Bleach Role Play

Torres followed Kishi, leaving Itsuki and Riyoshi behind. He could heal him, he would follow Kishi. He really couldn't understand the emotions behind Kishi's actions. Why did she care so much for these people, why did it matter if they died. Everyone dies, what did it matter to her, why did she get so upset. Besides Ichigo was fighting a battle just as each of them did, one was bound to die.... I mean she knew he was fighting Grimmjow and how dangerous he was, did she honestly not expect this.

He just shrugged as he followed her...

"You know he may already be dead..." Torres explained calmly, further demonstrating his lack of knowledge in how to deal with human emotions.

Ichigo's reiatsu was fading fast as Grimmjow stood, in his normal form after putting back his Resureccion. He was holding an unconscious Ichigo up by the throat crushing his neck. Ichigo was completely knocked out as Grimmjow glared at him, pure rage, destruction and death in his eyes.

"Now you die, Ichigo Kurosaki!"
Upon the inner world of where Riyoshi and Suzaku stood, a large lightning storm roared over head. Riyoshi shot his attention up to the sky in wonder.

"What is going on? Why is everything different?" Riyoshi asked as he brought his attention back down towards Suzaku.

"You have little idea on what is going on do you? You are dying. You used this forbidden technique and now your body is giving out. I used what power I had left to keep your body from disentigrating, but from that, your organs are now shutting down. The only thing really keeping your soul from passing, is that man out there. He is a lower level shinigami then you, but he is doing EVERYTHING in his power to keep you from dying." Suzaku spoke out as he walked over to Riyoshi.

With a shocked expression upon his face, Riyoshi dropped his attention towards the ground. He was shocked at this information. His new bankai form had pretty much destroyed his body and he was surely going to end up dying. Shaking his head and clinching his fists, Riyoshi gritted his teeth and looked back up to Suzaku.

"I will not die! I will live! I will not give the satisfaction of my death the hollow that died!" Riyoshi screamed as his words echoed through the inner world.

"That's my boy. We are first going to need to stabilize your soul. That young man out there is stabilizing your body, your soul is first priority." Suzaku spoke as he placed his right hand upon Riyoshi's chest.


A dim red light began to glow from the center of Riyoshi's chest as Itsuki was healing him. This light would begin to glow slightly brighter as Riyoshi's soul began to stabilize. But as of right now, the light was dim. Itsuki would soon feel that Riyoshi's reiatsu was no longer depleted and his healing would soon start to heal the nervous system at full force.
Kishi didn't even bother to answer Torres. If he didn't understand, that wasn't her problem. And she very highly doubted Ichigo was dead yet, she could still feel his reiatsu. Taking a deep breath to brace herself for using her mask again after using it so much not to long ago, the mask came up and she moved faster.

Finally she got to where she could sense Grimmjow and Ichigo's fading reiatsu, and she didn't even draw her blade. Instead, she shot forward from above, bringing her foot down towards Grimmjow's head. Hopefully after fighting Ichigo she would have a chance to surprise him. 
(Ichi's unconscious, there isn't much I can do there with him.)
Itsuki was still trying his best to heal Riyoshi. For some reason it didn't seem like his healing wasn't helping much. He notices a very faint red aura. So faint Itsuki thought he was just seeing something. Suddenly, Itsuki notices improvement on Riyoshi's health. His body started to improved. With this sign of encouragement and hope, Itsuki continues to heal Riyoshi while Kishi and Torres jump through the portal to find Ichigo.
(That was the idea....)

Thankfully Grimmjow was completely occupied with Ichigo and did not notice the two come in, he was also completely not expecting Kishi as her foot slammed into his face, sending him back as he let go of Ichigo.

He flew back a few feet, before skidding as he slammed his feet into the ground to stop him as he growled. His face flew up in anger, his cheeks red at whoever dared to stop his vengeance.

"Who is going to die!"

He saw the girl, one of those "friends" Kurosaki had. He knew immediately those useless fools had failed him. His reaitsu burned around him, how dare they interrupt his moment to finally end that worthless Ichigo. To prove once and for all that he was the strongest, the king, no the god of Hueco Mundo and the most powerful Arrancar in existence.

He clenched his fists so tightly as blood poured out, he began to Gran Ray Cero.

Torres appeared next to Kishi as he picked up the unconscious Ichigo.

"I think we had best retreat. We are in no state to fight him, even if we were I'm not sure we would stand a chance. We must run now, while we still can..."
Kishi snarled, the sound feral through her mask. But she nodded, "Right, get Ichi out, and I'll distract him. Urahara, you better still be listening because I'm going to need your help." She would distract Grimmjow while Torres got away with Ichigo, which hopefully he did soon. The girl wasn't stupid, if Ichigo couldn't take him, then she ssure as hell couldn't, especially not in the condition she was in.

She was going to die... "Oi Grimmjow! You got your prey snatched from you by a lowly wench. How's that feel!?" Shit shit shit shit, move move move move! The shinigami started to shunpo, hoping to draw the arrancar's attention away and to hopefully not get caught by the cero.
As the light dulled down, Riyoshi's breathing steadied. Turning his head slightly, Riyoshi looked upon Itsuki.

"Thank you." Riyoshi spoke out.

Reaching his hands up to the side of his head, he forced himself up. Looking around at the scenery, he took in a deep breath.

"Where are the others?" Riyoshi asked Itsuki.
Itsuki let out a sigh of relief as Riyoshi regained consciousness. "Your welcome." Itsuki said while Riyoshi gets up. "Please, you should rest a little more. Kishi and Torres jumped through a portal created by Urahara to meet up with Ichigo and confront Grimmjow." Itsuki paused for a moment. "Perhaps it may be good to aid them since they are somewhat tired from their fights." Itsuki tapped his finger on his chin debating whether or not to join their allies.
"I am aware that i need to rest, but if they are tired from their fights, then we should provide cover. the least we can do is be a shield for our allies. But first, follow me to my division barracks." Riyoshi spoke out as he turned towards the southern most point of soul society.

Kneeling down slightly, he leaped from his spot and vanished. Within seconds, he would appear in front of a group of ruined buildings. It looked like some were decayed from age, and some were burnt.
Torres managed to grab Kishi with his free hand by the collar while still carrying Ichigo across his other shoulder.

"Nope, sorry.... can't let you do something stupid...."

He quickly touched the sky infront of him as he used Descorrer to open a Garganta as he pulled Kishi in, as he slipped in just as the Gran Rey Cero fired past them with Garganta closing.

Torres dived down as a little beam of the Gran Rey Cero slipped through, but even that tiny sliver shot forward as it hit a moutain up ahead, completely obliterating it as the resulting force would be enough to send all three flying back as Torres rolled in the dark and dull sand of Hueco Mundo.
Itsuki let out an exasperated sigh. Shunpo's weren't exactly his favorite way to travel. They often used more energy than Kido when he used them. An idea came to Itsukis mind. Pointing his sword at the ground and says "Hado No. 58 Tenran." A giant gust of wind burst from the tip of his blade as it launched him into the air. Controlling the gust, Itsuki launches himself forward and lands behind Riyoshi. "Why are we here?" Itsuki asks.
"Oh thank Kami, I thought I was going to die." Kishi dropped her mask and immediately regretted it as she was sent flying backwards from the force of the hit of the cero. Green eyes squeezed shut tight, wincing as she rolled with her sheathe stabbing into her as she did so. Kami, you own zanpakuto could be such an ass.

The twins mumbled in protest, and Kishi chuckled as she finally landed, pushing herself up to her feet and starting to sense out for the others reiatsu, "...Torres? Hey, you okay?!" She knew there was no point in calling for Ichigo, he was out cold before they went through the garganta.


Ichigo was still indeed out cold, and had fallen from Torres' grip. He had rolled, bot stopping until his own force stopped, not to far away from the arrancar. He needed medical attention, and soon. If not right at this moment.
Torres got up with a cough.

"Fine.... that is a hell of a Cero. I wish I knew that Gran Rey Cero, but all I got is my Trillizo Cero...."

He got up and dust himself, picking up Ichigo by the collar in a very callous manner, not really caring for his well-being.

"Come, we must go! Grimmjow can follow us very quickly. We don't have time..."

He grabbed Kishi's arm and opened a Garganta and pulled her back to the Real World in front of Urahara's shop. It was the only safe place he knew of in this world, heck it was the only place he knew of in this world! Not to mention with Grimmjow, no place was safe....
“These buildings you see before you are the left over remains of my divisions barracks. They look like this after an event that happened around 500 years ago. I am not sure if I should bore you with the details, but I am here for a specific artifact.” Riyoshi replied to Itsuki as he slammed his right foot upon the ground.

As his foot hit the ground, a small section of the ground in front of him began to twist before it opened up. This was a secret that was hidden, even from the captain commander. Leaping into the hole, he was in search of one item, and he knew the exact spot that it would be placed. After a few seconds, Riyoshi emerged from the hole and his clothing had been changed into fresh ones. Patting his chest, just above his heart, he looked upon Itsuki.

“I am all done here.” He spoke out as he clapped his hands once.

The hole in the ground closed up and Riyoshi looked out upon the scenery in front of him. Taking in a deep breath, the wind was blowing strong out in the middle of nowhere. His captain’s cloak fluttered in the wind, his hair joined in as it flew across his face.

“Do you know where the others would have went to?” Riyoshi spoke out as he glanced back at Itsuki.
Itsuki stared in amazement at the secret area. Riyoshi asks him a Kakushitsujakuquestion that he did not know either. "I am not sure. They left through a portal, but I don't feel their spiritual pressure present." Itsuki ponders for a moment. Another idea came to his mind. Kido. That is normally his solution for anything. "Give me a few moments please." Itsuki leans on to the ground and starts tracing a circle in the dirt. "Heart f the south, eye of the north," Then splits the circle into fourths and draws characters in each piece. "finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind, and depart with the rain." Itsuki then applies his palms to the circle. "Bakudo No. 58 Kakushitsujaku!" The circle animates and begins showing symbols and characters. "Hmm. They are in... Karakura Town. In front of Urahara's shop I believe."
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Kishi noticed the rough treatment and scowled lightly but otherwise didn't react to how he treated Ichigo. Immediately the teen followed after Torres through the second garganta and frowned when she noticed where they were, "...Get inside, take Ichi to the basement. I'll get Urahara, and we need to get Uryu and..." She stopped, frowning as she sensed out for Grimmjow and promptly pushed the two inside.

Hopefully Urahara would have come up with a plan like he always does, as much as she wouldn't admit it to him. But right now was the time for humility, because it could mean life or death in this case.
Torres nodded and went inside as he threw Ichigo down like a sack of flour in front of Tessai who immediately freaked out at the teen's rough treatment. He then followed Kishi to Urahara who was sitting down having a cup of tea.

Torres looked at him, his brow raised.

"Is now really the time for tea? Grimmjow will be coming any moment, with a vengeance."

Urahara took a sip of his tea.

"Do not worry of Grimmjow right now..."
(We're right in the middle of a kind of like Aizen arc right now. Its a hard to get in, and I would prefer you message me for the rest of this conversation. I would like to talk to you.)

Kishi smacked Torres upside the back of his head as she moved around him to sit. She frowned, "What do you mean? I sensed for him before we came in and he had gone through to Heuco Mundo to grab our asses. He's going to come straight here after he realizes we left!" The teen made a face, running a hand back through her bangs, "And we left Uryu behind in our hurry to get here and save Ichi's ass."


Ururu was helping Tessai get Ichigo back to one of the rooms, he looked as if he was going to be out for some time. Jinta of course3 was worried, but doing so in his patented, 'I don't actually give a crap way.'
Urahara just sipped his tea quickly.

"Firstly, I have already opened a portal and Yoruichi should be bringing back Riyoshi and Uryuu back with her. As for Grimmjow, we have time. I set up a little trick for him... While you were all battling in Soul Society I set up a barrier around this shop. It's not an ordinary barrier, as soon as Grimmjow touches this barrier he will be teleported to a small in between world, somewhere between the void inside of Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. While it won't hold even Grimmjow, it will take him a very long time to get out. At least a week. We best use this time to prepare a plan to deal with him when he gets out."

Torres simply raised bro, with an is if expression. Like it would really work out that way....


Yoruichi soon appeared next to Riyoshi and Itsuki, holding Uryuu over her shoulder.

"You were suppose to wait there for me to fetch you. Anyway, are you coming? We need to meet back at Urahara's shop to prepare for Grimmjow...."

She opened the Senkaimon, to go through as she flashed a look back to Itsuki.

"You coming along as well?"
Itsuki pondered a bit towards the 2nd Division question. He was sent here to aid in the battle. Following them would be aiding them and it was better than doing chores in Soul Society. "Yes." Itsuki said as he nodded following Riyoshi and Yoruichi. Noticing Uryuu slung over her shoulder, Itsuki wondered if he was well. "Is the Quincy in stable condition? Besides the fact that he is unconscious."
Riyoshi was about to flash off to the captain's quarters but Yoruichi appeared before them with Uryuu upon her shoulder. Kneeling down in respect of the once upon Captain, he soon stood up and looked upon her.

"I needed to get something before I was going to join the others. If i would have waited, I would be of no help, I would only be a hindrance." Riyoshi spoke out after Itsuki.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi followed Yoruichi into the senkaimon. Reaching up, he gathered his long hair and formed it into a ponytail and tied it off to keep it out of his face. After he tied his hair, he brought his hands down and secured his zanpakutou on his waist and began getting prepared in case a battle was raging upon the other side of the portal.

"Itsuki, how is your reiatsu level?" Riyoshi spoke out as they walked behind the once great captain of the second squad.
(I gotta say, I love you guys. Lash and Pyro, I've been rping with you for a while, and Noah I already like you. And this may be brought on by the excitement of RPOTM, but its true you guys are amazing.)

Kishi nodded after a moment, having thought over what Urahara had said, and then stood up with her hand resting on her zanpakuto hilt, "So you're saying that if it works, we've got a week before we all die? Not to sound pessimistic or anything, but Ichigo had beat Aizen. And he was stupid strong. And if Grimmjow could beat Ichi after that?" The girl shook her head dejectedly and sighed.

Looking up as she sensed a portal opening nearby, body frozen, she blinked before relaxing. "Yoruichi-san is back, and she brought our guys." Thank Kami, if it had been anyone else she probably would have panicked. The teen sighed again, "I'm going to go heal Ichigo, and then I need to take a nap. And I would like my body as well...."

She moved down the hall with those words, stopping only to nod her head in acknowledgement to the three, smiling briefly as she noticed Itsuki with them.
Itsuki walked through the senkaimon behind Riyoshi as he asked him a question. "My reiatsu level isn't high, nor low. The use of healing Kido and combat Kido have drained some of my energy." As they walk through the senkaimon the arrive Urahara's Candy Shop. Itsuki , being very familiar with Kido and other magical forms, notices something around the shop. An energy enveloping it. A trap for Grimmjow perhaps? As they walk into the shop Itsuki smiles politely back at Kishi. "Would you require assistance with that?" It would be better if Itsuki did healing rather than Kishi, not because he was more efficient at it, but because Kishi needed more rest and time to discuss their plans of action with the others.
With three powerful healers like Tessai, Itsuki and Kishi healing, Uryuu was saved. Though he would still need time to recover his energy and would be useless if Grimmjow attacked soon.

Torres sat down as the others passed, barely acknowledging them. He understood a huge battle was coming and he had better been prepared.

He looked to Urahara.

"It's true, if Ichigo is the one who beat Aizen, Grimmjow must have gained in power a considerable amount to beat him. It's hard to believe such power could be gained."

"I do not believe that is the case. You must understand there are different circumstances. Firstly Ichigo is a very unique character. He fights for others and never for himself... His true strength comes from protecting those he loves. Despite Aizen's overwhelming strength, Ichigo fought through his fear knowing the town he loved, Karakura and all his friends were in danger.

When fighting Grimmjow, only his own life was at stake so the stakes for him were far lower as he doesn't value his life as much as his friends..."

Torres just looked confused at this ideal this foolish human-Shinigami had, it seemed all too impossible for him.

"Furthermore, to beat Aizen Ichigo had to tap into an incredible power with a great cost just to take Aizen down enough for my kido to work, a power he would not be able to access again."

"Well that is reassuring I suppose..."
Torres mocked.

"But then again, it is also possible Grimmjow has reached a new level of power we could not conceive."

Torres just smirked, how foolish. Fight for others, caring for others lives. What a silly concept.

"I cannot imagine caring for others or fighting for them. Fighting is just fighting, it is just the desire to kill ones opponent. Nothing more, nothing less..."

Urahara stared at Torres, visibly concerned about his attitude.

Torres opened his eyes as he felt a huge power as he sensed a Garganta opened with his Pesquisa, but within seconds it dissappeared.

"It seems your trap worked, so we have a week. I suggest we use it very well... All these previous battles we have jumped in without truly being prepared. We must be prepared and at our max for this battle, or we will all perish."

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