Bleach Role Play

“35%. That is a good odd. What is your plan?” Riyoshi said over the ‘bug’ to Urahara.

Riyoshi just kept his attention towards Hotaru just incase she decided to make her move.


Raiden only laughed at her attack. He loved that she could use two elements and he could not, yet he was powerful enough without one.

“Your attacks amuse me. You attack me with such elements, knowing they will not do anything.” Raiden spoke out with a sound of laughter in his voice.

His green reiatsu charged faster this time compared to last time, and he fire of shot after shot dispersing her attack. He lauched bala after bala and merely matched her attack 1 for 1 in power so they were dead locked, neither of them getting hit with an attack.

“Why do you fight, I know that you are holding something back.” Raiden spoke out from the other side of the explosions.
Torres couldn't help but smile as the Arrancar only slight dodged the attack, he wasn't really paying attention to the guy with the funny hat mask. He was more concerned with the battle.


"WHAT?!?! You bugged me, how dare you! I swear when I find it, I'm gonna...."

Uryu cursed as he muttered that damn Shinigami under his breath and a 35% chance they could blow, he swore that guy was just insane.


"Just listen... you guys know that when Aizen was going to attack Kakura Town with his army, Soul Society had me set up the Tenkai Kecchu to transfer Karakura Town to Soul Society and replace it with a fake duplicate of the town they constructed. Well we can't do that because Kurotsuchi blew it up and it takes too long to construct and prepare more. However their are still particles floating around Karakura Town left over from the pillars were blown up, I have a machine that will gather these particles and forms two portals. These portals will lead to the fake Karakura Town near Soul Society. Since Ichigo has already led Grimmjow away, Kishi and Uryu will have to use one portal and Riyoshi and Torres the other. You will have to find a way to force your Arrancars through the portal by any means necessary.

Once through the portal you will appear in the fake Karakura Town and you can let loose, fight full powers, etc. Because firstly it's a fake town that is abandoned and it's in the Soul World away from anywhere close. How you get them through it is up to you, the portal will appear at the co-ordinates zone 4, sector 7 and zone 6, sector 2 in the next 3 minutes. You must get them through no matter what, you figure it out.

Once you get them through I will automatically close the portal immediately, I will only open it after you have beaten your Arrancars and won, not a moment before. If you win, you can go home, however if you lose I cannot take the chance and at least the Arrancar will be stuck in Soul Society where it can be dealt with away from the humans they can harm and that is that! Goodbye!"

He said the final goodbye with joy and optimism as there was a loud click, the connection was gone and they could no longer contact him, he didn't even give them a chance to ask questions or complain...
Hotaru figured she'd wait. Both Torres and the shinigami seemed to be listening to something going on, and she was honestly curious. The arrancar could sense a rift opening in the atmosphere and was on guard instantly. Were they bringing in reinforcements?

Purple eyes narrowed, her blade rising as she suddenly burst forward with sonido towards the shinigami. Decidedly, reinforcement would be bad.


Kishi growled lightly at the arrancar but after listening to Kisuke she grinned, "Alright. You want to see what I c? Truly and fully?" Her grin grew into something a bit disturbing, "You'll have to catch me."

She turned on her heel, blades gripped tightly in hand, as she started to shunpo towards her portal, "Uryu! Moving now!" Her eyes paused on him only for the merest of moments before she continued on towards the one they were supposed to use.

Green eyes were focused straight on ahead, 'Kami-sama, please work.'
Raiden loved how this girl taunted him and he wanted to see what she truly was holding back, so he decided to follow her. Leaping from his spot, his speed was slightly catching up to Kishi.

“Where are you going young lady?” Raiden said aloud as a smile grew upon his face.

As Raiden began to run, a disturbance of reiatsu began to fluctuate from below. It was jacque, or at least that is what some of the reiatsu was hinting at. Pushing off the ground, the figure brushed past Uryuu and spun around. Pressing feet against the ground, he came to sliding halt. The white furred creature stared upon the quincy, keeping him from moving towards the portal.

“You are not going anywhere. I do not like your little tricks.” Jacque spoke out with a slight animalistic tone.


Riyoshi knew where he had to go, but how was he going to lure this arrancar into the portal? She always leaps away from him and she keeps herself at a safe distance from his attacks. It would have to be like them tag teaming her and him getting her into his chains for a second and dragging her into the portal. Seeing is how she used lightning, getting close was going to be a bit of a stretch for either one of them.
Uryu grumbled, he really didn't like this plane and he definitely didn't trust that Shinigami but he didn't have a choice. Suddenly a white flash shot past as he stared at the creature. He had changed it, was this his release form... Something felt peculiar, from what he had examined of other Arrancar's ressurecion forms they still had their mask fragments. He tried to see if he could locate his and they still seem quite humanoid. He seemed totally animalistic, what this his released state or something else.

"Sorry furball, but I won't lose to any Hollow or anything that associates with them."

He raised his bow and aimed, but before he fired pulled something out of his pocket. It was a Ginto and he lightly tossed it forward with a gentle flick as it flew forward, Uryu smirked as the light glinted off his glasses and he fired his bow at the Ginto.

As the arrow struck the Ginto it exploded into a huge flash of light completely blinding the creature but only for a few minutes as Uryu then used the chance to follow after Kishi, using Hirenkyaku as he kept his a watch for the creature which should soon follow him.

"Come on hairball, follow us."


"Oh well, guess it's time to have some fun and show off a little."

Torres smirked as he held his hand just under his face, suddenly his mask fragment on his forehead began to grow as it covered his face becoming almost a whole mask that had sharp features with a sharp point stuck up from the forehead like a diamond. It didn't cover his chin and fell short of his cheeks, it still wasn't a full mask. Suddenly Torres shot forward with far speed then he had ever shown before and his reiatsu definitely felt more powerful.

While Hotaru had aimed for Riyoshi and had ignored Torres he used his own Sonido to slam into her full force and was literally ramming her back in the most obvious direction, she could feel he felt much stronger then when their blades had first connected and he was pushing her back. The initial rush had allowed him to push her so far back only because of the surprise of the attack as well as the unexpected the increase in his power and speed. How much further he would be able to push her back would depend on her next move, but he was already able to get her very close to the portal.

(Showing the characters two very different fighting styles. Uryu who stays back, plays clever and lets the enemy come to him. As opposed to Torres who is kind of an idiot and just charges in with regard for his own safety :) )
(Alright. I thought I would be back on my computer by now. My Ma is mad at me again...By no fault of my own... And I don't know when I'll be allowed access to it again. Ugh, just wait until I get my lap top and it won't be a problem.)
Kishi rolled her eyes, but she was still smirking, "You'll just have to follow me to find out, won't ya arrancar?" Eyes searched for the portal she could feel, and grinned as she finally spotted the rift. Shunpoing faster forward, the girl laughed making it as taunting as she could.

This could either go well, or go very wrong. Right now it looked to be going well, if only for the fact that the arrancar seemed to be amused by her. Which really kind of pissed her off, but Kishi could address that when they were through. Stopping briefly in front of the portal, she turned her head green eyes sparking in challenge, "Of course, if you're to scared to find out..."

Kishi laughed again as she stepped in the portal, not paying mind to Uryu. She knew he would be through soon enough.

-_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-_ -_- _-

Hotaru growled, digging her feet into the reishi hardened air. Not daring to turn her head behind her, knowing where he was pushing her, and yet unable to do anything but stop the assault she glared, "Is this your resureccion so soon?"

But that didn't make sense, why would he use his trump card so early on in a fight? Unless of course he thought that he would be able to easily beat her like this... Hotaru's pupils slit in an angry line. Alright, she would play this game and go wherever they were taking her. If it was the Seretei like she assumed, she would be able to use the reishi that was in the air...

Pushing back against Torres, she twisted trying to break the hold, dancing back and out of reach, "You know, you could have just asked if you wanted me to go through your portal right?" Purple eyes flashed with dangerous intent, her blade still pointed up at his chest, "I honestly had not thought you so..rude. Now, you have to make me."
Torres smirked as his mask faded back to normal.

"I know, but it was more fun this way..."

He smiled at her, suddenly a white cloth flowed out from behind his neck and since Hotaru was still close enough, it managed to wrap around her leg so he could grab her. If he didn't grab her, just enough to clutch her clothes.

"Also it was just a distraction so Riyoshi could use his chains! Now!"

Torres yelled out for Riyoshi who had some time during Torres' attack to get in position and wrap Hotaru in his chains so he could drag her through the portal. Even if he had to wrap both of them and throw them through, he didn't care. He was willing to get stabbed in the chest, but she would have to push hard and his cloth was still trying to wrap around them both to hold them tight together so hopefully she couldn't escape his grasp long enough for Riyoshi to move and prevent her from pushing her blade down into him.
Before Kishi could fully enter through the portal, Raiden was right there and tackled her through it.

“This is going to be crazy amounts of fun, shinigami girl!” Raiden yelled as he tackled Kishi through the portal.


Riyoshi didn’t have to be told twice before he sprung into action. As Hotaru came to a sliding halt, Riyoshi appeared and placed his palm upon her chest.

“Plasma casket.” Riyoshi spoke out as super dense fire shot out from his sleeve and covered her chest.

Pushing her backwards, Riyoshi leaped again and thrust his other palm at her.

“If that is what you want!” Riyoshi yelled out as he closed in the distance.

The fire began to cover her chest and harden into crystal.
Hotaru growled, her reiatsu crackling up and along her skin, trying to break free of the crystal. She wouldn't be able to do anything unless he felt like letting her out of this. Or if she used her resureccion already. But she couldn't do that, not yet!

Purple eyes narrowed, "Fine, try and push me through. Let's see if you like the results." She would tear them apart, to the point where no one would be able to recognize them. Or even find parts. F*ckers would see just what she was made of...


Green eyes widened in shock, not catching herself on hardened reishi at first as she was bodily tackled into the portal. Sh*t. Kishi grimaced, focusing on hardening the reishi so she could roll without falling indefinitely. Kicking out to disengage from the arrancar she growled, a low feral sound.

But she couldn't do anything just yet, it might damage the portal, and only a little shred of reason kept her from going full out ban kai, or even pulling her mask out on him yet. Neither techniques of which she used often or was fond of. "F*ck off!"

Because that was mature... Shunpoing away the girl didn't look back to see if he'd caught himself yet or not.
Getting down upon all fours, Jacque leaped after Uryuu. Each step brought him closer to catching Uryuu.

"You A-hole." Jacque yelled out at Uryuu.


Raiden was kicked off of the shinigami and sent tumbling through the portal.

"that is no way for a girl to speak." Raiden said through his tumbling rolls.

Landing on his feet and coming to a sliding halt, he regained his composure and looked for the shinigami again.


Flash stepping behind Hotaru, he placed his hand upon her back and with a smile upon his face, took in a quick breath.

"You might want to buckle up sweet heart." Riyoshi spoke out as he pulled back and created a chain from the hardened crystal.
(Its not too late to join right?)

Name: Itsuki Kimura

Age: 22

Species: Shinigami in 4th division

Lives in: Soul Society

Personality: Prefers to avoid fighting and is compassionate. Itsuki is a strong kido caster and a great healer. He is constantly level headed and respectful.

Appearance: Tall and slightly chubby. Has black hair similar to his brother (Toshiyuki) but it is more combed down. Itsuki is often found with a bored face and when in battle his face has a combination of seriousness and focus.


Name: Chiryo-shi (healer in japanese)

Release Phrase: Heal our allies

Shikai: The handle is dark green and blue. Towards the end of the blade, it splits and forms a U shape. This form empwers my Kido spells. Spells blast from my blade inside the U.

Bankai: Not yet achieved
(Noah, you may join. But you find your own way to come into the RP. We don't have time for it and we have had a lot of people who've joined and then never shown up. So either post or bug off, I'll send you a PM of all you need to know, but you find your own way into the fight. We don't have time for more arguing over OOC)

Torres helped push Hotaru until she was through the portal and then stepped immediately back as he found himself in the destroyed copy of Karakura Town. The battle damage from Aizen's previous attack was evident, they were in the same place they had been before they went through the portal but now the area around them just look destroyed as if a bomb had gone off while they blinked.

He immediately felt all the reiatsu around him, this place was similar to Hueco Mundo. It was made of spirit particles, but it was light. Do darkness.... did all of Soul Society look like a battle damage city. He wondered.

Torres then immediately jumped back, knowing if he felt this power so would Hotaru. He got up his blade in a defensive position and prepared himself for her counter attack. Now it was no longer time to hold back....


Uryu simply kept his pace up, yes the creature would catch up. But thanks to his little blinding flash he was ahead enough to make it through the portal. He jumped through the portal as there was a flash and he found himself in the copy Karakura Town. He immediately grimaced at the sight, not only a reminder what could happen to Karakura Town but a terrifying thought that this was all caused by Shinigami.

He then readied his bow for when Jacque would enter, he would let loose and fire off his arrows right into the yeti and since that was his only entrance it would be unavoidable....
Itsuki shunpos next Kishi. "I come as reinforcements to aid you. I find it disgraceful that two healthy men gang up on a woman. Not that, that means anything." Itsuki quickly analyzes Kishi's condition. "Do you need a quick boost in spiritual pressure? You seem a little fatigued."
"Was that so wise? Sending someone out there...." Isane Kotestsu humbly asked her captain Retsu Unohana who was sitting on the stoop on the Fourth Division headquarters, simply smiling, looking out and having tea.

"I think so, those friends of Ichigo could use some help and some healing. Left over Arrancar are nothing to sneer at, a little bit of assistance with some healing is always useful." She smiled at Isane who immediately blushed, she was always blown away how her Captain cared for everyone and was always willing to help.

"But the Captain Commander might not approve, if he finds out-" Unohana simply smiled, interrupting her.

"We won't be the only ones. If I know the Captain of Division 12. He won't just sit while someone tampers with old technology like the pillars. He will be sending someone from his own Division to investigate soon..."

She smiled again as she took a sip of her tea.

(Just a quick segway to help introduce Noah and Fatso's characters... and moving on!)
(Uh. Woah. Welcome to the RP. And... Sorry I had thought I posted. I did not. Apologies. And Pyro, you're a saint, thanks for taking lead.)

Kishi had cracked a smile when she heard the arrancar chastise her. What was he, her father? Shaking her head as she landed above the fake Karakura town she frowned. Green eyes narrowed and flicked towards the shinigami, "No. There's still a hell of a lot left in me."

The teenager stood at the ready, her twin blades poised as she focused on the portal and where Raiden would be coming from. "If you actually have the ability to fight and not just heal, you're welcome to join. But its not two men fighting against li'l ol' me." She grinned, twirling her blades in her hands, "Its two about to lose."


Hotaru thrashed, "I ain't no one's sweetheart shinigami." The arrancar waited until they were through the portal before her purple eyes flashed, "But you might want to step back, honey." Her voice had gotten progressively more dangerous as she continued on, a low reverberation in her throat.

"Hieren, Trueno Rastrero." Her reiatsu flared around her, red hair whipping up and around her face and the hollow remains around her neck grew and spread out so that instead of a necklace collection of teeth, she had a thick two banded choke that flowed down from her neck to wist around her arms. Purple eyes grew more feline like, the rest of her body doing much the same.

Crackling electric blue reiatsu ran up along the crimson material, cracking and breaking it. Kicking herself free she smiled, "Alright, you pushed the cat into a corner. Now, who wants to be bit first?"
Impressed by the optimistic and skilled girl, Itsuki says "Well, you seem to have a firm grip and I don't want to get in your way. I will provide assistance Kido. I will cast a Kido that will distract that Raiden arrancar." Noah steps out into the open and stands next to Kishi facing the portal. Prepared to cast a Bakudo.
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Torres had to admit he was shocked, she was releasing her Ressurrecion so quickly. He could immediately feel an incredible release of power. Her power was nothing like before and he could feel the electricity flowing through the air as all his hairs stood on the end. It was like the whole city became enveloped in a layer of static electricity with that crackling feeling running through the air and along the skin.

He held his blade.

"Come on girl!"

He tried to her to attack him first, Riyoshi was clearing not made for taking hits. He was made for standing back and attacking in a flash way from a distance. It was best if he was attacked first.

Raiden had come through the portal before Uryuu and he could feel the slightest bit of spiritual pressure from Jacque and he smiled. Looking over to where Uryuu was, he readied himself for what was about to come. Just before Jacque entered the portal, he sonido'd over to Uryuu and grabbed ahold of the bow.

"Now now, none of that." Raiden said as he tightened the grip and forced the bow to aim away from the portal.

Leaping though the portal, Jacque had him mouth open and a light blue cero was fully charged. Firing the cero towards Kishi and Itsuki. Keeping his running speed up, he lunged towards Itsuki.

I cant go after the girl since she is Raidens. But this young one is fair game! Jacque thought to himself as his beast form rushed through the air towards the two shinigami.


Breaking free of the electrified chains. Riyoshi looked upon the arrancar.

"So, you want to release full power? Then i will allow you to see my power!" Riyoshi yelled out as he looked at Hotaru.

Looking over at Torres, he could tell that he would have to sit back and play support, and he hated that most of all. His power is great, but since Torres is the one that knows the most about how arrancar fight, he was just going to have to hang back a bit.

"Torres, Can you buy me a few minutes?" Riyoshi asked as he awaited a response.
Seeing the other arrancar lunge at him Noah quickly casts a Kido. "Bakudo #81 Danku!" A transparent wall appears and blocks Jacque's Cero at the same time separating the arrancar from himself and Kishi.
Torres smirked.

"Sure, since you guys are going all out. I guess I can show some of my power..."

His body glowed with crimson reiatsu, as his right arm began to glow brighter. He looked to Hotaru.

"I know you were confused before, no that wasn't my full ressureccion. I don't know why you other Arrancar can't do it, I find it quite easy. I can release parts of my full power with releasing it all, in other words I can release only a small portion of my Ressurecion, like my arm or leg..."

His arm glowed brighter as white skeletal armor began forming on it. His shoulder got a white spike on it as his sword began to change. It suddenly grew in size becoming a huge metal arc blade (Like the top half of Ichigo's first Shikai. Also about the size of Ichigo's blade.). Instead of a handle, the blade's ended extended into white armor guard that completely covered Torres' hand when he held it from within. He began to form a red crimson Cero in the arc of the blade. As the Cero charged it was absorbed into blade when Torres slashed the sword sending out the Cero in red wave like form similar to Getsuga Tenshou, but much more focused and shaped into a perfect crimson crescent of red energy that shot towards Hotaru with great speed and power.

However Torres knew Hotaru was fully released, so such a thing wouldn't be as terrifying to her if she was still in her sealed state.

(Finally I get to show a bit of Torres' power.... So yea, that is what the mask and the white cloth was about, those are other parts of his Ressureccion.)


Uryuu's face swung over to Raiden as his hand grip against his bow, holding it with his immense power. He tried to move it, but he couldn't even budge it an inch against the Arrancar's much great physical strength. He had to admit he didn't expect the Arrancar to interfere... He had expected them to stay in their battles, fairly like true warriors. That is what he got for expecting fair from these empty creatures.

He let go of the string as his hand nimbly swung behind his back, thanks to all his knitting training. He pulled out a Seele Schneider as he swung it towards Raiden's arm, it's energy vibrating an incredible speeds to cut Raiden's arm clear off and make him release his bow.
Toshiyuki shunpo's next to Uryuu. " Do you need assistance Quincy? I've been sent from Soul Society to collect data on the battle and noticed you could use some help. Besides this arrancar looks like an interesting subject. "
Raiden let go of the quincy’s bow and sonido’d away from Uyruu before he could get hit. Appearing next to Toshiyuki, Raiden launched a kick towards the shinigami’s head. Holding his zanpakutou in his hand, he charged his cero upon his blade before unleashing a point blank discharge.


Jacque was mad at the weak shinigami blocking his cero, but his cero was not normal. As the cero impacted with the wall, it exploded into a large ice storm covering the wall and the surrounding area for 30 feet.

“You will have to do better then that!” Jacque yelled out as his beastly form vanished before appearing next to Itsuki.

Grabbing a hold of the man’s neck, he sonido’d away with the man.

“You will stay out of this fight if you know what is good for you!” Jacque demanded towards the man as they appeared on the outskirts of the town.


Riyoshi took in a couple of deep breaths before he flash stepped back a little ways, enough to where they could still see him, but back enough to counter attack if needed.

“All right Suzaku. I think now is the time.” Riyoshi spoke out as his spiritual pressure began to rise.

As the pressure from him rose, his back began to glow, and his captain’s cloak caught flame. As his entire upper clothing caught flame, it revealed that upon himself, were shackles that were chained from his wrists to his back. From out of his back, an orb began to form. As it formed, it began to get bigger and bigger, and as it did so, it began to move further and further from his position. Looking over his shoulder, he could see his chains tethered to this orb, which began to look like the sun.

“Torres, lets begin!” Riyoshi yelled out as he gave him the thumbs up.
Irritated by the Arrancar, Noah shouts "I am a Shinigami! I will fight the battles with fellow Shinigami and against hollows like yourself. So this is my battle! Bakudo No.63 Sajusakobu!" Noah breaks himself from the Arrancars grip and lashes out at him with a golden rope.

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