Bleach Role Play

Bankai huh? I can’t believe the hollow beat her to it. Well, if i need to, I will have do disobey her and intervene in this fight. Riyoshi thought to himself as he kept his left hand upon the hilt of his zanpakutou.

Riyoshi was not one to keep himself out of a fight, does not matter what kind of fight it was, he liked the rush he got when the thought of death could come with any swing. Taking a step, Riyoshi took in a breath and stopped in his tracks.

“Itsuki, can you think of something a little faster? I want to get into this fight.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked back at Itsuki.
Itsuki looks at Riyoshi when he finally had a ell in mind. "Ok then, you will have to be extra careful then with the Kido. Focus so the spell doesn't backfire. Since Hishi is resistant to fire and ice, try Hado number 63 Raikoho. I'll speak the incantation and you follow." Itsuki lifts his blade and clears his mind. "Be sure to speak clearly, focus on the powerful spell and be confident... Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind\, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle." Itsuki says audibly and clearly with confidences. A ball of yellow lighting generates at the tip of his blade. "Hado No. 63! Raikoho!" With his shikai empowering the Kido, Itsuki unleashes a powerful burst of energy that resembles a lighting strike.

(Sorry, never got around to posting.)
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Riyoshi took in a deep breath before gripping the hilt of his zanpakutou with his left hand. With his right hand held out, he aimed this upcoming kido spell at Hishi. Upon his exhalation, he spoke out the following phrase.

“Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle. Hado #63, Raikoho!”

Riyoshi spoke out this phrase as a giant orb formed upon his right palm. This orb was aimed at Hishi, but what was his skill going to be formidable against Hishi? Upon releasing the kido from his grasp, it exploded into a giant lightning bolt, and acted like one as well. For his skills lacked in kido, so the accuracy was not that perfect. Once it left his palm, it arc in all directions while still heading forward. This kido, although he spoke the incantation, would diminish in power the longer it traveled.
Hishi's head snapped towards the other two shinigami, the waves of reiatsu alerting her before the attacks actually struck. "Tch." If Kishi would have actually learned any kind of damned kido. But no, she was idiotic. Fine. She pointed her left blade towards the oncoming attacks, glaring at the two shingiami over the oncoming attacks and over her own blade. A dark ball of reiatsu started to form at the tip of the darkened ice, before Hishi smirked, and fired off a black cero.

It collided with the two attacks of kido, it having spread out and widening as it moved forward. It exploded up and outwardly as they did collide, blowing energy back and out. Kishi growled as her hair blew back, digging her feet into the ground as she started to get pushed back. Hishi just stood there and grinned, reveling in the chaos for a bit. Then she turned around and faced Kishi again, "So, ya gonna go ban kai, or am I gonna descimate you already?"

Kishi snarled, lowering herself into her activation stance, when Hishi attacked, blades flashing out as she did so again, Kishi barely able to react and defend herself.


The hollowfied teen moved forward, her clawed feet dragging a bit into the ground as if unaccustomed to the weight. She was still steadfastly making her way towards Torres, in her confidence doubting that her prey would be able to move to well, or fight back much now. She was smugly swinging her blades at her sides, head slightly cocked as she waited to see his next move.
Torres flew back as he couldn't build up the strength to stop himself, but as he started flying past some trees, he had an idea. He wrapped his scarf around a tree to anchor himself, as he swung past, swung around and to the side to change directions and then used it to pull him down towards the ground. However there was still enough force that the tree was ripped out as he planted his feet in the ground and skidded himself to a halt.

He grumbled at his frozen arm and blade to his chest as it began to glow crimson, the ice then exploded as he released the bala. His arm smoked as steam rose from it, while forming a bala around his hand and blade did free it, that had hurt. He barely had time to plan a counter attack when Kishi was already upon him with swinging blades.

"The problem with those who give into their Hollow side so fully, revert back to Hollows pure instinct fighting and they lose the ability to battle with intelligence and ration. One of the advantages most Hollows gain back when they become Arrancar, though you have gone in reverse."

He said as he began to fire Bala at her with his own blades, launching them at her and at the ground to kick up muck and dust to create enough of a mess to obscure her vision so that he could hide and lose her in the smokescreen mess he had made.
As the attack collided with Hishi's counter, Itsuki let out a disappointed and rather annoyed sigh. Two moderately strong Hado spells with incantations didn't do anything to the Hollow. Itsuki plants his feet into the ground and is pushed back a few feet from the power of the explosion. Slightly tired from the Kido, Itsuki decides to wait on the side ready to strike at an opening, Hishi had already released a large amount of reiatsu with the release of her bankai, and Kishi seemed ready to do the same. Itsuki looks at Riyoshi and wonders if he is still ready to engage a little more. "Hey, Riyoshi." Itsuki calls out. "Do you want to try another Kido attack?"
Reaching his hands up to stop the debris, Riyoshi covered his face and eyes as the debris flew past him. Not really being pushed back, Riyoshi kept his stance, strong and planted upon the floor of her inner world. Hearing Itsuki call out to him, he looked over his shoulder upon the shinigami.

"I am not sure that it would do any good. The last couple attacks did nothing to the hollow and if I am not mistaken, it looks like we are just getting in Kishi's way." Riyoshi spoke out as he looked at Itsuki.

Turning to face the battle once again, Riyoshi felt an ache within his soul. He was longing for battle, a battle that would make him work for a win. This battle made him want to just jump in the middle, but this part of him was merely the void left from the hollow once living in his soul. While still looking upon the battle, Riyoshi placed his hand upon the hilt of his zanpakutou once more.

"You seem to be a bit drained. Brace yourself, it is about to get fun in here." Riyoshi spoke out as he unsheathed his blade and pointed it upon Itsuki.

Tilting his head to look upon the face of Itsuki, Riyoshi now had a devilish grin upon his face.
Kishi hissed as her hollow made contact with her right blade. The flames burst out, wrapping around her arm and shoulder, searing the flesh. She jumped back with a burst of shunpo, bringing a hand hesitantly and shakily up towards the burnt shoulder. She bit her lip, the pain radiating harshly through her, sharply when she tried to move her right arm. Damn it.

The teen quickly lowered her stance, moving into her activation stance once more, and growling out 'ban kai'. Her reiatsu burst out around her, her anger obvious in it. Hishi watched for a moment, her eyes cool, but amusement stretching her lips. she waited until the air cleared, "Oh Hime, how ya gonna fight with one arm out of commission, ne?"

The hollow suddenly brought up both blades in a crossed block, the icy blade caught between her own hissing against the heat and cold. Gold eyes sparked, amusement shining though them. "The funs just beginning Hime."


The hollowfied teen started to dodge the balas, using the dust to help hide her own positioning. She was quickly making her way towards Torres, being pushed back occasionally by the reiatsu.

(Sorry about the short one Pyro.)
Torres kept firing Balas at her and a few occasional at the ground to keep up the mess so that he could hide as he continued to use Sonido to get back. Outsmarting her was far easier than over powering her. She only fought with instinct and didn't seem to use any real strategy. As long as he kept back he would be fine, but he couldn't do this forever.

Those two silly Shinigami need to hurry up and help her tame her Inner Hollow and get this over with, he was starting to get tired. He had used a lot of energy to fight Riyoshi and Kishi before, to force out her Hollow in the first place, so he didn't have much extra for this second stage.
Itsuki looks at Riyoshi. Whenever someone had a devilish grin or mischievous gleam in their eye, Itsuki always got a little nervous. Nevertheless, Itsuki nodded his head and lifted his blade just in case Hishi unexpectedly turns her attack towards him or RIyoshi. "What do you have in mind?" Itsuki asks Riyoshi wondering what his next actions were. Seeing how he was longing to jump in the battle, Itsuki was a little more uneasy. Charging into a fight, especially with such a strong opponent didn't appeal to him.
"my plan is simple. keep you out of harms way while helping out kishi." Riyoshi spoke out as his grip upon his zanpakutou tightened.

"BANKAI!" Riyoshi roared out as he slashed his blade out towards Itsuki.

As the blade slashed the air, flames roared from the edge of the sword and soon coated Itsuki. These flames were not like normal flames but were his special bankai flames. they began to heal Itsuki's deminished reiatsu. Turning his glance over to kishi, he leaped from his location and soon appeared above Hishi. With his palm facing her, he focused his flames into one point.
Kishi and hishi were clashing harshly in her inner world, almost completely ignoring the other two shinigami. Both froze at the appearance of Riyoshi, Hishi's golden eyes widening in shock and surprise, "Hime, get down!" The hollow jumped towards the teen, pushing her away and taking the attack with her back.

Kishi's eyes widened in surprise, landing on her butt from being pushed on not having been expecting it. Her good left arm was still holding tight to her blade, but her right hand had accidentally let go of the flame blade.
"....Hishi?" Green eyes narrowed and turned to Riyoshi, "I thought we told you to stay out of it!" She forced herself up to her feet and went to kneel next to the now burnt hollow.

"Hishi, you'll be okay. I'll heal you, don't worry." The hollow lightly chuckled, her face scrunching in pain as she did so, "No, you can't even move your right arm stupid. But you're going to have to finish this, that stupid shinigami can't do it." The shinigami frowned, "What? I'm not going to get you while you're down!"

The hollow rolled his eyes,
"You can't really kill me, I'm part of you Hime-baka." Her hand darted out, grabbing Kishi's wrist and pulling it down to her stomach, "But slap that bastard for me, alright?" The teen bit back a hysterical laugh, forcing her blade through the hollow's stomach, the hollow starting to fade into the ice.

Kishi stayed kneeling there for a moment more before standing and turning on Rioshi,
"Out." Her voice was quiet, but the anger there was obvious. The sky in her inner world wasn't clearing up, if anything the storm clouds were getting darker. The flames were getting brighter, changing back to their original orange, the ice changing back to the clear form it usually took. "Now. Get out."


The hollowfied teen stopped dead, stilling entirely as if she had shut down. And just as suddenly, she fell to her knees, color flooding her skin. The hollowified shell that had formed around her her own body started to crack away, falling apart and crumbling into dust.

But the teen still stayed up, her mask falling apart last to reveal a new one. There were still the ears at the top of the mask, but the purple markings now were more sparse, three dots along the underside of the eyes, three lines running down from the top to form a small 'm' looking shape at her forehead, and two horizontal stripes running from where her nose would be to the edges of the mask.

That too cracked and crumbled away, revealing a bleary eyed teen who quickly fell over to the ground.
Torres froze as the girl had almost reached him, then suddenly stopped mere inches away from skewering him with two elemental blades. He stood there frozen staring at her unmoving, until suddenly a crack appeared, as more began forming.

"Phew, they finally did it... Took them long enough!" He sighed in relief, as he saw her white exterior fade away only for her to collapse. He Sonidoed forward and caught her just before she touched the ground, rolling her onto her back and laying her down gently.

"I do believe you and your Hollow understand each other better now..."
As Riyoshi slashed out, Itsuki jumped while muffling a startled yelp. He realizes that he is on fire and begins to pat himself, but realized the flames were not burning, but replenishing his reiatsu. Itsuki looked back towards the fight that Riyoshi had jumped into and saw Hishi being stabbed by Kishi. Hishi faded into ice and Kishi turned to Riyoshi looking rather mad. With some relief Itsuki was glad the battle was over, and rest could be achieved, but he was also worried... For Riyoshi. He jumped into battle when Kishi said no and Hell hath no fury like a women scorned. "Yes... I think we have out-stayed our welcome here Riyoshi. How do we leave?" Itsuki asks.
As kishi spoke those words with anger, a vortex opened within her inner world. It swirled the air around Riyoshi's body and around Itsuki's body just before ripping them off their feet and dragging them out of her world and back to Hueco Mundo and the presence of Torres. Hitting the ground with a thud about ten feet away from kishi's body, Riyoshi lay upon his back, still in his bankai form.

"Well, that did not go as smoothly as planned, but it is done." Riyoshi spoke out as he rolled over and looked at torres.

Just as he was about to get back to his feet, laughter could be heard off in the distance. It was not as if the voice was stationary, but it was more of everywhere at once. this voice was a male voice, and rang in both Riyoshi's and Torres' ears with a familiar tone. Just as Riyoshi got to his feet, a figure came into view just outside of Kishi and Torres' battle ground. He was covered from head to toe in white clothing, and a hood covered his head so he could not be recognized. Tilting his head slightly, he took in a quick breath.

"I would not think that i would ever have the chance of meeting you here, Riyoshi. It has been some time for you it has seem. You look old, is what i am trying to say." The man spoke out.

Riyoshi was baffeled at what this man was saying. Who was he, how did he know him. Why did he sound all too familiar. Just as he was about to speak up, the man interrupted.

"I guess it can't be helped, I know that I look different too. Even the arrancar is different." The man spoke as he pulled back upon the hood. The man was an older fellow, in his late 80's or so. Upon his face, was an expression of sadness.

"It would seem that you may not know who i am, but it is I." The man spoke out before Riyoshi interrupted.

"Ryujin!" Riyoshi yelled out as he angrily pointed his hand upon the man.

"Yes. That was once whom i was, But i have become more then just Ryujin. Since the departure from your soul, i have been on a search. A search for a new host. I have entered other shinigami, and even hollows, looking for a suitable match. Every time, it has been the same thing. Their souls were devoured by my power. The only person i have ever met that could withstand my power has been you." The man spoke out as he looked upon Riyoshi.
Torres lay waiting, leaning on some rocks and seemed to be drawing naughts and crosses on the sandy ground as Riyoshi and Itsuki came popping out. As they arrived he stood up and tapped his foot.

"Do you know how long I have been waiting....." He said in an annoyed tone, glancing back to Kishi who he had laid down comfortably behind.

"Took you long enough." However before he could berate them anymore, a voice suddenly appeared. One he instantly recognized and the reiatsu, while it may have changed, he remembered it.

"Him, you were suppose to have taken of care of those issues while you were inside Kishi's mind. Really...." He grumbled in annoyance as the creature spoke to Riyoshi and mentioned something about him looking different.

"Oh, that is just because I'm in Resurreccion, I can easily go back to my old fo....not the point?" He trailed off, becoming quiet and realizing that really was the point at this moment in time.
Itsuki landed on the bloody, marshy ground of Hueco Mundo as he was flung out of Kishi's Inner World. Torres complained about the amount of time it took. Maybe he could have tried fighting Hishi. But the bitter thoughts Itsuki had of Torres disappeared when an old man in white showed up. Apparently he was Riyoshi's old Hollow. Maybe back to reunite with Riyoshi? 'Man, I am glad I don't have to deal with Hollow problems.' Itsuki thought to himself.
The man looked upon Torres as he spoke and just as Torres finished, the man laughed. His laugh echoed through the skies of Hueco Mundo. Stopping, he brought attention back towards Riyoshi.

"I am not here to fight the lot of you. I am only here to discuss the terms of surrender." The man spoke as he took a step towards Riyoshi.

"Are you kidding me! Are you thinking that we are going to surrender?" Riyoshi yelled out as his flames roared around his being.

"No. Just calm down. I was not talking about your surrender. I was talking about mine." The man said as he looked towards the ground.

Riyoshi was shocked to hear that this man whom used to be the monsterous dragon king, just claim his own surrender without a fight. Reducing his flames down to a dull roar, Riyoshi kept his stance.

"What are these terms then?" Riyoshi spoke out as he formed a blade of pure flame.

"You take me back within your soul, and do not send me back to hell. They will just eliminate me or worse, take me prisoner." Ryujin spoke as he knelt down in front Riyoshi.

Pondering for a moment, Riyoshi looked upon Torres.

"What do you think? Think he is serious?" Riyoshi spoke out as he turned his attention back to the older man.
(OOC Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! I'm so sorry and I'm going to do a blurb post but otherwise Lash is right. Kishi is out cold and I will be doing little blurb posts intermittedly while you guys post so I'm not just out of the rp.)

The teenager was settling into her inner world, knowing from past experience that after a battle with her hollow her body would be to exhausted to stay awake. But she didn't want to go to blank subconciousness. ecovering her reiatsu would probably be easier in her inner world anyway. Green eyes poked up to the tops of her eyes, her head was bowed in her arms ontop of her knees, and smiled weakly. "Heya Kishi brat." Pure black eyes were soft as they looked upon her. "We are sorry that you were forced to fight Hishi again." The teen turned her head to meet pure white ones.

Hi and Mizu were standing in front of her, their appearances unchanged, except Hi actually looked apologetic for once. Kishi's smile grew a bit, "Don't worry about it. I actually kind of... What?" The two zanpakuto spirits had just given each other a strange look, but then she felt it too. It was muted in her inner world, and delayed because she was here, but she felt another hollow's prescence. A strong one.


Outwardly the teen stirred where she lay on the ground, a soft disgruntled noise leaving her slightly parted lips. It seemed as if the teen was trying to wake, but she couldn't.
Torres glanced at the Hollow, then at Riyoshi as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"He is a Hollow, a lowly pathetic parasitic Hollow, but a Hollow none the less. Hollow do not so easily give themselves in to a lowly Shinigami, doing so would be a grave insult to themselves. So it seems unlikely he would do so unless he was truly desperate.

However Hollow don't really have hearts, so lying and betrayal is easy for us. SO it is quite possible, he is doing this for his own ends to either kill you for revenge or take your body as host once again...

In truth his story, does seem plausible. Spending so long in your body as a parasitic Hollow, feeding off your energy it is possible he simply cannot survive on his own, it may explain why he chose to do it in the first place. The fact is, that is not the answer you should be asking yourself.

The question you should ask is will you or won't you. Will you allow the Hollow back inside, if you do I can guarantee he will try to fight for control again, 100%, no matter how sincere his words may be. But the whole point of this exercise is to defeat your "inner Hollows" and he is technically yours. You can either be afraid of the dark power within or make it yours, become the master and use it to defeat Grimmjow."

(The fact is Torres doesn't even know he is being so insulting, this is just how he talks and reasons... :P )
Itsuki got up and brushed the swamp muck off him. The Hollow that used to belong to Riyoshi has proposed something that was quite unusual and reunite with his former "host." Torres also explained about how untrustworthy Hollows are being heartless and all, yet how he could be sincere. Itsuki sets up a Kido platform and began unpacking some tea again. Now that they could rest again, he could drink some tea. Itsuki still felt insulted that he kept calling Shinigami lowly.
"You better watch your mouth young one. Do not classify me as the same thing as you. I am not just a mere hollow. I have out grown that classification and became much more." The man spoke out angrily towards Torres.

He knew that if anyone would be able to persuade Riyoshi, it would be the hollow himself. Now he had to make his move before Riyoshi fluctuate with his feelings.

"Now boy, I know that there were some differences within the past, but I came here for the sole purpose of surrendering. If I had planned on anything more then that, don't you think that I would have do so by now." The man spoke out as he looked back at Riyoshi.

Riyoshi thought for a minute before he made up his mind.

"Torres, I understand that you think much like a hollow, and you think that you know everything this man has up his sleeves, but he also makes a point. Would he have not tried to take my soul over within any chance he had during the time separated from me?" Riyoshi spoke out as he dispersed his sword.

Reaching his right hand out, he awaited Ryujin to shake his hand. Just as Ryujin reached his hand out, Riyoshi placed his other hand within his coat. Pulling out the medallion, Riyoshi spoke out under his breath. As soon as Ryujin's hand made contact with his own, The medallion began to glow brighter and brighter before consuming the entire area in a bright white light. As the light diminished, there only stood Riyoshi and the others, while Ryujin was no longer there. Riyoshi on the other hand was no longer in bankai form and his left arm no longer upon his body, nor in sight.

"Well, that went easier then expected." Riyoshi spoke out as his right hand came up to hold his left shoulder.

"She said there was going to be a side effect, but I did not think that it would end up being like this." Riyoshi spoke out as he collapsed to his knees.


Inner world.


"Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in." Suzaku spoke out as he looked upon the frail old man.

"It is good to see you too. But there is something that I must speak to you about." Ryujin spoke out as he sat upon the ground in front of Suzaku.
Torres just smirked as the Hollow called him young one.

"Do not worried, I would not classify as Hollow. You are not worthy of such a title, you are less than Hollow as you rely on another, a Shinigami of all things, as I stated during our last encounter. Simply a parasite...." Torres said under his breath as he truly didn't even feel the creature was worthy actually raising his voice loud enough to speak to.

He looked at Riyoshi and raised his brow at his logic.

"Uh.... no. That would be a most foolish move, so it is most logical we would try this plan of action. However it is your choice and to be honest, I don't care much. The state of your inside matters little to me. I suggest now you all rest, after our consecutive training... Power supplies should be exhausted, so now you should rest..." He spoke to them all.

( After the rest I will bring in Grimmjow. So you better be at full power, I won't hold anything back...)
Riyoshi nodded to Torres as he kept his right hand upon his left shoulder.

"Will do. I will begin resting right away." Riyoshi spoke out as he sat upon the bloody ground.

((Sorry about not posting sooner. I do not have internet and am relying on the computers in the library.))
(Ew, I forgot blood marsh. Kishi is laying in that guck. groooss, lol)

Kishi's eyes fluttered open, no longer with both green orbs. Her left eye stared out bright gold, although the sclera was a stark white still. "What's going on?" She tried to push herself up on her elbows, the obvious way they were shaking making it no surprise when she fell back again. The teen's face screwed up in light disgust as the goopy marsh met her back once more.

The teen's eyes flicked over towards the familiar reiatsus that she could feel, waiting for an answer, but her eyes were starting to fall shut again. Kishi was exhausted, both from training with Torres and the inner battle.

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