Bleach Role Play

As Riyoshi’s blade made contact with Grimmjow, he felt it peirce through the arrancar and soon the arrancar was out of his range being attacked by his allies. He looked upon the others, he proceeded to take a step, but he felt his bones creak slightly.

”So this is how it ends?” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked down towards his feet.

Riyoshi’s bones began to chip and flake away as his foot swung forward. Gritting his teeth together, Riyoshi tried to keep himself ‘together’ long enough to see this fight come to an end and in their favor.


Riyoshi, you are now breaking apart. We told you that this was going to happen if you stayed in this form for a prolonged period of time. Suzaku spoke out in the inner world.

He is right, This was a mistake. His power alone might have been okay, but combined with my power, augmented it enough to basically eat away at your bones. Ryujin spoke out as he sat next to Suzaku.

It will be fine. We need to hold this together for a little bit longer. Riyoshi spoke out as he sat in front of two beings.


The bone within his shoulders began to chip away as he felt his arms starting to get heavier. With each step, he could feel his body giving out.
Kishi grinned, her sharp canines flashing as she noticed the extent of damage Grimmjow was taking. And the fact that he seemed distracted.... "Again! Torres!" She moved, disappearing with a swish and reappeared next to Grimmjow, her body swinging as she spun to kick him in the side towards the other arrancar. With his three different Ceres to use at once... Well, she was hoping that it would work and that Torres knew her well enough by now to understand what she was trying to do. If not... Well, try again.

The teen had noticed Riyoshi though, although she didn't allow it to affect her attack. She wasn't feeling to great right now, even though now they were finally making headway with Grimmjow. Just a grim determination to get this fight over so that Riyoshi hadn't sacrificed himself in vain.
Itsuki noticed Riyoshi's form crumbling. He was going to die soon. Itsuki wanted to end this fight quickly so that Riyoshi would be able to see it to the end and die knowing they won. Itsuki shunpoed to the rest of the group as Kishi began charging three cero's at Grimmjow. Itsuki waited for Kishi to finish her attack. He didn't want to get in her way. Itsuki did summon another whirlpool from his shikai in case Grimmjow has another attack ready.
As Kishi got close to Grimmjow there was a suddenly explosion of blue reiatsu that sent Kishi flying back with tremendous force as it began to blast around him like a huge flame that swirled around. The entire area began to shake violently as Grimmjow's reiatsu began to skyrocket like never before.

The area began to shake more violently as the ground below Grimmjow began to tear apart, blasting into dust as it was destroyed little by little, his energy just continously growing as Grimmjow let out a monstrous roar that began to eradicate the ground below and blow away all the clouds above him as the entire area got hotter as Grimmjow literally burst into blue flames.

The others were all being blown away by the intense and powerful energy that radiated outward destroying everything around it, as the sky literally began to burn blue like they had once seen before. The sky was set ablaze with blue flames as his energy just kept rising. His power was so intense it was literally burning the air around him, it was actually burning the air around him

His energy grew and began to smother the group, as if choking them with this horrible feeling of destruction like they knew their death was coming. It wasn't just the power of it, it was actually painful. It felt like it was burning their skin, his reaitsu was burning their skin.

Torres gulped in pain as held his chest.

"No, this can't be...."

He watched as Grimmjow was consumed in this black and blue energy that consumed the whole world around them.

"It can't be.... Resurreccion,... Segunda Etapa......"

The power culminated as it exploded in a massive explosion destroying everything around as it dust and debri fell around it creating a cloud. As it passed Grimmjow's new form could be seen:

Grimmjow's white armor and clothes were gone, now replace with silver metal like blade skin, with blades sticking out all over. He no longer had hands or feet, but rather just large metal claws. His hollow hole now had a burn mark etched around it. His face markings had expanded to tiger stripes and his eyes now had blue sclera and a yellow irises that burned like flames. His ears were much longer and his hair was now blue flames that burned around him, with his tail ending in a blue flame. He was hunched over like an animal and saber tooth like fangs.

Grimmjow let out a roar that began tearing apart everything around as if it was being mauled by a thousand wild animals. His eyes, now showed no humanity. Any part of him that compassion, kindness and restraint were now gone, there was only an animal. An animal of pure destruction.

Grimmjow just swung his two claws to his side, that simple gesture and his left and right side just began to obliterate around him as it headed towards the heroes.

(Ok that was my last plot development for this RP, I'm done now :) )
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Itsuki stared in horror at the newly unleashed power of Grimmjow, which frustrated him. Grimmjow apparently had something stronger every time they got the upper hand. Noah felt the sudden pain of Grimmjow's powerful reiatsu and cursed out. He quickly enveloped himself with the whirlpool so that it would protect him from the burning power of Grimmjow. However it did help a little bit when Grimmjow swung his arms at the group fighting him. Itsuki felt himself get cut and flung a fair distance away and a slash develop on his chest. As Itsuki fell to the bloody marsh he used the water that surrounded him to help close the wound. Itsuki groaned as he pulled himself up and thought "Just when we thought we had him."
Riyoshi was not able to help the group when Grimmjow was on the ropes, and this made him truly sad. He was now the weakest being in the group and he was still trying to make the effort to keep going. As he took another step, Grimmjow basically exploded his reiatsu outwards at the group and erupted the entire area in flames. AS the pressure exploded outwards from Grimmjow, Riyoshi tried to bring his arms up to guard, but he was unsuccessful in his attempt as the energy collided full force against his frame. The sheer heat of the reiatsu was enough to rip his bones apart.

"Holy shit that is hot." Riyoshi spoke out as his bones began to disintegrate.

His entire left arm was now gone and his rib cage began to chip away as he was sent flying backwards and sliding upon the ground. Riyoshi lay upon the ground with no power left within him. The only thing keeping him going was the last bit of power his zanpakutou's had. His power alone was used up and now his reserves were drying up. His white blade was no longer in his grasp, and his fingers began to crumble away. A small tear formed within his eye socket and rolled down upon his cheek bones.
Torres was blown back as he tried to hold on, but the power was too much as the slashes came back and he was blasted back as blood shot out from the wound that roared across the chest as he hit the ground.

He had no idea Grimmjow had this power within him. He had heard of the legendary Segunda Etapa, a secret Ulquiorra had shared with almost no one but him. He had thought Ulquiorra truly was the only who could release it, that it was simply impossible. But here Grimmjow stood having relesed it after all his years of trying in vain, Grimmjow had been the one to do it.

Now with all this power and the majority of these Shinigami already tired and having used their best tricks, they didn't have a chance....

Grimmjow shot forward, all his humanity gone as he roared like monster, going towards Kishi and Torres to tear them apart.
Kaizen was blown away, the balance he had in his mind gone shattering his form his trident returning to his bankai state. He slammed into the ground hard and any remainig fragments of his mask shattered completely. His skin burnedand it hurt to breathe butt he stood. He had seen Riyoshi's body crumble, and was not about to lay down and give up. "Don't give up guys. Don't give up!" He raised his sword and Jigoky formed around it, he needed to slow Geimmjow down amd nothing else would work. "Dragon crash down." He brought down his sword and jigoku shot forward head first, the rest of his body keeping pace. Jigoku slammed right into Grimmjow from his left, engulfing him in a rush of reishi, it was like seeing a man get hit by a giant wave. Kaizen wasn't hoping to stop him but to buy enough time for Kishi and Torres to get it together.

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Kishi flew back, being as close as she had been to Grimmjow, his reiatsu hit her, and it hit her hard. She tumbled on the ground a few times before she managed to catch her footing, only to roll once more with the momentum. Her own reiatsu started to form around her self, in an attempt at shielding her body from the immense heat and power. It wasn't working well on either account, even with her natural resistance to hotter temperatures due to her blades. Grimmjow's reiatsu was on a whole other ball park.

The teen's ears were ringing from having been so close to the initial explosion of reiatsu, but even with that, she could make out the release phrase... for another resurrection!? How?! How was that possible!? Gold eyes widened in shock as she took in the espada's new appearance. It wasn't a joke. This wasn't just a show of power. This was the real thing. A Segundo resurrection...

Kishi grit her teeth, moving to catch Torres before he hit the ground, disappearing with a flick and setting him down distractedly. She was still in awe at the sheer power that Grimmjow was displaying but.. This was insane! How was it possible for him to have gotten so much stronger?!

"Torres!" The teen acted out of instinct, pushing the arrancar away with enough force for him to go some ways, and threw up a barrier with a defensive sweep of her arm. Though, she doubted it would do much more then delay him. And it probably wouldn't even do that.
AS Riyoshi lay upon the ground, barely able to move any portion of his body, his reiatsu continued to dwindle. Forming his right hand up and over his waist, he made the motion of placing his zanpakutou within it's sheathe.


"There are things that we must solve here and now before i die. I know that my body will not survive anymore abuse from these flames, and I have one thing left to do." Riyoshi spoke out to Ryujin and Suzaku.

"Riyoshi, do not do this. This move is foolish!" Suzaku yelled out at Riyoshi.

"This is the only thing left to do! I have to do this!" Riyoshi yelled back.

"Riyoshi. I understand that you think that you must do this. But think about this from his position." Ryujin spoke out as he took in a deep breath.


Gripping his hand tightly, the crimson red flames began to form within the few bones of his hand. Pulling his arm back to his right side, his blade extended and formed into a large phoenix.

"Now, return yourself to Soul society!" Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his hand upon the air in front of Suzaku.

A large door formed behind Suzaku and as it opened, it pulled Suzaku through and back into it's zanpkutou form. As Riyoshi exhaled his breath, the flames that covered his bones vanished and the space within his eye sockets grew into a very pitch black color. His skull began to augment and change from its charred black color to an almost greyish blue.

Be careful. We will only survive for two minutes before the gates of hell open and devour our souls. Riyoshi spoke out in a harmonious tone of both begins.

"Understood." Riyoshi replied to himself.

His entire form changed from his skeletal form to a more aggressive and highly advanced form. His form was no longer of a human form, but more creature. His bones were no longer thin, but they were beefed up to look like muscle. His shoulder blade began to extend and push him off the ground, soon landing upon his feet. The bones upon his back began to take on the form of wings, and his spine began to elongate into what looked like a tail. The bones upon his right hand healed out and sharpened out into claws.

Exhaling his breath, Riyoshi leaped towards all the action, his wings beating down and propelling him towards the spot at where grimmjow was. His form allowed him to gain distance rather quickly and before anyone knew it, he was upon the opposing side of Grimmjow. Riyoshi was trying to help out Kaizen's attack. He knew that they were not able to cooperate their attacks correctly before, but he was trying to learn this mans style.
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Kaizen's attack slammed into Grimmjow, but the pure force Grimmjow was exerting would hold him back for a few seconds. His burning blue flames were slowly burning through the ernergy dragon like a flame burning through cloth.

Torres was thrown back by Kishi as he began charging three Ceros again ready to add the elements, when suddenly the flames and ice went out and he returned back to his original Resureccion form, his blades flattening.

He had used up all the energy from Kishi, there was none left and he no longer had that addition of power, nor the three elements. It couldn't get any worse.

As Riyoshi added his power to Kaizen's attack, it succeeded in slowing Grimmjow even further, however he was slowly even burning through that. His rage was greater than that as the beast roared, his eyes empty of anything feeling. He would breaking through very quickly, they were running out of stalling time.
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As Riyoshi hit the side of grimmjow, the flames bellowing off of the beast began to scorch his bones. Kicking off the side of Grimmjow, Riyoshi landed back about twenty feet. The tip of his tail began to glow green before it began to travel towards the base of his skull.

“Dragon dissolving blast!” Riyoshi yelled out as he launched a blast of his dissolving liquid towards Grimmjow.

Beating down his wings, Riyoshi launched himself straight up into the air. He was hoping that Kaizen or the others would kick in and help take this monster down a notch.
Kaizen shot up behind Riyoshi firing off another dragon, he warped it around his ally so that he was tucked away within while his attack continued, from the outside the attack would appear like the dragon was spitting the acid, just before the jaws snapped shut on Grimmjow, dousing him in the acid and slicig him with pure violent reishi. "Let's keep it up Riyoshi."

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Grimmjow was consumed by the dragon as the acid began to pour over him, steam rising from his skin as the acid burned it away. Suddenly there was a roar as Grimmjow yelled out, his blue flames burning bright as they saw the acid wasn't burning him, as it touched his skin which was so hot the acid was actually being burned away, evaporated before it could ever burn him. He was burning the acid, his body being so hot as he roared burning away the jaws surrounded him as his violent reishi burned any reshi around him.

"It's no use. His reiatsu is so powerful, that the heat around him generated from those blue flames burns any spirit particles that come even close to him. We have to find some way to cool that heat or get past that heat barrier of his."

Torres advised the other two, unsure what to do at this point no longer having any of Kishi's powers.
PyroWarriorZ said:
Grimmjow was consumed by the dragon as the acid began to pour over him, steam rising from his skin as the acid burned it away. Suddenly there was a roar as Grimmjow yelled out, his blue flames burning bright as they saw the acid wasn't burning him, as it touched his skin which was so hot the acid was actually being burned away, evaporated before it could ever burn him. He was burning the acid, his body being so hot as he roared burning away the jaws surrounded him as his violent reishi burned any reshi around him.
"It's no use. His reiatsu is so powerful, that the heat around him generated from those blue flames burns any spirit particles that come even close to him. We have to find some way to cool that heat or get past that heat barrier of his."

Torres advised the other two, unsure what to do at this point no longer having any of Kishi's powers.
My work week starts today, so chill your rolls and I shal post when I can. Also, if you need cooling, then just ask, our resident ice maker. Also, for some reason I can't OOC right now, and I probably flubbed this up, so sorry about that I guess.
Itsuki quickly shunpoed up to Riyoshi, Kaizen and Torres panting and a little out of breath. Something to cool the heat? Itsuki had an idea in mind. "Shikai: Uzu no kyoka!" Itsuki's blade dripped water and formed a large vortex next to him. "Hado no. 58, Tenran!" The Kido spell began blowing away some of the heat barrier that Grimmjow had and Itsuki immediately sent his shikai ability to try and envelope Grimmjow. Itsuki hopes that his attack could subdue the Arrancar and hopefully it would absorb some attacks for Itsuki.
Kishi grinned lightly, liking Itsuki's thinking, and brought her left hand up as he attacked. Steam seemed to fly from her hand but upon contact with the water of his zanpakuto and began to freeze it where it met Grimmjow. "I'm not sure if this is going to work but its either fight fire with fire or fire with ice here guys!"

The teen knew that they didn't have much of a Chanute she was hoping Grimmjow was going to literally burn himself up. Your body could only handle so much of your reiatsu at once, shinigami or arrancar didn't matter, and if you overloaded it, you literally burned. And she was hoping that's what would happen here.

Of course, that probably wouldn't happen though this is Grimmjow they were talking about. She grit her teeth, amping up the freeze she was supplying to Itsuki's own attack. No time for thinking, only time for action.
The ice and water began cooling down the flames around Grimmjow, decrease the power of his flame aura.

"Ok guys, keep that up. Maybe that will be enough to let the rest of our attacks get through!" As Itsuki and Kishi tried to cool down the flames, Torres began charging three Ceros as he brought them together.

"Trillizo Cero!" He said as he fired the combined force of his three Ceros as they merged into his powerful attack and shot towards Grimmjow, but that wouldn't nearly be enough. It would need Kaizen's and Riyoshi's strong attacks if it was to even make Grimmjow flinch.
As Riyoshi landed upon the ground, his bones began to flake away. His timing was near its end and he could feel the power slipping away from him.

"All right guys! This is probably going to be my last attack." Riyoshi yelled out as he gripped the ground tightly.

His bone claws tore into the hard ground underneath him and his reiatsu began to radiate from his very bones. Just as his entire skeleton turned green, he opened his mouth and let off a tremendous roar.

"Dragon dissolving roar!" Riyoshi yelled out as the sheer power of his blast began to completely disintegrate his bones.

His entire left arm and most of his ribcage was no longer there. His bones began to fall from his form and dissolve into the ground. His attack would collide just behind Torres' cero attack. Riyoshi collapsed to the ground as he no longer had the power to keep himself standing.
Kaizen tried one more time, to summon his mask, succeeding but knew he had to make this quick. “JIgoku!!” the massive dragon burst to life behind him as he raised his sword. “One more time, Dragong crash down!!” He brought his sword down and Jigoku’s body followed his form perfectly recognizable as it flew down towards Grimmjow Kaizen saw out of Jigoku’s eyes and aimed for where the others had fired, keeping pace and being careful not to cancel out the other attacks. His mask cracked but he sealed it, noticing his hollow pitching in aswell. “This is it, it has to be it!”
The three attacks smashed into Grimmjow obliterating everything in their path as the creature was sent flying back, the force of the explosion shaking the area.

Torres covered his eyes from the explosion.

"That's not enough.... we won't be able to beat him with such small power. We need something stronger than all of us." He explained knowing that Grimmjow could easily survive that in his new state.
Kishi's eyes narrowed in anger. "We need to hit him again, but all at once. Combine them though." She turned to Torres, her hand still raised from having frozen Itsuki's attack, still ready, "Do you think you have enough energy left for that?" Gold eyes flicked back to Grimmjow, not willing to come off him. Her body was tense, and from the way she was almost fidgeting, it was obvious she was trying not to move, to not go and immediately attack Grimmjow again.

The teen knew they were at the end of their rope, Riyoshi was dying if not already dead she wasn't sure his energy had been weird since he skeletized. But she couldn't spare him a though, unless he was going to contribute to this attack.
"We're going to have to give it everything we've got, so that means every last drop no matter how low you are." Which might just exhaust their reiatsu chambers and burn themselves up in the process.

Torres looked to Kishi.

"Me?! Sorry, doesn't work that way. I can only absorb one person's reiatsu of such power at a time. My body simply can't handle even two, I can absorb a single person's powers at a time, that is how it works. Sorry...." Torres looked to Kishi, it was simply impossible for him, however, maybe there was a way it could work, with someone who could absorb multiple energies. He looked to Itsuki.
Itsuki looked at Kishi, and Torres. An all out attack.... Itsuki's Shikai did seem well suited for the job. "Well...My Shikai can absorb all of your attacks and use the power to boost the attack. Plus I can use it with flexibility." Itsuki looked at his zanpukuto and then to the group before looking at Grimmjow. "Also it would absorb any attacks from Grimmjow. Think it would work?"
Torres looked to Itsuki.

"You can absorb them all, but I doubt you have a spell strong enough to handle all that power to actually use all the energy. However if you absorb all their attacks including Grimmjow's and then I absorb your element while you have all that energy absorbed, I can compress it into a single, ultimate Cero." He looked to Itsuki, then the others.

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