't be able to post. Sorry. If you would like to use Itsuki, or throw him out the way, feel free to do so. Same thing goes for your RP too Pyro.)
Riyoshi clenched his fists as he seen Grimmjow basically just one hand Kaizen's bankai. This was his chance, can he capitalize upon it? Appearing just behind Grimmjow. Riyoshi threw a left hook. He was going to try and take the arrancar's head off.

"You have some power, but how will you stand against my complete power?" Riyoshi spoke out in an almost tripled tone voice.

Riyoshi was now in an harmonic state with both his powers. He was now a living embodiment of his flames. His healing would be supercharged and his strength would be complimented with the heat of Suzaku.
Grimmjow used his other hand to catch Riyoshi's burning arm as he clutched it tightly, the intense heat burning Grimmjow's hand as it turned black. For now it was only burning the exterior and wasn't reaching the interior, but soon enough it would burn through his Hierro if continued to hold on to it. However he was now trapped between the two and could not maneuver out of it.

Torres saw the perfect chance as he used Sonido to get above the trio. Time to trap him, he lifted his icy blade as he raised it up and charge it with a Cero as he let loose a powerful icy Cero slash that shot towards Grimmjow. He made sure to concentrate it so it wouldn't hit Riyoshi and Kaizen. Concentrating it meant it would be stronger, but much easier to dodge. Thankfully with the two Shinigami holding Grimmjow down meant missing was much more unlikely.

The icy Cero slashed smashed into Grimmjow immediately freezing his body and encasing it in a crimson red ice with a purplish tinge. His body now completely frozen, save for his hands and lower arms which still held on tightly to Riyoshi and Kaizen's Bankai.

"Now is your chance, you can take him down you two."

Torres smirked, seeming obviously very happy about something.
Kaizen recognized his chance but also the risk. His moves were explosive and he was reluctant to try a crush grimmjow with Riyoshi and the arrancar so close. Though he had to admit it was quite impressive what Torres did to Grimmjow, not only hitting him full blast with a cero but freezing him solid. The man was obviously stronger than he appeared, though the color of the ice was peculiar and made him wary of rushing in for the kill. In Grimmjow's condition, unless the ice gave him strength and healed his wounds, he wouldn't be going anywhere, and even if he broke the ice he was still between two very powerful bankai. He wasn't going anywhere.

But if Kaizen did attack, most of the force would probably go to shattereing the ice and only do mild damage to his target. Frankly it was more of a nuisance that Torres froze him. The best plan of action was to have Riyoshi melt the ice and keep pouring on the flames while he charged his most powerful attack. that way they could deal the maximum amount of damage to the espada. He flashstepped beside riyoshi and filled him in on the plan, curious as to whether or not grimmjow could hear them or not through the ice.
Riyoshi nodded at Kaizen.

“There is something that you need to know. In this state, there is no damage that can be dealt to me that can deliver me to death’s door step.” Riyoshi spoke out as he began to raise the temperature of his body.

The flames began to whip from his body violently as they clashed against the ice. He kept his flames at bay as best he could manage and channeled the heat into Grimmjow’s hand. He was hoping that he could heat the armor of the beast to such a temperature, that Grimmjow would have to get rid of it himself leaving a weakness open.

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