Bleach Role Play

By this point, Riyoshi was back at tip top shape and his power was over flowing with anger. The heat of his blade scorched the air around it and dried the swamp beneath it. With a deep breath, Riyoshi watched as Torres flashed to her location and began to strike out at her. This just strengthened his resolve to kill that thing. With a twist of his foot, he appeared just to the left of Kishi and he drew his blade towards the arrancar.

“That is MY POWER!

“Kishi. get your shit together! Obviously this beast only brought us here to feed off of our power. You think that if the only thing was to borrow our power, he would not have asked us back at Urahara’s shop!”

Suzaku had taken control of Riyoshi’s body by this point and tried to get Kishi on her game before she was to become a victim. He knew that she was strong, but even an arrancar with his power would be worthy of team work.
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Torres drew back as the flames engulfed one another and just grew to a huge flame that began to burn across the bloody swamp consuming trees and bone. It was like ice and fire colliding this time, since boths attacks were flame they just fed one another.

Torres smirked as Riyoshi came behind him ready to attack, instead of using his swords to block he used his tail bladed and used it to counter the sword strike and any other strikes Riyoshi may try. He then charged Bala in his blades infused with flames and began firing them like bullets towards Kishi, since they weren't Cero he could fire a whole lot at a time as they shot towards her. He then turned and began to fire more at Riyoshi.

He shot up to the sky using Sonido as he began to charge three Ceros again.

"If I were you, I would stop this next attack..."

He was planning something again...
Suzaku clenched his fist around his zanpakutou as he brought his blade up. as the blade made contact with the first bala, his theory was correct. The power of these bala's could in fact be absorbed by the power of Suzaku. Absorbing the heat of the bala's, they were left with only a concussive blast. Though it was wind, it dealt decent damage in the amount that Torres fired upon him.

"Why is it that you are always running! Is it because of the fact that you were nothing without a power of a shinigami! The fact that you do not fight mindlessly, the fact that you are more human than you want to make yourself out to be! Is it because you do not want to be a hollow that you wanted to have the power of Riyoshi and myself!"

Suzaku had roared this up at Torres' new location which stood upon the air above them. He was not fond of the arrancar taking his power and using it upon his friends, or himself. He hated the fact that it was a hollow that had corrupted Riyoshi's soul in the first place. He had tried so many years to purge the hollow from his master and for what? To get dragged back into hueco mundo, the dwelling place of hollow. NO! He would not let this happen, not here, not now.

"I did not want to have to use this upon you, but you have not made this decision an easy one."

Riyoshi's zanpakutou began to flicker with flame, the sheer heat pushed the blood from under feet away and dry it up. The air was unbearably dry at this point and his blade was now of a white color before the flames vanished from sight.
Kishi glared resentfully towards Riyoshi at first, but turned her focus once more back to Torres. She couldn't tell if Riyoshi was right, and the arrancar had just brought them here to kill and devour, or if he really thought that this was training. Because it really wasn't. It just seem3ed like an all out death match, and quite honestly, she would rather not do this.

Green eyes narrowed and hardened though, when Torres flew into the sky and taunted them. No, she wasn't going to allow him to do something really harmful, not now. Her mask once again being clawed across her face, she disappeared, not even leaving an after image behind, and silently appeared once more behind Torres. she remained wary of his tail, or scarf, or whatever it was, and brought down her solidified blades, each burning with their respective elements.

Her inner hollow was laughing maniacally, enjoying this battle all to much. It was taking to much of her will power to ignore the damned hollow, and she rally wished that the spirit would just keep her mouth shut and let her FIGHT! the teeth in her mask split open, a harsh and angry roar leaving it.
Torres began to bring his hands tail together as energy began connect like lightning between them, he smirked as huge amounts of reiatsu were released. However before he could finish, Kishi's blades smashed into him. As soon as they did, they seemed to distabilize whatever he was about to do with all three Ceros as they all exploded into a huge explosion that engulfed both Torres and Kishi. The huge explosion that resulted radiated into a giant sphere of energy that would send Riyoshi flying back as it obliterated the trees and ground within it's radius.

A crater formed underneath as the light and energy faded. Torres was lying on the ground as he got up, coughing lots of blood into the bloody swamp beneath him. He pulled himself up, a small part of his face and a large of his chest had been burned and charred. His armor had broken a bit and some of his clothes look worse. He laughed in pain.

"Now this is how Arrancar's fight and to think you thought you could taken on Grimmjow..."

He slowly limped over to Kishi's location as he grabbed her throat and lifted up as he squeezed tightly.

"You must not value you own your life, your still holding back... I can hear the Hollow within you screaming to be freed, to break your chains of weakness and let loose your true power...

To cast of the humanity that makes you weak, the flesh that holds you back. If you don't kill me, I'll kill you! Welcome to fighting a true Hollow!"

His eyes glowed with the darkness and evil only present in an empty creature that could rip the soul out of another, eyes that kill!
Kishi hadn't let go of the now empty hilts of her blades. Muscle memory or habit, whatever. the thoughts, no, don't let go, stay, help were folding her mind. She was breathing raggedly, and that effort was made even harder by Torres' grip on her neck. Her mask had cracked and was slowly crumbling away into dark reiatsu. Green eyes still managed to glare defiantly, despite the bloody and obviously wounded look to her. And spat at Torres' face, "F*ck....Off..."

Green eyes bled gold, but no mask formed, and a slightly manic laugh bubbled from the teen's mouth, "Who said I valued my life?!" She giggled, Hi and Mizu dropping from her hands as she moved to grip the wrist holding her up with both hands, using it to help leverage her body up, and to twist her legs up to grip his head between her legs and kept going, twisting so that they both fell to the ground.

The girl stood rapidly, to quickly and smoothly for how injured she appeared, and brushed herself off lightly and tsked, "My uniform got ruined again.... What is it with boys trying to undress me?" The minor wounds on her were already closing up, leaving little white streaks behind in their wake, the bigger ones bubbling with white flesh. She flashed her teeth at Torres and stomped her foot into his chest and looked over towards Riyoshi, 'Yo, shinigami-baka! You alive over there?"

And made no move to grab the zanpakuto forgotten on the ground. She would check on Itsuki in a moment, but her main concern was the arrancar under foot. Hm, her body was still pretty beat up though, and her regular reiatsu was fairly depleted... That was no problem, her hollow much more willing to help.
Torres smirked at her comment about valuing her own life, as he didn't even bother to wipe off the spit.

"That became abundantly clear a while back..."

He felt himself surprised by her increase strength as she twisted, he tried to hold he but found himself unable which was surprising. He definitely surpassed her in physical strength, yet he could not hold her still.

She slammed her legs into his neck as she shoved him down to the bloody ground. After her comment about trying to undress her, she smirked and threw his own back.

"What is with girls always trying to get me between their legs..."

His smirk grew as he saw her wounds bubble over and she stomped on him, he knew this was the hollow within.


He swung his legs to trip or at least bring her low enough so he could bring his blades to wrap around her legs as he dug them down, cutting in her skin holding her down to hold her down. Suddenly his scarf also came around and began trying to wrap around her neck, arms and chest.

He suddenly growled as she turned her attention to Riyoshi.

"Oi, don't lose focus on the battle!"

He growled like a monster as he opened his fanged mouth, charging a Cero within and then firing it at her from the point blank range.
Riyoshi had just looked at the attack and then down at his blade. With a smile upon his face, Riyoshi placed his sword in his other hand. As the blade his his left hand, it began to change and grow. It grew taller and wider then himself, until it became a giant tower shield. Bringing the shield in front of himself, he braced for the impact of the attack. The shield stood the impact of the first concussive blast, but only slightly. The blast rocked the shield back and over Riyoshi’s head and the second concussive blast pushed the shield back and away from Riyoshi. The debris that was kicked back from the swamp traveled slower then the blast wave but the power of them hit just as hard. Getting knocked back from that attack was now the least of Riyoshi’s worries.

Damn, that was one hell of an ability, and being combined with the force of kishi’s elements made it slightly deadly.

As Riyoshi slid backwards and tumbled from the attack, he came to a sliding halt. Laying upon his back, Riyoshi heard a watery voice that sounded slightly like Kishi’s. Rolling to his side, he went to place his hands down and soon realized that his left arm was no longer there. Gritting his teeth, he looked over to where the shield had landed and seen his arm was there as well.

”We are fine! Do not worry about me!”

Suzaku yelled out to Kishi. Reaching his arm up, he tried to seal off the wound but he was only holding a fraction of his power. Most of his power was compressed within the shield. Standing upon his feet, he made his way over to the shields location. Upon taking his first step, he collapsed to his knees in pain. Suzaku was no longer in control of Riyoshi’s body. Riyoshi could feel everything that had happened to his body. The pain from losing his arm was starting to get to him, his vision blurring slightly.

( )
Itsuki shook more in his barriers as another powerful explosion occurred. This battle was very devastating. Torres was also acting very ferocious. Looking around after the smoke cleared he assessed the situation. Torres still stood, coughing blood and still able to move. Kishi is still able to get up and move. Both are low on reiatsu. Then there was Riyoshi... Or Suzaku Itsuki can't really tell which. Riyoshi was still wounded from Torres scarf/tail and arm is torn off. He was especially low on reiatsu. Finally deciding that he should jump in, Itsuki drops his barriers and shunpo's next to Riyoshi's body.

"Kishi, I'm going to heal Riyoshi. I would like a heads up if Torres attacks." Itsuki says while unsheathing his healing zanpakuto. A large amount of green light began to envelop around Riyoshi's body. More light focusing around the area of his missing arm. "I can heal your wounds quickly here, but regenerating your arm will take a lot more time later." Itsuki says to Riyoshi as the green aura begins healing his wounds.
Kishi had been distracted enough for his legs to make contact, but she forced her body to fall back, rolling as she did so and grabbing the hilts of her zanpakuto, landing on her feet gracefully, "I don't know, you're pretty decent looking...for an arrancar at least." She called over to Istuki without pulling her eyes from Torres, smirking as she did so, "Oh, I'll keep him busy. But hurry up shinigami."

When she had rolled back, she had missed most of the cero, but her front had gotten a bit scorched, uniform tearing in conveniently censoring ways and the teen huffed at Torres again. the small wounds she had sustained once again were eaten away by small patches of white, her normally lightly tanned skin now a patchwork.

"And I can do what I want to, especially in a battle." She lunged forward at Torres, head on and blades raised and at her waist level to strike.
Torres rushed towards Kishi as he charged him, blades out. However he changed course half way through as he Sonidoed past her and went towards Itsuki and Riyoshi. He appeared next to Itsuki.

"Heads up, I'm attacking!"

He sent his foot towards Itsuki with a powerful kick that would send the weak Shinigami flying, even if he dodged it would least move Itsuki out of the way.

He then reached for with his scarf as it wrapped around his chest and wrapped him up tight as it lifted him, he brought him up close so he could hold Riyoshi up by the hair with his one hand while still managing to hold his blade.

"You really think it is that easy?!"

He smiled as he turned Riyoshi around to face Kishi as he turned to look at her.

"You have no idea what it is like to face an Arrancar... You still clutch onto the ideals of life and want to save your friends.... nope. You really think you can win if you care about others?!"

His body glowed as did Riyoshi.

"You know the lovely thing, Riyoshi once let me into his Inner World. So I'm familiar with it and his little rooster, that is why I'm able to sneak in... So let me make this simple..."

He began charging a Cero in his other blade and pointed at Riyoshi's head as he point him in front of him.

"I'm going to kill Riyoshi, I'm going to blow his f***ing head off. Since I've been in his Inner World thanks to him allowing me I've put a temporary blockade around his powers, a few seconds but just long enough...

So don't think he can block or heal, no he will die."

Torres smiled towards Kishi in what seemed like a kind smile, but it was dark. Inside Riyoshi's Inner World a wall emblazened with a scorpion began appearing around Suzaku that would make Riyoshi's power fade.

"So here is how it will work, if you are foolish enough to care about his life and want to save him, you will all your powers, your weapons, mask, everything and expose your Soul Sleep to me so that I can kill you mercilessly and gruesomely, or option two, you can sit there and do nothing while I blow his hairy little head off and leave a smoking hole on his neck or your final option is to attack with everything you got and try kill us both, risk missing and him dying anyway or even exposing yourself.

Itsuki was still healing Ichigo when he heard Torres advancing for an attack. He was moving at an impressive speed so Itsuki knew there was no time for a good Bakudo. Using a nonverbal Bakudo No. 39 Enkosen, Itsuki stops healing Riyoshi and creates a circular shield. However it only minimized the damage from the attack from Torres and was sent flying away into the bloody swamp. Dazed and incapacitated for the time being, Itsuki could only watch with extreme hatred as Torres led up Riyoshi and gave Kishi her two choices.
"Itsuki, my arm does not need to be regenerated. It is over there with the shield."

Riyoshi spoke out as the young shinigami started healing his wound. Just he was healing him, he heard Torres speak out. Clenching his fist as Itsuki was booted from his location, Riyoshi tried to fight back from Torres' grip, but to no avail. Being lifted into the air and off his feet, Riyoshi groaned at the vast power differences between them.

"Kishi. Do not worry about my safety! If you have to go through me to kill this man, then do it!"

Riyowhi yelled out as his reiatsu dropped low from returning to its sealed state. He was no longer in his bankai form. The barrier within his inner world shicked Riyoshi, to think that this arrancar could do something like that.
Kishi faltered, gold eyes softening from the hard anger from a moment, although a burst of it had run through her as Itsuki was kicked away. Then she snarled. Even her hollow begrudgingly thought t was cruel, if she did respect it to an extent. The teen ignored the hollow's grudging respect, the low whistle that rang out in her head, "You....You're an asshole." She was suddenly glad that Ichigo hadn't come with, she didn't want him to be stuck into this situation and being the one held hostage right now.

Because she had no doubt that Torres wasn't bluffing. And that....that made her her heart drop a bit into her stomach.

Riyosh's words didn't really help her out. She bit her lip, her face hardening, literally, as her mask formed over her face, "Fine." She burst forward, appearing and disappearing until she was right in front of both of them. Since they both were fire elementally based, she used her left blade to stab through Riyoshi and into Torres. There wasn't a way for her to kill Torres without hurting Riyoshi, and honestly, she didn't want to kill either of them.

The blade was searing with cold, seeping out into the both of them and freeing what it touched on.
Torres seemed to smirk as she said fine, obviously pleased with her answer.

He watched as she and her blade came racing at the both of them with incredible speed, however thanks to all the talking he knew exactly where she planned to strike. Warning him was not the best idea.

He waited for just the right moment as she brought her blade towards them as he used his scarf to wrap around it. If it wasn't for the fire element in the scarf it would have froze instantly, but instead he would have a few milliseconds for one last play. He tried to veer the blade upwards, he couldn't get it to miss, but he could move it upwards so it would head for Riyoshi's face. Thus it would impale Riyoshi's head and just stab Torres in the shoulder, making her move's intentions null.

"Good, but still not enough!"

This would all happen in a second and her reaction and the final result of this battle would happen in her final counter in the next few milliseconds.
Gold eyes widened,"NO!" and Kishi seemed to almost literally explode. Her dark reiatsu rushed out, blowing everything and anyone back that might be near. No doubts even Itsuki would be able to feel it. The teen's mask became more lethal looking, the softness that was attributed to it before, gone. All that was left was just pure hollow instinct. Her blade stilled suddenly, stopping before it could stab through Riyoshi.

she didn't go so far as Ichigo has gone, with being fully hollowified. not entirely at least, she was still in control of her body. There now was an obvious hole through her abdomen, where her own reiatsu had burnt through the cloth, her skin paled but not completely white, and her hair having completely bleached white. "Torres."

The name was a growl, all animal instinct, and shinigami morals left. The teen lowered her blade, arms hanging towards her sides. Her head cocked to the side a bit, gold eyes slightly narrowed as if studying the arrancar. Then her hand shot forward, pushing down Riyoshi's head as she swung her now bare foot up and blindingly fast towards Torres' face.

(teel me if you'd want me to edit it out a bit)
I will post after i get off work. xD . so if any edits are made i will go ahead and reread it then. Got to clock back in from lunch. 
Riyoshi was still caught in Torres’ grip as Kishi thrust her blade towards him. Closing his eyes, Riyoshi felt as if time was passing by slowly. He was hoping that Kishi was not going to actually kill him, just to get to Torres, but he was not guaranteeing anything right now. Feeling a slight gust of wind, he opened his eyes slightly to see Kishi’s blade stopped right in front of his face. Exhaling deeply, Riyoshi’s expression was of joy.

“oh thank god.”

Riyoshi spoke out just above his breath. Just as he finished speaking, he heard Kishi speak out. Just as he looked up to her, she brought up her hand and moved his head out of the way. Just as his head was moved out of the way, her foot came flying past his face.

Holy crap! Her speed is insane!

Riyoshi thought to himself as he brought his right hand up and covered the giant wound upon his shoulder where his arm was ripped off, just moments before.
Torres went flying up as his face molded around the shoe leaving an imprint as he was sent flying up like a rocket with such incredible force that he blew away the dark clouds as he shot up.

He continued shooting up as he suddenly let loose some energy to try stop his ascent as he finally managed to stop in mid-air, high above them. He coughed some more blood.

"Finally, that is what I was waiting for!"

He used Sonido to come back down near to Riyoshi.

He wiped the blood off his cheek, showing the nice bruise as he made sure to keep an eye on Kishi she could attack at any moment and when she did, she would attack hard!

"Took long enough for her to stop holding back. Well I helped her work on the power, now you are going to need to help her work on the control."

He smirked at Riyoshi, but not the same dark and murderous smirk as before. It was his usual silly, happy and kind of goofy smile as he turned his head at Riyoshi a little. It was like all the darkness and murderous intent that had radiated from before was just gone, as if it was never there...
Itsuki finally found the energy to get up when the pain from Torres' kick earlier subsided. He was amazed at the power of the furious Kishi when Torres pressured her. Her single cap would be enough to decapitatae a single person. However she was in a hollow field form. This worried Itsuki quite a bit. Hopefully she retains control. Riyoshi has also yet to be healed. Then there is Torres.... Who appears to be friendly with no sign of the malicious evil from before. Itsuki began to get a headache from all stress of this battle. Itsuki quickly shunpo's next Riyoshi picking his arm up in the process. Kneeling down next to Riyoshi, who seemed to have a look of relief and pain, carefully lays him down on a Kido platform.

"I'll start healing Riyoshi. Are you guys all right for the time being? Nothing serious?" Itsuki asks as he places Riyoshi's arm near the severed area and began healing it. While doing so being a little tedious of Kishi for the time being. Torres seemed to have lightened up, but still he should viewed with caution as well.
Knelt down upon the ground, Riyoshi heard Torres speak with such calmness. Whn he spoke about working on control, he looked up at Torres. Exhaling deep, he knew exactly what he was referring to, he took in a deep breath.

"Take down your barrier, and give me a boost. This is going to be a bit rough for a little bit."

Riyoshi spoke out as Itsuki brought his hand and shield over. Being rolled over upon the kido, Itsuki began to heal the wound and soon spoke. His words were slight with worry, probably fir him, but more or less the situation at hand.

"Itsuki, heal the skin on the shoulder. Make sure that the arm is attached, i will do the rest. As for kishi, I am going to need you to use a binding kido. It does not need to bind her for long, just long enough for me to get in close."

Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his right hand upon his left shoulder, trying to help with the healing.
Kihsi blinked, her eyes wide in disbelief. She picked up her sealed blade and sheathed it, a hand coming up and waving at Torres in disbelief, "Excuse you? And excuse you!?" She turned her head towards Riyoshi, cocking a hand on her hip, "I don't need to be controlled in a damned barrier." Her reiatsu pulsed out in an angry wave.

"If you'd like, I could put YOU in a barrier." The teen's gold eyes darkened slightly, rounding back on Torres and shot forward. Stopping just in front of him, she pulled her hand back and slapped the arrancar, avoiding the bruise on his face, "You ASSHOLE." She huffed, combing her pale hand back through her white hair, avoiding the point from her mask.

Kishi walked off a second, hands on her hips and her head hanging low. Deep breaths could be heard raggedly coming from behind the mask as she fought to control herself. She was in control, she was. It was just hard to keep her impulses in check right now, and it was one of the most exhilarating and terrifying feelings in the world.
Noah nodded at Riyoshi. He mended the skin and connected his arm to the severed area. Next he turned his attention on Kishi. She seemed upset and somewhat in control so Noah decided its okay to not use a binding Kido on her. She seemed barely in control of herself. Noah barely kept a smirk hidden as Kishi slapped Torres. "Ahem... Um.... Kishi or Torres? Do either you want assistance?" Noah asks. Both seemed capable of healing themselves without his help, but asking is nice anyways.
Torres took the slap, but as she walked away he grabbed her arm.

"No, you are not. You are still fighting it, you've uncaged the beast and now you need to tame it. If you guys really want to beat Grimmjow, you cannot be afraid of the powers within, you have to use them to their full power.

You could barely handle me and Grimmjow is far stronger..."

He pulled something out of his pocket, a small sphere. It was the same device Urahara had once given to Riyoshi to allow Torres to enter his Inner World. Urahara had given it to him after Torres explained his plan.

He was still holding Kishi, refusing to let go. He tossed the sphere to Riyoshi.

"Take the weak Shinigami with you, you'll probably need all the help you can get. If you two can't control the power within you alone, do it together. It's time to stop being afraid of the Hollows within. If you want to survive a true Arrancar, you will need all your power. If you spend half your energy holding back the power you fear, your only half as strong."

He looked in Kishi's eyes. A Bankai was when a Shinigami not only befriended their spirit, but made it bend to their will. She had released her Hollow side, but she was still fighting with it. Now she had to make it bend to her will, then she could unlock the power she would need.

"I was told Ichigo had to let his Hollow all the way out, he almost destroyed everything around him, but he he controlled it. Now it's your turn, stop being afraid and take your Hollow on, full force. Now, Riyoshi go inside her Inner World."
Kishi frowned at Torres, not that he could see it behind her mask. She snarled when he said that she didn't have control anc then blinked lightly before tearing her arm from Torres' grip, "Fine. But I warn you, you won't like what you find there. My inner world isn't what you might think it is right now." She turned her back on Torres, arms still crossed over her chest ad took a deep breath.

"Alrght, get on with it before something goes down." A dark chuckle bubbled past her lips, the warled sound from her mask making it even more creepy. Gold eyes shot towards, "Well, whatcha waitin for then? Because in a moment ya ain't goin ta get a nice Kishi in a second." The already bleached hair was starting to gain a black tinge at the ends, her already pale skin was getting whiter.

Internally her inner hollow was laughing maniacally, "Oh, Hime, you're hurtin' ma feelings. Why can' I paly with yer friends ta?" No Kishi meant a very gleeful Hishi.

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