Bleach Role Play

Torres nodded in deep thought, at first his instinct was to say no. However the idea suddenly dawned on him. It might not be such a bad idea for all of them to train in Hueco Mundo. Grimmjow was a powerful Arrancar and it was clear from their lasts battle they understood little of Arrancars or Hollows. Perhaps a visit to the home and birthplace of the emptiness may be beneficial to all of them. Yes...

"Very well, perhaps that is a useful idea. However first I demand we all get together and discuss our plans and preparations for battling Grimmjow when he arrives. We can do it while your having this breakfast thing."

He didn't really know what breakfast was, he'd heard them mention it a few times, but never really stuck around to see what it was. He had pieced together it was only done in the morning, so it must have been some odd morning ritual thing humans do... 
Torres nodded in deep thought, at first his instinct was to say no. However the idea suddenly dawned on him. It might not be such a bad idea for all of them to train in Hueco Mundo. Grimmjow was a powerful Arrancar and it was clear from their lasts battle they understood little of Arrancars or Hollows. Perhaps a visit to the home and birthplace of the emptiness may be beneficial to all of them. Yes...

"Very well, perhaps that is a useful idea. However first I demand we all get together and discuss our plans and preparations for battling Grimmjow when he arrives. We can do it while your having this breakfast thing."

He didn't really know what breakfast was, he'd heard them mention it a few times, but never really stuck around to see what it was. He had pieced together it was only done in the morning, so it must have been some odd morning ritual thing humans do...
Riyoshi was trapped in the amber within the crater made from his previous battle. his skin almost fully healed, his bones and organs on the other hand were still roughed up.

Why are you hating on me so much? Riyoshi asked as he looked upon Suzaku.

You need to shut your mouth and quit complaining. All you need to do is figure out how to protect yourself. I am not fully powered up. Suzaku roared as his form was that of a phoenix once again.
Kishi eyed Torres critically, "...Well, if you're sure that you can wait that long, then alright. We can talk over breakfast and get it out of the way then." The teenager sighed, this was going to be a long day, and no doubt Urahara was going to be an ass, doing his cs. Unless he was actually being serious for once, in which case she wouldn't mind but he kind of scared her when he did that.

But when she went to help Tessai, it seemed that she had procrastinated to much and ended up setting the table instead, "And you know, you're also part shinigami, why don't you give the food a try. It won't bite back." She chuckled, going off to get Ichigo and Itsuki.


Ichigo pouted lightly at the idea of not training, but if a person from squad four said not to, and if Old Man was being crotchety.... Fine, maybe he wouldn't train. Much.

Brown eyes blinked rapidly in surprise as as soon as he stood up to head towards the door, Kishi burst in and smirked. Oh great, today was already looking up for everyone. He didn't want to deal with her, or these other guys, and especially not Urahara. Really all he wanted to do was to train so that he could actually beat Grimmjow this time. It was so frustrating for him to know that the arrancar had grown so muc h stronger in such a short amount of time.

And that he had apparently not come close to being able to defeat him. But he followed the other two shinigami back out to eat. he wasn't stupid, and quite frankly, he was ravenous.
Torres followed in suit as he went to the breakfast table. He sat quietly in deep thought.

"Grimmjow is coming and from our previous encounters with his reiatsu we know he has grown in power. Taking him head on even in a group is not an option. We need a plan, we need to analyze all our abilities and weaknesses. We need to know exactly what we have to use and what be weary of."

Torres' red eyes seemed to flare as he spoke of battle.
Itsuki follows Kishi with Ichigo to eat breakfast. He takes a seat and begins pouring himself a cup of tea. It is nice to relax while you can and tea can help ease then nerves. Itsuki takes a look around to Kishi, Torres, Ichigo, Uruhara and everyone else here except one person. 'Where is Riyoshi?' Itsuki thought too himself. 'Perhaps he will eventually show up.' Itsuki takes a sip of his tea and lets out a small, quiet sigh. In a week or so, things are going to get interesting.
As the amber crqcked and fell away from Riyoshi, he could sense that kishi and the others gathered in one spot within the house. How much time has passed since he first entered the amber? Rolling over to his left side, a sharp pain shot across his ribs and abdomen. Cringing in pain, he tried his hardest to ignore the pain and return to where the others were located. He slowly made his way towards the ladder and even slower made his daring climb. With every step up the ladder, pain shot throughout his entire being, from the bottom of his feet to the tip of his head. Making his appearance at the hatch leading back into the house, he placed a hand on it and pushed as hard as he could.

"Come on Riyoshi!" Riyoshi yelled at himself as he finally managed to open the door as it slammed against the wall.

Climbing out of the whole, he rolled over to his back and just laid upon the ground in the hallway leading to the kitchen. At this point he heard the last of Torres' speach. He figured at this point, He was more of a liability then an asset. He had assumed that if he was not even able to beat his zanpakutou in a one on one battle, how was he going to fend for himself in a battle with someone like hotaru. she seemed to outmatch his new bankai powers.
Kishi grabbed a rice bowl and frowned, taking a bite before responding to Torres, "That's true, and no doubt Urahara is going to come up with crack brained scheme in order to train us r to beat Grimmjow. He's annoyingly useful like that." And they needed to get Torres to Hueco Mundo as soon as possible. But the problem was, Ichigo still seemed off, and Riyoshi.... Speaking of Riyoshi... "Hey, you alright over there?" She could sense him but he wasn't coming any closer now. Huh. oh well, he was a weird guy sometimes.


Ichigo's brow furrowed as he ate. Why should they listen to this guy? He didn't know him and despite the fact that Kishi seemed to trust him really didn't make him feel any better about it. He snorted in agreement when Kishi brought Urahara up, and idly looked towards where she was yelling.

But to be honest, the teen was just anciou to get out there and fight Grimmjow again, and beat him this time. The teen and arrancar had a history, and it wasn't a pleasant one. He should have known better then to think that they were on good terms when he saved the blue haired man from Nnoitra. The carrot top stilled, his eyes going wide, as a wave of pain racked through his body.

Ichigo tried to shake it off, and after a moment it subsided. Again he ignored Zangetsu, at any other time he would listen to the old man, but this time he had a vendetta to fulfill.
Torres looked at Torres waiting to hear this plan.

"Nope, sorry... I got nothing!" He simply shrugged.

Torres just sweat dropped and collapsed.

"I'm sorry, but I already came up with the barrier to give you guys sometime before Grimmjow returns. The rest is up to you!" He said with a smirk, almost indicating something hidden beneath the smile. Something secret, like he wasn't truly out of ideas.

"Well that was useful Mr Hat Mask..."

"It's not a MASK!!!"

Torres continued to think as Urahara yelled in his ear.

"Ok, so Kishi. You possess two Zanpaktou. One fire, one ice. In their Bankai they become pure elemental blades. You also have a Hollow Mask to increase your power, strength and speed. Am I missing anything?"
Riyoshi heard Kishi yell for him and with a sruggled motion, forced himself to his side. With a cough, blood trickled out of his mouth as he spoke out.

"I am here. A little roughed up, but here." Riyoshi spoke out as he continued to lay upon the ground in the hallway.
Itsuki was drinking some of his tea when Riyoshi pulled himself up. His face stricken aghast by the poor condition his ally was in. Itsuki quickly puts his cup down and briskly walks over to him. "It is dangerous to push yourself so hard." Itsuki says as he kneels down next to Riyoshi and begins healing him.
Kishi blushed lightly, turning her head towards the ground and blinking. She laughed at the little interaction between Torres and Urahara, but that didn't stop the blush from deepening."Uh, not really. but we can't forget Ichigo and his own mask and ban kai." Completely ignoring the fact that she could sense something off about the other teen's reiatsu. Becuae he was Kurosaki Ichigo, he could do anything. A bit of a weird feeling from his reiatsu wasn't going to stop the crazy red head.

Green eyes blinked rapidly when she turned her head towards Riyoshi, "Oh my Kami, I thought you said you were going to heal!" She was by the other shinigami's side in a moment, frowning with concern before looking up towards Itsuki, "Is there anything you can do for him? I mean, his zanpakuto said that he was going to heal him,a nd he was in his crystal stuff..."

So she wasn't the most eloquent person in the world, she didn't care. She could be if she wanted to, but riyoshi was worrying her. Since the battle he'd been acting odd, and he seemed to be so frustrated. It could be felt in the air with his reiatsu swirling, escaping the older shinigami's control. And that just worried her more.


Ichigo blinked, he wondered just what Torres was planning. He seemed adept at strategy, and honestly he knew that he himself wasn't the greatest at strategy. And they would need that for this battle, as much as he didn't want to admit it. And he annoyed Hat N' Clogs so that was a definite bonus.
"So what are you thinking, use our strongest techniques straight away or..."

The teen stopped speaking when Itsuki and Kishi moved towards the obviously injured shinigami. the carrot top kept forgetting their names, but he had them down mostly now. that one was... Ryoku? Something like that.

Chocolate brown eyes widened as another wave of pain wracked through his body, and this time he couldn't hide the pain that crossed his face. Or the wa that his body had tensed as if being stabbed through his spine. Or a hole being ripped open in his chest. both of which he'd experienced. He coughed, his hands gripping the table tightly, enough that his knuckles turned white, and tried to bite down on the cough.

"Oh come on there King, ya can't really be serious now can ya?" Perfect, now his hollow was bothering him. "He's right Ichigo, you were injured much further then your physical body can show. Your reiatsu is dangerously out of control, Shiro and I are barely able to keep a handle on it. You need to rest, and recuperate." And now Zangetsu was joining..Wait, what? "What do you mean? I'm not going to lose control of my energy am I?" Zangetsu sighed softly as Shiro cackled, "It is a possi-" The hollow interrupted him, "Don' worry King, i'll take czare of yer body if you lose control. Ive been waitin' fer that fer a while."

This whole time Ichigo was clutching the table, his eyes having rolled into the back of his head, his mouth gaping lightly. His reiatsu was starting to trickle out of its normal comfort zone, heading towards the most familiar first.
Itsuki continued healing Riyoshi when Kishi comes up next to him. "Hmm... We'll his body seems to have recovered from injuries recently. It seems that skill you are describing seems to have reduced his injuries...." Itsuki shudders a bit to Ichigo's sudden change in reiatsu. Turning his head, Itsuki see's Ichigo clutching the table with his eyes white and face stricken with pain. "That's not good. Kishi, please monitor Ichigo and tell me if his state worsens. If it does then I will have to switch to him instead." Itsuki says. 'This is worrying and troublesome. We have already two injured members and we haven't even started training.'
Rewching up and touching Itsuki's arm, Riyoshi took jn a deep breath.

"I am going to be fine. Suzaku is keeping me healed. Take a look at that man." Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed his off hand towards Ichigo.

"And for the plan, i feel like throwing the big guns out first is a bad idea. What would happen if Grimmjow was to take them out in the first move. It would leave us down to a fraction of the team. As for my abilities, Suzaku was describing them as more of a crowd control ability. Utilizing my fire, I am able to create anything from it, like you seen in the last battle." Riyoshi spoke out to Torres.
Torres was not bothering to consider Ichigo and his abilities, Grimmjow had already beaten him and he knew enough of him he would not be calm or wise enough to aid them in battle, but rather just rush forward.

"Yes, rushing in my not be the wisest form of attack. However it all depends on our abilities how we will strike. You said not really, so what did I misunderstand about your abilities Kishi?

We also have Riyoshi, I saw him take a full a strike from Hotaru. Thus it appears he can take any wound, thus I would suggest using him in the front lines as a shield. Letting him take all the initial damage."

Torres' eyes flickered to Ichigo for a second, sending the change in reiatsu. He recognized it immediately, he felt the familiar hollow like flow of it. These Shinigami with masks had hollows within them and his was flaring up....
Itsuki nodded. Ichigo did seem to be worse than Riyoshi, and at least he can still talk. Itsuki walks over to Ichigo. 'Something is wrong with his reiatsu. It feels different' Itsuki thought to himself. He begins to use some healing kido to restore some of Ichigo's reiatsu. Perhaps it would restore Ichigo to his original state. Itsuki holds out his palm and a green aura envelops Ichigo.
Kishi's eyes widened as she took in Ichigo, "Go take care of Ichigo, I can handle Riyoshi ." She was really starting to freak out a bit, Ichigo never acted like this, even when he was fully injured and dying. She made a small face of confusion at Torres' words before trying to respond, "No, yu didn't. I said not really because you didn't really miss anything. I'm not going to turn into a butterfly or anything, don't worry." Maybe a bit misguided humor, but she didn't do well in tense situations like this.

The teen kept her palm softly on Riyoshi's chest to keep him down. Just because he said he was fine didn't mean jack.


Ichigo's reitasu started to calm down, drawing back to himself and not trying to crush everyone in the room. Which it had been dangerously close to doing if something hadn't been done. The teen didn't snap out of it though, instead his eyes fell shut and he slumped forward, completely unconscious and not likely to be waking up anytime soon.

"Oh great, look what you went and did King, ya can't even keep a handle on your own reiatsu. Ya need someone to fix it for you." Zangetsu shushed the hollow, despite everything, Shiro meant well, "Rest Ichigo, Shiro and I will watch over you."
Itsuki was a little dismayed at Ichigo. He was glad that his reiatsu was returning to normal, but now he is unconscious again. "I'll take him to his room. We can fill him in about the plan later." Itsuki says as he helps up the unconscious shinigami. "When I come back, I can heal Riyoshi some more."
Riyoshi placed his hand upon Kishi's hand.

"He IS healing me. I had been training really hard on my bankai. I think I am close to fully awakening it." Riyoshi spoke out as he moved her hand from his chest.

Forcing himself to a sitting position, Riyoshi looked upon Torres. Taking in a deep breath, he continued sitting.

"What is the main plan as of now. You want to use me as cannon fodder? I am not sure that Suzaku will have the reiatsu of healing me completely after being hit with a cero of monstrous magnitude. But I am fine with taking the front line. I will develop my defense enough to at least redirect some of his damage elsewhere." Riyoshi replied as he glanced over at Ichigo.

"And if he is not able to defeat Grimmjow, then we will need to figure out a high defense plan, or at least, a high evasion high speed plan. Something to keep up out of his grasp." Riyoshi spoke out as he glanced from Ichigo to Kishi.
"Yes, but before we put in you in the first line of defense we have to decide and work out if there is anyway Grimmjow can get past your healing factor. If he can kill you in one shot, well you won't really be useful as a shield, oh and you'll be dead..."

He looked as Ichigo was carried away, he had a feeling he wasn't really ready for another battle. Grimmjow wasn't not one to be gentle. He brought his attention back to Riyoshi.

"So is there anyway from Grimmjow to overcome your healing ability and strike you down in one shot? Does your healing have any limitations?"
Kishi still helped Riysohi as he sat, she wasn't totally sold that he was a hundred percent right now. Even is his zanpakuto was healing him still, he didn't look that great. "And that's great you know. I still don't have complete control over mine, I mean I pretty much do though. And we're not going to use you as cannon fodder, we need your help just as much s we need everyone's help."

The teen didn't understand what the look between her and Ichigo was, but that was fine. She looked disapprovingly at Torres, but didn't say anything. He had a point, and it would be good to know what Riyoshi could recover from, and what they could do to prevent Grimmjow from winning...again.

The teen watched as Itsuki disappeared, taking Ichigo with him and sighed lightly. This didn't seem to be going there way at all... Which with Grimmjow probably wasn't a good thing.
Riyoshi though for a moment after Torres asked the question.

"I guess that he might be able to over power my healing ability, but that is why i am training my bankai. So that will not happen while fighting him." Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his hand upon his chest.

Reaching up and grabbing a hold of the necklace he wore, he took it off and threw it at Torres.

"That was something I had created after achieving my bankai. It was solely for experimental purposes. But seeing is how this is going to be an intense battle, I thought that i might be able to use that hollow once more. In the battle before last, I was transported to hell and forced to battle my way out. Through my time there, I learned quite a few things about the hollow that resided in my soul." Riyoshi spoke out as he forced himself to stand up.
"Very well, but you must tell me exactly how he can overcome it. If you are to be a front liner using your abilities to redirect Grimmjow's attacks and block off his routes, we must know exactly any and every way he can endanger you or hurt you enough that your healing cannot save you. This is vital if I am to protect you, right now we must know exactly what can hurt you so that me and Kishi can jump in to protect you.

We know nothing of your healing abilities, if we do not know exactly when Grimmjow's attacks will be a danger to you, we can not jump in and pull you out or jump in to prevent further damage. We can't go under the assumption you will be able to heal from any attack, we need to know everything about each other so we can fight effectively as a team. Unlike last time, we must be prepared.

So answer me, is there anyway Grimmjow's attacks can be too much for your healing ability and how? We need to know when it will be time to prevent an attack or save you, in what way could Grimmjow overcome your Zanpaktou's healing?"

He spoke very intensely, remembering the situation with Hotaru. He had jumped out of the way of Riyoshi's attack not understanding it was to aid his attack and not finish off the Arrancar on his own, mostly because he did not understand Riyoshi's true powers.

'The same applies to you Kishi, is there any risks your abilities or weaknesses you have. I have not really ever fought with a group, but... That means we must work together, so I must prevent you from being hurt or taken out the battle. It would lessen our group's strength."

Torres tried to make it sound as least like he actually cared about their well-being as possible, that it was only strategy.

"So any dangers we should be aware of? Anyway Grimmjow could hurt you badly?"

He sat thinking.

"After this we will discuss strengths, what we can use to each others advantages. But first as said we must examine each and every weakness of each other so we can back it up, so that we can either act as a guard to enhance it and protect it or be ready to counter act any danger...."

He then grabbed Riyoshi's thrown necklace.

"But what exactly is it?"

Torres asked.
Kishi watched Riyoshi toss the necklace he wore around his neck to Torres and frowned. She had seen it before, sure, but she didn't think it had something to do with the hollow that he had. Absentmindedly her hand went to her neck, bare now that she was in her body, but which usually hosted her own.

She blinked out of her thoughts, ignoring the similarities that seemed to be between her and Riyoshi and tried to answer Torres' question, "Uh, I'm not invulnerable of course, but I do have both an offensive and defensive style. You've seen that, how my attacks work, but I can produce barriers." The teen smiled sheepishly, and after making sure that Riyoshi wasn't going to fall over if she took away both hands, she opened one towards a tea cup on the table, a purple barrier encasing it, "In both bodies, but Grimmjow knows about this. I was stuck in Hueco Mundo for part of the war, on account of Aizen and Gin."

Kishi refused to call that man her father. Not even after what he'd done. Which..these weren't productive e thoughts. "I've fought plenty of times with a group, but never on one sole target all at the same time. We should probably go downstairs and try to figure out how best to compliment each others powers."
"I guess, if he was to hit me with a power greater then my own and even the power of Suzaku, enough to obliterate myself and my zanpakutou completely, then i guess that would be the only real way to kill me, but this is only speculation." Riyoshi spoke out as he turned his attention back towards the amulet.

As he did so, the eyes upon the amulet began to glow.

"And with the hypothesis correct, your reiatsu and that of my very own are the same in nature. If this IS correct, then this would suggest that i would and should be able to hollify once in bankai." Riyoshi spoke out as he slowly made his way to a seat around the table before taking a seat.
Itsuki had finished placing Ichigo in bed making sure his condition was stable. 'I wonder what caused this to happen. Perhaps the things inside of him.' Itsuki thought to himself before leaving the room and heading back to the others. As he walks in they had already began discussing their abilities and plans. Itsuki sat down somewhere on the table and began pouring himself some more tea.

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