Bleach Role Play

As the man released himself from the beasts grip, he couldn't help but think that he can stand par with his resurreccion. Seeing the golden rope coming near, Jacque got down upon on all fours before pushing off the ground and rocketing into the air with outstanding speed.

"Your ropes can't catch me!" Jacque yelled out as he out ran the chains.
Frustrated at the superiority of the Arrancars speed Noah points his index and middle finger together at the Jacques. Keeping his fingers aimed at his target and his focus Noah begins saying the incantation. "Carriage of thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel...."
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"Not good enough shinigami." Jacque roared as he came to a sliding halt.

Appearing upside down, jacque launched off a cero towards the shinigami. This cero was his trademark baby blue color. What ever his cero hits would be engulfed in a few inches of ice.
"You think that an over glorified cero can defeat me? I feel offended that you think I am that weak." Itsuki says as the icy smoke clears. "Unfortunately I had to change my spell to Tozansho." Itsuki appears in the middle of an inverted pyramid Kido surrounded by ice from Jaques attack. "I guess since Kido without any Incantation won't do anything to you, and I won't be able to do an incantation, I will have to use my shikai." Itsuki unsheathes his sword "Chiryo-Shi, Heal our allies." Itsuki's sword glows a dark green and turns into his shikai. He lifts it and points it at Jacque. "Hado No. 54, Haien!" A large fireball flies towards Jacque as Itsuki drops his barrier.
Uryuu backed off after his failed parry towards Raiden, but he could have sworn he felt some pressure when he Seele Schneider crossed past Raiden. This Arrancar was incredibly fast...

However what had made Raiden truly flee was the appearance of a Shinigami. Uryuu immediately recognized his lab coat and knew he was from Squad 12, the same of Squad of that man.... that Shinigami who had killed his mentor. The Shinigami he had sworn to kill, to make him pay for his deeds. He hated Shinigami, but especially any of those of Squad 12. However this individual had offered to help him, but he was still from Squad 12.

Uryuu couldn't however forget it was Mayuri who had saved them, he and Renji from the Espada Syazel, in Hueco Mundo in their time of need.

As Raiden attacked, Uryuu immediately responded by launching a barrage of arrows towards the Arrancar. He accuracy was pin point so he wouldn't hit the Shinigami, however if things did go wrong. It would be the Shinigami's fault for not moving out of the way.
Just as Raiden was about to land an attack, he was met by the pure speed of the quincy. His arrows were pretty menacing from that distance and it made him retreat. Vanishing from sight, he appeared down and away from the quicny and the shinigami.

“You are no fun. I will leave you to be.” Raiden spoke out as he brought his free hand up to his mouth.

Exhaling his deep breath into a whistle, he looked over in the direction of Jacque. Even though no body could see him, Raiden could sense him from anywhere.


Jacque dodged the fireball, but only slightly and stopped, cocking up one ear as he heard something.

“Looks like i will have to leave you here.” Jacque spoke out as he pressed off the air and vanished from sight.


Appearing upon the location next to Raiden, Jacque looked upon his master.

“Sir, your bleeding.” Jacque whispered towards Raiden.

Looking down upon his chest, he could see that his entire shirt had been destroyed by the arrow barrage, but the wound that he had sustained, was from the previous attack. Clinching his fists and gritting his teeth, Raiden looked upon the quincy with hatred.

“You will pay for this after I kill your shinigami friend.” Raiden spoke out as he wiped the blood from his arm.

Placing his blade upon his shoulder, Raiden vanished before appearing near Kishi. His spritual began to shrink and diminish as he stared upon Kishi. As his pressure minimized, the wind began to collect around Raiden before kicking up dust and debris, covering himself from sight. As the debris fully covered himself, it was soon followed up by a extremely loud explosion. The debris kicked out in all directions before the new appearance of Raiden stood before Kishi.

“You might want to get something stronger!” Raiden yelled out as he leaped straight into the air.

((Raiden: ))
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Itsuki remains staring at the area where his opponent stood before disappearing. He knew that he should get back to the others soon or else the Arrancars might kill them. Noah sighs, before sprinting off in the direction of Kishi's and his brothers reiastu. Stopping mid way, Noah conceals his own reiastu. "Bakudo No. 27 Kyakko."
Toshiyuki looks at the Quincy as he continues fight doing nothing to help him. " Quincy you look at me in disgust. Have I done anything to offend you? I did not meet your species so I understand if I did something to make you hate me."
(...I went away for a week and completely spaced on telling you guys. I am officially a horrible person. I'm so sorry, but my birthday was last Sunday so I got kidnapped by my friends without much warning.)
((Its ok. It is nice to see that you are ok. I hope all went well for your birthday, and Happy Birthday.))
(Lol, thanks. And it did. I just feel horrible that I left you guys without any kind of note or anything and just...I'm so sorry. I'm trying to read up on the rp, and figure out what to post though.)
(No problem, glad you enjoyed birthday. Just post when you can, I'm eager for Torres to continue to show off! We really need an OOC thread...)
Kishi glared, she'd been ignored for the most part. Until now at least. She smirked in challenge, "If you think you can handle it, of course sir." The teen bowed sarcastically, arms sweeping out in a wide gesture, blades moving out to pushed him away. As she stood she laughed, "Ishida isn't completely useless apparently."

The girl taunted lightly as the ribbon on her right arm wrapping on her wrist, her hand coming up to claw by her face, "So, you think you can kill me and want me to transform into something stronger? Fine." Green eyes flashed, her smirk turning feral.


Hotaru snarled lightly, fangs bared in anger,
"Still teaming up on a woman. Shameful, the both of you." The arrancar crouched low, claws elongated and gleaming. But that was fine with her. Flicking back red hair from her face she growled lowly before disappearing with sonidoe.

next to Torres, she twisted her body into a kick, the blade heading towards him neck.

(Alright, if I screwed anything up, feel free to correct me and I will edit it.)
(Well you did forget about Torres' Cero slash attack but I'll let it slide this once!)

Torres immediately bought up his released blade to block the attack as her foot connected, the immense power was still enough to send him skidding back, but thanks to blocking with his blade he was completely unharmed.

"Stop holding back!"

Torres suddenly roared ferociously as his eyes seemed to glow with something terrifying, as he formed another Cero within the blade, firing it in a crescent slash towards Hotaru again.


Uryuu glared at Toshiyuki.

"You are part of Squad 12, that is all I need to know!" Uryuu's glasses hid his anger as he decided to direct it at Jacque.

"Time to put kitty down!" With that he pulled Seele Schneider into his bow and fired it towards the hairball, this was no ordinary arrow. Being pierced by his Seele would be far more lethal to the foe.
Toshiyuki unsheathes his sword and says to Uryuu " I will try not to get in your way. Now strike fear Sakybusa." Toshiyuki's sword begins to twist and darken into it's new form.
Jacque laughed at the quincy’s attack. Slightly moving to the side, to show that he could take an arrow like a boss, Jacque smiled.

“Your arrows will not work on me!” Jacque yelled out.

As the arrow hit his shoulder, it pierced through his skin and obliterated his shoulder. Looking to his right, he seen the giant hole that once was his shoulder. His eyes widened and shock shot across his face. His expression soon diminished as he peered over at the quincy.

“Wha......” Jacque spoke out as he was speechless from the attack.


Raiden moved backwards from her attack and leaped straight above her. His speed was far greater than that of his unreleased state. His movements were fast enough to create a warping sound, but he never liked moving that fast, it hindered his sight. He always liked to look upon the face of his foes when they realized they were about to die.

“Yes shinigami girl. Bring out what you had been hiding. I want to see that BANKAI of yours.” Raiden spoke out as he flipped upside down to look at Kishi. His position was a few hundred yards straight up from her location.


Riyoshi watched the arrancar fight while trying to get his full power. His bankai was a multi stage bankai and his needed time to activate. His power was almost ready, but he had to keep himself out of battle as of right now.

“Suzaku, any minute now.” Riyoshi spoke out to himself.

Do not start with me. You know how long it takes to meld your reiatsu into a formidable power to use against the arrancar? You are almost ready though. My power will only benefit you as long as you stay within the realm of my sun. Suzaku spoke out in Riyoshi’s mind.

“I understand, but i can’t just leave him out there to fight on his own.” Riyoshi spoke out once again.

As he finished replying to Suzaku, the shackles upon his ankles released and fell to the fake kurakura town below him. With a smile upon his face, his reiatsu spiked greatly.

Now Riyoshi, Join the fight! Suzaku spoke out as the shackles upon Riyoshi’s wrists released their grip.

With another spike in his reiatsu, Riyoshi smiled and summoned in his hand a flaming red katana. This katana was his zanpakutou, suzaku.

“Lets bring the heat, Suzaku!” Riyoshi yelled as he looked at Hotaru, just as Torres fired off his cero slash.
(Lol, yeah. Let's all get together and throw a party. I'll bring the bubbly.)

Kishi laughed, her hand slashing down along her face, her voice warbled now, "Oh, I'm sorry to disappoint you then. Because this is what your getting." The girl laughed, hilts in her hands immediately after she pulled her mask forward. And attacked, using shunpo, faster then she had been before.

Golden eyes were narrowed as she reappeared in front of him, slashing viciously horizontally towards his side and midsection.


Hotaru growled, disappearing with sonido so that she was above him, driving her elbow towards his head and consequently the blade that was on her arm towards the hard flesh.

She paid no heed to the shinigami. He had either been charging an attack or gathering his power from the feel. Either way, she shouldn't have just let it happen, but she'd been busy. Is
still busy.
Torres to knocked back, as he felt the elbow smash into his face. Thankfully his Hierro protected him, but due to her being in release form a trickle of blood began flowing from his forehead.

"I'll admit you are faster then me, but that is where it stops."

He was glad she got closer as he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her in closer with his left hand as he growled at her.

"I told you to stop holding back!" He then swung his huge released blade towards her with his right arm while holding her with his left hand, even with Hierro with the blade being in a released form it would slice her in two or at least get quite close unless she did something. The blade then glowed red as it charging with the power of a Cero.


"Not that I would expect a beast like you to understand, but Seele Schneider vibrates at a speed your tiny brain couldn't comprehend, therefore it can cut even through your Hierro." He slowly adjusted his glasses as his arm suddenly disappeared in the speediest movement as within the span of a breath he had drawn three more Seele Schneider and fired them towards Jacque from three different directions as they flew at him with incredible speed only a Quincy could manage.

(Now that Torres is fighting against a truly strong opponent in a real fight, with real consequences and real aggression for the first time ever, you are going to see his more violent and hollow like side.)
Riyoshi watched as the attack landed upon torres, but he seemed only slightly affected by it. Soon followed by a charged attack of his own. Smiling at the fact that the man could take a hit, he sprung into action. Kneeling down slightly, he leaped from his spot with a slight crack of the air around him, he vanished from sight. Appearing behind Hotaru, Riyoshi placed his zanpakutou to his side and placed his palm against her back.

“I apologize that it took so long.” Riyoshi spoke out as a large crimson wall formed from behind Hotaru.

The wall would be big enough to were when Torres launched his attack, it would not advance any further then their position. As the wall got further out from their location, it seemed to warp around, almost as if it was starting to create a concave feature leaning in towards the arrancar.


Raiden’s smile vanished as he witnessed what seemed to be a hollow mask. With a gritting of his teeth, he pulled up his blade with rapid speed to block the attack. As the blades hit his own blade, he let go of the reishi holding him upside down. Flying from the force of her attack, Raiden smiled before flipping over and landing right side up and sliding to a halt. Pointing his right index finger at her, he charged his green colored cero.

“Who gave you that mask? You think that this is a joke?” Raiden yelled out as he fired off his cero before charging another one.


Jacque was not taking the chance and getting hit with another one, so as the quincy fired off another seele schnider, he smirked slightly.

“I do not care how they are used!!” Jacque yelled out as he dodged the first arrow. Spinning around, he grabbed the metal portion of the arrow and blocked the other two oncoming arrows.

“So this is the fabled anti material arrow? This is going to be good.” Jacque spoke out as he held the blade in defense, looking upon Uryuu.

The wound that was caused by seele schnider only moments ago was no longer bleeding. It was as if the wound began to heal.
Hotaru growled angrily, bringing her right arm out to block with the blade on the outside of it, trying to back free from his grip only to hit a wall. Purple eyes flared, Her left hand moving beneath her elbow to burst of a burst of almost teal color reiatsu now at Torres and to get him away. Even a low powered charge like that would do damage this close up.


Gold eyes demurely blinked behind the mask, "Why, the same person that gave you your shinigami half." Eyes narrowed, flashing with black and purple lining reiatsu. "Not that its any of your business."

Kishi glared heavily, slashing her left blade down quickly, the ice exploding from it this time more jagged and darker. The girl watched as it moved forward, shunpoing a moment later to stand up and behind him, her right hand slashing downwards towards Raiden, the flames a dark black.

No, when she had her mask on, she was angry and didn't like using it, so she got more intense and less merciful. The teenager hated the feeling of her mask on her face.
Torres moved back, dodging Kishi's attack and letting Riyoshi do his flashy thing. Let him spend his energy wearing Hotaru... until she was ready to play....

Torres jumped back as he formed a cero between the blade and aimed it at Hotaru, but this time he let it charge so it would be a nice strong one before he fired it at her. Waiting for Riyoshi to finish his move before he attacked again.


Uryuu smirked as he adjusted his glasses.

"And that would be a Hollow's instant regeneration abilities coming into play...."

He reached back and grabbed one more Seele Schneider and pulled back into his bow. He simply smiled as he fired it off, it shot towards Jacque with incredible speed as it shot past him, completely missing him. It seemed to miss him by a mile, unlike any of the other perfect shots Uryuu had done. It slammed into the ground below Jacque as it pierced the ground and stood there.

"You really shouldn't have grabbed the Seele Schneider. You see, vibrating isn't their only ability and you really should care how they are used.... They also absorb reishi.... the more the opponent uses, the better. Their reishi becomes mine to use and if an opponent happens to be foolish enough to hold one... welll... Absaugen (Vacuum)."

Uryuu moved up his glasses as they flashed, reflecting light off the other three Seele Schneider he had fired previously. The first which had hit Jacques shoulder now to the right of him pierced in a building wall, the others in adjacent spots surrounding him having been deflected by Jacque himself. The final one now below as they all began to glow and send energy into the one Jacque held.

"Good bye Hollow."

Uryuu snapped his fingers as he dropped a Ginto to the bottom Seele Schneider below Jacque he had just shot, as the Seele Schneider in Jacques hand glowed brightly, blasting out a huge light as it began to absorb all his reiatsu and break the bonds between the reishi that made his body, him being a spiritual being unlike humans. It was literally breaking him into spirit particles and sucking him into the Seele Schenider he held, being assisted by the other four around him.

Uryuu's trapped had been formed and sprung!

(Now you know why he fired three Seele Schneider at once, the goal was never to hit you... Even if it doesn't work, it totally feels like an Uryuu plan he would try against an Arrancar.)
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Jacque was caught in the middle of the attack and he knew that he could not do anything of incredibly daring awesomeness or anything so he did the only thing that he could think of in an instant. Pointing his index finger into the air, he fired off dozens of his cero’s and they exploded into ice, covering him from the attack of the quincy. Upon the end of the attack, Jacque fell towards the ground while smoldering from the heat.


Absorbing his giant wall, Riyoshi looked at Hotaru and Torres.

“Why the hell didn’t you attack! You had the perfect time!” Riyoshi yelled out at Torres.

Leaping from his spot, he grabbed Hotaru by her hair and brought his blade up towards her neck.

“Now, with you, I will kill you!” Riyoshi spoke out as his blade began to heat up to extreme temperatures.


Raiden looked upon the attacks with surprise. Leaping from his spot with a sonido, ha appeared behind Kishi.

“It’s nice to see you have a power just like a hollow, but i will show you the true power of arrancar.” Raiden spoke out as he charged his bright green cero into his blade.

Grabbing his zanpakutou with both hands, his mask completely covered his face but you could still sense the pure hatred of shinigami in his upcoming attack.
"Your attack only creates a wall!"

Torres smacked his head, he thought that all setup of Riyoshi's was for something big but in the end it was for nothing. He had specifically stepped away to let Riyoshi do his thing, well that and if he didn't Hotaru would tear him to shreds. In the end he had done nothing....

Arrancars and Shinigami were clearly not meant to work together. He watched as Riyoshi got close, which was a bad move on his part. He stayed back and kept charging his Cero, waiting for Hotaru's next move. She would have to get Riyoshi off and when she did he would fire off his Cero, not giving her a chance to dodge.


Uryuu simply aimed his bow at Jacque and fired off one last arrow to finish it off, aiming for his Binding Chain and Soul Sleep, to kill him once and for all.

He let go of the arrow as it flew down to make sure Jacque was dead.

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