Bleach Role Play

Kaizen smiled, "Don't you worry about me little lady, by the time I'm done this Grimmjow guy won't know what hit him." He turned his head and gave Kishi a big smile that made his face turn from stern to highly amused. "I'm sure Riyoshi and I can handle this, Jigoku is one of the strongest zanpakuto I've ever seen. Then again I might be bragging a bit."

He turned back to the source but started to feel impatient, "Any way to make this fella come out sooner? The suspense is killing me." Kaizen managed to say to say this with a grin playing off the nervous energy he felt. This was the first real fight he had in ages, not exactly the best way to come out of a training period. Then again his skiils should be at their peak, even though he had only fought against his zanpakuto and...little friend. he felt confident yet unsure of his skills.

He struggled with his insecurity for a few moments before remembering that it wasn't just his life on the line but the lives of others. That thought alone solidified his resolve making his confidence and insecurity fade to the back of his mind no other thoughts crossing his mind just the will to protect the people around him, even if one was an arrancar aswell. If he or she (not yet being introduced) sided with these soul reapers, he would fight for them too.
Itsuki sighed as Urahara's voice cut out of the comm. He was helpful yet so unreliable at the same time. Itsuki puts his cup of tea down. "Well it was good to get at least a little rest." He says as he gets up to join Kishi, Riyoshi and Kaizen. "When do you think he will get here?" Itsuki ponders. The bloody marsh did not aid the ominous moment that'll lead up to the entrance of an enraged Hollow and a long tiring fight.
Torres appeared next to Kishi with Sonido and smirked as he drew out his blade from it's sheath on the back. His wounds had completely healed, everything having regenerated thanks to his Hollow part. It may not have been as fast as the legendary Ulquiorra, but it was enough

"Looks like our time is up, hope you guys rested and are back at full strength. You are gonna need it..."

He said, completely ignoring the new Shinigami. He didn't seem a point to formalities, especially with Shinigami. Especially since he would mostly likely die, probably all of them.

"Oh and one more thing guys. Don't expect to survive this battle, you will soon learn why Arrancar are made to destroy Shinigami."

He said with dark smirk making impossible to see if he was joking or deadly serious. He then took up a defensive position by Kishi, getting ready to defend her from any attack. It seemed he always moved into the position to best protect her.

The ground began to rumble strongly as the powerful presence of the reiatsu began to creep in, as began overflowing coming in like waves from the sea at first slowly covering the body until it felt like they were drowning in the power they felt, smothering them and causing physical discomfort.

The world seemed to almost rock as the presence entered the world, as the sky began to dark and turn blue as it began to burn as it had done back in Karakura Town. What was left of the swamp began to dry up as the blood evaporated completely and the ground shook as sand shifted, revealing huge tectonic plates and rock faces that emerged from the ground creating cliffs, some still covered with dead trees merged with old hollow bones and traces of the old swamp etched into the stone surfaces.

Torres gripped his blade tightly as their battlefield changed and the sky seemed to burn with blue fire. It all happened in less than an instant, before anyone could notice Grimmjow had already Sonidoed past them all as he sheathed his sword, now coated in their blood. They didn't even register that he flew past them, slicing each of them with his blade as he passed.

Torres eyes widened as the blood from the wound on his side began to stain his white shirt red that began to expand. He clutched his wound as he simply stared back at the Arrancar.

"So fast...."

However strong this Arrancar had been when he fought Ichigo, he was now far more powerful...

(If you really want to not have been hit by Grimmjow, I'll leave the choice to you. But I thought it be an epic opening if before we even noticed he arrived, he already slashed each of us with his sword, it wouldn't be a fatal or serious wound. Rather him showing us just how outmatched we are... Each of you decide. Anyway, let the final battle begin!)
Riyoshi smiled at Kishi’s comment. Taking in a deep breath, he was about to speak to her but she had started to poke his side with her elbow.

“Yes, I am sure that Kaizen and I will be able to handle the first assault. Even though I may be one arm down, I am sure that I will be able to fight at full power.” Riyoshi spoke out after she was done poking him in the ribs.

Looking from Kishi’s location over to Kaizen’s location, he took in another breath.

“I don’t think that e is going to be dieing here any time.” Riyoshi spoke out while trying to boost confidence.

Just as he said all of this, Torres rejoined the group. With a smile upon his face, Riyoshi looked over at the man.

“Its good to have you back. We are all well rested. And don’t hold Grimmjow so high. He is actually against five enemies. There is no way that we are going to lose against him.” Riyoshi spoke out.

Just as he was trying to be the big man on campus, the terrain began to shift and change in an instant. Reiatsu poured out from all around them like waves crashing in on them. The sky was the next thing to change, it went from black to blue and seemed as if fire roared out and engulfed the entire place. The blood they were standing in soon vanished and the sand soon followed. The ground was now just rock faces and it soon altered completely. Huge cliffs began to form and his battle plan was soon no longer compatible.

“Shit. What the hell.” Riyoshi spoke out as he went to draw his zanpakutou.

Just as his blade was half way out of it’s sheathe, he felt a sharp pain upon his right thigh. Looking down, a grunt left his lips as he fell to his knee. Stabbing his blade into the ground, Riyoshi forced himself back up to his feet. He was not going to be taken down this easily. Looking over his shoulder, Riyoshi looked upon the blue haired arrancar. His entire plan was out of the window. He wanted to be the first line of the assault, but since Grimmjow was behind them, Itsuki was now the first line. He had to change this up so Itsuki did not die.
Kishi's reiatsu pushed back out against the smothering presence instinctively, growling as she found herself bleeding, pain lacing through her side from the wound there, slashing out wildly at Grimmjow as he moved past. She could see him. She could see the bastard, so she had a chance. But she worried about the others. Her mask forming on her face, the gash on her side quickly regenerated, and the teen let the mask fall, looking with concern towards Riyoshi, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

She would fight him right away, if Riyoshi and Kai'zen felt that they could not. And the teen held no qualms about doing so. Kishi turned to face Grimmjow, blades raised defensively, standing in front of Riyoshi, and hoping that Itsuki stayed back and out of the way. There was no way anyone was going to die today. There wasn't any death allowed. Except for Grimmjow's. Dual colored eyes rested on the bluenette, warily watching his movements and readying for his next attack.
Itsuki pulled out his zanpukuto in anticipation for Grimmjow. A Hollow that was infamous for being able to defeat Ichigo. Torres appeared with a grin that caused Itsuki discomfort, but not as much discomfort as the force from Grimmjow's reiatsu as he appeared. Unable to keep up with Grimmjow's speed, Itsuki couldn't bring his sword up in time and developed a gash on his left arm. He gritted his teeth through the pain. Using some of his healing Kido, Itsuki quickly stops the bleeding and starts healing the wound. "He is amazingly fast." Itsuki says as he raises his sword. Expecting another quick slash towards himself, Itsuki shouted "Bakudo No. 62! Hyappronkan!" As Itsuki's blade glows, he brings it down and hundreds of glowing rods materialize and fly out at Grimmjow.
Kaizen had sensed the arrancar as he turned the area into his own battlefield he saw the slightest movement, just slightly faster than his little friend, He had just enough warning to draw his blade out to the point, where he blocked the attack. Grimmjow had gone for a slash at his chest but Kaizen blocked it sparks flying off, his blade. He looked at the rest of the group seeing their wounds. Smiling as Kishi used her extra power. He turned around and stepped up in front of Kishi.

"Let me wear him down, you all still need more time to heal up, it's best if I go first and buy you all some time." He turned and faced Grimmjow, hos face looking more serious than it normally did, almost angry. Kaizen flashstepped in front of Itsuki after the rods began their flight his sword pointed at Grimmjow's heart. Without looking back he addressed the now healing soul reaper. "Stay back and let me wear him down, you and your friends still need time to rest, and I'm at full strength. I'll take him down a couple pegs and you all can gain some more strength."

With that Kaizen flashstepped behind Grimmjow his right arm holding his zanpakuto over his left shoulder. He tensed and slashed from his left shoulder to his right hip, using a great deal of force. When he felt he had enough time Kaizen always preferred putting power into his strike while maintaining his accuracy.
“I will be fine. We need to keep Itsuki out of harms way!” Riyoshi yelled out as he brought the blade up in front of his face.

“Come on guys. Get your shit together. Our power needs to be in sync for this next battle.” Riyoshi spoke out to his blade.

“Do not worry about that. We will be in perfect harmony." His voice altered completely.

”BANKAI!!!” Riyoshi yelled out as his blade flickered with flame before vanishing into the air around him.
Torres grumbled as his body began to heal already, the wound bubbling and closing. He looked on as the group already began their attack. Everything was going to fall in place for the plan.

Grimmjow growled as he slowly turned towards them, only to hear a Shinigami say some worthless Kido spell as he looked up to see rods flying towards him, yet he doesn't dodge as they smash into the ground around, piercing around his body and barring him in as they pin against his limbs and torso. He simply smirks as he stands there contorted and trapped.

A second Shinigami then charged him with his sword, Grimmjow continued to smirk as he simply swung his sword began his back snapping through the rods like their were made of glass, which while the spell was said with out incantation was both impressive and frightening as he bought the sword behind his back and blocked the Shinigami powerful swing with only one hand, the pure force of the swing cracking and crumbling the ground under Grimmjow, yet he seemed barely effected.

Torres jumped in as he Sonidoed to Grimmjow's side and brought his blade towards Grimmjow while the other Shinigami had him pinned. Only to find his blade blocked as Grimmjow slid his sword to the side, while still parrying the Shinigami's blade. Grimmjow glared as he recognized Torres.

"Yes me!" Torres glared back at him, remembering their past meeting and though his voice full of confidence he was utterly astounded by what he saw. He had felt the new Shinigami's swing and even though he hadn't released his sword he could feel it's pure power, for Grimmjow to not only so effortlessly block but still able to parry it while blocking his technique seemed down right insane.

From the moment he met Grimmjow he knew he was strong, but it became terrifyingly obvious his power had grown far past anything the Arrancar could have imagined.

Grimmjow just looked over the group as he blocked the two blades, while his body and other arm still pinned by Itsuki's rods and not to mention Riyoshi releasing his Bankai. He simply smiled, at least one Shinigami was smart enough to release their Bankai so they wouldn't die in five seconds.

"How foolish, you think you can survive this.... I'll ask only once, where is Ichigo?"

In his other hand he began to charge a powerful Cero, as suddenly it began to glow blue. He was squeezing his hand so tight it bled, the blood leaking into the Cero. He was charging it into a Gran Ray Cero.

Torres just stared as Grimmjow charged a Cero only Espada knew. But what was worse, the fact that his Cero arm was pinned meant he could only fire right down to his own feet and he wasn't moving to change that. He couldn't possibly believe Grimmjow would do anything so stupid, a Cero at that range would create a powerful explosion but also kill him. So a Gran Ray Cero was utterly insane!

Torres looked to the new Shinigami right on the other side of Grimmjow.

"Move now!" He said the concern evident in his face as he jumped back and sonidoed backwards, screaming at the others to get out of here as Grimmjow released the Gran Ray Cero down into the ground below him.
Kaizen was surprised at the speed and strength of this new opponent, he watched as the friendly arrancar attacked Grimmjow aswell. Kaizen felt his zanpakuto shift as Grimmjow moved to defend himself, Kaizen kept the pressure on to make it more difficult for Grimmjow.

Kaizen saw the blue cero forming in his hand and heard Torres's warning but wasn't sure what he meant, he had a hard time gauging the strength of the cero until Grimmjow released it. One thing flashed through Kaizen's mind and he muttered something inaudible to even Grimmjow and as the Cero released a very dark energy exploded at the same rate, streaking the blue with black until the black swallowed it compressing the blast until it dissipated.

In the center of the blast stood A relatively unscathed Kaizen holding his shikai, his overcoat was shredded and useless. Kaizen pulled it off letting it float off to wherever it will. He faced Grimmjow watching his movements, he stretched deciding that this fight would be serious enough for him to need to use his shikai at the least. He slid his robes off his arms and chest and letting them fall behind him being held on his person by his obi. "That was an interesting attack." He raised his zanpakuto in front of him, expelling his spiritual pressure from the blade. "What's next?"
Itsuki lets out a rather exasperated sigh. He knew that the Kido would not hold very long on Grimmjow, but he didn't expect it to break so easily. Arrancar always seem to be so strong. He sees Kishi activate her ability and Torres and Kaizen launch forward. He also senses and hears Riyoshi release his bankai. All the spiritual pressure brought discomfort to Itsuki. Everyone was going all out. Realizing Riyoshi's concern for himself, Itsuki decides to shunpo behind everyone else and not get in their way. Looking, he sees Torres caught with Grimmjow and Kaizen with them two. Suddenly, Itsuki I sense something bad. He looks carefully at the powerful cero charged in Grimmjows hand. Torres quickly shout for them to get away and Itsuki quickly raises his zanpukuto. Pointing it at the front of the group. "Bakudo No. 81 Danku!" Itsuki creates a Kido barrier that would hopefully hold up against the blast.
Riyoshi had called out his bankai in the nick of time, just before the Cero had exploded down and into the ground. Shrapnel had exploded outwards and even though his power expelled from his body with tremendous force, it was greatly canceled out by Grimmjow’s force. Rocks and shot forth towards Riyoshi and collided with him, his healing countering some of the force, but it pushed him back and away from the fight. He was now about 100 yards or so away from the center of the fight. Coming to a halt as he hit one of the cliffs, Riyoshi was embedded within the stone surface.

"Well, that was unsuspected.” Riyoshi spoke out in a low audible tone.

As the dust cleared, a pale white hand reached out and gripped the stone surface. Pulling towards the stone, Riyoshi removed his body from the crater that he had created. Looking down upon the hand, Riyoshi was astonished to see that where his left hand originally was, it was replaced with skeletal arm. It was as if, the hollow was creating this, or if it was regenerating, he didn’t care at this point. He wanted to get back into the battle and prove his worth.
Kishi had shunpoed in front of Itsuki, flinging her hands up and out to create a thick barrier in front of his own as well. The teen had resealed her blade, letting the others fight and wear him out for now, her main concern to protect Itsuki at the moment. Mismatching eyes squeezed shut, standing protectively in front of the other shinigami, and watching as the cero was launched and deflected into the ground.

Her eyes narrowed as she noticed Kaisen seemingly unscathed from the cero. That couldn't be right, a cero that strong should have done some sort of damage at the least. The teen didn't respond to Grimmjow's question, it didn't matter if she did or not, and if she truly told him where Ichigo was, he would merely go to the World of the Living to attack there. And they had taken the fight to Hueco Mundo for a reason.

Her eyes flicked towards where Riyoshi had been flung, but made no move to help him, "Itsuki, stay with me. We need you to stay unhurt." After all, they would all be so sol if he ended up getting hurt or worse yet dying. She could heal, but even with her new training, she wasn't sure how well she could do it without draining herself.

Kishi was going to try and avoid drawing attention to herself as of yet, Grimmjow didn't seem to take to well to the shinigami, especially not the vizards. And she wanted him a bit more worn down before she took her swing at him. The teen slowly let her barrier drop, still standing protectively in front of Itsuki.
Torres skid to a halt, he took a breath. That Shinigami clearly had no idea how lucky they were. Thankfully absorbing that energy at the last second saved their lives. Clearly it was impressive that he was able to absorb such a large amount of energy, but what truly saved them was the speed. If that Gran Ray Cero had hit the ground, nothing would have stopped and they would have likely been obliterated. His absorbing it before it hit the ground and was able to properly detonate was pure luck.

What scared him was that Grimmjow was willing to do such a move, blasting a Gran Ray Cero on the ground one stands is utterly insane. He would have obliterated himself, no chance otherwise. Did Grimmjow really not care if he died on the second attack or did he really think himself so power that he could survive a blast of that magnitude.

Grimmjow ignored the Shinigami near like he was nothing and turned to face the one who had unleashed the Bankai. He could feel the power coming from it as he turned to smile at Riyoshi insanely and then launched at him like a rocket, only the rock being crushed behind he as he appeared in front of Riyoshi and brought down his blade like a hammer over his head, slicing through the air towards Riyoshi's head.
Itsuki stares in amazement at how Kaizen survived the blast rather unscathed. It appeared that Torres must have done something otherwise they would have been in a lot worse condition. Kishi had fortified the barrier in front of her and Itsuki. Hopefully it would hold up well against Grimmjow should he avert his attention to Them. He was grateful that people were there to help protect him. Unfortunately Grimmjpw changed his attention to Riyoshi as he charged with lighting speed at him. Itsuki quickly shouted out "Riyoshi! Look out!" Riyoshi had longed to fight, now he got one.
As he looked upon his new arm, Riyoshi heard Itsuki yell out. Just in the split second of hearing his voice, Riyoshi snapped back into reality, but as he did so, he seen Grimmjow already upon his location swinging his sword with tremendous force down upon him. He could feel that this man, no, this beast was in all the way to kill him.

“Get your shit together young one!” Riyoshi spoke out as his left hand came up and took the blunt of the force.

As the blade made contact with the flesh of his pale arm, he brought his right hand up and conjured flames in his palm. His left arm was able to deflect the blade slightly so the blade would not take off his arm, but it would take a good chunk of it and would miss Riyoshi’s side by mere centimeters. Bringing his right palm over and placing it upon Grimmjow’s side, Riyoshi smirked.

”You are now going to die!” Riyoshi spoke out to Grimmjow as his flames heated up.

”Flame Pillar!” Riyoshi yelled out as a giant pillar of flame erupted from his hand and soon engulfed Grimmjow.

He was not sure that it would have killed the arrancar, but he was hoping that it would at least do some damage and at least catch him off guard.
Grimmjow was engulf in a pillar of flame as completely erupted around him consuming as his body inside could be seen burning as he yelled out.

Torres shield his eyes with his hands, that flame pillar was definitely stronger than last time. Re-fusing with that Hollow had definitely uped Riyoshi's power level. That could be not denied, Grimmjow would definitely feel the burn of that attack.

It was then Grimmjow was heard laughing, not screaming in pain as the flames began to curl in an usual way as they suddenly began to flow inward, not outward as the pillar began to shrink and lower as it continue to lose size. Until finally it was completely fading as Grimmjow continued to suck in as he took the final breath and closed his mouth swallowing all those flames.

Torres mouth dropped open.

"That's impossible! Riyoshi's flames are far too hot for any living being touch without burning, let alone swallow!"

Grimmjow never had that power before, had he. Or had Grimmjow gained new powers and abilities. He had almost forgotten that while only recently they had been training in extreme to prepare for this battle gaining new strength and technique. Grimmjow had been doing nothing but training all this time in the most harsh and extreme way to make himself more powerful. So was it not so surprising for him to not be the same Arrancar Ichigo fought.

But what he just did was insane. Grimmjow stood there as he swallow, smoke coming out of his nose his throat turned black. His trachea burning from the inside, despite that this should cause the most extreme pain, Grimmjow was smiling. It was as if he no longer cared for pain and could completely ignore it. His rage had driven past a level where pain was, well painful. His body glowed with heat and power as he continued to glare at Riyoshi and brought his hand forward towards Riyoshi's throat.

Torres sonidoed towards the duo to bring his sword to Grimmjow as he put his arm in the way of Grimmjow's hand as Grimmjow gripped onto it tightly with such force one could immediately see the palm tighten around Torres arm crushing the muscle and breaking the bone as if it was nothing. Torres none the less used his other arm to drive his blade into Grimmjow.

"We have to attack him together." Torres yelled out in pain.

(If I know Riyoshi and his powers, like I think I do. I think I know what comes next...)
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A smile crossed his face to see Grimmjow swallow his fire. Bringing his right hand away from Grimmjow, he clenched his fist tightly. As he did so, the fire within Grimmjow’s body began to heat up. The tighter his hand clenched, the hotter the fire got.

“You are just a stupid mindless beast. No wonder you were beaten by Ichigo.” Riyoshi spoke out as he brought his left hand towards Torres’ crushed arm.

As Riyoshi’s left arm moved closer, the white bone like material formed a small dagger. Gripping the dagger, Riyoshi slashed out at Grimmjow’s hand, trying to get him to let go of Torres’ arm. The fire was rising greatly in temperature and could start to be felt by both Riyoshi and Torres.
Kishi rolled her eyes as Riyoshi provoked Grimmjow further. She liked the guy, but there had to be something said about his intelligence in such matters. The teen shunpoed, and moved to Itsuki, grabbing him by the shoulder. "Sorry." Just as quickly as she had moved to grab him, she moved further from the fight. Still close enough that they could interfere, if the need arose. But definitely far enough that they wouldn't catch immediate fall back from the warring arrancars and other shinigami.

Dual colored eyes narrowed, though, on the tactic Riyoshi was using.. Kishi snarled, her sclera bleeding black, though her right eye remained green. The grip on Itsuki's shoulder never lessened, if anything it tightened a bit in her anger. She was tense, ready to enter the battle, but Kaizen still had yet to attack again, and even if Torres was hurt, no doubt he would be angered by her interference more then anything.

The teen's canines were elongating a bit, her skin bleeding out in her uncontrolled anger. She had yet to fully master her new form, it was not as if she was in complete control of it yet. Purple reiatsu was starting to form around her body, as if in a heat wave. It wouldn't affect the healer though, it was more focused around her than anything.
(Called it)

Grimmjow's body began top heat up as it glowed, his skin burning from the inside. He smirked at the pain as Riyoshi taunted him. He didn't seem to mind being called a mindless beast, but the second he heard the mention about being beaten and Ichigo's name his eyes widened and slit almost like cat.

Before Riyoshi's dagger could even reach Grimmjow, he let out a horrific roar expelling all the flames he had swallowed into a a huge explosion of flame and his blood, exploding outward like a firey and bloody Cero bomb that would send Riyoshi and Torres flying, not to mention anyone close enough.

Torres was sent flying back from the explosion, his chest burnt and the front of his clothes charred black. He held his broken arm, and clutch it tight in his hand. What insane power Grimmjow had, it was terrifying. He hadn't even released yet and he seemed stronger than all of them combined. He would have to release Ressurecion just to survive.

Grimmjow turned his gaze to Riyoshi with a terrifying look, showing only rage and pure destruction, he was going to tear the Shinigami apart. He shot forward to where ever Riyoshi landed and before he could recover began firing powerful Bala at his chest, point blank.
Internets on the fritz, plus school is taking up most of my time, I promise to reply ASAPASAP 
(got home surprised to find my internet working)

Kaizen was aware of Kishi grabbing Itsuki and getting farther away, but became more aware of her presence when her reiatsu started to boil over, he feared she would cahrge in getting her into trouble, he was about flashstep in when the explosion happend.

Kaizen was surprised by the force of the blast, he had managed to absorb or redirect the blue cero, but that had done more damage than he thought to him, he knew if he would have had to get away from that with all haste. Kaizen saw the friendly arrancar crash down on the ground with the front of his garb smoking, and looked for Riyoshi, only to notice Grimmjow moving forwards. Kaizen's eyes widened as he realized that Grimmjow was targeting where Riyoshi would land. While Riyoshi had been a little hostile to Kaizen he couln't stand by and let him get killed. Kaizen took a few steps, flashstepping on the third the ground cracking under his foot. He saw only his target and remained focused on him. Whenever Kaizen flashstepped it was almost like tunnel vision where he intentionally blocked out everything but his target.

Kaizen came out of his flashstep right above Grimmjow, both hands on his Zanpakuto bringing it down as hard as before, but this time giving Grimmjow a taste of his power. Kaizen's voice showed the effort he was putting into his attack but was also laced with power. " Terror Claw!" Kaizen's black reiatsu swirled around the tip of his sword forming what looked like a bladed hand. As he brought his sword down the clawed hand came down, the violent energy circling around Kaizen and reaching towards Grimmjow. Kaizen's blade came down on the blue haired arrancar' shoulder. The result obscured by the black reishi slamming down on Grimmjow and continuing to flow out in a violent rush, bearing a surprising resemblance to Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho.
Riyoshi was thrown back from the explosive blast that Grimmjow roared out. Being thrown back, Riyoshi flipped over trying to get a footing upon the sand, but it was no good. Every time he placed his foot upon the ground, he was sent tumbling further backwards. Just as he was slowing down, Riyoshi finally got his footing, he felt Grimmjow closer then he wanted. Bringing his hands up, he was going to make up a protective barrier, but before he could make the flame wall, the bala’s made contact with his chest. The raw power of the blasts made their mark upon his chest, each one doing more damage. It was not long before the final Bala pierced his body and exited through his spine.

“Damn, he is quick.” Riyoshi spoke out as he began to fall backwards.

Just as he was falling, Riyoshi seen Kaizen show up just above Grimmjow and launch a formidable attack.
Itsuki watches as Grimmjow over powers Torres and quickly sets his rage upon Riyoshi. Kaizen flashsteps over to help. Looking around, he notices a reiatsu aura emanating from Kishi. The fight was quickly escalating. Noticing Torres get blown away, Itsuki decides he must help them soon, but looking at Riyoshi ,who had taken several Balas. and one clean through his body, Itsuki decided that Torres could suck it up and fight a little more. Itsuki was slightly uncomfortable in Kishi's iron grip but he was able to lift his hand out at Riyoshi's body and Kaizen intercepts Grimmjow. "Bakudo No. 4! Hainawa!" A luminescent rope flies from Itsuki's hand and crawls quickly towards Riyoshi's body. It wraps itself around him and Itsuki jerks the Kido as hard as he can to pull Riyoshi towards him and behind the protective barrier, previously set up. "Kishi, could you please ease your grip on me so I can heal Riyoshi easier?" Itsuki asks as Riyoshi's body is pullled towards him.
Torres saw Riyoshi getting pummeled, he knew he had to help but realized he would be no use unless he went full power. He had to release, he just hoped Riyoshi would survive.

"Here goes, sting Escorpión!" He cut his hand with his blade as it glowed, before driving through his own chest as crimson reiatsu exploded out and he transformed into his Resureccion.

Grimmjow smirked as one bala drove through Riyoshi, but he immediately sensed the opponent behind him. Not want to relent on Riyoshi, but not having a choice as he felt power radiating from Kaizen's sword forming some sort of claw. He knew this attack he could not ignore like the Shinigami's other pathetic attacks. He side-stepped to the left as he sweeped his leg, turning his body in a circular motion as he wing along the ground, forming a circle with his foot as he evaded the huge claw. The Shinigami had made a foolish mistake, since Grimmjow was attacking Riyoshi point-blank, he was right next to the attack. Grimmjow having moved out of the way, now meant Riyoshi would take the brunt of the attack as the claw ripped past him just tearing the clothes on his left shoulder as he spun further, kicking out his right leg forming a Bala on it and shooting his kicking Bala straight towards Kaizen, not point-blank but still close enough that would do serious damage and evading would be difficult his not possible.

He then lifted up his right hand and completed his spin by firing one more Bala towards Riyoshi to follow after Kaizen's attack which should hit him as well.

Grimmjow had constantly fought with multiple opponents, have trained endlessly with Raiden, Hotaru and Pizarro thus allowing him to not only counter and attack multiple opponents effortlessly and gracefully, but all use the opponents attacks against each other.

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