Bleach Role Play

Itsuki was sipping some tea when he noticed Kishi regained consciousness. They all could finally rest. He noticed Riyoshi had his hand on his shoulder. Putting his tea down, Itsuki asks "are you alright? Need any healing?" Riyoshi was probably tired and beaten from fighting Hishi with Kishi. Kishi was exhausted from the battle as well. Kishi's body must have fought with Torres but Itsuki was sure he wasn't too beaten up.
(Sorry I didn't get the notification any of you posted!)

Torres took a deep breath as he released his Resureccion and refocused it into a blade, a task more difficult and complex then a Shimigami simply releasing their Shikai and Bankai.

He then Sonidoed off to get some much needed rest away from them, he got far enough and decided to lay down and rest.

********* Flashback*********

Gin looked to Aizen as they walked along them empty darkness of the endless sands of Hueco Mundo.

"Lord Aizen, I'm still not quite sure I understand."

"Then me let me ask you this Gin, where do Hollows come from?"
He smiled as they walked.

"There are two main ways for Hollows to be born. Correct, one is for human souls to be so consumed by emptiness and attachment to the living world that they give up their hearts and become Hollows. The second is for humans souls whose hearts are consumed by other Hollows thus forcing them to unwillingly become Hollows."

"Correct, that is how it happens now."

"Lord Aizen, are you implying there are others ways?"

"Let me ask you another question Gin, why is that human souls trapped in the human world of all forms all lead to the transformation to becoming Hollow. Of all creatures and forms they could take, why does this seem to be the natural path of all pluses unless they go to Soul Society."

Gin stayed silent, unsure how to answer.

"Then explain why it is that all Menos feel the need to continue devouring other Hollow and attempt to evolve into higher forms. Why are they so desperate to attain higher forms, what are they reaching for?"

"Lord Aizen, it is simply that their hunger to the fill the emptiness in their hollow holes has become so great that humans no longer fill it, thus they must continue to find greater sources of spiritual energy just to try and fill this endless hunger. That is why they devour one another to try keep evolving as Menos."
Aizen smiled at this answer.

"Is that the only reason. Shinigami foolishly believe they know everything about Hollows that we understand these dark creatures, that we are simply meant to purify them. I know better, I wish to understand them and their power more."


"Does something still confuse you Gin?"
Aizen asked calmly, but Gin still felt like answering wrong could cost him his life.

"Of course not Lord Aizen, but I do wonder why you needed me to fetch one simple Hollow. Is it a Vasto Lorde?"

"I do not believe it can even be classified as a Menos..."
Aizen continued to walk with Gin as he simply looked at him through slitted eyes.


"You see that mountain over there in the distance."
Aizen motioned to the north.

"Is the Hollow we seek on that mountain peak, is it to become the next Arrancar in your army?" Gin smiled.

"No. That is the tip of it's tail."

Gin stopped in his tracks as his eyes widened at the colossal mountain that stood in the distance.

*********End of Flashback*********
Kai'zen had been feeling the spiritual pressures of soul reapers for a while now, during his time training in Hueco Mundo he had only felt the spiritual pressures of arrancars and hollows, now as he flash stepped across the sands and into the swamp soon fully realizing where he was "This isn't good" he hoped he could reach them in time, if they were here they were already in grave danger. Kaizen finally reached the odd looking group of people stopping his flash step right in front of the group not bothering to alert them to his presence. He wore a tattered cloak with a hood that partially obscured his face. He scanned the area noticing a young soul reaper that had a currently weak spiritual pressure ebbing off her. He looked at the rest of the group all looking exhausted and battered. "Are you all alright? What happened here." He took quick glances in a few key directions watching for hollows.
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Kishi forced her eyes open, the possibility of a new threat helping to motivate herself. A light growl left her mouth, her dual colored eyes taking in the appearance of the new shinigami, his tattered cloak and more then likely tattered uniform. Her exhausted reiatsu pulsed out, the bright violet energy seemingly faded, surrounding her body. The teen forced herself up onto her feet, heavily leaning on her zanpakuto for support as she did so.

She didn't generally trust any shinigami that she didn't know from previous engagements from Soul Society, the only reason she let Itsuki and Riyoshi near her was because Itsuki (usually, not at the moment) was no threat. And Riyoshi..He kind of invited himself along, but he didn't seem to pose any threat to her or her friends. And now a shinigami pops up out in the middle of Hueco Mundo? Kishi didn't like it. "We're fine." Her eyes, slightly unfocused, the world around her blurring, narrowed, "Who are you."

She didn't feel any need to answer him, after all, it wasn't technically his business. But something seemed vaguely familiar about his reiatsu... Nah, that couldn't be it. the teen wavered, almost falling to the ground once more, but stayed up out of pure stubbornness, running merely on the fumes of her reiatsu.
Itsuki notices Kishi have a rough time getting up. She was quite adamant and managed to stay standing. Itsuki noticed the new reiatsu that was of the stranger in Hueco Mundo. He couldn't be someone sent by others in the other worlds. It seemed Kishi took note of this strangeness and began to act rather hostile. As this was a time of rest, Itsuki hopes that the new person doesn't bring about a fight. Itsuki walks to Kishi, lifting his hands and emitting a green aura. Hopefully Kishi would be in a happier and friendlier mood if her reiatsu was restored. Since the newcomer was not known enough to be trusted, Itsuki decided to let the talking to the others.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/bleach_oc___the_colonel_by_zanpakuto_leader-d55hj1m.jpg.6e226471870faba89ef4b6f9896d38af.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11950" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/bleach_oc___the_colonel_by_zanpakuto_leader-d55hj1m.jpg.6e226471870faba89ef4b6f9896d38af.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kaizen looked at the stubborn girl from under his hood with his deep brown eyes. Practically breathing the hostility coming off her. He looked around at the ragged group in front of him and learned the apparent answer to his question. "You are right to suspect me given the place you are in but you have no need to. My name is Kaizen Yamamoto, and you are?" After asking his question, took off the hood displaying his uniform. While it wasn't in the best condition, it was still functioning well. A scar crossed the upper right side of his right eye, but otherwise his has was unmarked, and set in a stern expression. Under the overly large cloak was his normal attire, it consisted of a long and loose white jacket that was more of a miniature cloak, with a red scarf wrapped loosely around the neck once. under it was the standard uniform, the top of a tattoo showing on his chest. The odder parts of his clothing besides the scarf and cloak were his gloves that had red knuckles and at the wrist of his gloves were red and black metal guards with cross designs on them. His metal shin guards that came up to his knee and ended with red shield shaped knee-guards red and black cross designs on both. The last accessory was a red cross earring hanging from his left ear. He stood with his zanpakuto strapped to his side, the all black sheath came up to a red and black cross guard. and the handle was also all black down to the wrappings. "Still suspicious?"

(Just a visual )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/bleach_oc___the_colonel_by_zanpakuto_leader-d55hj1m.jpg.4454fc977d253a430d5f421b5b06b584.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11949" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/bleach_oc___the_colonel_by_zanpakuto_leader-d55hj1m.jpg.4454fc977d253a430d5f421b5b06b584.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Riyoshi looked upon the man and with a smirk upon his face, he spoke out.

"My name is Riyoshi Nihoma." Riyoshi replied to the man.

"I have to ask why you are out here. We are here for a specific reason, it seems all to suspicious that you are also within this place." Riyoshi spoke out as he stood up and removed his right hand from his left shoulder.

Looking upon this new shinigami, he placed his right hand upon his zanpakutou's hilt. Removing it slightly from it's sheathe, Riyoshi gritted his teeth slightly awaiting the response of the man.
Torres could sense the presence of another Shinigami with his Pesquisa, even all the way from where he was. He grumbled to himself, great, just what he needed. Another annoying Shinigami, didn't he have enough to deal with, bugging him already.

This one had better not stay....
"Yamamoto..." Kishi moved to her knees, her exhaustion overwhelming her once more, her reiatsu fading out of sight. The teen sent Itsuki a grateful look before she continued, addressing Riyoshi this time, "Calm down, no more fighting.." Her voice was breathy now but she kept on regardless, "You wouldn't be related to Yama-jii, somehow?"

"I'm fine Itsuki, I'm just....drained. Riyoshi, keep watch.." She didn't even notice Torres' absence, her stubborn and adrenaline fueled consciousness only to focus on the new intruder. "I'm just goning ta... gunna...sleep..." Barely had the words left her mouth before she was sinking back, leaning back against Itsuki as she passed out again.
Kaizen nodded to the still concious and present group. "I am General Genryusai Yamamoto's grandson." He ,ade eye contact with Riyoshi watching for any negative reactions to what he has said so far. "I came here to train and I've been here ever since." He looked at Riyoshi questioningly. "Why are you all here."
Itsuki catches Kishi as she loses consciousness. She always says she is fine but that's her just being being stubborn. Hearing that the new Shinigami that was the Head Captains grandson made Itsuki almost drop Kishi in surprise. Itsuki I makes a Kido platform for Kishi to rest on, And moves his tea set next to her. He sits down on the platform fatigued as well and takes a cup to sip tea. "I am Itsuki Kimura. Sorry I can't stand up, but we recently had a spar and I am tired." Itsuki takes another sip of tea. "Would anyone like tea and relax?" The squad four Shinigami asks. Now that the Kaizen was established as not a threat, they could relax more. Torres seemed irritated however by another shinigami.
Kaizen walked over to where Itsuki sat and joined him. "It's been awhile since I heard anything about the soul society, is everything alright there?" he sensed an arrears and quickly gripped the handle of his sword. "You guys have an arranger with you?." Kaizen had a perplexed look on his face , but was clearly tryingnto figure out mentally how it happened.
Riyoshi watched Kaizen with a careful eye. Him missing an arm would not hinder his battle style what so ever. If this man was to make a slight movement on the hostile side, Riyoshi would be there to cut him down, no questions asked.

“Soul society is good. If you are worried about it, why don’t you go back and check it out for yourself.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked upon the shinigami.

"The arrancar is non of your concern. He will not be any trouble to you." Riyoshi spoke out as he looked away from the shinigami.

Turning his attention away from the man, not really wanting to hear a response, Riyoshi soon kept on guard for any hostile movements from any other creatures in the area. Taking in deep breaths, Riyoshi clicked his zanpakutou into it’s sheathe and placed his right hand into his pocket. Closing his eyes for a second, Riyoshi exhaled a long and steady breath. He was tired, but he would not let this team down, not now.
Kaizen was a little concerned by the hostility but could understand it. "I never intended to return, I'm only headed to the world of the living. Though since there are soul reapers here in hostile territory I have no intention of leaving you, possibly to die. I couldn't live with that." Kaizen looked at Itsuki " I am only assuming but that spiritual pressure from earlier that was the girls, right? Tell me how, was she hollofied." He looked at Itsuki sensing Riyoshi was kinda done talking to him.
Itsuki looks through his pack and pulls out some extra cups. He fills one up with tea and puts it next to Kaizen. "Mmmm...." Itsuki said as he took a sip of tea. He was pondering whether or not to disclose that information. "Perhaps we can talk more later. I have rested a bit and got more reiatsu back so I think I will heal my teammates. Please enjoy some tea." Itsuki gets up and walks over to Riyoshi. "Do you need some help with your arm?"
(Why the hell am I not getting updates for my own rp!?! Anyway, this is the official rest period right now, if anyone has questions, or just wants to keep chatting in the rp that's fine.)
Kaizen nodded and took the cup of tea, he took a sip and was surprised by how good it was. "A healer huh." Kaizen muttered to himself sitting crosslegged he kept his senses sharp still feeling a bit on edge he gathered himself and tried to calm down as he sipped his tea. This group of warriors seemed to be a very close-knit unit, he was rethinking his decision to stick not wanting to disrupt them, but he0 also wanted to stick to his orginal idea of keeping them as safe as possible, especially in their weakened state. Kaizen mentally fought himself causing his body to stiffen and his face to take on it's naturally stern look.
As Riyoshi stood watch over the barren wasteland of the bloody marsh, he closed his eyes and entered into his inner world.


Inner world


"Welcome once again Riyoshi. We must talk to you before anything further happens." Suzaku spoke out as he flew down from the sky.

The older man looked upon Riyoshi and nodded.

"We must clear up some things before you reactivate my powers. There are some major risks that you must be aware of before you get into battle." Ryujin spoke out as he lowered himself to a sitting position upon the ground.

"Ok. If you are both in agreement, then there is nothing for me to disagree with here. What should i know before anything happens and i am going to need your powers." Riyoshi spoke out as he kept in a standing position while looking upon the two spirits.
The time passed as our intrepid heroes healed from their wounds, blissfully unaware that the time they had would be far shorter than they initially anticipated. Destruction was coming, when revenge is all that fills the mind, all that can follow is destruction....

Suddenly a voice began mumbling through, as the tracker Urahara had planted on the trio activated so he could hear them.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt your training. I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that even though I said it would take at least five days for Grimmjow to break out of that pocket area... well... he broke up out already and is now hell bent on destruction and is really really pissed off.

The good news is, when he came to Karakura Town to find Ichigo and began destroying everything in sigh, I did managed to convince him you guys were hiding him with you in Hueco Mundo. So.... now he is on his way to tear you guys apart and take out all his rage on you to make you talk about where Ichigo is! So, yea. Anyway! Bye! Good luck!"

The transmission ended abruptly not even giving any of them time to reply or get a word in.

Suddenly there was a huge roaring sound like thunder that echoed across all of Hueco Mundo as the remains of the blood swamp began to rumble....
When the transmission came through Kaizen was jolted out of his thoughts. Hearing a familiar voice, "Urahara?" He looked towards the source of the voice seeing the tracker, "smart man." He stood up now paying attention to what was being said he said something about a person who was supposedly locked away then escaped. "Grimmjow?" As the transmission ended Kaizen almost slipped into his thoughts until a roar ripped through the swamp his hand flew to the hilt of his sword and turned around to where he thought the sound came from, his eyes narrowed and he tried to find any foreign spiritual pressures.
Riyoshi was snapped back into reality at the sound of Urahara's voice. Opening his eyes, he was looking out upon the vast bloody marsh.

"Damn you Urahara. Couldn't even hold off the man long enough." Riyoshi spoke out as he brought his right hand over to his left side and grabbed ahold of his zanpakutou.

"Everyone! You better get ready! This is not going to be a walk in the park." Riyoshi ordered out as he focused upon the roar.

If anything was going to happen, then he must be ready for he was the first line of defense. If he could halt Grimmjow even just a minute, it should be good enough for the rest of his team to kill the man.
Kaizen flashstepped next to Riyoshi his hand still wrapped around the hilt of his zanpakuto, he turned his head to Riyoshi looking at him for direction. "You seem to be the one in charge here, can you give me some info on this Grimmjow person." Kaizen turned more towards riyoshi, shifting his footing so that he maintained hie defensive position.
"I may seem like the one in charge, but i am merely taking up the slack left by my team. Grimmjow is said to be the only man that had beaten Ichigo, well, that is what is said. Seeing is how Ichigo is still living, and Grimmjow is still alive, it must mean they are on par with each other. If that is true, then the battle we are about to experience is going to be on a different level then even you can imagine. What is your battle preference? Do you like to be defensive and hold the line, or are you more of in the fray, destroy the enemy type of fighter?" Riyoshi spoke out as he gripped his zanpakutou tighter.

His gaze never drew over to Kaizen, not even for a second. His sights were locked upon the distance. He was searching for the reiatsu of Grimmjow.
"I prefer being on the front lines, it makes me more confident about the safety of others." Kaizen wasn't sure where Riyoshi was gonna take this but he was ready for nearly anything, Kaizen widened his stance and put his back to Riyoshi's. "I know you don't trust me but believe me when I say I only want to help you all. not harm." With that Kaizen fixed his eyes on the point where he suspected the roar came from.
(@~@ Sorry guys, I've been so busy with school and work that I haven't had a moment to myself. I'm actually supposed to be working on a two page proposal right now, but I can't take anymore homework at the moment. Sorry if my posts are infrequent again.)

Kishi rolled her eyes as Urahara's voice came over a com. No doubt he had trackers in each of them as well. She was on her feet in an instant, having drawn HiMizu as she stood. Her still dual colored eyes looked around the surrounding area, though she was calmly walking towards Riyoshi, "Hey, you think you can handle the first assault you two?"

The teen would never admit it, but she was worried about this fight. Unlike Ichigo, she never had felt so confident in her power, not even a huge leap in it like their latest training had resulted in. Although, Grimmjow..... She wouldn't hesitate to go full out on the blue haired arrancar, but Riyoshi had said he would take the first assault to wear the blue haired arrancar down with her and Torres as clean up. And distraction if he needed it.

Her blades pulled apart, without her even muttering her release phrase, the ribbons no longer cool and calmly restrained in their elemental braids, but sparks and drops spitting and leaking from them, running down and along her loosely clenched hands. Kishi was planning on going in with her ban kai first, there was no point in even bothering to try and fight with her shikai.

Despite her calmer outward appearance, and her reigned in reiatsu, she was shaking. Not physically, but she felt as if she were shaking. The teen lightly prodded Riyoshi's side with her elbow, obviously unable to rest a hand on his shoulder as she might have preferred to have done. It was her silent way of reassuring him, and herself. Although..."And you can't go dying on us either here, Kai-san. I'm not going to be the one explaining to Yama-jii that his grandson died because I couldn't keep him alive."

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