Bleach Role Play

Kishi released Itsuki immediately, giving him a soft apologetic look, eyes flicking back to the fight once more. Torres was hurt, Kai'zen was in, and Riyoshi was out of commission... But, the idiot arrancar is of course going to fight unless he dies. Eyes narrowed, and she lifted a hand to form a barrier in front of Riyoshi for the impending bala. There wasn't going to be anyone dying today. At least, everyone but Grimmjow. "God damn it. I'm tapping in, take care of Riyoshi, I'll get Torres."

The teen shunpoed in, above Grimmjow, not even the telltale swish of her shunpo was audible. Kishi handn't been training for nothing. Unsealed blades flew down towards the blue haired arrancar's head, their respective elements arching out behind them as they swung down. No doubt Grimmjow would sense her coming, but she would not give away her position until she needed to.
Kaizen realized his mistake, and Grimmjow's. Unlike Ichigo's getsuga tensho, he still had some control of his attack. He changed the angle of his strike so his terror claw would go to Riyoshi's left forming a brief barrier between him and Grimmjow blocking the Bala that was fired at him as the attack rushed between them. All that remained of the attack was a deep scar in the ground descending into shadows below.

While Kaizen was glad to have defended Riyoshi, given his wounded state he had no time to avoid the Bala aimed at him and was promptly blasted by the ball of energy. While it was considerably weaker than the last explosion he was apart of, it still sent him sailing through the air. He flipped and landed on his feet skidding backwards, finally grinding to a stop. He knelt his whole right side burning. His face turned into a pained grimace. "Damn that did more damage that I thought it would." He used his left hand to grip his sword, calling on his zanpakuto's power.

The ground shook and his black reishi swirled around him resembling black flames that flickered as they circled him. He concentrated on Grimmjow and focussed the energy around his sword which then looked as if it were on fire aswell. "This will be a harder battle than I thought." Kaizen kept his gaze on his opponent just noticing Kishi appear above him, being more cautious this time he flashstepped in front of Grimmjow swinging Jigoku horizontally aiming at the man's hips, the flames billowing behind the blade. This way if Grimmjow moved he wouldn't endanger Kishi.
Riyoshi was fading from the land of the living, his mind slowly giving up as he barely heard the bala’s collide with something, but not exactly sure what they were hitting. Soon, he was dragged from his location and over to where Kishi and Itsuki were. He was barely awake, his breathing almost ceased, until the bone from his left side began to creep up towards his face. As the bone made contact with his jaw, Riyoshi’s eyes began to open up.

”You, young shinigami. Riyoshi will be fine. He is beginning to heal his wounds from the inside. The attacks were hitting a little faster then Suzaku could heal from.” the deeper voice said as his left hand came up to cover the wound.

As the hand made contact with the wound, crimson flames began to emanate. The flames were healing the wound upon his chest at an increased rate. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi looked at the younger shinigami.

“Thank you for getting me out of the battle, even for just a minute. My healing will take over from here, but i will have to increase my power. I will need your assistance to keep me out of harms way. Can you place a barrier to hide my reiatsu?” Riyoshi spoke out in his now normal voice.

Forcing himself to sit up, Riyoshi was sitting upon the roughed up ground and slightly behind Itsuki. He was watching the other three going after Grimmjow, was he truly out of this fight, was that all he was able to do? Grimmjow took his attacks head on and just pretty much spit them back in his face.
Itsuki was shocked at the healing capabilities of Riyoshi. He jumped when he heard a lower voice explain to him on how quick Grimmjows attacks were. Itsuki eased a little more when he heard Riyoshi's normal voice. Itsuki felt more of his teammates release more of their power against Grimmjow. It seems he has grown more powerful than they had thought. Turning his attention back to Riyoshi, "I can conceal your reiatsu." Itsuki says. "It will also turn you invisible..... Bakudo No. 26. Kyokko!" Itsuki uses Kido to bend light around Riyoshi rendering him invisible as well as hiding his reiatsu. The only way, Itsuki could tell Riyoshi was still there, was by the slightest depression in the marsh beneath where he lay.
Torres emerged having released his sword, fully healed and ready for battle. He saw Kaizen had stepped in and saved Riyoshi and now Riyoshi was releasing the same Hollow like energy he had done before they had cleansed him of his Hollow parasite. Now both Kishi and Kaizen was attacking again, so now was the time to attack together to keep Grimmjow down while Riyoshi was gaining energy. Yes that was the plan.

Torres sonidoed back into the battle, coming at Grimmjow from the other side to try block his only escape route as he brought his two massive blades at him from the opposite direction to trap Grimmjow in a dual slash.

However he knew he couldn't get too close as he might damage or get damaged by the others attacks, so instead of attacking directly he kept a small distance and channeled his Cero into the blade, firing his Cero slash as the blades glowed red and fired off the crimson energy waves.

Grimmjow was impressed with the shinigami boy's control of his attack, it certainly wasn't like Kurosaki's who fired pure energy without control. This attack had shape and mastery, but regardless. He only had on goal, one wish. Kurosaki...

He saw the next attack coming, but knew it would be easy to dodge Kaizen, but at the last second he sensed the girl shinigami who had somehow managed to sneak up behind without a sound. It was impossible, that she could get behind him without him noticing, yet she was there about to strike and with her also attacking it became more difficult to dodge both attacks until he felt the Arrancar Torres also jump in. He suddenly knew he couldn't dodge all three and knowing Torres had released would make his attack far more powerful and dangerous than any simple Shikai attack, this made his situation a problem.

The three attacks collided into Grimmjow causing a huge explosion as he was enveloped by the three different energies.
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Kaizen was surprised by the allied arrancar's speed as he quickly appeared behind Grimmjow. Kaizen adjusted his speed to match the arrancar's with a better result than he expected, Grimmjow seemed too shocked to react quickly and was caught in the blast while Kaizen flipped out of the blast landing with his sword raised at where Grimmjow had been standing. His eyes flicked from side to side watching for where Kishi and Torres would land.

If Grimmjow came out of this attack as unharmed as he had the last one kaizen knew it would be time to step it up a little, tapping into more of his power, but for now he simply watched for the outcome.
Riyoshi nodded his head as Itsuki placed the barrier around him. Now that everything was set up, all that was left to do was release his full potential. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi placed his hands together and closed his eyes. Exhaling deeply, Riyoshi started to get into a relaxed state. His reiatsu began to climb before it sky rocketed and rattled the ground beneath.


Are you ready Riyoshi? I will get our power increase now. Suzaku spoke out in his mind.

I am ready to help out with all that i have. Ryujin spoke out while sitting next to Suzaku.

As they say in the inner world, Riyoshi looked upon his dual spirits and smiled.

"Thank you guys. This will be an incredible rush of power. We will definitely get the attention of that monster once again." Riyoshi spoke out in his mind.


As his eyes opened, his reiatsu leveled off at an incredible level. With a smile growing upon his face, Riyoshi's haori began to burn up and dissolve from his body. Crimson shackles began to form on his wrists and ankles, and chains ran from there to a single point upon his back. The power that he wielded now was enough to completely blast apart the barrier he was in. As the rubble cleared and the dust was settled, Riyoshi stood looking at the location Grimmjow was previously standing. The hole that was once in his chest was now just a slight scar, and his reiatsu was now surrounding Itsuki and himself.

"Itsuki, while you are in my radius, you will have a defensive buff." Riyoshi spoke out as he turned his glance towards Itsuki for a second.
Kishi grit her teeth, riding out the explosion as best as she could without being harmed. It was difficult to jump out of the way, when you were directly above it. The teen landed skidding, wincing as the soles of her feet met the ground. They'd gotten a bit of backlash from the attack. She didn't want to waste regards on such a minor wound and ignored it, eyes flicking towards her allies.

They widened momentarily for a moment as she felt Riyoshi's reiatsu spiking and leveling at sky levels. And the teen smirked lightly. Well, everyone else was showing off their special toys, now she would too. "Hey, Grimm-kitty. You going to let us finish you off so easy? I mean, you're not even in your resureccion." Kishi doubted he was dead, and like Torres, Grimmjow's resureccion would heal any wounds he currently had. Which was bullshit, but whatever. No need to fight themselves to the bone when all he has to do is release his freaking form.

"I mean," She continued, speaking at where Grimmjow would be in the pit from all the attacks, her body relaxing taking on a non chalant pose, "Ichi didn't come because he didn't feel like kicking your butt again, and he sent us to take care of you." Dual colored eyes narrowed, her body tensing in readiness, "I can see why."

Her blades were thrumming in her hands, the zanpakuto spirits humming with energy as they readied themselves for the next phase of the battle. And for their opportunity.

(( Poking the bear with a stick, so to speak. >.< ))
Kaizen relaxed seeing at least Kishi come out alright, he was worried that that he and Torres had hurt her as well. He soon felt a unexpected amount of power flood through the area, not surprised only because of his grandfather and other soul reapers, but pleasantly and unexpectedly surprised. From what he could tell it was Riyoshi's, Kaizen only had to glance at him to confirm his suspicion. "So he has a bit more in him then, glad to see that Bala didn't do him in."

He said this to himself quickly noticing that the others had all upped their power, He figured now would've been a better time for him to release his shikai, it only amplifies the strength of the attacks. though it did allow him to use more of his power. With this in mind he released his spiritual pressure and pumped it out surrounding himself with energy, it swirled around his torso and flaring up when it reached his shoulders. Making him look like he's on fire. he looked at Riyoshi and shuddered,knowing that with his abilities he could actually BE on fire.

After gathering so much power Kaizen simply waited for Grimmjow to make his move wondering who he would strike. Although gathering and maintaining this much reishi was normally tiring for soul reapers, he had undergone special training under Yamamoto to cope, due to his power he had a natural resistance to the fatigue but when it hit him it hit him hard.
A challenger appears:


Name: Shiro Yamaka.

Age: 17

Race: substitute Shinigami/ visored

Personality: Shiro is very head strong and blunt. He is very determined to get done what he need to do. When in battle he gets a very sadistic personality go berserk to win. He is a very dangerous man to be around but even so he will stop at nothing to protect his friends. He feels that he must always win for their sakes and he will never back down once in a fight saying "A real man looks his opponent in the eye when he fights them, he doesn't run or hide, he just fights".

Powers: Sufficient Kid?, sufficient Shunpo, ShiKai, BanKai, Hollow form (controllable)





Special power:

Uch? renkinjutsu: Creates a blast of spiritual energy (much like that surrounding Shiro in his bankai picture) that can be shaped into different forms (like reaitsu hands as seen in the picture) or can be used as a long ranged slashing attack. It appears blue in the shikai form and red in the bankai form.
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Itsuki stood shocked as Riyoshi released an even larger amount of reiatsu. His wounds healed quickly and even Kishi was getting into battle. He felt the aura envelope himself and Riyoshi. Itsuki felt his defense rise along with his Bakudo barriers potency. He raises his zanpukuto. "Let's do this." Itsuki says ready for battle. However Kshi's taunting did bring a thought to mind. Grimmjow was very powerful and not yet in his resureccion. That power would be devastating.
Grimmjow began to laugh out of the explosion as it began to fade away and he stepped out. The top of his clothes had been burned, but his skin seemed a little blackened. But when they looked closer, it wasn't really burned. His skin was actually shiney somehow, as if it was no longer skin but almost made of some hard rock or diamond. He smirked to himself as he waved his arm dissipating the remaining energy with ease. He knew that since neither of the two Shinigami were in Bankai form the most dangerous attack was the Ressurecion's attack. He had prevented as much damage by using his Bala against Torres' Cero slash and let the other two attacks hit him. Did they really think they could even make him flinch without releasing their true power. Only the Shinigami boy and Torres had done so, the others were unimportant and not worth worrying about.

He smiled as he looked as his skin shined under the burnt and torn clothes.

**** Flashback****

The huge flames of energy burned across the desolate sands of Hueco Mundo burning up the endless dark skies as a figure stood among the flames, burning.

"More..." It growled inhumanely.

"But sir... your body can't take anymore. If we strike again we could kill you." Pizarro warned his master as he looked to the other two. His master just glared at him, showing he did concern himself with his stupid worries.

"Sir we have all at least released our Ressurecions. If you are just going to take our attacks, should you not release as well." Hotaru explained, heaving from how much power she was putting into her attacks.

Grimmjow just growled, he remember how Kurosaki had taken his strongest attack and just stood there. No, he could take any attack. He should be able to take any THREE attacks. He heaved as he stood among the flames, his skin burnt off showing muscle in some areas. His skin had been completely burnt through, in some areas straight to his bone as he stood blood pouring off him down into the sand, as he continued to cough it up. His body was already almost destroyed, but he stood there thinking about Kurosaki. He would kill him, he would DESTROY HIM! And he smiled.

"Again! Attack me again, all three of you with everything you've got. And don't hold back even a drop you sissies or I'll kill you all! You understand me, I'll tear you APART!!!"

He growled at them, knowing them knew that he truly would.

"Now attack with everything!!!!"

He roared out as opened himself up for more attack that should surely be his end.

A few days later as they followed Grimmjow, Raiden looked at him. His skin was still growing back, but something looked different. It didn't look like normal skin, it was growing back far more rougher and harder than normal skin. It looked almost like what you'd find on a turtle's shell. Not soft, but hard and rocky. He could see though it would fade away with time and dirt and soon one wouldn't be able to even see the hardened skin under everyday dust, it would just look like normal skin. But underneath, who knew what was truly under...

**** End of Flashback****

Grimmjow turned to Kishi as she mocked him.

"So then you know where he is." He smiled as he Sonidoed to her, she couldn't hope to counter him without her Bankai or mask to keep up with his new terrifying speed. He appeared behind and as if it was nothing, but a swift wave of his hand. He grabbed her arm, twisted behind her back and wrapped his right arm around her body and other arm, pinning them down and restricting her movements as he pointed his sword at her neck.

"Now tell me where Kurosaki is, right now. Or I don't stop pushing." He smiled as he began to press the blade down into Kishi's neck and drawing blood, as he was slowly pushing it down harder and harder. He knew since the others cared about her, they wouldn't dare attack or he would slice off her head in an instant.

(Hope you guys don't mind I used your Arrancars a bit to explain Grimmjow's new skin and Hierro ability. Also I'm sorry if the last part is too GMy Kishi. I'll change if you want, just wanted to have Kishi in that position whether he threatens her to remind us that Grimmjow wants Ichigo and we are only obstacles in his path)
Riyoshi walked up next to Itsuki and spoke firmly to the young shinigami.

"I will be leaving you for a minute. I must go help out." Riyoshi spoke out.

With a twist of his right foot, he appeared next to Kaizen and his large amount of reiatsu. The shackles upon his being rattled as he stopped moving.

"I thank you for the help. I apologize for being taken out, but I am the only one really suited for taking hits like that.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked at Kaizen.

“Now, we will have to deal with Grimmjow, but I must go to Torres. Do not attack just yet.” Riyoshi said as he vanished from Kaizen’s location and appeared next to Torres.

Placing his right hand upon Torres, he assessed any damage that he might have incurred upon the last attack. Riyoshi was not one to let an ally be taken hostage, and he was not going to let this be the first time. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi turned his attention from Torres to Grimmjow.

“Take some of my power to heal and increase yourself.” Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his hollowfied left hand upon the right shoulder of Torres.
Kaizen looked at Riyoshi and nodded acknowledging him even after he disappeared. Kaizen tightened his grip on his zanpakuto. He saw Riyoshi reappear near Torres giving him the same idea that he was told.

Kaizen looked back to Kishi fearing the worst, he looked back at Riyoshi and Torres still annoyed that he couldn't help right now. He made his spiritual pressure rise but only to have more to fight with. Kaizen was becoming anxious, itching to get at Grimmjow, but at this time they were in no postion to take him down. they just had to bide their time and hope they could kill Grimmjow before he killed them.
Kishi turned her head as best as she could, smirking as she did so, "You want me to tell you where Ichi is?" F*uck, spontaneously bursting into flames wouldn't do anything to Grimmjow. But, she needed to stall for a bit, while her abilities kicked into place. It still was a slower process, if she was to control it, of becoming completely hollowfied. Her skin was the first thing to change, paling to a white color, her hollow hole opening beneath her uniform and hidden, her eyes changing last.

She didn't doubt that Grimmjow would notice the change in her reiatsu, for f*ck's sake he was holding her so tight she could barely breathe anyway. The teen grit her teeth, that still hurt like hell though. "I mean, they don't know where Ichi is, and if you kill me, you won't ever find him. He doesn't have time for little arrancars like yourself." 'I really hope that if he does stab me this freaking works.'

Kishi looked towards the rest of their little party, her eyes dashing out towards the rest of them for the briefest of movements, before turning her smirk back on Grimmjow. "Ban kai. Nenshou HiMizu." Her reiatsu burst around her, the dark hollow energy swirling up in the vortex, encompassing both herself and the blue haired arrancar. She wondered if he would just tough it out like he had the other attacks.

(( Boss lady >.< And Kiri isn't going to join at this point, but I like his character sheet, so I might message him after this arc if I remember or if he messages me again. ))
(Sorry Kiri, you will have to lurk for now.)

Torres stood still, knowing the situation and waited for what would transpire. He knew battles weren't only pushing forward and pulling back, sometimes it was pure waiting. Then when Riyoshi came up behind him and over himself to have some energy absorbed. Torres just shook his head.

"No need. I just released my Ressurecion. I'm already completely healed and besides, it may not be your power I need to change the tide of this battle...." Torres whispered subtly.

Grimmjow smirked at her second comment.

"Oh trust me, even if I do kill you. I will find him, even if I have to kill every other creature on this planet and tear it apart to do it. I will find him."

He smirked as he pushed the blade slightly deeper, when he suddenly felt the difference in her aura and he saw her skin go white.

"Your just like that pathetic Kurosaki. The only way you can think to even stand up to us is to try become weak Hollow fusions yourselves. You know the power of the Hollow is the only true power. But you are not true Hollows! I will not be beaten by some pathetic attempt at emptiness, worthless humans pretending to be Hollows. I will show you what a true Hollow can do!" He growled as he began pushing the blade deeper. Suddenly there was a huge explosion of reiatsu that blasted around Grimmjow. He tried to hold on, as he clutched her tightly, pulverizing her skin as it turned red from his tight grip as he began slipping. He tried desperately to clasp on, but his fingernails just tore the outer layer of her skin as he found his grip being ripped off as he was sent skidding back by the pure power.

"Now! Don't hold back! Hit him with everything, he shouldn't be able to take two hollow enchanced Bankai's and a Ressurecion!" Torres yelled, now that the other two had released properly they stood a chance. His blades glowed red as charged, having saved up energy waiting for Kishi's move and then he released two Cero slashes from them straight towards Grimmjow. He also aimed a proper Cero with his tail scarf and fired that directly afterwards.
Itsuki watched in agony as Kishi was held in Grimmjows powerful and painful grasp. After Kishi hollowfied more reiatsu burst from her blowing Grimmjow off and away from her. This was everyone's chance to attack with full power. Itsuki lofts his blade and points it at Grimmjow. "Hado No. 88! Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho!" Itsuki shouts as a powerful, wide radius, Kido spell fired from his blade along with his Shikai empowering it.
Riyoshi watched the conflict between Kishi and Grimmjow heat up to where he was digging his knife into her neck more and more until her reiatsu exploded outwards, creating an opening they all needed. Riyoshi barely let Torres speak before he leaped from his spot and towards Grimmjow. As he leaped from his spot, his chains rattled and he clinched his fists. A katana of supercharged flame formed as he appeared behind Grimmjow.

“Finally got you.” Riyoshi spoke out as he brought his blade down towards his legs.

He was trying to cut the back of Grimmjow’s legs. He wanted to eliminate any way for him to dodge any further attack. His blade was no longer of a crimson color, but of a pure white. This blade was now so hot, it scorched the air as it slashed towards the back of Grimmjow's knees.
Kishi ignored the pain from his blade digging in deeper, barely giving a thought to the pain from Grimmjow's death grip. Her blades had vanished, her hands once more empty as she spun around, and launched herself forward. The teen grinned, her black and yellow eyes meeting with Grimmjow's as she smirked, her mask forming quickly across her face. She was attacking him head on, counting on Riyoshi's attack to help destabilize him.

The teen twisted, her hand thrusting forward towards Grimmjow's chest, towards his sternum, fisted as if holding a blade. She was going to make this attack count, and give it everything that she had. And this evolved form of her ban kai was a bit unstable still. So, hopefully none of her friends got caught up in it as well as the arrancar.

She paid no mind to Torres' attacks, as they moved past her and hit the arrancar before she met him, her fist connecting with his chest. Kishi snarled lightly, eyes flicking up to Riyoshi, signaling him to get out of the way, as she hit the arrancar's chest, using her forward momentum to knock him back as she did so, a single line of flame shooting out from her clenched fist and into Grimmjow.
Torres' two Cero slashes flew past Kishi and slammed into Grimmjow as he brought out his hands to block them, as they blasted into his hands. He was however able to hold them by some incredible power until not only there power, but the added attack of Itsuki's Kido suddenly flew towards him and they all blasted him back and completely burning his hands and creating a slash across his jacket as he flew back with great force, as he tried to stop himself only find Riyoshi behind him forming a blade of pure white energy that slashed into his legs right through his shiney new Hierro, causing him to collapse to the ground on his knees.

Kishi then follow bashing the Arrancar in the chest causing him to pivot backwards from the position on his knees and before he could even fall flat on his back and just after Riyoshi was given his chance to move out of the way she blasted an incredibly powerful blast of flame shot right through his chest as it blasted through his body coming out the end other end, tearing through his jacket as he was sent flying back and coughing up blood. As he flew, Torre's third, tail Cero smashed into him and exploded, finishing off the barrage of attacks as he skid along the ground. All burnt and bloody trailing from his mouth.

Torres stood there, watching. Still in attack formation. He was astounded, not by his team mates incredible moves. But because he could still feel it, he could still feel Grimmjow was alive even after all that. It was impossible, but he was....

Grimmjow smiled in puddle of blood as he lifted up his black hands and used them to push himself up onto his feet wobbily and more blood poured from his grinning mouth.

"Is that really all...." He smirked, dusting off what was left of his jacket.

"Well. I've decided. I'm going to kill you all, no. I'm going to destroy you all, obliterate you from the face of this barren world. You are so weak and pathetic, you can't even kill me when I haven't even released. You are so weak, I'm not going to give you a chance. I'm going to destroy you before you can even cower."

He smiled wided as he gripped his Zanpaktou and he brought his hand over it. Suddenly the area began to fill with his powerful reiatsu as the ground began to shake and the rocks began to vibrate as if they were coming apart, starting to crumble unable to hand the pressure of the energy he was releasing. He glowed blue.

"Grind, Pantera." He whispered as he claws his nails against his blade, leaving claw marks as both he and the blade glowed bright blue until suddenly there was a huge explosion of energy that began blasting all the warriors back and eradicating the ground under Grimmjow as he transformed into this large explosion of power.
Just before the kido and cero’s exploded in front of Grimmjow, Riyoshi made his attack count. He had made contact with the back of Grimmjow’s knees and did the necessary damage. Just as the explosions happened, Riyoshi made his escape and evaded Kishi’s explosive fire attack. Appearing upon the rough ground, Riyoshi slid to a stop before spinning to look upon the fire sword though Grimmjow. With a smile upon his face, he thought that Grimmjow was down for sure.

Do not think he will be down so easily. Ryujin yelled out in Riyoshi’s head.

Snapping back into reality at the outburst of Grimmjow, Riyoshi was shocked. The grin upon his face was instantly wiped off his face at the explosive amount of reiatsu that Grimmjow was now putting off.

“Damn!” Riyoshi yelled out as he knelt down.

Placing his hands upon the ground, his chains began to rise from his body. The spot upon his back began to grow larger before it removed itself from his back. It began to lift high into the sky above all of them. Taking in a deep breath, the chains unlocked themselves from his wrists and ankles. His attention to detail was heightened and he looked upon the released arrancar. Exhaling his breath, Riyoshi stood up and clinched his right hand. Upon clenching his hand, his white hot blade formed again. Upon his left arm, a shield began to form with the emblem of a dragon upon it.

“This will be great.” Riyoshi spoke out as he cracked his neck and stretched his arms out.
Itsuki was dismayed at the fact that Grimmjow still stood after all their attacks. Even from his level 80 Hado which left Itsuki a little tired, but still with considerable energy. Grimmjow released an insane amount of reiatsu after his intimidating verbal threat. Riyoshi was activating some more of his power and Kishi became more aggressive as well. The amount of reiatsu being released was enormous. Perhaps it would be time to use higher level Kido since Grimmjow had activated his resurrecion. Not too loud so Grimmjow wouldn't notice, Itsuki began another Haod incantation. "Limit of the thousand hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness...."
(Kai's mask) Kaizen was late, he hesitated missing any opportunity to strike adding his attack to the attacks of the others. He watched as the explosions sent Grimmjow backwards Kishi's formidable attack piercing through him.

Kaizen watched the arrancar get hit with some serious power, he was completely surprised when Grimmjow stood, let alone release his ressurection.

Before the wave of power hit him Kaizen whipped his sword up into a defensive position his reishi followin suit and formin a defensive spiral in front of him blocking most of the force. Though it did put strain on Kaizen makin him dig into the ground with his feet to avoid falling. After the shockwave passed he brought his sword down making his energy swirl tightly around the blade. He gazed at his opponents new form and settled on a desicion he'd been contemplating for the entire battle.

Kaizen stepped up increasing the vortex around the blade. He focussed more power into his palm. He brought his palm to his face the energy flowing over it before solidifying as a mask.

At frst Kaizen was weary of using these powers but after seeing the kid use hers, he wanted to pitch in plus he wanted to save his Bankai until the time ws right.

After hearing Grimmjow's words he felt it time to make it up to the others. He flashstepped in front of Grimmjow his movments two times faster than normal the vortex around Jigoku now violently whipping around, "Don't get cocky, theres still a few surprises from me!" Kizen swung down the griund blow Grimmjow already cracking under his force, he was hoping the vortex's ability of making his strikes as strong as a terror claw would help, if not he would kick it up a notch. Deciding to give Grimmjow a little something extra he charged a cero from his horn the red ball growing rapidly, before firing.

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Kishi's feet dug into the ground, her gold eyes squinting over the top of her ban kais mask. It was about time he'd taken his resurrecion. she blinked as she saw something flitting to the sky from riyoshis direction, but paid it no mind. Because her attention was immediately torn back to Grimmjow and Yama's grandson. "Idiot, we need to attack in teams!"

The now white haired girl dashed forward, breaking through with sonido, without realizing it. It would seem her hollow powers were still going take some time to control completely. "Here's a change in venue for once!" The teen was brandishing an elemental blade in her right hand once more, but this time it was ice. 'I can only wield one element at time in this new ban kai... gotta make it count.'

The teen twisted around, attacking from above to avoid Kai's cero, stabbing down towards the arrancar's head. Kishi once again was silent, the point of a sneak attack was to be silent after all and not get noticed.
Torres looked on as the group attacked his body frozen, as before all the energy had dissipated they had jumped into attack. Unlike himself, because they didn't have Pesquisa they hadn't sense it yet, they didn't realize the grave error they made.

Grimmjow stood there in his released form as the two worthless little Shinigami with masks attacked. They thought just because they had Hollow masks they could measure up the future king of Hollows, fools. He had seen this trick already and he was already tired of it when he saw it on Kurosaki. Now he would show them what he had done to that pathetic Shinigami and those eyes he hated so much.

Grimmjow simply stepped to the side to avoid Kaizen's attack as if it was the easiest thing in the world despite Kaizen's great increase in speed, it seemed Grimmjow's release was still faster. Suddenly Grimmjow was gone as if he wasn't even there. Torres couldn't believe it, it was like he just completely disappeared from his Pesquisa.

Kaizen wouldn't even see it, just feel the clawed hand grab the back of his head, pushing it and his Cero straight into the ground to explode. The feeling of the clawed hand disappearing just as the Cero was forced to connect with ground and back with his horn and release it's power in Kaizen's face, leaving both he and Kishi to deal with the consequences.

Torres looked around for Grimmjow but was completely unable to find him.

He appeared for a brief second next to Riyoshi as if he was some after image, but soon faded. Riyoshi would not be able to see anything, but he suddenly began to feel the painful tears that began appearing along his chest as he felt his body being torn to shreds as claw marks began being ripped all along his body through his clothes and his skin, the bloody gashes appearing one after another all along him.

(Grimmjow is done playing. Though I suspect that both Kishi and Kaizen will survive, but only thanks to their masks.)

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