Bleach Role Play

Torres let out a laugh.

"Yes I suspected you might have something to add to the party unlike the others. All the more reason to take you out now. But you are forgetting I have ice powers right now!"

He held his ice blade and charged an icy Cero as he fired it towards the whirlpool to freeze it solid and hopefully Itsuki along with it.

Grimmjow sensed both Kaizen and Riyoshi coming as he laughed how foolish they could, they had no idea how to fight together and yet he knew how to deal with multiple opponents. Having trained fighting Pizarro, Hotaru and Raiden simultaneously taught him how to use multiple opponents attacks against one another and this was too easy. The little Shinigami had totally forgotten Kishi was right below him. He quickly grabbed Kishi's head and lifted her up as he jumped up to meet Kaizen and using Kishi as a shield, she would be impaled onto Kaizen's spear with a large smile, knowing that Kaizen was moving so fast there was no way he could stop his attack or prevent this, he might be able to slightly move the spear to prevent it from hitting any vital spots with his new senses, but stabbing her was impossible to avoid at the speed and closeness of the attack. He then back flipped off Kishi's body to let Riyoshi collide with the duo, as he fired off all his Garra de la Pantera at them like missiles.
Kishi froze when Torres countered her attack so easily, so perfectly She seemed frozen still as he spoke to her, gold eyes wide as she listened. The teen snarled as she was slammed into the ground, arching up s blood spilt from her mouth. Her regeneration ability couldn't keep up with the rate that Grimmjow was tearing her back apart with, her hands curling into the ground as she fought to buck him off of her.

Clenched shut eyes opened in surprise as Grimmjow suddenly got away from her, sensing both Kaizen and Riyoshi approaching her as well. No doubt they had been intent on attacking Grimmjow, but they had simply seemed to have forgotten her. The teen's eyes clenched shut again, as she threw her hands up over her head and face, a purple barrier appearing around her body to hopefully deflect the two boys attacks. Or at least stop Kaizen's spear from seriously damaging her. Because her back was already in bad enough shape as it was.

Her regenerative abilities were trying to knit back her skin, and muscle, and tissue that she had lost, due to the arrancar's attack, but it was having a hard time of it. In some places it almost looked as if bone was exposed.
Itsuki could barely smirk as the icy cero was launched at the whirlpool. The Cero did not make contact nor explode upon reaching it. It simply was sucked into the vortex, spiraling into the center before disappearing. Itsuki felt a renewed energy throughout him as the Shikai ability absorbed Torres' attack. With empowered healing, Itsuki quickly healed major cuts and wounds before lifting his blade.

"I am no longer so weak now!" Itsuki shouted angrily at Torres. "Your words mean nothing to me!" Itsuki remained furious at the treachery that this Hallow had executed. Although the planning was admirable, he still had to defeat Torres. Kaizen and Riyoshi were distracted, and Kishi was running low as well. "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens." Itsuki said quickly poiting his sword at Torres. "Hado No. 73! Soeran Sokatsui!" The swirling whirlpool of liquid kido energy took on a more slender form and rushed towards Torres, turning into a large stream of blue fire coursing with power.
Just as he arrived about to hit Grimmjow, he quickly countered, bringing Kishi into their line of attack. Stopping quick enough to where he did not launch the fireball into Kishi’s back, he held the fire off to her right side. The blade from Kaizen’s attack managed to go through the shield and through kishi and knick his rib cage. Looking down at the tip of the blade then back up at Kaizen.

“That is a bit dangerous, just swinging that around.” Riyoshi spoke out.

Turning his attention towards where Grimmjow had launched himself, he seen him launch off an attack, this time with more then they could handle. Swiping his left arm up, he created a wall of blue flames that quickly hardened into a blue brick wall. The attack from Grimmjow hit the wall. Each of the bullets quickly embedded halfway through the wall, before they exploded and obliterated the wall sending shards towards the three shinigami.

”I have had enough of this! Riyoshi yelled as he launched towards Grimmjow.

The bones upon his left arm began to turn black, his time was now starting to come to an end. The final stage of his bankai fully running out, his body was now giving up.
Kaizen was too slow or rather too fast, he speared Kishi, he was sorry for that but didn't have time to apologize, not that he could, his speech would in this form come out asgrowls and roars. He saw the brick wall that Riyoshi built shatter as it blocked the little missiles, he quickly dislodged his trident making sure to avoid wounding Kishi more, he gave her an apologetic look and took off behind Riyoshi he noticed the black on his allies bones and knew he was weakening. Kaizen gunned it spreading his wing and zippung past him he hed his trudent firmly in both hands. He gathered his black and silver reishi along blades of his trident a split second before colliding with Grimmjow he sidestepped and passed right next to him the trident angled so that it would slice off his head.

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Torres raised his brow as the Cero was absorbed.

"Interesting, so it's not just a water-based elemental Shikai. It can absorb and nullify attacks, interesting."

He turned his head to look at Kishi getting impaled, distracted for that moment as Itsuki said his spell. He only turned around too late to see the spell coming at him and no time to dodge it, but he simply scoffed not to worried about Kido spells. However as it was about to realize he suddenly felt how much stronger it was.

"Wait a minute, you don't just absorb the energy you use it empower your own spells!" He said sensing his own energy as the attack hit and he was sent flying back the flames burning him.

Grimmjow saw Riyoshi and Kaizen come towards them, but with his speed he knew he just had to keep one step ahead of them. Keep them chasing, they were using up all their power as much as they could and Grimmjow still had the majority of it. These two were the same, they both burned through all the energy they had as quickly as they could. Grimmjow wasn't, the simple fact was he didn't care about any of them. They were ants to him, he would just kill them off and save all his true energy and rage for Kurosaki. He simply used Sonido and dodged Kaizen's trident attack, knowing that trident had enough power to cut even his armor. He could use the same strategy Torres had told him to use on Riyoshi. It applied for both Shinigami, they had similar fighting styles.

"Hahahaha! You truly are pathetic! Little Shinigami trying to prove themselves, but you are nothing to Arrancar." He said as he pointed his elbow and fired more Garra de la Pantera, but they zoomed past Kaizen and Riyoshi, specifically being aimed at Kishi. To take her out while she was already down
Kaizen stopped and turned on a dime, he took another step and propelled himself faster than before, he let out a roar that was meant to tell Riyoshi to defend Kishi. He hoped to let Riyoshi stay alive longer by having him conserve his energy. At this time he was toying with Grimmjow giving a feel of superiority hoping that he would get relaxed enough. if he considered them flies he would make a mistake and that would be his death. Kaizen jabbed forward with his trident shooting his energy of in the shape of his blade, if it made contact it would explode. Kaizen was excited to have a new skill set, it would allow him to give Grimmjow and Torres a run for their money.
Kishi's eyes widened as the spear pierced through her chest, a spray of blood being forced from her mouth as her body jerked with the force of it. As Kaizen pulled the blade free of her, she fell forward with the force of it, catching herself on shaky hands, her elbows feeling like jello. Her head popped up as she sensed Grimmjow's oncoming attacks, the barrier she had attempted to shield herself from Kaizen and Riyoshi having already fallen. Sclera darkened to black as the teen screamed a battle cry full of rage and pain, punching forward with her right hand, darkened flames and ice swirling out to meet Grimmjow's Garra de la Pantera.

The force of the two attacks meeting caused a shockwave, forcing the girl back and to go flying, and even more blood to spurt from her mouth. She was still in her ban kai, that hadn't left her thankfully, and she rolled to a stop on her side. The young vizard shakily brought her right hand to her chest, it flaring with purple reiatsu the left following after a moment. Her zanpaktou was still a healing blade after all, even if it wasn't a perfect technique in battle. But maybe...since she had become stronger and because she had trained so much more... Maybe she wouldn't pass out from using it on herself.

"Heal the wounds and the pain, the hurt and the past, HiMizu." Her eyes shut tight in concentration, hoping Torres and Grimmjow would be distracted by the explosion and by Riyoshi and Kaizen for long enough to not notice her healing herself. It was going to exhaust her if she didn't do it right. Actually, it would probably exhaust her regardless. "Ya have ta be shitting me." "For once I agree with the damned hollow, Kami's sake Hime." The teens brow furrowed in confusion as her fiery zanpaktou spirit and hollow spoke, "I'll lend ya some more of my power, its not like ya've tapped me out yet or nothin' anyway. But my help is gonna ta be lax after this one, Girly, got it?" "Hi-chan and I will take care of the rest."

Gold eyes popped open as the spot in her chest opened more, becoming round. And much more like a hollow hole. Standing, albeit a bit shakily, she paused, breathing in deeply through her nose. Kishi grinned, her teeth decidedly more pointed now, and gripped her fists together. The flame and ice that burst forward were dark, near black. "Alright, I can work with this."

If Torres knew her style so well, maybe she should just give in to instinct for a while.

(( Oh gods, its been so long since I've had to use that incantation, I seriously had to dig through the beginnings of the rp to find it lol. You want me to change something, let me know. )) 
(( Also, so many pretty colors xD ))
Itsuki saw Kishi counter the Garra de la Panterra with a large explosion. Kaizen and more worriedly Riyoshi were having a tough time with Grimmjow. Riyoshi's state and condition seemed to be detiorating. They had to finish this up quick. As much as he would hate letting Grimmjow get punished by Kishi, Itsuki decided to help Riyoshi. "Kishi, I am going to help Riyoshi and Kaizen. I'm sure you can handle Torres." Itsuki says before shunpoing a distance not too far, but not too close to Grimmjow, ready to provide aid. He hoped Grimmjow would create a powerful attack for Itsuki to absorb with his Shikai.
Riyoshi stopped in his tracks as Kaizen growled at him, only to shrug it off. He was not about to let some newcomer show him up. Exhaling through his nose, flames shot down and over his mouth.

“She is able to take care of herself. We must worry about him.” Riyoshi said calmly as he watched Kaizen’s movements.

He wanted to match his battle tactics and see if he could help even slightly. The flames that he kept in the grip within his right hand began to scorch the bones. His left arm was now halfway black and the bone began to chip away. He needed to get on with this fight and do something good for the group. That is when it hit him, a perfect plan. Just as he was about to make his move, he felt the presence of the young shinigami. Turning his gaze upon the younger man, his skull was beginning to turn black around his eyes and down towards his chin, almost in a tribal design. Even though he had no eyes, Itsuki could ‘see’ Riyoshi showing the acceptance towards death.

”I have a perfect idea. Kaizen, keep him busy for a minute.” Riyoshi spoke out as he fell from the sky and headed for the location of Itsuki.

Landing next to the young man, Riyoshi’s flames emanated from his skeletal structure and provided a slight healing aura.

”What is your exact limit to your shikai?” Riyoshi asked Itsuki as the black charred look continued to creep over his bones.
Torres swung his arm, ignoring the damage Itsuki's attack did and saw him flee to go help the others.

"Nope, sorry... but we decide the opponents."

He swung his blade creating an icy Cero slash to intercept Kaizen's attack to Grimmjow causing it to explode prematurely. As he flew towards Kaizen, Grimmjow shouted towards him.

"Keep them busy, I'll finish the girl." Grimmjow yelled at Torres as he flew towards Kishi.

Torres' eye went wide as he heard the command, but he shook his head. No, he should ignore what was going through his head. He had a battle to finish and as much as he hated fighting, he would get this done. He saw Riyoshi and Itsuki regrouping and heard them talking, he could hear Riyoshi whisper something and immediately had a very good idea what Riyoshi was planning and he could not allow that to happen.

He swung his blade again to create a giant red icy shield to temporarily block Kaizen and keep him occupied as he charged forward towards Riyoshi and Itsuki. He then began firing sharp missile like Bolas from his blade, however since he still had Kishi's power half were fire powered and the other ice powered. However they had his Cero like energy within them so Riyoshi simply could not cancel absorb the fire ones. He made sure to fire them only at Riyoshi so Itsuki would not absorb them, they were made to separate the two more than do damage, so he fired as many as he could as the barrage flew towards the duo.

Grimmjow meanwhile Sonidoed closed to Kishi as he laughed.

"Just as pathetic as Ichigo. The only way you think you can win is becoming more like a Hollow, but you are not a Hollow. You are nothing but weak humans and weak Shinigami. You will never have our power our true thirst for destruction. That true unending emptiness that can only be fed death and destruction, never truly fufilled, always fueling our anger and our Arrancar power.

You think you are getting more powerful, but in truth you make it easier for me. You attacks are becoming more like a Cero, a Cero Oscuras. Allow me to show you a true Cero Oscuras."

He held out his hand as a completely black energy began to focus in it as the entire area began to shake and rumble as the black energy began to form into a ball with a bluish aura as blue energy crackled around it. The pure power of this black Cero could be felt by everyone, even Torres had to look back as it was formed. The reiatsu was so thick and heavy in the air as he formed it. He looked up at her as he spoke softly.

"Cero Oscuras." As he released the tremendous amount of energy that shot forward, as the massive black Cero shot out, destroying the ground beneath it.

(Ok guys, for those who don't remember this the Cero used by Ulquiorra in both his Ressurecion and Seguna Etapa form. Supposed it can only be used by Espada in their released form and this is supposed the most powerful form of Cero seen on the show. So in other words it is terrifyingly powerful...

I have discussed this with Kishi, please do not just stop this Cero. Do not block it, null it, absorb it, etc. Torres should be keep the rest of you occupied, you are welcome to maybe try throw up a barrier or try throw something in it's path to try hamper it if you feel your character can make it in time or a plan, but please do not simply stop it or deflect it or whatever. Do not just swoop in last minute to save her, I am keeping you all occupied for a reason)

As said, I have spoken with Kishi as I have a plan, so you are welcome to try help try and stop the attack or just worry, but just don't stop this attack or swoop in and pull her out of the way. It's powerful and there is a reason I want Krysta to be in this position. Thank you for your understanding.)
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Kishi's eyes widened in surprise, her attention had been on Torres, not on Grimmjow... The espada was in front of her before she could react, a heavy growl leaving her throat as she her hands coming up clawed, the appendages flaring with her elements.

The teen snarled at Grimmjow, "Who ever said that we wanted to do this? You're the one who had to become more like a shinigami in order to become stronger!" Her own rant was cut off as the espada started to form a cero.. A cero oscuras?! She'd only ever seen one of those before when Ichigo was fighting Ulquiorra! And that had...

The teen tried to dodge, to roll out of the way, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to...
As the battle had changed once more, Riyoshi found himself in a fight against Torres. In an instant, he sensed Torres fire off countless Bala’s at the two of them, no, basically at Riyoshi. Turning slightly towards Itsuki, Riyoshi brought his leg up and placed it upon the kids chest.

“I am sorry.” Riyoshi spoke out as he encased Itsuki in a thin layer of his healing fire and kicked him from the location.

Just as he did so, he was hit by the first Bala. This one was imbued with ice and Riyoshi felt the effect in an instant as his entire left arm was coated in a thick casing. Anger soon shot across his face as he rotated his body to defend against the next one. The arm hit the next bala that was fire and as the bala exploded with tremendous force, Riyoshi’s left arm was now fully black.

“Stupid arrancar. You think that you can attack me with equal power!” Riyoshi yelled out as he threw up a barrier of flame at a slight angle.

This barrier would not take the full force of the attacks, nor would it deflect the attacks. As they collided with the barrier, the ice began to climb and cover most of the wall as the fire bala’s tore through the layers of his barrier.

”I do not understand why you are attacking us. I thought you were a friend. I trusted you and you stabbed me in the back. But i guess this is where your loyalties are. I will place the last of my life into killing you.” Riyoshi spoke out as his barrier shattered and Torres came into his line of sight.

Looking him straight in the eyes, Riyoshi’s eye sockets began to glow red. Within the grip of his right hand, a bright white blade formed and upon his left arm, a pure black shield grew from his bones. Exhaling through his nose, the flames upon his head began to get brighter and hotter. His flames were now turning from it’s blue color to a clearer flame. His flames were getting hotter as they condensed into his skeleton. Leaping from his spot, Riyoshi charged head on towards Torres. He knew that Torres had studied him for a long time, but there was a fighting style that he had not studied and he was going to use that. As he approached the arrancar, he swung his blade and sent out a white razor like attack of condensed flame.
(I figured I should post to uncomplicate things)

Torres raced forward towards Riyoshi and Itsuki as he was kicked away safely, leaving Riyoshi and Torres to collide. The two raced together at their incredible speeds when suddenly Torres simply veered slightly off completely missing Riyoshi, allowing him to dodge the attack. However Riyoshi's was the counter attack and it seemed impossible that Torres could have seen or dodged the attack coming, especially since Riyoshi was trying a different style. The only way Torres could have not collided with Riyoshi was if that was his intention all along and he was never aiming or heading towards Riyoshi at all, his goal and direction were something totally different.

The Cero Oscuras shot towards Kishi with such destructive power as it zoomed past into the distance as it struck the ground with a huge boom, as it was quiet before the massive explosion as a huge blast of blue energy shot out, totally decimating the area behind them as the light burned brightly, blinding anyone who looked at it, before fading and revealing nothing but the void the explosion had left.

As the light faded, Torres could be seen holding Kishi's arm having yanked her just that extra few inches she needed to dodge the Cero and survive, his own left arm completely charred and black, revealing muscle beneath from the Cero's destructive field just brushing past.

Grimmjow's eye widened and his jaw dropped at this unexpected act and total betrayal.

"Why..." Was all he could hiss out in his raging breath, through his gritted teeth and absolute anger.

(Yup, I did it again....)
Itsuki saw that Riyoshi was ready to accept death with the look in his eyes. Before he could say anything, Riyoshi enveloped Itsuki in some healing fire before being kicked away. As Itsuki regained his footing, he saw a Cero Oscuras fire towards Kishi. The power and devastation was incredible. Once the smoke cleared, Itsuki was shocked to see Kishi being held by Torres. Itsuki wondered to himself: "Did he actually just save Kishi?" Which side is this arrancar on? Who is he helping, Grimmjow or us? The healing fire from Riyoshi dimmed and extinguished itself and Itsuki felt more energized. Itsuki could tell that Grimmjow was infuriated by this betrayal. However, things do tend to fight more when they are angered. Itsuki felt nervous upon what was going to happen next.
Kishi's eyes had clenched shut, both in expectation of being blasted into oblivion, and from the brightness. She didn't register the fact that she'd been pulled to safety immediately, taking a moment to register not being dead. "...Torres?" The teen's eyes were wide as they took in the arrancar, not pulling her arm away in her shock.

Straightening from the slightly crouched position she'd been in, her face twisted into confusion, "But....What?" First he'd betrayed them, having basically killed Riyoshi and now...this? He'd saved her, from Grimmjow's attack no less, but why? Wasn't he working with Grimmjow? Wasn't he.... But...

The teen's thoughts were fuddled, she couldn't figure out exactly what was happening, between the way her heart was rapidly beating from fear, the panicked way her chest was still rising and falling, and the fact that once again, Torres had done the opposite of what was expected of him. "What?"

(( Short, I know, sorry sorry ))
Grimmjow growled again as he repeated his question when it wasn't replied to immediately.

"Why..." He hissed through his teeth again.

"I dunno.... kind of not sure myself. I guess I just spent so long with these twits.... I dunno, I guess I got kind of.... attached."
Torres shrugged as if it was no big deal.

Grimmjow's face went red, all his anger returning.

"WHAT?!" He yelled, unsatisfied with answer.

"Are you telling me, you are really willing to throw away being an Arrancar and your basic need for destruction for a stupid half human, worse half Shinigami!" He yelled at Torres.

Torres stood there for a moment with his hand on his chin, eyes looking down in deep though as if he was considering the question very heavily, weighing all the options, pros and cons. Upsides and downsides...

"Hmmm... I... no no no.." He said canceling that train of thought. He then simply shrugged.

"Meh, why not...." Honestly the whole saving Kishi had been a spur of the moment, last second thing. But it had been done and couldn't exactly be undone.

Grimmjow's face went even redder as he gritted his teeth so hard, blood dripped down from his gums. Then suddenly he smiled, the anger completely gone and his dark and destructive smile returned.

"I always knew you were weak. I told you from the day I met you, even us training together... I should have suspected. Very well, I'll just simply kill you with your precious little humans and Shinigamis. His smile grew wider as his reiatsu flared.
As Grimmjow fired off the cero oscura, Riyoshi felt a cold chill travel from his toes all the way to the bast of his skull. This feeling was terrifying and Riyoshi was not able to just shrug it off, but he continued to fight Torres. With this next attack, his flame razor, he thought he was at least take Torres by surprise. To his surprise, Torres did not attack him, but merely moved past him with no intent on fighting him at all.

What the hell? Riyoshi thought as he came to a sliding halt.

Looking back towards where torres was heading, his only thought was that he was going in to kill Kishi. But after the explosion cleared, there stood Torres holding Kishi.

"He saved her? What the hell is going on?" Riyoshi said aloud as he was now stumped.

Seeing Grimmjow no furious at the situation, Riyoshi cracked open his mouth and let out a ferocious roar. His head was now discombobulated and he was not sure what the hell was going on with Torres. Was he a good guy, a bad guy, was he only trying to prolong her life and drive her into further darkness? He was unsure, but he did know something. No matter the situation Grimmjow was still the bad guy. With a twist of his foot, Riyoshi was now a meter behind Grimmjow. His power was radiating from Grimmjow but Riyoshi was not caring at all. As the power swept across Riyoshi's bones, they got a little darker each time.

"I do not think that you will be killing anyone!" Riyoshi spoke out softly so only Grimmjow could hear.

Gripping the flame katana with both hands, the flames solidified into a perfect blade of white hot flame. Striking out at Grimmjow's back, he was looking to cut across the hole in his chest.
Kaizen dashed forward charging straight to the cero attack he held up his free arm and a black and silver version of Jigoku's forearm appeared in the same position, the two powerful energies collided and exploded with some force. After the blast subsided leaving, a cloud of dust Kaizen sensed the cero being charged. He swept he dust away with his trident to clear his view, just as he did it fired, all that raging energy flew towards Kishi. Although she tried to evade ut was too fast. Kaizen was sure she was a goner until he saw her, still there nd in one piece looking in a terrified manner at Torres!? He stood shocked grateful for the mask covering his idiotic expression. He was jolted by Riyoshi's roar of outrage amd Grimmjow's angry cry. Next.thing he knew Rishoy was directly behind Grimmjow a white hot blade in his hands Kaizen shot forward to help again trying his fly-by tactic. The blades of his trident charged and angled to slash Grimmjows chest. "Lets finish this!!"

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Even in her confused state, Kishi could still register being called a twit by Torres. Out of automatic reaction, she smacked him in the chest with the back of her hand, an angry scowl on her face, "You're a twit. And we are going to have words later." She obviously was unimpressed with Grimmjow's angry shouting as a small smile crossed her face, "We kind of got attached to him too. So bring it, Kitty Kitty."

Her hand clawed across her face, blinking in surprise as no mask formed. She hadn't realized that she had hollowfied, with hollow remains on her wrists in small cuffs, and it took her hollows laughter to drive her into action, "I....that doesn't usually...let's just kick his ass already."

(( I'm on my phone do not. Comment or reply yet please ))
Grimmjow immediately used his speed to catch Riyoshi's arm, knowing catching a blade of pure white hot energy would be very foolish. However since Riyoshi was all aflame, even catching the arm was burning his hand slowly.

He immediately grabbed Kaizen's trident to hold it back from piercing him, he had already proven he could take on the duo together even from opposite sides.

But now Torres could assist instead of making it worse, Torres jumped in and immediately did a full front flip to bring his two feet into kicks towards Grimmjow's shoulders to break his hold and make both attacks hit, as his two armored feet smashed into Grimmjow's shoulders with an echoing smash.

However Grimmjow still stood there unmoving.

"Hahahahaha! You fool, you forget I've practiced taking on three opponents at once. You also forget I helped battle and train with you, I know you are not strong enough to beat me. You foolish threw away your life joining these weaklings."

Torres smirked as he cocked his head to look at Grimmjow.

"Why does everyone always think they know me... you don't think I always hide a trump up my sleeve... You remember that even outside my Ressureccion I can form partial Hollow powers and body parts, including a full mask which ups my power dramatically."

"So what, even with your mask it's just a weak attempt only bringing a small percentage of your Hollow power out, like the foolish Shinigami wearing hollow mask. Even in Ressureccion, you aren't strong enough to beat me." He growled, still holding Riyoshi and Kaizen back.

"True, you've seen me use my full mask and my Ressureccion, but never both at the same time!" Torres smiled as Grimmjow's eyes widened. Torres mask fragment began to grow forming into a his full Hollow mask as he had done when battling Hotaru, but now he was in Ressurecion form as well.

(My mask for reference:


(Except normal eyes for now)

Suddenly the power between Torres kick was increased as it suddenly pushed down Grimmjow's upper arms causing him to release his old on Riyoshi and Kaizen's attack allowing the two literally slice through him as his blood spattered out...

Grimmjow began falling down, two large gashes across his chest, across his hole forming a large, one burnt black around.

Torres jumped up.

"Don't let your guard down!" He grumbled through a hollowish voice.

"He is still as dangerous as ever! Keep the attacks going. Don't let up for a second or we are dead." He began charging all three Ceros, one in each sword and the third at the tip of his scarf blade.
Kaizen growled as Grimmjow caught his blade. He couldn't put much more into not wanting to risk overdoing it and harmig Riyoshi, suddenly Torres appeared and kicked Grimmjow with surprising force. Though Grimmjow stayed firm smack talking to Torres until the arrancar put on his mask while in his Ressurection. The amount of force rose exponentially making the espada lose his grip and allowing their strikes to hit. At Torres' suggestion Kaizen continued his attack, turned and stabbed at Grimmjow's abdomen focusing his reishi forward and around the blade.

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Itsuki saw Torres quickly approached Grimmjow and released a powerful amount of reishi. Perhaps he had grown fond of the team and seemed to have pulled his trump card out for them. They were getting the upper hand over Grimmjow. Itsuki lifted his blade and prepared another Hado spell. "Careful Torres, Riyoshi, and Kaizen!" Itsuki warned before beginning the spell. "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast. Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle. Hado no. 73. Raikoho!" A large arc of lighting courses from Itsuki's blade towards Grimmjow. Itsuki with aptitude of Kido, a also manipulated the path of the spell so that it would not hit his allies.
Kishi wasn't far behind, her eyes set. Intent on fighting with each other instead of just blundering around and using separate attacks like they had been before, the teen came up from beneath Grimmjow, jamming her elbow up into the middle of his back to force him onto Kaizen's blade. She ignored the oncoming kidou spell, trusting Itsuki enough to feel no worry from it.

She was beyond words now, her anger towards this espada brimming near the surface, barely able to control her emotions. Kishi knew if that happened, Grimmjow would just use that to his advantage to throw them off balance again, maybe even use her own attacks against their allies. And she would not risk that.
Grimmjow was slashed by Kaizen's trident, but managed to catch it before it could go deep. However Itsuki's beam of lightning smashed into him as he was paralyzed with pain before Kishi elbowed him allowing Kaizen's trident to pierce deeper, until he used Kishi's elbow to push him off to the side as the trident tore through his abdomen cutting him up as he fell downwards away from the three.

"Nope, we aren't done with you yet. Were not letting you get your way. This one I learnt from Hotaru. By heating and cooling the air thanks to Kishi's power, I create a little static in the air." His right Cero burning with firey power, his left Cero icy cold thanks to Kishi's power. He held his tail scarf Cero imbetween the two as the opposing elements flowed around it causing the third Cero to spark as it gained the power of electricity. A technique he could only use with his mask and Kishi's power.

"Let's see how a elemental Trillizo Cero works." All three elemental Ceros fused together and fired a huge fire, ice and electric Cero towards Grimmjow to smash him down.

As the smoke cleared, Grimmjow slowly got up, blood pouring from the huge torn wound from his right side, his body burned and damaged. He was actually hurt pretty bad, these new attacks were getting through his armor and with all of them attacking at once and together, his speed was no longer as effective. He growled, he was losing.... again?!?!

His mind flashed back to long ago.


"I'm the king!" Grimmjow yelled as he fired more of his Desgarrón, as Ichigo raised his sword.

"You're not the only one who wants to win!" Ichigo said and then spoke of all his battles and why he had to fight.

"I can't afford to lose to you, Grimmjow!" Ichigo yelled as he unbelievably cut through Grimmjow's Desgarrón. through sheer force of will. His blade their pierced right through Grimmjow and Grimmjow had lost.

"Damn... you..." Lost, just like that... to a pathetic Shinigami or human, or whatever he was. He had lost, he had been denied his right to be king. To be the most powerful Arrancar in Hueco Mundo."

***End of Flashback***

Grimmjow's eyes went wide, it was happening again. He was losing, no.... He had to kill Kurosaki. He had to prove he was the strongest, that he was king. Kurosaki had to die, no matter what and these little insects were standing in his way. His goal had been taken away from him and now all he had left, his revenge was being taken away by these nothings!

(I had to rewatch the episode to get those quotes, prepare yourselves.... My final plot development is coming up....

Noah knows to be worried, considering what I did to him in KH)
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