Bleach Role Play

Kaizen nodded, "Well let's not do more damadge than neccesary, I would still greatly appreciate it if you could get everyone clear of the blast Before I let loose." He flashstepped back into Jigoku holding his sword in front of him and drawing reishi from the dragon's body around him it slowly decreased in size concentrating around the blade. There were multiple strands of energy connecting his blade to his bankai's body. He raised his sword higher into the air. Kaizen's spiritual pressure spiked making the ground rumble all around them much stronger than before. This was Kaizen's ultimate move, being most effective in bankai it utilized all of his destructive power in a single blast that was concentrated on whatever point Kaizen chose. "You ready Riyoshi? Torres, you guys might want to back up a bit I still have trouble controlling this one."
Itsuki heard Kaizen's warning and nodded. Whilst Riyoshi and Torres attacks Itsuki creates another barrier. He lifts up his hand, grasping his shikai, empowering his next Kido spell, "Bakudo No. 73! Tozansho!" A blue, inverted, triangular prism materializes around Itsuki and the others to protect them from any stray attacks from either Grimmjow, or Kaizen.
Torres nods as he stays in the safety of Itsuki's barrier as the two prepare their final strike, Riyoshi to heat up Grimmjow's skin to make it more vulnerable and Kaizen to strike through him.

As Kaizen's sword is unleashed and the attack blasts forward engulfing Grimmjow, encased in his icy prison and Riyoshi, there is a huge explosion of energy as promised and warn by Kaizen that engulfs all three of them. As the energy fades, two figures are seen slowly coming into focus from the light. Riyoshi and Kaizen, there is no trace of Grimmjow. Nothing but a massive crater of where he once was, and some icy left over crimson dust that begins slowly floating through the air to the ground.

Torres looks at where Grimmjow once stood, now supposedly eradicated.

"No way it was that easy..." He whispers to himself.
Riyadh nodded to kaizen as he was setting up a powerful move, possibly a game ender. Keeping his flames bombarding against grimmjow, Riyoshi kept turning the heat up on grimmjows skin. as the huge attack connected upon himself and the trapped grimmjow, the attack ripped apart his body, well, the physical portion of it. As the dust cleared, Riyoshi's body could be seen mostly regenerating in pure crimson flames.

"told you nothing you can do could kill me. " Riyoshi spoke out in a cocky tone.

Looking at the spot where grimmjow once stood, Riyoshi hoped he was completely dead, and not pull of some disappearing act. He needed to cancel out his bankai before it completely kills him.
Kaizen reformed His bankai, even after using all the reishi in the previous body this sprouted from the ground enlarging until it grew to the size it was already. "We can't let our guard down yet, keep your eyes peeled and your senses sharp, he may try to use his previous tactic." As he told the others this Jigoku spread his massive arms claws at the ready. So far Kaizen and Jigoku had been fighting at their most basic, but if the espada did show up they would show their full potential.

Kaizen smiled as Riyoshi took his opportunity to gloat, "Alright I believe you, let's just hope you don't have to prove that further."

He looked towards the others deciding to use the break to see how the other two were doing. "Hey Kishi, how are you and Itsuki holding up?"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Grimmjow's insane laughter was heard from above as he stood high above them in the darkened clouds.

"Do you honestly think you can beat me, you are nothing to me. You are mere ants.... flies to be swatted to my true goal. Kurosaki and when I tear his heart out, I will make myself the KING OF HUECO MUNDO!" He yelled out as the area shook with his roar, as he began forming Desgarrón, the huge blue streaks of light forming from his claws that rose into the sky. His so-called ultimate attack from when he fought Ichigo.

He didn't attack, he just stood there, daring them to attack.
Kaizen's face whipped up as he heard the laughter, he grimaced. "Dammit, I should've known this would happen." He looked down to Riyoshi and Torres, "Come on you two it's past time we put him down! Try combining your fire attacks that will be more effective than using conflicting elements that do more damage to each other than their target.". Kaizen knew that it must seem rushed but that was part of the facade, he just hoped the others would comply. He flew up both hands on the hilt of his sword, as he did Jigoku's massive claws rose to meet grimmjow's attack. "Let's see just who's claws are sharper cat!!" When Kaizen was less than ten feet away he put his mask back on his eyes turning yellow and black, he roared as more reishi flowed from him some enlarging Jigoku's claws which at this point were over either of his shoulders. The rest streaming behind him in a large funnel. The edges of his reiatsu turned silver and the claws appeared more solid. Kaizen was determined to finish this fight, he would give his all to avoid letting the others get harmed by this man. He wondered if this was what this Ichigo felt....the will to protect. If so then he truly hoped he would have the same success that he had.
Riyoshi looked up at the voice and gritted his teeth while clenching his fists.

"I will try, I am not sure how effective i will be." Riyoshi spoke out to Kaizen as he turned his attention to Torres.

"You know exactly what will happen after this battle. I will be as much help as possible while trying to hold onto my bankai form." Riyoshi spoke out to Torres as he charged his fire into his palms.

Turning to look at Grimmjow, Riyoshi aimed his palms up to Grimmjow's position.
Jigoku claws slashed into Grimmjows attacks as they seemed to push them back, but then suddenly the blue razor sharp energy began to cut through Jigoku's claws as it began slicing through the creatures hands, as it began shredding through the Bankai creature.

"You may have size, but my attack cuts through anything!" Grimmjow simply smirked as he continued to wave his claws as he began cutting through the massive's dragon's paws. Still seeming as if he was exerting barely any energy.

"No wait, I have a better idea." Torres appeared behind Riyoshi.

"I know a way we can end this battle for sure. But I'm gonna need you to trust me, I'm going need you to leave your Bankai. If even just for a second, it's the only way. I know this is asking a lot, but I've got a plan. We'll make sure to do it far away from Grimmjow and the others so he can't attack you while you are so vulnerable."

He sonidoed a safe distance away from Grimmjow and Kaizen so no one was near and motioned for Riyoshi to come.

"Hurry you must drop your Bankai, I will stand behind and make sure no attacks come at you from the front. If this works as I plan, the battle's direction will change very quickly."
Cancelling out his fire upon his palms, the flames returned to covering his entire body. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi was hesitant in cancelling out his bankai for he figured instead of just collapsing, it would mean death this time.

"Ok, I will follow this time." Riyoshi spoke out as he turned his attention to Kaizen.

"KAIZEN! Don't let that beast get the upper hand upon you! You are a shinigami and the grandson of the great captain commander!" Riyoshi yelled out to Kaizen.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi followed Torres' movements and appeared in front of him.

"All right, I will drop my bankai." Riyoshi spoke out as his spiritual pressure began to plummet.

His flames began to dwindle before they gathered into a blade within his grasp. His left arm began to vanish from sight as his bankai fully vanished. He was no longer within any activation of his zanpakutou and sweat began to drip from his head. It past his eyes and his breathing began to get heavy. Dropping down to one knee, Riyoshi stabbed his zanpakutou into the ground to keep him upright.

"Do your thing Torres." Riyoshi spokt out from in between his heavy breathing.
Kishi silently glared at Kaizen. She was fine, and Itsuki was alright for now as well. His barrier held up fine, and even in her reiatsu weakened state, she could defend them enough to stay out of the way and safe. The teen snarled lightly at Grimmjow's boasting, but kept quiet. She knew she was in no state to be fighting with him and drawing his attention.

Dual colored eyes took in the three boys, taking in their states, and her brow furrowed in worry as she took in Riyoshi. Sheathing her zanpaktou, its not like they were any good when they were in shikai anyway, she gripped Itsuki's shoulder and placed him behind her. It looked as if Riyoshi was going to pass out, or worse, and she knew that his zanpaktou could be punishing.

The teen bit her lip, stance tense, and raised up a hand, a purple barrier appearing around Riyoshi and Torres from three sides. She could at least do this to help protect them from Grimmjow and Kaizen's attacks.

"Oi, Hime. What'chu doin' lettin' tha' stupid arrancar take our power like tha'? Ya should be out there fightin' the Blueberry, not sittin' 'ere and putting up flimsy barriers." Kishi growled lightly at her hollow, this was really not the time for her to start being uppity. Her eyes widened as even more of her reiatsu left her, her hollow side draining and fading out of sight. This...For the love...Kami, this was not the time! Ignoring her hollow, the teen ramped up the power going into her barrier a bit more.
Itsuki looked up at Grimmjow in despair. The situation seemed somewhat grim. All three, Kaizen, Riyoshi, and Torres, were using such powerful attacks, and the arrancar didn't even seem unfazed. At the same time, some of them were injuired and Kishi still seemed a bit weakened. Itsuki was tooken by surprise as Kishi pulled him back. She seemed even weaker now that she was pouring more energy in creating the barrier. Itsuki stepped forward and held out his hand. A bright green aura emitted from his palm and went into Kishi. "You can have some of my reiatsu. I think you could be a great deal of help with it." Itsuki said as he increased the reiatsu in Kishi. "Besides, I can recover my reiatsu quicker." Itsuki stepped back a little out of breath. He made a mental note to not give so much of his reiatsu in such a quick time. His body might go into shock.
The dark smirk reappeared on Torres' face.

"Too easy..." He snickered as he raised his right sword and swiftly and mercilessly drove it through Riyoshi's chest, impaling him right through as the large blade exited out the front of his chest, blood spurting out. The smile still on the Arrancar's face.

Grimmjow looked to Torres and smiled as well.

"Took you long enough." He grinned to the other Arrancar.

"I told you it would be easy." Torres replied to Grimmjow, with his blade still in Riyoshi. Everything had worked out exactly to plan, he had even used the same temporary mental blockade to block Suzaku's powers for long enough, that he had used during his last fight with Riyoshi, that had only been a test to see if he could do it, to make sure Suzaku would not heal Riyoshi this time, just to make sure he would die. Going into his Inner World all that time ago did have it's benefits. Even if Riyoshi didn't die immediately, he would soon be out of their way permanently.

Torres pulled out his blade to let Riyoshi fall to his death as Grimmjow turned his attention to the others.

"Now with that little constantly healing and regenerating irritation out of the way, we can concentrate on the rest." He looked to Kaizen and Kishi.

Torres however knew his next target, Itsuki to make sure he didn't heal anyone anymore. He had been planning and preparing this for a long time.

(Yes! That just happened! For those wondering how long I have been planning this, well.. Krysta do you remember when that other guy left the Rp and you randomly asked me to play Grimmjow. At first I was a bit meh about playing the bad guy Arrancar when I was already playing the Arrancar, but after a few days I thought why not let Torres be working for Grimmjow and I'll only pretend to play him as an ally. Yup, all that time. Besides I never did actually state that Torres was a good guy, you guys just assumed.

Also if you were smart, you might have noticed in my posts some very subtle hints that Grimmjow had a fourth disciple besides Pizarro, Hotaru and Raiden. So yea, that is the first big plot development, one of two and my big big plot twist.

Also @Riyoshi. I've planned around the fact that you still want to transform, so Riyoshi won't die immediately. But his next transformation will allow him to just keep his body alive long enough to finish this final battle before it gives and he has to die-die which you can decide when that happens.)
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Kaizen saw Torres backstab Riyoshi and was filled with rage, he pressed forward stabbing at Grimmjows heart his instincts wanting to tear the man apart. His inner hollow assisted adding his strength and skill. Jigoku responded, resolidifying and grabbing the claws holding them in place, a wicked grin on his pure black face as he squeezed sending cracks long the length of it. His wings opened up and stretched until they touched behind the blue haired arrancar blocking his exit, energy from the wing of Jifoku swired around Kaizen's sword still pointing at his opponents heart. He had an idea and went with it immediately. "Terror claw" instantly six hands reached reached out of Jigoku's wings as Kai'zen collided with him. A massive explosion shook the ground leaving the resut to be seen.

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Itsuki gasped in pure disgust and shock. Torres all along has been a partner with Grimmjow, and waited till they all were tired to backstab us. He literally did backstabbing Riyoshi. Kaizen along with many other comrades were flowing with rage, as was Itsuki. Itsuki, mad at Torres for his betrayal, lifted his palm towards him. "Hado No. 88! Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raihou!" A large surging laser of energy blasted towards the place where Torres stood. Itsuki knew however, that a spell of the eighties caliber was tiring on his body.
As Riyoshi’s knee hit the ground and he took his heavy breaths, he soon felt the cold steel peirce his flesh. There is nothing that he could do about it since he knew he was going to end up dieing, but he was still very angry.


I told you that that arrancar could not be trusted, but you did not listen. Now look at you. You will die. Ryujin spoke out from his inner world.

Riyoshi, there is nothing that i can do in this state. We had over used my healing ability. Looks like this may be the end. Suzaku spoke out as his flames began to dwindle.

‘I know my friends. I have overlooked the fact that Torres was an arrancar and looked at him like a friend. I should have kept my distance, but i was naive. I should have kept a distance and kept a close eye upon him.’ Riyoshi replied to the two spirits within his inner world.


As his blood splattered across the ground in front of him, Riyoshi’s eyes started to become lifeless. Falling forward, slightly off Torres’ blade, Riyoshi gripped his zanpakutou tighter keeping himself from falling over. It was more instinct seeing is Riyoshi was about to fully leave this realm.

“Thank you.” Riyoshi spoke out as his voice began to get corrupted.

The skin upon his arm soon to combust with flame. His flesh was now fully on fire and his head began to turn to look upon Torres. His flesh was not healing this time, it was slowly melting from the bone.

”I have to really appreciate this. Riyoshi would not let us go full force, but now he is out of the way. Riyoshi spoke out as it started to appear he was becoming a mere skeleton on fire.

The sword was still within the ribs of Riyoshi, but there was nothing of vital importance anymore. What seemed like a grin shot across the skull of Riyoshi as his left arm began to form once again, this time, it was merely bone.
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As the attack between Kaizen and Grimmjow exploded and faded, the six arms that had formed from the dragons wings could be seen falling to the ground fading in reishi as the blue beams of energy that had once eminated form Grimmjow now surrounded him like rings of blue light slicing anything that came close to him, he had gained far more control of his ultimate attack since he first learned it. Forming it around gave him the ultimate defense, literally cutting anything that came to physically close him to, even energy attacks.

"I told you, I can cut through anything. Now that you are alone, you have no chance."

Grimmjow smirked, now that he only that little Shinigami brat to deal with, it would also be too easy. He swiped his one hand as some of the blue rings unwrapped around and swirled around his arm into a spiral as they wounded around his arm, but never actually touching forming what almost looked like a giant drill around his hand. He then swung his arm forward, boring the giant hole into the dragons chest. The simple fact the blue reishi Grimmjow was emitting was far more concentrated then Jifoku allowing this attack to cut through even the great dragon's power.

Torres smirked as he saw Riyoshi burning into a skeleton.

"Always one last little move, have to go out in a burning glory. I know you too well." However Torres did not care for Riyoshi, he knew despite this transformation it was only a matter of time. His main goal was their main healer, Itsuki. Suddenly a beam of energy shot out at Torres as he quickly bent his back to the side to dodge it as it blasted past him with surprising power. Slightly singeing his jacket's back.

"Oh! How cute... the pathetic little medic is actually trying to fight as if he could ever be useful. You're out of your depth! You have been since the moment you joined us! You know and hell knows we can all see it. Your pathetic, all you have is healing and those weak-ass spells! You're Zanpaktou doesn't even have any real power. I'm gonna kill you and I doubt there is much you can do to stop me."

He suddenly shot forward like a bullet using Sonido, before that dumb little girl realized she had extended her worthless barriers around him and Riyoshi as well to "protect them" which had done it's job for him, so he had best attack while it is still around him and won't keep him out, before she tries to shrink it to protect only Itsuki and her.

As he got close enough, his two blades each glowed with fire and ice respectively as he launched two fire and ice Cero slashes at Itsuki, one to come at him from each side, right and left.

He then formed a normal, but powerful Cero in his tail and fired that directly at Itsuki if he somehow managed to dodge or block his first attacks.
Kishi's eyes widened, a harsh cry being rendered from her mouth, "Riyoshi!" She immediately dropped her barrier around the two of them her dual colored eyes widened in shock. they immediately narrowed in anger, her blades in hand, "Ban kai!" She shunpoed, pushing Itsuki out of the way and took the attacks. That was her power, her abilities... If Torres thought he could use that against her, then he had another damned thing coming.

The teen brought up her hands, flaring with her own elements and blasted them into the initial ceros. She was hoping that the opposite element would cancel out the other, if not create a shit ton of steam. Kishi took the brunt of the last cero, as she couldn't concentrate on making a barrier with her attention already split for the two on the sides. She fell to her knee as the attacks faded, her form shrouded in the steam.

The teens skin was burnt, blood dripping from her as she shakily stood back up. "Nenshou....HiMizu... Her mask crumbled into pieces from her face, having barely been able to call it up in time, now not being able to sustain it after having taken the brunt of that force. She shook her burnt hair back of from her face, her fists clenching and thin strands of fire and ice expanding from them like blades.

Both eyes were solid gold on black sclera once more, as they rose to meet Torres', her skin healing over pale white. "You....Dare....Try to use my own power against me?! Against my friends!? You...Bastard." Her voice was reverberating with the waver of her hollow abilities, almost seeming to echo. F*ck if she knew this wasn't going to drain her afterwards, she'd only gotten a bit of a pick me up from Itsuki. And pushing off the elements with the opposing ones certainly hadn't helped anything, nor did her barrier for the third pure cero. Kaizen could handle Grimmjow for now, hopefully, but she was going to take Torres. And hopefully Riyoshi would help Kaizen, although she felt a soft pang at the thought of his loss after this battle.

Pushing it aside, her hands glowing with their own respective elements, Kishi snarled at Torres, embracing more of her hollow nature, and sonidoed to him, her body twisting as she brought her foot down on him from above, her heel flaring with fire as she did so.

(( Changed. If you still have issues with it, pm me. The OOC kind of is overloaded there. ))"
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Kaizen was surprised to see the rings but it faded quickly. " So assuming you do survive this fight are you gonna hinders behind some silly rings when fighting Ichigo?" Heglared at Grimmjow coldly, " You're a fool, my power is based in manipulating my reishi dont you think wiuld learn to shred such weak defenses." He gathered the reishi back up. Kaizen couldn't lose this battle not after all that's happened. He focused all of his reishi into his blade, not around it like before but into the blade. After the claws were absorbed, the wings flowed in, this continued until Jigoku's body was completely absorbed. Kaizen's blade hummed radiating power that seemed as endless as the oceans. He dashed forward sword raised abd brought his arm down, that same instant he was behind Grimmjow aswell except this ones mask was repaired, otherwise they were the same both blades practically screaned as obe went to cut from shoulder to hip while one came right up the middle. Kaizen didn't even bother to look at him his eyes trained on Torres. A very hollowfied voice came from him, "once we're done with you we'll destroy the traitor."

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Itsuki opened his mouth to use another Kido spell. But before he could do anything, Torres has appeared in front of him charging three cero's. The next moment, Itsuki found himself pushed out of the way by Kishi who absorbed the attacks of Torres. She seemed incredibly pissed off since Torres used her powers as well as backstabbing us. The deceit was truly infuriating. However, Kishi seemed tired still, Riyoshi was using a final form, hopefully to deal with Grimmjow who was preoccupied with Kaizen. His body was tired as well. However, Itsuki was furious with Torres and his words that insulted him. While Kishi was attack him, Itsuki shouts "Bakudo No. 63! Sajosakubu!" A golden chain flew from his and and sped through the air to entangle Torres.
”You sick bastard! You do not know us at all!” Riyoshi yelled out at Torres’ comment.

Before Riyoshi could react towards Torres, the arrancar was gone. Getting up to his feet, Riyoshi was about to take off after Torres, when he seen Kishi and Itsuki there. Knowing that Kishi was powerful enough to stand on even grounds with Torres, if not even be more powerful, he turned his attention up into the sky. Taking in a deep breath, he leaped from the ground and flew up towards Grimmjow and Kaizen.

Kaizen, looks like we will take this one out first. Riyoshi thought as he approached the two combatants.
Torres smirked as he had guessed Kishi could counter his fire and ice with her ice and fire, they were opposing elements, but his were stronger infused with his Cero. She was wasting energy and he was barely breaking a sweat, everything was going according to plan. This battle would be their victory as long as they kept their lead up.

He saw her Sonido up to him faster than ever before as she attacked him. He simply smiled and let out a laugh.

"Ha, predictable."

He simply swung his flame sword around her heel using it to flip himself around her and behind her as he was now right behind her, in a move that couldn't be done unless someone knew exactly how to do it from the beginning.

"Still don't get it yet..." He whispered in her ear.

"Why do you think we had that final training session and I tried so hard to make sure you brought out your Hollow side, so that you would have no more surprises for me. I made you tell me your every weakness and strength." He laughed lightly in her ear, as she would remember his move so perfectly counter her own firey kick. She couldn't help but remember every battle Torres had either witnessed or fought in, he always stood there watching them so intently, calculating. Even during a battle he made sure to make so few movements, only reacting when absolutely necessary, rather watching every move. The terrifying realization that Torres had been studying their fighting styles from the very beginning, that is why it felt as if he knew every move she was about to make before she made it and she still had no idea how he truly fought.

"By the way, what makes you think you get to fight me...." He whispered one last part in her ear.

Grimmjow just laughed at the boy.

"Such big talk, but I can see. You are weak." He said, using his Pesquisa he knew the boys power level and right now he was weaker then the Riyoshi and Kishi and it was time to stop wasting his time with him. As Kaizen came in for his close attack, Grimmjow suddenly grabbed both his wrists with arms, making sure to squeeze the same wounds from before. However at Kaizen's current speed there should have been no way Grimmjow could have caught him so easily, unless he had gotten faster.

"I know what you are thinking, I haven't gotten faster, you've gotten slower... You fool, there is a reason this is my ultimate attack. Desgarrón is such a powerful and dense compressed reishi that it literally warps the spirit particles around it, especially in a place like Hueco Mundo composed entirely of spirit particles. I wanted you to have to fight close up, that is why I force you to stop attacking with the dragon and attacked me directly, you were such a pathetic fool to fall for such a simple trap. Being so close with Desgarrón around me hinders your movements and makes you move even slower. However now I am done playing with a child and have other matters to attend. I told you, you stood no chance against me alone."

He smirked as he jerked his arms as the loud crack was heard, from him breaking both of Kaizen's arms. With that he grin a sharp toothy smile as he lifted his feet onto Kaizen's chest and kicked off him, sending the Shinigami back as he zoomed past Riyoshi, with such speed Riyoshi wouldn't have time to realize the battle he was heading to was already changed.

He zoomed downwards to where Torres and Kishi were, as Kishi was preoccupied with Torres she would be totally unprepared as he slammed her down into the ground with unparalleled speed forming a huge crater beneath them as he compressed the massive amounts of blue reishi into his claws and began tearing into her back like a wild animal, seeming to particularly enjoy it. Was it because like Ichigo she was a half-human Shinigami wearing a Hollow mask or another reason, was unsure.

Meanwhile Torres smirked as Itsuki sent his spell towards Torres.

"Exactly who I wanted to see." He let the chain wrap around his ice blade as it suddenly began freezing in place. Torres smiled at Itsuki with creepy eyes.

"Oh Riyoshi, I know everything I need to know. I spent my time making sure of that." With that he quickly yanked his arm with such impressive force that it would pull Itsuki flying towards him. He held out his flame blade as it burned with fire, as Itsuki came towards him so that the healing Shinigami would be impaled or burnt alive or both. When Itsuki was close enough he sent out his scarf to wrap around the Shinigami in case he managed to negate the chain so he could still pull him in with that and let the ice continue to freeze long the chain so that it might freeze Itsuki's hands to chain to keep him in place as well as protect the chain from any attacks. Torres was planning for all contingencies. He also made one last move, starting to charge a Cero at the tip of scarf's blade.

(Sorry for the long and gmy post, but I do need to deal with all these powerful opponents with all their transformations and at least seem like I have the advantage. You will understand why later on...)
Itsuki's eyes widened as he felt himself pulled forward at remarkable speeds towards Torres who easily countered Kishi's attacks. He barely had enough time to disconnect the chain from his hand before it froze and create a non-verbal Enkosen shield. As Itsuki still traveled to Torres (because of the momentum) the Bakudo blocked Torres' fiery blade, but it still cut into his abdomen. "Oh look at that. I've been impaled." Itsuki coughed up blood, before Torre's scarf wrapped around his neck. Itsuki's eyes widened as he saw a cero charged and fired at him, point-blank. As the smoke cleared, Itsuki's body felll limp, and crumpled to the bloody marsh ground. His consciousness drifted as he lay on the ground, his face still scowling at Torres' betrayal. He drifted into his inner world, where his zanpuktou had manifested.

Itsuki's vision cleared and he realized that he was in his Inner World. It was a vast, somewhat tranquil space. The sky was a dark-blue, like that of an early morning where the sun had not quite risen. He was up to his waist in water. Itsuki looked around and saw his zanpuktou spirit, Bishōjo. The zanpuktou had a caring, yet hardened stern look upon her face. Along with long, cascading hair and, sea-blue robes that as it got closer to the ground materialized into flowing water.

"So you have finally lost." The nymph-like lady said. "I commend you for making it this far. I thought you would've gotten killed sooner in the battle." The harsh comment stung Itsuki. He did try all his best.

"I did my hardest!" Itsuki argued. "I used as many Kido spells as I could, but it didn't affect them at all."

"Indeed. Your attacks were weak."Bishōjo commented. "But I will help you. I admire your persistence, and I think with training, you can grow stronger." The zanpuktou spirit held out her hand. "I lend you some power, to aid your friends....and perhaps together, we can both gain something from this partnership."

Itsuki nodded and took the nymph-like lady's hand and he woke up to familar, repulsive, bloody marsh ground. He slowly brought himself up from the ground with his new shikai in hand. His abdomen still bleeding, robes burnt, and insides hurt from Torres' previous attack. Spinning his blade in a circular motion, Itsuki says "Uzu no Kyoka!" and a water imbued with Kido energy spewed from his shikai and formed a whirlpool/vortex that advanced towards Torres.

(Shikai is a water-based nymph. Uzu no Kyoka (Enhancing Vortex) is an abiliy in which Itsuki can manipulate the whirlpool to absorb attacks that can enhance his abilities. Also, I made a Frozen reference that you can omit. Itsuki didn't really say that. Just some comic relief :P )
As Riyoshi flew through the air towards Kaizen and Grimmjow, he seen Kaizen be launched past him. His movements were not fast enough to catch Kaizen so he had turned his attention right back for Grimmjow, but to his surprise, he was gone. Coming to a sliding halt, Riyoshi looked down upon the group. Exhaling his breath, flames shot from his nose and mouth. Riyoshi was royally ticked at this point, he had been betrayed by one of the few he thought was his friend, and now he was over looked as an opponent!

”Damn arrancar! Let’s finish this!” Riyoshi yelled out as he leaped down towards the arrancar.

With an explosion, Riyoshi was now heading straight for Grimmjow. He was not going to let him get away with this. Riyoshi’s flames were getting brighter the faster he went. Bringing his right hand back, Riyoshi formed a fireball within his grip.

I will need to hold on for a little longer. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Your body is giving out. Your skeleton will not be able to keep up with this amount of heat. Suzaku spoke out to Riyoshi.
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Kaizen was hit with a wave of pain as both his arms were broken, only to be kicked straight into the ground. He lay in a shallow crater for a few moments before attempting to stand, which was awkward since he couldn't use his arms. He looked down noticing that somehow he had held onto his blade, despite being battered and slammed into the ground his bankai still hummed with energy. Kaizen struggled for a feww moments before standing up, glaring at Torres with pure hatred. He was impressedby tsuki's attack though seemed like he still needed prectice, but for now it was good that he could still fight.

Kaizen he looked at th rest of the group feeling helpless, he sighed and sat down feeling dispair overtake him. Both the emotion and his hollow. Kaizen's conciousness faded then surfaced in his inner world. The sky was dark and towers of skulls could be seen stretching in every direction. His hollow Dispair sat on top of the tower directly in front of Kaizen, causing the soul reaper to look up. "So what lesson do I need to learn now." Kaizen's tone was sarcastic and was rewarded by a swift kick to the back of his head as his hollow appeared behind him. "I was considering offering my help but if you are gonna be like that I could let you die." Dispair scratched his chin like he was considering it seriously then shook his head,"Nahh if any hollow is gonna kill you it's me not some cocky espada that's gotta obsession with a man he lost to." Despair lookied at Kaizen quite seriously, "Let me take over if not completely at least let me give you my instinct and speed, even if your cero is worthless combining our strengths we could fire so many his head will spin. So whaddaya say?" Kaizen looked at his hollow, sighing he really had now choice, but Despair was quite powerful, and together they had defeated other powerful opponents easily. Kaizen's gaze shifted looking past despair, "What are your thoughts Jigoku?" A massive head ten times the size of Kaizen's bankai came into view, both of his terrifying eyes locked on kaizen. "You, know my thought's boy, let's join together, finish that blue haired bastard and get it over with, plus you need the healing factor to even get back into the fight." Kaizen nodded, "My thoughts exactly, Despair screw me over on this and we will kill you, I'll just enjoy it more."

With that he closed his eyes, reopening them to the outside world, he could feel the coldness of his mask seeping all over him changing him and morphing his body, he sprouted some serious wings and Jigoku had become a bladed trident with the middle, sticking out about a foot farther than the other two. His body became covered in a sort of armor that was incredibly durable very near the strength of Grimmjow's diamond skin. Kaizen felt as if he were looking out throught new eyes. Even with the dull monochrome colors of hueco mundoeverything looked as if it were in high-definition, his hearing sharpened, and his senses tingled alerting him to every movement made in the battle before him. He took a step then disappeared, flashstepping a great distance before reappearing in frint of the blue-haired arrancar, his arms already thrusting the tip of his trident towards his opponent's heart.

(Actual image of Kaizen's possible form,

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