Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi heard Kishi say something about Torres needing to go hunting and then he heard Itsuki say that he was not going to join in on training. Turning his gaze behind him, he looked upon Kishi.

"If Torres will not be here, then I will just have to turn my gaze to you!" Riyoshi spoke loudly as he tossed aside the pack he carried.

Since his zanpakutou was still sealed, he slashed his katana towards Kishi's chest. He wanted to train and see if he could hieghten his own abilities without having to rely upon a hollow's reiatsu.
"Yes, hunt... and I see m two targets already."

Torres smirked looking at Riyoshi and Kishi, as he raised his arm to his forehead as his mask fragment began to grow.

"You two want to practice fighting an Arrancar, well there is one really easy way to do that."

His mask fragment grew into it's full Hollow mask form as it enveloped his face and his reiatsu sky-rocketed.

"I hope you didn't think you were just going to sit here and do your usual weak training. Also don't forget, in this place I'm even stronger and I don't do weak human/Shinigami training. If you don't dodge you die!"

He growled speaking more monstrously with his mask as two crimson Balas form on his hands, instead of firing them however he launched forward using them to envelop his fists and launch two explosive punches towards Kishi and Riyoshi.

He shot forward with terrifying speed, the boost from Hueco Mundo was one thing, but the added power of his full mask made the attack glow with murderous intent. If Kishi and Riyoshi didn't dodge or block the attack with a Shikai or higher, it should easily kill them.
Kishi's eyes widened, automatically bringing her own sealed blade up to block. Her feet sunk into the squishy ground more, and she narrowed her eyes at the other shinigami. Turning her head towards Torres as she felt him move, she growled, pushing back of Riyoshi and jumping up and away into the air. Boys. Seriously.

She sighed, might as well start and join the fun, "Dream HiMizu." Immediately she slashed down with both of the blades, a swirling vortex of the joined elements heading towards Riyoshi and Torres. She blinked, noticing how close Itsuki was to the intial break out of the fight, "Hey, get back some more!"

This was promising to be a long week and a harsh one at that.
Riyoshi felt the reiatsu of Torres sky rocket and with a halted movement, Riyoshi broght his hand up and slid it across his blade. The silver blade began to glow a faint red as it shrank in size, appearing as a dagger. Turning just outside the main blast radius, Riyoshi leaped for Itsuki. Crouching down as he got to Itsuki's position, he grabbed him and placed him over his shoulder. With a burst or reiatsu, Riyoshi vanished from sight and landed outside of the combat area.

"Use some of that good kido and lock yourself away from this fight." Riyoshi spoke out as he stood up.

As he stood, he felt a pain in his left ankle. Looking down upon his ankle, Riyoshi seen he was indeed hit by the attack. Gritting his teeth and growling slightly, Riyoshi now knew that this man was not going to take it easy, and would more then likely seriously kill them. Flipping the dagger in his hand so he was holding it were the blade faced him, he shunpo'd back into the battle. Appearing just behind Torres, Riyoshi raised his dagger into the air. With a heavy swing, Riyoshi brought the dagger down to Torres' right shoulder. He planned on trying to seperate the Arrancar and it's arm.
Torres dodged Kishi's elemental attacking use enhanced Sonido, only for Riyoshi to appear behind him as the dagger came flying towards him. He spun around as jis mask came into the attack zone as it slashed across his mask, leaving a huge gash as he spun back.

The huge gash made the dagger began to grow in cracks along the mask as it crumbled away.

"Good, your not holding back."

He said with a laugh, his voice back to normal. He looked to Kishi with the eyes of an Arrancar, ones that wanted death.

"Don't hold back either, or I swear I'll kill you. You best not hold even on thing back! Sting, Escorpión!"

He let out a huge blast of reiatsu after he cut his hand with his Zanpaktou and then stabbed himself with it as he was surrounded by the crimson energy as he shaped into his Ressurrecion.

He then charged two powerful Cero's within his blade, charging the third in the blade of his scarf. He then fired the two, one at Kishi and the other at Riyoshi. The tail one he slashed creating a wide of arc of Cero energy that was wide enough to hit them both after the initial Ceros.
(sorry I have been away. Unprecedented stuff.)

Itsuki was shocked at how quickly the battle began and thanks to the others help, got away without much harm. Back away further from the battle Itsuki began to cast some Kido that would help him avoid any damage. "Bakudo No. 37 Tsuriboshi." Ituski jumps up and lands cimfortably on the safety net like Kido. "Bakudo no. 73 Tozansho." An inverted pyramid of Kido materializes around Itsuki protecting him from any stray attacks. Assured that he is safe from most attacks, Itsuki kneels on the Tsuriboshi, and unpacks his portable tea set. The place was scary, tensions high with fighting, he needed to relax and calm down with some hot tea.
Kishi's eyes glinted, before she laughed, "I'm so sick of people telling me to stop holding back. Maybe I hold back for a reason?!" A slightly manic grin crossed her face, tossing her left blade up and gripping it by its elemental ribbon twirling a few times before releasing it towards Torres. She wouldn't give him the opportunity to fully release before attacking, not now.

The teen followed after the blade, a sharp exploding sound echoing as she burst down, clawing her hand across her face, her mask solidifying after following the black that covered her face. She didn't forget about Riyoshi of course, but she did wait until he was far enough away from Itsuki to attack him. When he got closer to Torres, her grin could almost be seen behind the mask, and she harshly swung down with her remaining blade.

Dark, roiling flames swirled down, and she entered them and followed through the middle.
As his dagger made contact with the arrancar’s mask, he growled with anger. He wanted to remove the arm from that arrancar. He thought that they were all friends, but from the look of things, this man was out for blood, and his prey was the shinigami.

“You bastard!” Riyoshi yelled out as he felt Kishi made her move, he looked up to see her blade heading for the two of them.

Leaping back from Torres, he watched what was about to unfold.
"The reason does not matter anymore, your holding back ends now!"

Kishi's attack collided with Torres' Cero as the two exploded into a giant blast of energy, enough to send them back a smidge as wind blew in their face. Torres smirked, this was not the way to fight an Arrancar.

Riyoshi had seemed to completely not notice the Cero that headed towards him, being distracted by Kishi's attack. It would hit dead, blowing away Riyoshi if he did nothing.

Kishi had stopped her one, but was now rushing towards him forgetting he had a third one charged in his tail and as she came close enough he fired it at her from the short distance for even more damage and making it much harder to judge.
Dodge! Get the hell out of the way! Suzaku yelled from within Riyoshi's soul.

Snapping to the situation that was straight ahead of him, Riyoshi seen the cero heading for him. It was quick, but he had to be quicker. Leaping back with all of his might, he was able to gain some distance from the cero. With every step, he got further from the attack and with his last step, he leaped to the right and out the ceros path. Finding himself outside the main battle spqce, he focued reiatsu upon his right index finger. He was not very good with kido, but he could use it with some time.

"White lightning!" Riyoshi yelled out as a bright white light launched feom his finger and roared out in Torres' location.

Not letting the arrancar escape, Riyoshi took off in a sprint following his attack. He was hoping the conflict with kishi would be enough to let his attack land firm.
Itsuki was sitting comfortably in his Kido, sipping tea as he watched the battle. As the battle begins building energy and such, Itsuki gets more anxious as he watches. Torres was unleashing a large amount of Cero and Riyoshi was quite quick to dodge it. What surprised Itsuki, was Riyoshi's Kido attack. He hardly sees him use any Kido. Itsuki looks at Kishi and sees that she is advancing to Torres, but another powerful Cero is coming at her as well. The battle is so exciting.
Kishi flew back a bit, the force of the two attacks colliding setting her straight back up in the air. she barely managed to get a grip on Mizu before she was blown back though. The teen stood back for a moment, her golden eyes watching the other two interact and waiting for an opportunity to strike. She wasn't all brawn like Ichigo was, she did like to try and plan attacks. Didn't mean it always worked though.

Sh*t, cero! Kishi had barely noticed the cero, with being blown back and starting to study the other two, she'd completely forgotten about the third cero Torres could produce. She quickly pulled up a barrier, the purple turned smoky black while in her hollowfied state. It didn't last though, immediately bursting, but she used the infinitely tiny amount of space to drop dead from the air, stopping out of reach of the other two. It wouldn't do to be attacked while she was dazed.

Gold eyes flicked over to Itsuki, distracted for a moment, but from what she'd just seen with the other two boys it would be fine. Itsuki looked well put up and out of the way, which was good. She smirked lightly behind her mask before darting in to join the fray once more, using the lightning to her advantage and sending a wave of water along with it towards Torres. Just because someone was your enemy didn't mean you couldn't use their attacks to your advantage.
Torres smirked as the lightning hit as it travelled through his body, he just grinned and bared it as it burnt him. However he did not count on Kishi"s water as it enhanced the attack as he yelled out as he was electrocuted. His body glowing and showing his skeleton.

He huffed in pain as his skin was a little black.

"Good, you are working together. You will need to."

He started charging up three more Ceros once again as he pointed one at Kishi, one at Riyoshi and kept his third tail one pointed up. He smirked as he had a plan...
Riyoshi kept his run up at full pace as he leaped into the air. He was not going to let this man fire off any more ceros. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi closed his eyes.

“By the wrath of the heavens, bring forth the flames of rebirth. BANKAI!” Riyoshi yelled out as he held his blade in front of him.

The blade began to glow bright red with heat and extended back into the form of a katana. Slashing his blade out towards Torres, crimson chains shot forth from the blade. The six chains shot forth toward Torres, one for each arm, one for each leg, one for his neck, and one for his tail. Riyoshi did not want to take a chance on anything in this point.

“Lets get this done Kishi!” Riyoshi yelled out as he landed and came to a sliding halt.
Itsuki watched with great amusement and anticipation. Kishi's water had effectively amplified Riyoshi's lightning attack and seemed to inflict damage on Torres. However Torres still shook it of and began charging three Ceros again. This did not bode well with Itsuki because when Torres did that not too long ago, it was close on how the attack almost got them. Even though Riyoshi is activating his bankai, in which Itsuki shuddered a bit from the large release of reiatsu, Torres seemed to have a plan in his head. The look in Torres eyes did not seem good for Kishi and Riyoshi. Itsuki leans forward bit more and takes a sip of his tea.
Kishi blinked, nearly dropping her mask in surprise, "Uh...Torres....HOLY SH*T NEVERMIND!" Yeah, she was going to comment on the whole, having been able to see his body's skeleton. But, incoming cero, she had more on her mind there. The teen quickly flashed back and behind Riyoshi, using him as a kind of shield. F***, just because Torres thought they may be working together, didn't mean they were.

Gold eyes blinked, oh yeah, ban kai. That was probably a good idea. "Ban Kai." She smirked lightly ass her blades changed form once more, her outfit altering once again though the cloth mask didn't seem to work the same with her hollow mask. However the toy boys thought this training session was going to go, she wasn't going to let it go that way. They were training to grow stronger individually, and she didn't need anyone's help.

But... If Riyoshi was willing to so nicely stringing Torres up, then fine. She'd bite. But the point wasn't to kill each other, as much as her hollow didn't like the idea of going easy. Swinging down her left blade, ice swirled out from the hilt and towards Torres to further entrap him there. And it would keep a hold of Riysohi's chains as well, making him an easier target afterwards.
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Torres body was suddenly yanked as he was hung out try dry thanks to Riyoshi's chains as he was held without anyway to move, but then his head lifted up showing his smirk and dark eyes.

"Perfect, exactly as I planned. You are predictable and clearly you didn't learn from watching my battle with Hotaru."

It was the same trick he had pulled on the female Arrancar, his tail was really just a thin scarf which was now held by a chain, but it suddenly began swirling around the chain showing it was actually constricting the chain as it flowed around it's length spiraling along it, stretching to match the chain's length as it climbed all the way to Riyoshi's position as it lunged out and stabbed Riyoshi right in the side.

The blade dug into Riyoshi, he would immediately feel pain, but before he could react, counter or escape he immediately sensed something strange. He was just feeling pain from the tail blade inside him, but he could feel his reiatsu draining slowly...

Torres smirked as he saw Kishi's ice attack flying toward him, even more perfect. Stabbing Riyoshi had obviously made him lose concentration on the chains, at least enough for him to release his right arm as he held up his blade at the incoming attack, something was going on as he was preparing to do something...

(Just giving Riyoshi a chance to react before i continue my attack and reveal what Torres actually just did...)
Watching as the tail began to wrap itself around his chains, Riyoshi gritted his teeth slightly. He had forgotten that it could do that, but he needed to think fast. Gripping his zanpakutou firmly with both hands he spoke back to Torres.

"I have not forgotten!"

Just as he was about to raise the temperature of his blade, the scarf leaped from his chains and stabbed him in the side. With his eyes widening at the sheer speed of that attack, Riyoshi felt as if his power was being taken, and at an incredible speed at that. Dropping down to one knee, he thought to himself.

Do not heal this wound! Cauterize the area around it and seal off the remaining reiatsu. Place a block around your reiatsu and separate it from my own. I am not sure what he is trying, but this is going to get very sketchy here in a minute.

Damn it Riyoshi! You can't just think that since he is an ally, that he wont try to actually kill you! If he brought you here to train and you actually are killed, he might actually devour your very soul. You must think of him as a real enemy, at least right now. I will get this done, but you will not have my healing ability for a little while, at least not while he is absorbing your reiatsu. Suzaku spoke back in his soul.

As his knee hit the ground, Riyoshi placed the blade into the ground, scorching the area around it. Grabbing a hold of the scarf with his free hand, Riyoshi cringed in pain as he felt the blade in his side start to dig in deeper. It was as if Torres was right there digging the blade in deeper with his bare hand. Gripping the scarf firmly, Riyoshi ripped it from his side as blood gushed from the wound. The blade had barely missed his lung and went in between the ribs, but it did do some serious damage.
Itsuki sat uneasy, almost ready to drop the barrier and jump into the fray. He was hesitant however, and debating what to do in his mind. Riyoshi is pretty beat up, and he could use some help but jumping in would not mean Torres would not attack him, plus Riyoshi did seem to be able to still fight. Then there was Kishi's ice attack incoming on Torres. 'It would be best if I didn't interfere with their training until someone suffers fatal damage.' Itsuki thinks to himself. A slight scowl on his face formed. 'Although it is a little crude for Torres to be attacking so viciously. This is some hardcore training'
Torres smirked as he retracted his scarf after Riyoshi had pulled it out and was able to free himself from the rest of the chains thanks to Riyoshi's extreme state, but something else seemed at work.

He turned his full attention to Kishi's attack as he smiled widely, now you get to finally see my true ability...

He held up his second blade as they both seemed to glow and were surrounded by bright orange flames as they glowed in exactly the same manner as Riyoshi's Bankai. He then held up his blades crossed against each other like an X before he swung both of them with tremendous force creating an X version of his charged Cero slash, however it wasn"t just crimson reaitasu that composed this Cero but bright orange flames as intense as Riyoshi's that blasted straight into Kishi's ice as they collided with a huge explosion cancelling both attacks as the resulting power of both attacks created a shockwave that circled out sending anyone without a strong enough grip back, it traveled far enough to even reach Itsuki with some power left. The explosion seemed exactly the same when Riyoshi and Kishi's attack had collided head on when they were training.

He smirked as the dust and rain of blood faded that had been kicked up from the collision of their attacks, his eyes barely looking up as he smiled. His body glowed covered in light amber as his burn wounds from the Shinigami's earlier combo attack began to heal in much the same way that Riyoshi healed.

"Hope you are ready for this!" His grin grew wider.
Riyoshi was astonished at the level of reiatsu that torres was able to manipulate from Riyoshi. He only took a small fraction from him and Suzaku, but he was able to weild it very well. The damage that Riyoshi took kept him from blocking the attack heading towards Itsuki and this made him angrier. This man that he thought was his friend or at least an ally was now attacking them.

"Is this all that you wanted! You just wanted to steal our abilities!"

Riyoshi yelled out as he grabbed his zanpakutou and joined his reiatsu once again. The wound upon his side began to heal and his power began to rise once again. The expression on his face was no longer of a pure friendly spar, but of a man willing to obliterate his obstacle in front of him.
Kishi's eyes widened, flipping backwards with the unexpected shockwave from the colliding attacks. She landed, sliding in the air crouched on one knee. 'What the hell was that?! Those were flames!' Her eyes hardened and she dropped her mask, it dissipating into purple ringed black reiatsu, "What the hell are you doing!?" Her face was still covered by her cloth mask, which wound up from her neck after her hollow mask disappeared, and thanks to the former mask, her face was clear of the blood spray. the rest of her...

She was going to ignore Riysohi for the moment and just focus on Torres. She dropped down from the air like a stone, landing heavily into the bloody ground, a spray of it spraying out from around her. The teen ignored it, and started to walk towards Torres, green eyes focused intently on the Arrancar. The only way that she could think that he would suddenly be able to manipulate flames was having stolen the ability from Riyoshi, and that suspicion was only confirmed by the other shinigami shouting out at the other man.

Shifting her blades, which had solidified at this point, and settling them on her shoulders she frowned at the Arrancar, "Is Riyoshi right, you just wanna take our abilities, or you just train like this?" Make no mistake, her body was poised to move, as much as it may look at ease, the way she walked with easy confidence, but she honestly didn't trust Torres right now.
A wave of energy from the immense power of Torres attack with Kishi's attack managed to get to get to Itsuki's barrier and rock his Tsuriboshi cradle a bit. His shield flickered for a moment. Cleaning up some of his spilled tea, Itsuki remains shocked at the level of power Torres had. Also copying some of Riyoshi's abilities was remarkable as well. This made him even more hesitant to pop into the battle. Riyoshi and Kishi had become more hostile to Torres, their faith in him as an ally faltering. 'Even though hate can make attacks become stronger, it can cloud the conscious. This "training spar" should be fought carefully.' Itsuki thinks to himself. Torres began to grin some more which sent a shiver down Itsuki's spine. That meant the Arrancar had more up his sleeve. Probably even more devastating as well.
Torres just smirked.

"I thought I told you the only thing you should be worry about, is surviving!" He sonidoed forward and began attacking Kishi with heated blades which glowed with their flames, enough for Kishi to feel close up as he sent slash after slash at her, not letting up, if she didn't dodge or block even one he would slice her apart, he wouldn't even give her a chance to breath.

He simulatenously charged a powerful flame enhanced Cero in his tail, that suddenly grew in size and glowed like a small sun similar to Riyoshi's sun like attack as he pointed the tail at Kishi and fired, if she tried to dodge, he would simply follow her and slice her in two with his glowing blades.
Kishi readily blocked, her arms going numb a bit at first as she wasn't expecting the strikes to be so harsh. Although she should have. Green eyes widened a bit as she noticed the charging fire ball, breaking free and putting her mask on once again. And then immediately loosed her own flaming attack. Fro what shed seen earlier, her and his attacks seemed to nullify each others' out.

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