Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi was laying upon the ground as about forty percent of his skull was the only thing that was remaining. There was nothing that he could do now. He was completely useless now. Just as his skull fully cracked and began to dissolve into the dirt below him, a bright light began emanating from his location. It started off a bit dim, but soon grew extremely bright, it was almost like an explosion went off. Soon the light faded from the location, and within that spot stood two men. These men were none other then Riyoshi and Ryuujin. They looked upon Grimmjow and then turned their gaze at Torres and the others.

"What happened?" Riyoshi asked.

"It was a spell used by the lord of hell. She was not going to let your body be destroyed by anyone but her." Ryuujin replied as he glanced over at Riyoshi.

"Interesting." Riyoshi spoke out as a giant door began to rise from the dirt behind the two men.

This door had a giant skeleton pulling it open. As the giant door creaked open, flames began to roll into Hueco mundo. The flames solidified into black chains and shot forth towards the two men.
Kaizen nodded and his reishi flared up condensing until it formed a thick layer over Kaizen’s bankai and body. “Sure you can handle this Itsuki, there’s a lot of energy coming at you from all of us.” Kaizen then felt the presence of Riyoshi and looked over watching the hell gates opened the chains spewing forth at him and the other figure there. “Guys, Riyoshi needs our help.”
(Hey, its everyone's favorite author. Noah, we're waiting on a reply here from you buddy. ASAP would be appreciated)
(( Actually, it could be your post. All of you just attack him, then he needs to post about absorbing the attacks. Then Pyro does his thing. And none of you have to worry about Riyoshi. He is not savable at this point. Maybe later on, but not right now xD ))
(Dreadful sorry. As I approach the end of the year, i am busy with my hobbies (other than RpNation) as well as school. I haven't been able to post much in any of my threads. (More apologies to you Pyro. Kinda have been MIA for a bit in yours too.))

Itsuki quickly brought up his sword. Glancing over at Riyoshi, a small frown appeared on his face. "We have to focus on Grimmjow. Riyoshi wouldn't like it if we lost to the forsaken Arrancar because he is dying." More water poured from Itsuki's blade and formed another large whirlpool. "Let's quickly go along with Torres' plan! I will contribute as well." Itsuki lifted his hand and faced it towards the whirlpool. "Hado no. 88! Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raihou!" His large powerful spell fired into the whirlpool and was absorbed, beckoning for the others to do the same.
Kaizen charged up more of his reishi and Jigoku grew larger spreading his wings and blocking out the moonlight the shadows deepened and weren't distinguishable from Kaizen's spirit energy. "Alright, one more for the hellion." Jigoku's entire body then swirled into the blade creating an intense area of spiritual pressure around Kaizen .
(( Lol, sorry. Both to Noah and Lash. To Noah, cause belch, I just finished my last semester kudos, I understand. Lash, cause I was waiting for Noah to do a reaction post and maybe a now post too lol. But this worked out anyway! Onward! ))

Kishi frowned lightly to herself, both in concentration on focusing what little energy she had left, and for Riyoshi. But Itsuki was right, they couldn't afford to be sidetracked by him, and the other shinigami would no doubt just be insulted over grateful. Brat. "Tch. Alright then!" Bracing her feet into the ground, her body began to glow with the remnants of the reiatsu she had left to spare, hoping against hope she didn't over do it and kill herself in the process, her hair and clothes starting to whip up around slowly from the force. "Itsuki!"

That was the only warning she could afford before her Moetatsu Hi-Mizu left her braced hands, as if she was going to cast a Kido spell, the fire and water twisting and twirling with each other towards Itsuki's own attack.
All of the attacks quickly plunged into the whirlpool and disappeared into the churning water. Itsuki felt the power of all his allies surge through him. Itsuki kept the vortex of water in front of the group ready to absorb any attack from Grimmjow as well. "Torres, I'm ready! Let's get this over with.!" Itsuki shouted, ready for Torres to carry through with the plan and absorb his energy and compress it into a powerful Cero.
Grimmjow started to rise as his burning reaitsu formed around like a burning blue panther at it let out a massive roar and he charged forward, it blue flames blasting forward as his claws extended going for the group ready to kill them, thinking of nothing else as he charged forward.

Torres nodded as he felt Grimmjow's powerful force coming towards them.

"Well, this is it. All or nothing...." His scarf started to rise up.

"Sorry, but this is going to hurt." His tail like scarf shot forward as the blade pierced into Itsuki's back, causing him pain as energy began to flow through the scarf to Torres. As he absorbed more and more reiatsu, Itsuki's power began to fade as the whirlpool faded, being sucked in with all the energy.

Torres's body glowed light bluish like Itsuki's water as blades got the same extensions as Itsuki's Shikai. He began to charge all the energy as he formed his two blades out and formed a Cero between them. The Cero seemed to have a watery sphere like appearance that wasn't only crimson red but seemed to be glowing with firey, icey and other like energy that reflected along the surface.

Torres growled in pain as the power between his blades was extraordinary, he could feel it was more than he was ever use to as his blades began to slowly chip away and from the pure power and disintegrate.

"This is it Grimmjow, from all of us." Torres knelt down unable to stand from the power as suddenly the huge beam of energy blasted forth, eradicating all in it's path as it smashed into Grimmjow, the others only hearing is screaming as it smashed into him and his burning aura before everything was encompassed in a blinding light around them.
Kishi flew back, not having the energy to hold herself down anymore, a harsh sound leaving her as she did so. She hoped Grimmjow suffered in that power. She really did. The teen landed harshly, skidding and rolling back as she did so, her injuries starting to take their toll finally as she stopped. t was obvious why as her hair started to ink back to black, her skin regaining its normally tanned tone.

She was out of energy, and she was out of reiatsu. Her hollow couldn't even sustain her powers any more, and the teen could care less. As long as Grimmjow was gone, Ichiro was alright, and Kurakara town was safe, she didn't care much. Keeping her eyes squints against the light that was still fading out, she weakly forced herself up from her side, laying there with jelly like arms supporting her.

"Guys!?" Who was still alive? Was anyone else still alive? She wouldn't sense, not right now, she was way to weak for that, but she could still hear, if barely, the blast having made her ears ring.
Riyoshi was looking upon the battle as he felt the chains pierce through his body before wrapping themselves completely around his body. Riyoshi was forcing himself to stay put against the massive pull of the chains as he watched his comrades launch the final attack against Grimmjow. With a smile upon his face as the combined attack of them clashed against Grimmjow, exploded around the arrancar. Screaming could be heard, but Riyoshi could not tell whom was screaming. He was hoping that it was the monster Grimmjow.

"Way to go team. Now I will take my leave unto the after life. If you get the chance to find my soul, please bring it from the clutches of this crazy woman." Riyoshi spoke out softly as the chains wanked back harshly, pulling him through the gateway.

Appearing upon the other side, Riyoshi was thrown hard upon the crimson ground before being greeted by a familiar female voice.

"There you are. I can not beleive that you made it out of this wonderful place. And i see that you brought me something." She spoke out as she stepped over to Ryuujin.

"And for you, there is only one thing that i can do with a traitor like you." She said as she lifted her hand into the air.

Within her hand formed a large crimson trident and within a millisecond, she slammed it into Ryuujin's back. The crimson aura poured from the blade before it completely engulfed Ryuujin before his entire being was no longer there. All that stood within his place, was the scorched outline of where he was lying.

"Are you crazy! That is the only thing that you wanted to do with him! You should have taken him prisoner!" Riyoshi yelled out from the ground.

The woman turned quickly and kicked Riyoshi in his ribcage sending him rolling away from her. Anger grew across her face as she walked to his location.

"You do NOT tell me what to do with the souls that belong to ME!" She yelled out as she pointed the trident upon Riyoshi.

"Take him to the pit of despair." She said as a large guard picked Riyoshi up and dragged him to the pit.
Itsuki grimaced and with held a groan of agony when Torres stabbed him. Clenching his teeth, Itsuki fell to one knee panting. He did feel drained, but Torres did a good job of shooting a powerful and enormous Cero. Hopefully Grimmjow was finished. Itsuki slowly brought himself up and waited for the smoke to clear. Kishi was tired as well and Itsuki noticed Riyoshi pulled through the gates of Hell. He could help but feel pity for Riyoshi.
Although he couldn't see much Kaizen peered into the dust and debris from the explosion he held his blade handle up and blade pointed down, a danku formed and shattered in front of Kaizen taking most of the force but still driving the man back on his heels and towards the others. His bankai was gone and now he was only putting up a thin layer of his reishi from his katana which was dying out as the blast subsided. "All that power, the b****** better be dead." He looked to the others. "You all ok?"

(Sorry I didn't get notifications nd when I did I jad finals)

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The energy blasted through Grimmjow as he roared in pain, blasting through his body burning him apart as it eradicated him, finally fading leaving nothing left but a huge smoking crater that stretched out into the distance out of sight.

Torres collapsed to his knees as he transformed back to his normal Ressureccion. A small smile on his face.

"See ya, Grimmjow."


Meanwhile in a very dark, very very deep part of hell happening in the not so distant future. A strange trio of beings sat. The girl sat on a giant beast like skull immersed in lava. She lightly strum the string on her strange skeletal guitar.

"Wow, they took that long to defeat him and he is sooo weak.... I'm not all the impressed." She said as he barely even looked into the flame which showed Heuco Mundo and the group having just defeated Grimmjow, showing it as a memory that had happened a while ago.

Seems one of them even had to sacrifice himself to come here. How sad, well let "her" have her fun with him, but she really needs a hobby. They really are weak, don't know why we bothering to watch these random memories of weaklings."
She twisted a tuny peg which looked more like a rib bone as he strum a very light cord.

Suddenly something came plummeting from above as it smashed into the lava below them. As the figured dragged itself out of the lava, it revealed itself as a very burnt, very hurt and very weak Grimmjow, with chains embedded in his body. The female smiled as she turned back to look at him.

"Hello Grimmy, welcome to Hell. We are gonna have lots of fun together." She smiled a dark and terrifying smirk that could horrify anyone....

(Dum dum dum, insert lots more foreboding and scary stuff)
Bright glowing blue eyes shown in the dim darkness, his arms crossed over his chest, the lanky figure looking none to impressed with he fight he had just been watching. When he spoke, his voice was a low gravelly tone, "Weak as they are, they may still prove useful." Waving off the flame as he returned his attention from the boring fight, eyeing the people who had been in it for a moment before he completely went to ignoring it.

Straightening up from his position of slouching with his arms crossed, he watched as someone came plummeting in to join them in He'll. A dark smirk crossed over his face, showing off feral teeth.

Fun indeed, he supposed. Although, if he was as weak as he thought, than maybe it wouldn't be as much fun as intimidated. There really was only one way to find out, though, wasn't there.
Taking Riyoshi, the guards threw him into a large flaming pit. As his body collided with the flames, it began to warp around his body until the flames became black chains and wrapped themselves around his ankles and wrists. Pulling his wrists up, it placed Riyoshi into a 'T' formation. A figure stepped to the edge of the shadows and looked upon Riyoshi's body.

"So, he had made his way back here. I wonder how he was able to leave in the first place." The figure said in a soft voice.

Riyoshi looked upon the giant platform in front of him and took in deep breaths.

"You think that this is going to break me? My zanpakutou is fire!" Riyoshi yelled out as he glanced around the area.

A tall muscular figure stepped into Riyoshi's field of view and spoke out.

"Correction you maggot! Your zanpakutou WAS fire. In your last moments of battle, you cast it back into soul society and relied solely upon the gate keeper. Your mistake was that action. Now that you have no power down here, we will break you and get any information we want." The man spoke as he vanished from sight.

Appearing just in front of Riyoshi, the man threw a hard right hook right into his ribs. As the punch connected, Riyoshi coughed up blood and collapsed, the chains still holding his body upright.

"I will not tell you anything. You are just monsters." Riyoshi replied before being hit with the back of the man's hand.

The man stood over Riyoshi, constantly hitting the shinigami until he either gave information, or died. Either way, the man was getting exactly what he wanted.

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