Bleach Role Play

As Noah sat kneeling next to the Quincy he noticed the wound seemed to being healing at an abnormal rate. Normally a slash like that would be fatal, but the bleeding stopped quite quickly. "Your wound seems to heal quite progressively. Is this an ability of the Quincy?" Noah asks interested. The wound began to close.
As they landed upon the ground and formed a crater, Riyoshi landed a few seconds later, grabbing his zanpakutou handle. pulling his blade up, Riyoshi’s zanpautou reverted back into it’s blade form. Tapping the blade against torres’ chest, a crimson prison soon formed. This prison would feed reiatsu into Torres and would heal him at an outstandingly accelerated rate.

Without taking his eyes off of Hotaru, Riyoshi vanished from his spot and appeared mere inches from Hotaru. Slamming his sword into the ground in front of her, his crimson chains shot forth from the ground and formed a cage around her, essentially trapping her in her spot.


Before Raiden was struck in the stomach, he laughed slightly before vanishing from sight. His grip upon Kishi’s arm would be felt even after he let her go. Appearing straight above her, he launched off a barrage of little bala’s. These Bala’s were a darker green then his normal cero conveying more condensed from. His bala would hit as if they were no longer energy, but more like solid objects.

“You are surprising. You care for a creature that is not one of your own. This is pathetic.” Raiden yelled as he kept up the barrage.
(hey, its me. Alright, I thought I would be able to post today which is why I didn't say anything in advance, but I have three major assignments all due in consecutive days, and all research crap that is just stupid and time consuming, and I don't know when I'm going to be able to post next. I'm so sorry about this guys, I didn't think that I was going to be this busy in college, and I just.. I'm sorry) 
Hotaru winced, blood (dried and baked) around her mouth which she wiped at with her scorched hand. Her armour had broken off in places, the flesh showing through burnt and inflamed red. She snarled, both in pain and at the shinigami, as she stood. Moving forward, and not daring to touch the chains, her eyes flashed, "And now what shinigami? Are you going to leave me here then?"

The arrancar wasn't happy about this situation, and she'd seen him encase the other arrancar in the same kind of material from before... Purple eyes blinked, crossing her arms painfully over her chest.


Kishi through up a barrier, and layered it thickly, the first few starting to crack immediately, before the first layer shattered. Green eyes narrowed before she shunpoed, barely dodging out of the barrage of balas. Her barriers had been taking to much damage for those to be normal ones.. And she wasn't about to risk it.

"That's because I'm loyal to my friends!" She stood back, hands gripping her zanpakuto tightly as she glared, "Ban kai!"
The Quincy's wound was still quite large and still closing, gradually healing altogether. "Quincy... Uryuu. Your wound will be healed in a few more moments but you have to take it easy. Your body will be still strained and tired. Lots of more physical activity could possibly injure you...." Noah shuddered abruptly at the sudden release of a large amount of spiritual pressure. Looking over his shoulder, he see's Kishi releasing her Bankai. The battle must be serious.
Torres slowly rose up as he tore the chains off his body, stopping the reiatsu feeding as blood poured out of his mouth, still a smirk on his face and eyes burning rage. He could barely stand as his legs shook and he held his arm which he couldn't move.

"No, I'm going to kill you..."

He said answering his question as his reiatsu began to rise as a crimson energy blasted around, his reiatsu becoming visible.


Uryuu couldn't reply, he just winced in pain as the wound close. He was still new to the Blut Vene and using it drained and taxed his body in ways he had not comprehended or prepared for.
Riyoshi was shocked to hear the voice of Torres from behind him. Turning around to look at the arrancar, Riyoshi slightly growled.

“I have got this. You need to rest up and get some strength back. She will not be able to get out of that cage. There is a main reason for that. With my zanpakutou being fire, there are many ways that my power can grow exponentially. The first being within the range of that sun.” Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed his right hand up towards the large sun.

“The other being that it takes the heat from the ground itself. Since my blade is within distance of both of them, that means that my bankai is within a whole new category of strength.” Riyoshi spoke out as he pointed to his blade stuck in the ground.

His zanpakutou drew heat from the ground to strengthen the cage, and the heat from the sun was helping make it stronger. According to Riyoshi, this power would be infinite and his cage unbreakable, but seeing is how this would be the first attempt at using a fully powered bankai, Riyoshi kept up a very convincing bluff.


Raiden smiled from behind his mask, his reiastsu began to flare up to match hers.

“And this loyalty is what makes you want to kill me!” Raiden yelled out as he kept his eyes upon her.

Raiden kept a keen eye upon her for he knew that things were about to get upon a new level of crazy. Gripping his blade firmly, Raiden waved her over tauntingly. He wanted to make her move first to see what the new level of her powers were. He knew that she controlled fire and ice, but what was this bankai going to grant her.

“This belief of yours sounds familiar, does it not?” Raiden spoke out as he stopped taunting her.
Hotaru raised a slender red brow, "Oh, really? If you gather power from the heat of the sun, and from the ground..." Slowly she brought a hand up to scratch a claw against the cage, "Then....What if...I...did this?" She turned her arm so that her unchipped blade faced the cage.

Purple eyes flicked up, amusement in them, as she met Torres' eyes,
"But then, would your shinigami master allow you to kill me?" The arrancar smirked lightly, elongated fangs showing.


The elements flaring out from the blade hilts shot out in an extreme show of power before they disappeared. Green eyes flashed,
"My loyalty doesn't lay with the Soul Society. It lays with my friends in it, and my friends that live still." Kishi disappeared, faster then she had been before, nearly as fast as when she had her mask on. And appeared inches from Raiden, her empty hilt flat on his chest.

"And your loyalty lies with someone whose trying to kill one of those friends..." Tilting her head to the side, she blinked, her expression soft for a moment, "And that annoying little arrancar you had with you..." But she still needed to kill this guy, as much as she didn't like to kill, and he had all but a millesecond to get back from her before she did so.
Torres just smirked as he held out his hand and his blade and he pressed his Zanpaktou's blade against the palm of his hand as he slid it down slicing his own hand open as blood dripped along his sword.

He then pulled the sword behind him as he pointed the blade towards his back.

"Sting Escorpión!"

With a single and swift movement, he stabbed the tip of his blade straight through his back and as it stabbed through his Hollow hole, piercing his chest and where his heart would be as it burst out his chest covered in blood. Torres began to glow red as it his whole body was consumed in red reiatsu as he began to transform...

The huge release of reiatsu burst out like a huge typhoon wind as it began smashing the buildings around, tearing them apart and destroying the ground under him. The huge amount of energy rippled through the city passing through every living creature as they could feel the power destructive and brutal power of Torres as he was releasing his Ressurecion.
((I will post when I get home tonight. Been busy last couple days.)) 
Raiden stood and listened to her explination of where her loyalties were, this made him think for a second. As she vanished from sight before appearing in front of him, her hilt upon his chest she spoke out again. This time, her words infurriated him. grabbing her wrist and moving it away from his chest and making sure he was out of harms way, Raiden brought the tip of his blade to her neck.

"You think that my loyalties are with that foul beast fighting the other shinigami, then you are wrong. I was loyal to one person, and you dare call him annoying! He was killed by your friend and that is why i must kill all of you!" Raiden roared from behind his mask.

Removing hus blade from her neck, he pointed over to the quincy.

"The arrancar that man killed was the only person that i considered an ally. while other arrancar swore alligance to a 'foriegn power', we made the pack that no matter what, we would have each others backs. When Aizen fell, the arrnacar were in a loss of leadership till the mad for power grimmjow came into the throne. there he killed all who opposed him. We only aligned with him till we made our own escape to the outskirts of los noches. From there we would have thrived on lower hollows in a lawless sanctuary, but no. He went dragging us here to be killed by the likes of you." Raiden spoke out as he looked back at Kishi.

"So, if you must kill me, then you better do so as i am already dead." Raiden spoke out as his sword dropped towards the ground.


Riyoshi brought his hands up to protect his face from the thrashing winds and debris from the destroyed ground. As the ground under torres broke apart, a crack exploded towards his zanpakutou. Leaping from his spot, Riyoshi took ahold of the hilt and leaped into the air. The cage around Hotaru woukd suffer greatly from this and Riyoshi feared the consequence of this action. Two full powered arrancar going at full power would be a bit much for Riyoshi to aid in, so he landed upon the reishi in the air. Closing his eyes, he thought of a plan on how to deal with the powers of two battling arrancar. Quickly opening his eyes, Riyoshi smiled and launched himself at the giant sun he created earlier. Sliding to a stop in front of it, Riyoshi held his zanpakutou towards it and spoke out.
(Hey. I'm going to post soon, I just need to finish this rhetorical analysis essay. I don't know what that is so...Yeah. I'll post when I can.)
(I'm a horrible person, hate is completely allowed.)

Hotaru winced as the oppressive reiatsu pushed down on her burnt skin. Purple eyes looked Torres over, making a soft 'hmm'. She hadn't been expecting such a bloody and harsh resureccion. Recently shorn red hair whipped around her, having to grip onto the bars of her cage to remain standing as she did so.

Her head whipped towards Riyoshi, noticing that as soon as he took his zanpaktou from the ground, the energy in the bars thrumming throw them, lessened considerably, "Well then..." Smirking the arrancar backed up a bit, before kicking out with the bladed part of her armoured leg, breaking through.

Catching herself as she fell through, she brushed herself off, taking a moment to let her own reiatsu run over her skin. Instant regeneration may not be perfect right now, and it wouldn't heal everything, but it would heal enough. Burnt flesh turned pink like new skin, armour reformed in places, and her blades fixed themselves,
"Its to bad my hair won't grow back, I was fond of it. Now..." She turned to face Torres, completely ignoring the shinigami for now. He wasn't the threat.


Kishi tipped her head back, eyes cool, but didn't move away. Her left hand moved so that her empty hilt was facing upwards, towards the inside of his blade, and then blinked in surprise as he took it from her. She stepped back now, listening to the arrancar. Green eyes feel as he spoke of the other arrancar, frowning lightly as he did so.

She sighed, hands crossed over her chest, hilts facing downwards and away from her body,
"And I doubt that I could try to persuade you otherwise. I get what you mean, wanting revenge for your fraccion. Its to bad though, unlike Grimmjow and Soul Society I, and my friends, don't really care what you are."

Kishi braced herself as Torres' reiatsu flared out, turning her head to face him, "Torres is a friend. And he's an arrancar. Ishida is a quincy, and he's sworn to hate shinigami, but he's still our friend. Chad and Hime-chan aren't even technically anything but humans with special powers." But there would be no sense brought to this situation, the ice brat was dead and Raiden was out for blood.

"Fine. If you're so set to die, then I will kill you. Because I will not let you kill anyone." The shinigami pulled her torn mask down from her face, the cloth pooling around her neck, as she readied herself to attack, "But I won't hesitate now." Her reiatsu flared, the almost lavender color surrounding her, before flaring out and then dispersing.
Itsuki simply watched in awe at the Raiden's feelings. he couldn't help but have some sympathy for the being. Still kneeling over Ishida using his healing kido Noah speaks out a bit. "um, Kishi? Perhaps we can spare the being?" Noah bit his lip a bit. "If he doesn't want to attack Seritei, or bother the Gotei 13, then why should we have to kill him? If he doesn't wish to fight anymore we need not to fight him. Besides, letting him live alone and with companionship should be punishment enough."
(Hope this isn't too much, just let me know if it is... So glad to finally show off escorpion, been holding it in for long enough....)

The large blade Torres had shown before stuck through the reiatsu, suddenly a second appeared poking through as they slashed away the energy vortex revealing Torres in full resureccion form.

He now had white sharp armor as a chest plate with sharp blades from his shoulders. He also had white armor wrist guards and boots. His mask fragment had extended out from being a small diamond on his forehead to reach up to his nose and grow out past his hair into a bladed arch. His red hair was spikey and slightly longer. His hollow hole now visible in his chest, with a slash scar going through it.

He now had red markings all around his eyes that spiked out. His zanpaktou had now become twin blades, like when he released his arm, they were two giant curved blades like the blade of Ichigo's first Shikai. However they had a large white guard that completely covered Torres' hand and the handle so he could not be seen actually holding the blades.

Finally he had a white scarf wrapped around his neck that flowed along his back, past his feet and ending in a third large, curved blade, with three sharp sides almost like an over-sized arrow head, but with similar design to the blades he held.

Torres' new form looked up at Hotaru, and without a word or hesitation he sonidoed forward with more speed then ever before and began attacking showing his new strength which had sky rocketed. His blades glowed red as he slashed with first his massive right blade trying to literally cut Hotaru in two, before he even hit he swung his second blade from the other side almost into a skew cross shape.

However Hotaru would not be able to notice the third attack, the scarf moving all by himself and snuck it's way around having extending and was attacking with the third blade from behind her back, a sneak back attack. Even if she did block all three attacks, he would just repeat the attack, having enough time to start attacking with his right blade again and then moving through all three in a continuous combo barrage like being attack by three very powerful reiatsu enhanced blades.
“You don’t care about what i am? How are you sworn to protect the security of life and the balance, and not care about what i am?” Raiden asked out as he looked upon Kishi.

Taking in a deep breath, Raiden looked over at the large explosion of reiatsu that blasted from Torres and thought for a second. Placing his right hand up to his chin, Raiden exhaled and looked back at Kishi while dropping his hands down to his side.

“You killed my only friend out of cold blood and you are going to end up killing me in the exact same way. You shinigami are truly cold hearted.” Raiden spoke out as he closed his eyes.

Reaching his arms out straight, Raiden did not guard his chest against the up coming attack.


Walking into the sun, Riyoshi looked around at the beautiful sight. He may have been in the sun, but his mind was in the inner world. Looking around and seeing Suzaku standing upon the ground, his large figure shining bright.

I need something to compete with those two arrancar. Their power is slightly higher then my own. And that torres character does not seem to want to cooperate with me. He is making it hard for me. Riyoshi spoke out to Suzaku.

There is another technique that i could teach you, but it would be a great deal of strain. Not only upon your body, but also upon Soul society as a whole. Suzaku spoke out as he extended his wings once.

As it is going right now, there is not much more that i would give to protect soul society, but if we allow two arrancar to run wild and battle it out in this place, they might end up destroying soul society as it stands. Riyoshi replied to Suzaku.
Kishi had snorted at Raiden's words at first, ignoring Itsuki. The arrancar had just stated that he would attack, and kill if he could, them all in revenge. "It wasn't out of cold blood. He came and attacked along with you." She sighed, cracking her neck, before her hilts were suddenly filled with pure elemental blades. Oh man, this guy wasn't making this easy was he? And she wasn't cold blooded....

The teenager paused, eyes going wide for a moment as she hesitated,
"...I'm not going to kill you if you're not going to fight back. I'll just capture you." Although handing him over to the Soul Society might be worse then death... Damn it! Kishi's reiatsu flared out in pure frustration, not able to control it as well in her ban kai. For anyone on the level of Raiden's fraccion, Jacque, they would be crushed at the time.

"Ugh, I hate this! My hollow is screaming at me to kill you and my zanpakuto are both fighting with each other about what I should do, and there's to much noise, and worst of all you're being a self sacrificial ass!" Her hands had come up towards her head, bracing against her temples as her eyes squeezed shut in frustration, a low growl emanating from her.


Hotaru had initially whistled at his resurrecion, taking notice of how he still had his zanpakato and another one joined it. Well, that was odd, usually the blade disappeared, after all they just acted as a seal... Purple eyes widened,

She jumped straight up, not even bothering trying to block the attacks. The two in front would have been diffucult enough, and luckily her sensitive hearing had picked up on something moving behind her but.... His scarf?! The arrancar landed up in the air, eyes going wide in disbelief, "You can use your scarf to fight!?"
Torres just smirked at her surprise.

"My scarf is an extension of my body, my ressurecion powers. It is more like a tail..."

He spun around as he got closer to and again did his three point attack, attacking with his right blade, then his left and finally with his scarf from below. Everytime Hotaru would move or dodge, he would just attack again with all three attacks. She would either have to do something else or dodge forever and it was simple, she couldn't dodge forever.

(Not so much... Harribel's Zanpaktou also became a hand held blade for her to use. Nnoitra's Zanpaktou became more scythe like and he gained six. Barragan's axe became more like a large double sided axe scythe. Neliel's became a double sided lance. Mila Rose's became more claymore like. So many Arrancar's Zanpaktou's release form include them staying a weapon like they use to be, but just bigger and different...

So it's not really odd as many Arrancar have had it, but it is generally more than half that have it the other way so maybe due to Hotaru's lack of knowledge of the higher up Arrancar's ressurecion she could simply not know better.)
Raiden growled as he opened his eyes to see that he was still alive. This angered him to know that she had not killed him like she said she would.

“I am not acting like a self sacrificial ass!” Raiden roared out as he appeared in front of Kishi.

Bringing his knee up to her face, he wanted to connect with his knee to the bottom of her jaw. He was out to draw shed some major blood now.

“You are the one pissing me off! You said that you would not hold back, yet you are trying to protect your humanity! That is your downfall!” Raiden yelled out as his anger filled the air.


Riyoshi stood in his inner world and looked upon Suzaku. He was awaiting the decision from the great bird.

I will not teach you this final technique. I will only grant you a temporary usage of the technique. Suzaku spoke out as he looked upon Riyoshi.

Thank you. That should be good enough. Riyoshi replied to Suzaku.


The sun began to react and shake from within and it began to fold in upon itself. It would seem as if the sun was about to go super nova.
Green eyes flashed before her mask covered her face, an instant before his knee hit. Her body didn't even bend back but her head did, snapping back with the force. She slowly brought her face back around to stare lightly at the arrancar, cracking her neck as she did so. "Looks like my hollow wins." Her voice was once more warbled and watery sounding, her gold eyes flat.

The elements in her blades flared out once more, ad she took one step back although not a full one. Kishi just braced herself as she slashed with her left, the ice coming towards his midsection, the right coming down towards his head. If he was going to fight back, even better. Even with her mask on, she didn't like killing people, especially when they didn't fight back.

The teenager still felt bad, a twinge of guilt almost, but she steeled herself, ignoring the apparent super nova above head. She could recognize Riyoshi's reiatsu easily, especially at the magnitude it was at.


Hoatru kept jumping upwards, trying to elude Torres attack. The tail comment made her lips twitch upwards. In between sonido and dodging, she spoke,
"You know, its funny you should mention a tail..." Her tail might not be long, but it would work for now.

Stopping suddenly, she blocked both of his front attacks with her tonfa blades, being pushed back slightly as her feet clawed the air, her tail flying up to wrap around his scarf. It didn't fully stop it, but it stopped it enough that she didn't get hurt. Purple eyes flashed at the challenge, her body starting to glow with her reiatsu. The air was her domain after all...

The arrancar stiffened as the sky started to change in color, but didn't dare to look up towards the disturbance,
"Hmph, maybe the shinigami isn't completely worthless..."
Noah knelt silently over Uryuu as Kishi and the arrancar continued fighting, He was not fond of this much anger. Focusing back on the wound on the Quincy, it is almost closed, and a small cut is all that is left. Noah suddenly shivers at a large release of reiatsu as the sky seemed to shake. What power was this?
Uryuu had collapsed from exhaustion but he was fine now.


Torres smirked as his scarf was grabbed with her tail.


His scarf wrapped around her tail as they intertwined, but it continued to wrap around her tail being much longer as it seemed to extend and continued to wrap around her body tying her up in it's length, wrapping her up like a mummy as the end extended more and shot into the ground as the blade pierced the ground.

He smirked at her through the openings in his scarf where her eyes could see out. This was the plan, even if she rose up, he could still use his extending scarf to ground himself, to nullify her electricity attacks. If she tried to electrify the scarf, it would just travel down into the earth, literally grounding her attack.

As she was tied up, he knew it still wouldn't hold an Arrancar of her caliber forever. He then raised his one blade towards her face as it glowed and along the curve of the blade, reaitsu formed and a massive, much more powerful than his usual form cero began to form as it moved to the tip and he pointed it at her face. He raised his second blade as it gather crimson reiatsu too, gather a second cero. He pointed two large ceros at her face from either side with the blades pointing at her cheeks.

At this range it would hurt him a little too, but she would get blown away at this range.


(Yup, his form now allows him to form two ceros simultaneously thanks to the two blades.)
Raiden was surprised the mask activated so quickly. For a human to have that level of control was outstanding, but this did not matter to him in the least. As she swung his left blade at his right side, he slashed his right hand upon the ice and shattered it. Noticing her right hand was soon to approach him, he shook his head at her.

“You will not be taking me so lightly, would you?” Raiden spoke out as he vanished from sight with a loud cracking sound.

Appearing upon the ground next to his sword, Raiden glanced up at Kishi with anger hidden behind his mask.

“You want me dead only if I am willing to shed the blood of your friend? And even if you were to capture me, I am pretty sure that your friends in soul society will have no problem with my obliteration.” Raiden spoke out as he gripped his blade tightly and removed it from the ground.


As the sun was bout to go super nova, it stopped and imploded upon itself. From the center of the sun, a figure stood upon the air, this man was clad in flame and his eyes were black and focused upon Hotaru’s location.

“Thank you Suzaku.” Riyoshi spoke out as he began to walk over to her location.

He seen that Torres was charging up his attack and he was not about to get in the line of fire of that ability. He knew how bad one cero hurt, and it looked like he was charging up two of them, so he wanted to take his time till after the attack.

“You better kill her, i do not want to stay in this form for very long.” He spoke out while Torres could not hear him unless he had super hearing.

( Its a bit over the top, but i was thinking of a compressed bankai of sorts LOL)

Hotaru's eyes widened, her body struggling against the scarf's bindings. What the hell was this? She started to struggle harder when she saw him charging two ceros. At this range and with how she was wrapped, it would destroy her. But with how close Torres was to her, it would hut im pretty good too.

"Tch." Typical arrancar. It wasn't all that surprising that Torres was willing to risk injury in order to win. After all, at the base of their hollow instincts, they only lived to win and survive. Purple orbs flitted towards the shinigami, raising a slender red brow behind the bindings. Really. Well.. She moved her arms, trying to cut through the scarf with her tonfa, her reiatsu trying to push against it as well.


"Who said anything about taking it lightly?" Idly Kishi looked at her blade, surprised that he'd been able to break it. Either his anger had fuelled his strenght, or he really was just very incredibly strong. Good. She didn't like fighting weak opponents. The girl sighed, moving her blades up so that they rested on her shoulders, the elements seeming not to effect her.

"And really, why else would I try to fight someone to the death? Even with a hollow mask, I'm not heartless. And I'm aware of what the Soul Society may do. But then we also have Urahara Kisuke." Kishi sighed again. It was no use to try and talk, and really, she didn't feel like trying to talk anymore.

Disappearing only to reappear in the air a little above Raiden, she pointed her left blade towards him, beckoning him forward with the other.
Torres finished charging the Ceros as he released them towards Hotaru, full power as they blasted towards her from both sides. Torres didn't let go with his scarf and made sure to hold on tight and see the outcome of this attack. If she did dodge, well he was pretty sure she didn't notice the back up plan he had.
Feeling a slight soreness in his right hand, he removed it from the hilt of his blade before clinching his fist. Opening his hand once more, Raiden shook his hand and placed his grip upon the hilt once more.

"You posses quite a bit of power within your masked and bankai form. If i was not to have used my power, then my hand surely would have broken."Raiden spoke out as he looked upon Kishi.

Just as he spoke out, Kishi vanished from sight and appeared slightly above him. Waving him up in taunt, she wanted him to make the first move. With a smile behind his mask, Raiden charged his reiatsu in hus blade and launched off a cresent bladed cero towards Kishi. The power would be less of a normal powered cero for it was spread wider, but it should prove to be of some help.


Riyoshi watched as Torres fired off two ceros at the same time and hoped that would have ended it. As he kept walking down towards the two arrancar, every step he made burnt the air under his foot.

"Did you get her!" Riyoshi yelled out to Torres.

He was close enough to him now so he could hear him yell.
Hotaru screamed, a final last thing of resistance and rage. The arrancar fell silent not to long after, the scarf unwinding from around her, but its not like she was going anywhere anyway. Except maybe downwards.

She fell, her burned body catching speed, before finally hitting the ground a light crater forming around her. Purple eyes were dull, and half lidded, and she raggedly tried to breathe in. Her resurreccion faded off, the armour seeming to melt into her skin, the tonfa falling and shattering into pieces, her hakama and jacket torn and burnt.

Hotaru chuckled, gasping and coughing as she did so, looking up towards Torres to watch what happened to him in her last few moments of life. Maybe...Maybe this time, when she was resurrected as a human, she would live a good life...

But first, she couldn't just die without a last ditch effort. What kind of arrancar would that make her? She cracked a broken and bloody smile, raising a hand and charging her bright electric blue cero, aiming for Torres. No doubt with the shinigami's new form he could just absorb it or something, and Torres was already injured from his own attack.


Gold eyes narrowed, slashing down her right hand, the engorged black flames swinging down towards the cero before she moved, coming to attack him from above. Eyes squinted lightly as the run off power from both attacks washed over her, sparking flames going out.

"I suppose I should thank you for the compliment, but allow me to just show you." She had noticed that his cero attack was weaker then what she'd seen him do before, but then it was more for a diversion wasn't it? Oh well, she had no patience for diversions. 
(Oh, Noah. With Ishida healed up, you should probably take notice of the other three's fight finishing up. They're going to need healing, and I don't know if Riyoshi is going to need healing as much as Torres is.)
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