Bleach Role Play

While laying upon the kido formed table, Riyoshi seen Torres throw something at him. Reaching his newly healed left arm up and catching it, he smiled.

"Is this what i think it is? This is going to get crazy fun here in a moment."

Riyoshi spoke out as he sat himself upright. Looking over at the hollowfied Kishi, he smiled even more. He was about to enter a world that was severely unknown to him and that only made him more excited. Getting up to his feet, he grabbed Itsuki by the collar of his clothes, and tossed the marble over to Kishi.

"Concentrate on your inner world and catch that marble."

Riyoshi spoke out as he tossed the marble at Kishi. He was hoping that everything went according to plan and all was going to go good out here for torres. He knew that the arrancar could take a beating, but would he be able to subdue a fully enraged shinigami hollow hybrid without killing all three of them in one go?

"I am not through with you Torres. When i get back, we need to discuss this." Riyoshi spoke out as he leaped towards Kishi's position.
Torres just flapped his hand in a gesture mocking Riyoshi's yapping.

"Whatever, if she can handle herself I may join you in there temporarily."

Torres look to Kishi to see what would happen, the problem if the Hollow within started to win the fight this would cause her to Hollowify more and attack in an uncontrollable rage.
Itsuki watched as a marble was tossed from Torres to Riyoshi as they talked about "inner worlds." Itsuki was not sure what that was, but then again he wasn't paying attention. After they started discussing about stuff, and Riyoshi's arm was healed, Itsuki had began to make some tea. He noticed the marble be tossed from Riyoshi to Kishi and all of a sudden his clothes was gripped and suddenly jerked. Itsuki let out an exasperated sigh as he wanted to drink his tea. No rest for the weary. As the information finally got into Itsuki's mind, he realized some things. A, they are going to have a "fun" time in Kishi's inner world. B, if they fail, it could mean very dire consequences. And C, did Torres just refer to him as "the weak shinigami?!"
As he leaped with Itsuki by his collar, he heard Torres speak out, but not gesture with his hand.

"You should stay out here. If anything, you just need to keep this body from being devoured by hollows that may make their way here from her outburst of reiatsu." Riyoshi spoke out to Torres without bringing his attention to the arrancar.
(So sorry, work plus Thanksgiving did not go well and I'm a horrible person and I'm sorry. I've got work again Friday through Sunday, but I'll try to stay up to date.)

Kishi caught the marble more out of instinct then she did out of anything else. she blinked owlishly at it, not quite sure how it worked but, hey, semantics. But she did as she was told, and concentrated on her usually peaceful and relaxing inner world, eyes falling shut after a moment. It kind of felt like she was meditating almost, to enter her inner world. But it didn't feel nearly as relaxing as it should have.

When she opened her once more green eyes, they widened as she took in her inner world. Everything seemed darker, and the sky was stormy, hints of rain about to start falling. The teen immediately started to look for her two zanpakuto spirits out of habit, only for her eyes to land on a grinning golden eyed spirit. The white skinned girl was identical to her, except for her bleached out and black tipped hair. And the obvious golden irises set in black sclera, "Hime-chan. So nice of ya ta join me."

The hollow was holding her own version of Hi and Mizu, the colors of the right blade blackened, the colors of the left bleached. And was obviously waiting for Kishi to do the same.

The teen did, softly calling out to them and eyes darting around once more to see if Riysohi was going to be here like he said.


Outwardly, the teen's eyes had completely lost all since of pupil, having gone completely golden. Her skin rapidly bleached out to completely white and she flexed her fingers as if trying it out for the first time. Suddenly the teen stilled, eyes moving up to the strongest source of reiatsu, Torres, and the mask split at the mouth as she started to laugh.
Torres smirked as he saw Kishi transform and could feel her reiatsu become more like Hollow. Two Hollow like creatures fighting in Hueco Mundo, it was beginning to feel like old times. He couldn't help but smile as he clutched his two blades tighter. I'm hoping this means I don't have to keep holding back either.

Let's see what happens, let's see how the two Shinigami do inside her Inner World and what it results in, outside here...
As she caught the marble, it began to emanate a dull red light. As she began to focus upon her inner world, it changed from a dull red light, to a bright white light. With a smile upon his face, he brought his free hand up and grabbed a hold of his zanpakutou. Taking in a deep breath, he took his blade from it’s sheathe. Exhaling his breath, he spoke out.

“Prepare yourself Itsuki. This is going to be fun.”

Riyoshi jabbed out his blade and made contact with the marble. As the point of his blade made contact with the marble, they were transported into a realm all too different then where they were just located. Landing upon the ground, he felt a moisture within the air. Almost as if it was about to rain. Gripping his blade tightly, he let go of Itsuki and brought his other hand up to grab the hilt of his blade.

“We are here Kishi.”

Riyoshi spoke out as his blade began to heat up. As his blade heated up, it hissed as the moisture in the air hit the blade. The normally silver blade began to get a tint of orange as flame began to emit from the bladed edge of the sword.
Itsuki sighed as they were suddenly transported to another place. Fighting and fighting and fighting. Hopefully they would get some rest soon. Itsuki looked around amazed at the inner world of which the concept he was still unfamiliar with. Riyoshi let him go and Itsuki patted out the wrinkles in his robes before unsheathing his shikai. He notices Riyoshi's blade heat up. Itsuki assumes that this battle will be hard and "fun." Looking around for Kishi, Itsuki thought he was hallucinating when he saw two of them. One having some differences from the other. The paler Kishi was the one, Itsuki assumed was her zanpukuto.
Kishi's eyes flicked over to Riysohi and Itsuki, relief washing over her face. Hishi tilted her head slowly, she drew the sheathed zanpakutoso that she could see past the teenager and at the other two shinigami, "Oh, Hime, the little one is absolutely adowable~" The hollow disappeared, the swishing of a sonido audible before she was suddenly pinching Itsuki's face between her fore finger and thumb, "Wittle shinigami, thinks he can play with the big girls. So cute." the pale hand pulled back, lightly patting his face before she disappeared and moved around Riyoshi, pulling at his gi, "Hmm, you aren't as cute, but you certainly...seem fun." The hollow grinned, looking over to Kishi to see her reaction.

Kishi looked over towards Hishi, eyes having gone wide, "No! Leave them alone! Its not their bodies you can take control of!" That earned the hollows attention, as the teen knew it would.


Outwardly the teen was stark still for a moment before the completely hllowfied teen turned towards Torres. Slowly, she unsheathed the sealed zanpakuto at her hip, and started to move as if in slow motion towards the arrancar.

Her movements quickly sped up, before she was full out running towards the new found enemy.
Torres who was known for usually charging in head first to an opponents attack knew this battle would have to be fought differently. This time it wasn't about ending the battle quickly, he was giving them time. It would be a game of keep away.

With that he started jumping back as he used Sonido to try speed up and stay one step away from her as she tried to chase him.
Riyoshi was not very fond of this hollow, but kishi herself would have to make the final move. Now that kishihad gotten her attention, Riyoshi smiled and brought his right hand up with his sword above his head. Reaching his left hand out, he grabbed her left wrist and pulled back a bit. He was going to use his fire to burn through the hollows arm.

"Kishi! Let's just get this over with!"

Riyoshi did not want to toy around with this hollow. he wanted to get this fight over with, and he knew that if this hollow had the same powers as kishi herself did, he was going to be overwhelmed quickly. His attempt was to get kishi a chance to get the upper hand and subdue this version of herself.

Her conclusion of her hollow not being able to take control of their bodies was not all to correct. Yes, they may not have bodies any more outside of Kishi's soul, but they did manage to have their full powers in her inner world. A vast improvement over the last soul transferance device Urahara gave them.

"Itsuki. get ready with some of that kido. I will need some of that in this fight against this hollow." Riyoshi spoke oit as he began to slash his blade down at the hollows arm.
Itsuki shifted uncomfortably in the spirits gift as she pinched his cheeks. Before he could swat the hand away she had sonido'd to Riyoshi. Kishi shouted something that got the Hollow's attention, and Riyoshi took this opportunity to attack. Following orders given to him, Itsuki began the incantation of a Bakudo. "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel......"
(HI I'M SO SORRY OH MY GODS I'M DYING GUYS YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. Well, if you're going to college and have a full time job then you probably do, but I don't like making assumptions and I'm running on a lot of energy drinks and coffee right now, and I have work again in the morning and whenever I switch with wants to switch with me for.)

The quickly hollowfying teenager moved after Torres in a enraged run. There was no sonido yet, after all, a hollow is instinctual and when the stronger of the two hollows is hunting the other they make a game of it. It makes it more amusing the for the hunting predator.

Quickly, she jabbed at Torres with the still sealed blade, her movements quickly speeding up until they were becoming blindingly fast. No doubt the arrancar would be able to keep up for now, but one single move one millesecond to late might just cost him his life.

Golden eyes leered from behind the mask, taunting and daring Torres to fight back, not just run away, not to just defend, but to be a hollow like he so proudly claimed ot be.


Hihsi's eyes flicked to Riyoshi's raised zanpakutou, the amusement completely gone from them only to be replaced by anger. He honestly thought he could burn HER? Please, she was the living embodiment of Kishi's own powers, which meant that fire was her friend just as much as it was his.

The hollow used his hold on her wrist to pull him closer and to bring her knee up to his gut. Kishi and she may be different entities, but they shared similar fighting qualities. Although, she was far more superior in hers, of course.

Kishi's eyes widened, her unsealed blades flashing as she moved towards Riyoshi and Hishi, kicking the hollow in the side and away from Riyoshi, only calling out a split second for him to release the other teen before her foot made contact. She didn't want him to be caught with the hollow as well.
Torres kept his fraction lead ahead as he dodge the blade, slamming his blades against her to keep them away. He was already unsealed, so it was easy to knock her sealed blade away. He despite his seeming control of the battle, watched her very carefully knowing her power would increase at any moment and continue to grow. While he was never proud of the fact of the ways Hollows were simply monstrous masses of power with a horrible lust to grow stronger, he understood this fact more than most and knew it could not be denied, hence why he knew he would have to push Riyoshi and Kishi to their limits if they wished to even survive Grimmjow for more than a few seconds...

He kept focused on her Hollowified eyes, staring deeply in them as he recognized the same blood lust he had seen in the thousands upon thousand of Hollows he had battled and slaughtered before to reach the point he had come to now. That same singled-minded thought to fight, that empty one-tracked drive.
Before his blade could make contact with the hollow, Riyoshi was tugged down and away causing his swing to halt in any motion towards her. Losing his footing, Riyoshi soon felt Hishi’s knee make contact with his stomach. A grunt left Riyoshi’s mouth as he keeled over her knee. Within a moment’s notice, he seen Kishi make her move towards the two of them. Keeping his forward momentum, he brought his blade down and placed the tip upon the ground. Pressing off with his feet, he launched himself into a front flip and barely dodged Kishi’s kick.

That is some power. Riyoshi thought to himself as he landed upon his feet before rolling forward and coming to a crouching stop.

With his blade in hand, he closed his eyes and concentrated upon his own inner world.
Itsuki was surprised at the power of the Hollow. It's kick was quite impressive and seemed to do some damage to Riyoshi. Kishi also seemed wary of her counter part. Hopefully this Bakudo of level 61 could subdue her. "...with light, divide this into six. Bakudo No. 61 Rikujokoro!" Itsuki shouts as he lifts his blade and points it at Hishi. Six robs of light materialize, without hitting Kishi, and impale themselves into Hishi's body.
Hishi and Kishi were now fighting, both with their blades unsealed and clashing. Sparks flew from the clashing blades, the elements sparking out and escaping the sealing of the metal. Black fire mixed with bright orange, ice chunks flying out from the two pseudo twins. Kishi heard Itsuki finish his incantation and flipped back as Hishi was impaled.

The hollow's mouth fell open, stilling for a moment before grinning. "Oh, dearie." Light violet reiatsu exploded out, the edges a dark black, and the rods shattered. "Bakudo isn't going to cut it. Try some hado, might help ya."

Kishi had covered her face with her hand as the harsh reiatsu whipped through out her inner world, her dark hair whipping back away from her body. but she was moving in just as soon as the hollow was free, "Stay back, this is my fight!"


The hollowfied girl roared in frustration. And pulled the blades apart suddenly without any warning, and suddenly there were two blades jabbing and attacking Torres.

The elemental blades were wrapped around the hollowified girl's arms and wrists, even if torres managed to get the hilt from her hand, the zanpaktou wasn't going anywhere.
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Riyoshi was not one to take orders from a younger shinigami, but obviously, she had a plan. Turning to look upon Itsuki, he leaped to his position.

"Is their any kido that you can teach me to use to help out?" Riyoshi spoke out as he landed next to Itsuki.
Torres used both his blades to counter her strikes, as both their blades clashed, he found it difficult to hold her blades back. She was starting to hold back less and less, her real power was emerging.

Torres slammed his scarf into the ground and used it to pole vault himself away from her attack. He then formed Bala and began firing slash versions of Bala at a distance. He kept firing, not letting up to make sure she would stay a distance away from him.
Kishi grunted as her hollow suddenly leaned back, sticking both blades point first into the ground and using them o hold herself up as she kicked straightforward wih both feet into Kishi's stomach. The teen was sent flying backwards into one of the boulders that littered her landscape, shattering it into pieces of ice. If it counted for anyth8ing, she just learned that the boulders that covered her inner world weren't boulders so....

She staggered up, eyes widening as her hollow was suddenly in her face, not even having sensed her pseudo twin using sonido, and was picked up by her neck. The hollow grinned lightly,
"Hime, Hime, Hime. What did you think was gonna happen? Ya barely beat me the last time, remember?" Kishi's hands came up to grab Hishi's wrist, her blades falling from her hands, soft sounds of choking coming from her gasping mouth.

The hollow continued, her golden eyes serious,
"As you get stronger, I get stronger. And now I am much stronger then you. I will make such better use of this body, I won't let people control us anymore. We are Vizards. I am a hollow. No shinigami is better then us. No one is better then us." Hishi shook the teen heavily to emphasize her words, "Not even Grimmjow. Or Ichigo."

Those same serious gold eyes widened as Kishi's mouth turned up lightly in a smirk, as the teen lifted her legs and wrapped them around the hollow's waist. She held tight to support her weight and took one hand away to punch the hollow in the chest. Hishi gasped, dropping Kishi in surprise, the teen gasping for breath as she fell, hands automatically going for her blades.


The hollowfied teen roared in pure anger, pointing her right hand out, slashing with her left blade at the incoming balas, and started to charge a cero up with her index and middle fingers. The pure black reiatsu was ominous, and heavy on the air.

She fired it without hesitation, roaring again as she did so
Torres immediately had to dodge as the Cero blasted past him, it obliterated the area around. Well whatever was left after the last battle, which wasn't much.

He rolled to the side holding his arm which had been scorched on the side.

"Fast and strong, good. It means you guys are fighting hard in there."

"Well they say two Ceros is better than one, and I got three!"

He began charging his three Ceros as he fired them off towards Kishi. Hopefully she would be strong enough to survive by now, hopefully...
Itsuki watched back a little as Hishi easily broke his Bakudo. That was serious power to break Kido sells that had incantations spoken. This made Itsuki very nervous. Kido above level sixty drew more reiatsu from himself than he could regenerate in a short amount of time. Looking towards Riyoshi, Itsuki debated in his head what Kido he should teach him. "How confident are you in your Kido casting abilities?" Itsuki asks. If he is a strong caster, perhaps Raikoho, if not, then Sokatsui. Itsuki shuddered a bit at the thought of Hishi being stronger than Grimmjow or Ichigo. This girl seemed arrogant.
Landing upon the ground in a sliding halt, Riyoshi looked over at Itsuki with a smile upon his face.

“The skills i have in kido are far below yours. I flunked out of kido practice, but what i lack out in kido knowledge, i make up for in pure reiatsu power. If you can teach me to utilize one spell, then I should be able to help Kishi win her battle.” Riyoshi spoke all of this while maintaining a smile.

His outlook on his work in the shinigami academy was positive, even if his level of workmanship was fair. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi placed his sword into it’s sheathe and began to suppress his flames.

“I know that is probably not the answer that you were looking for, but that is the best thing that I can tell you since my zanpakutou’s never had me rely upon kido. The power I wielded before this, was of a hollow, and now I wield that of the great fire lord, Suzaku.” Riyoshi spoke out as he kept one hand upon his zanpakuotu’s hilt.

Riyoshi turned his glance over to Kishi and Hishi as he watched them battle. Their style was similar, but then again, it seemed as if they were not. It seemed to him that Hishi was a brute strength fighter with no tactics but a full head on fight style, much like his own. While Kishi went for a tactical approach, as if she was sparring. But Riyoshi was only making assumptions at this point. He was not really a plan maker, he seemed to be more like Hishi. He was an attacker, a power house. Gritting his teeth, he could not just stand there and let Kishi be beaten by this monster. Just as he was about to make his move, Kishi was able to get out of the hold that Hishi had her in and go for her blades again.

(OOC: If i need to change anything about my assumptions, then let me know. Riyoshi was trying to figure out fighting styles of both Kishi and Hishi.)
Hish was already attacking again, the hollow easily recovering from such a weak attack. Gold eyes were narrowed in unbridled rage, and her own versions of their zanpakuto were back where she had used them for leverage. She snarled, disappearing with sonido, only to have the still slightly disoriented teen follow her with shunpo. Just as Hishi reached for the hilts of her own blades, not stopping her sonido entirely Kishi took her opportunity.

"KASHOU TU FURI-ZU HIMIZU!" While she didn't necessarily need to say the name of her attacks, especially not in her inner world, it made them stronger. Like incantations for kido. And the angry giant vortex of flames and water heading straight for the hollow showed that fact clearly. The teen's hair blew back away from her face from the force of the attack, digging her feet into the ground to keep herself from being blown away by it herself. In her inner world all of her powers were amplified, which Hishi didn't seem to have tampered. And she wasn't used to this even more pure unbridled power.

When it stopped, the hollow wasn't to be found, the blades gone as well and Kishi frowned. That was to easy. They hadn't even released ban kai yet.... She immediately used shunpo to jump up and away into the air, glad she did because a moment later there was a darkened blade slashing through where her head just had been.

The hollow hissed, launching up, "Ready for this Hime? Ban. KAI!" A deep and oppressing black reiatsu burst out and flooded the area, the hollow's appearance changing in the same way that Kishi's did when she was in her ban kai form. The only difference was that the actual colored parts of it were truly inverted. Hishi laughed at the shocked look on Kishi's face, "What, didn't think I wouldn't make the first strike? I AM going to kill you and take over this body now, Hime."


The outward manifestation of Kishi's hollow powers suddenly became much more apparent. She didn't dodge the cero, merely blasted through one of them with her own cero and taking the other two head on. When everything cleared, what was left was hardly recognizably Kishi.

The paled skin was pure white now, the uniform almost completely gone, just a loose scrap of her gi top still clinging on her shoulders and hanging down, her hakama shredded from the waist down, one pant leg missing on her left leg from the lower thigh. Dark lines were tracing over her skin, her body seeming more muscular now, her hands and feet were now clawed.

Kishi wasn't Kishi anymore. There might have been hope of being able to reach through to her before, but now there as none. her waist length hair was now down towards her ankles, the paling of it having stopped. If anything it seemed to be as black as it had been before. Still in her hand was the zanpakuto, but now it was in its ban kai form, the hilt in her right hand currently empty, the left one hardened ice.

A flash of sonido had her next to Torres, slashing out with the left blade.
Torres had to squint to see through the bursts of reiatsu as Kishi transformed. So that's what a human who transforms into a Hollow looks like, he had to admit he was curious to see it for some time. It wasn't truly a Hollow, but looked Hollow enough and it had a lot of power behind it.

He knew at this point, the battle had escalated within Kishi and that if she failed now this creature would let loose completely and destroy everything around it. He took a breath, if they didn't win he would have to kill this creature or it would kill everything else, including him. His eyes shook he was talking to himself again. There was no point to talking to her, Kishi was gone inside her own world, all that was left was the pure destructive rage and emptiness of the Hollow.

Torres didn't even see her use Sonido as she was gone, completely out of his range for a second until she appeared behind him. That was fast and pure Sonido, not at all Flash Step.... She was slashing with her ice sword, he kind of wished he still had Riyoshi's power, but it had already faded by now.

He wouldn't be able to dodge it, it was too late for that. He would just have to prevent the damage from being to severe. He swung his right blade in front of him to take the attack, but it was too much as he was sent flying back with such force he could feel the heat on his back, he was blasting back with such force he couldn't move, he couldn't stop, he couldn't even turn his head. What was worse, was now his right blade had been frozen to his chest, both now encased in ice.

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