Bleach Role Play

"And what is it I'm doing, right now the only thing I'm doing is looking at your ugly mug and yes I will admit that is a pretty rotten and upsetting thing to do, but I don't got much choice!"

He said still holding onto his Zanpaktou, ready to counter as soon as she struck as he saw her reaching for her own blade.


Grimmjow's eyes immediately went dark as Ichigo arrived and the Getsuga Tenshou came out of nowhere engulfing him as the huge explosion ripped through the sky, thankfully being pointed up it didn't damage the city, but he was lucky of that.

Grimmjow emerged from the attack, he hadn't even tried to move, his body a little charred but he didn't seem to even care.

"You are even weaker than before! Hotaru, Raiden! You know what to do..."

Those two idiots had better get rid of all those pests, he didn't want any interferences like last time when he obliterated Kurosaki.
Looking at the female shinigami, Raiden smirked.

"We understand boss!" Raiden yelled out towards Grimmjow.

"Hey you!" Raiden yelled as he pointed at Kishi.

Nudging Jacque, Raiden gave the approval nod.

"We are going to fight!" Jacque yelled as he inched his way forward.

Riyoshi looked upon the female arrancar that called out towards Torres, and just watched the movements. He wanted to see how arrancar fought before he stepped into the fray.
Grimmjow growled lowly as he saw them all standing there, he wanted them out of his way so he could fight Ichigo.


He roared horrifically as reiatsu sky-rocketed causing everyone around to feel the overwhelming power of it, as he glared at Ichigo.

"You and I have unfinished business and we finish it NOW!!!!"

His body glowed with his blue reiatsu as he charged a red cero in his hand and launched it at Ichigo.
Ichigo's eyes flicked towards the city, bringing Zangetsu up to block the cero. The carrot topped teen staggered under the force of the cero, his feet pushing back, scraping back against the air. With a grunt Ichigo swung his blade up, pushing the cero into the air and panted.

Lowly growling to himself, Ichigo glared at Grimmjow, "Ban Kai." Brown eyes slit as black and red reiatsu swirled up and around the teen. Swinging the chained katana to clear the air Ichigo glared at Grimmjow, "Tensa Zangetsu." After pausing for a moment Ichigo flickered, shunpoing a bit closer to Grimmjow, "Catch me if you can." The carrot top disappeared once more, taking the fight to a less populated area.


Hotaru chuckled, "I'm sorry, is it my freckles?" But the amusement didn't stay long on her face. She really wasn't amused, and the small amusement was from another earlier time. The red-head sighed, drawing her blade and widened her stance a bit.

"I really don't enjoy fighting, contrary to what you may believe, and despite your insults and betrayal, I'll make your death quick." Hotaru's blade crackled with electric blue lightning, the girl's body loosely tense. She waited. Hotaru never made the first move.


Kishi would have laughed under normal circumstances. Those two were funny in how they acted. And how they thought that they could take her on, "Eh, and what if I say I don't want to fight you? What if I say I just want to help Ichigo?" She sighed, green eyes blinking shut before snapping open once more, pupils flaring.

The black haired girl absentmindedly wiped the back of her ribbon wrapped hand across her forehead, the flames from the braided ribbon swishing lightly in the air, "But, I suppose I have to don't I?" Kishi rolled her eyes, "Alright, here I come."

Disappearing with the tell tale flick of shunpo, attacking first the weaker of the two. Her ice blade swung out from the left towards the boy.
Grimmjow roared as he used Sonido right after him, keeping up with Ichigo easily.


Torres let out a laugh.

"Well then we are two Arrancar, both of who don't like to fight and neither who wants to make the first move. Here I was thinking I was the only one..."

He put his hand behind his head jovially and sniggered again.

"So here is an idea, why don't you get over it and we find something more interesting to do!"

(This is reminding me of the battle between Kyoraku and Stark)
As the ice blade shot out towards Jacque, Raiden was able to follow it with his eyes. As they stood next to each other, Jacque ducked to miss the blade. Raiden smiled as his hand shot out and caught the blade, barehanded.

“You are going to have to try better then that. I mean, attacking a minor.” Raiden spoke out.

Reaching his free hand up, he pointed his fore finger at Kishi and began to charge his green cero. Jacque leaped back from Raiden and summoned forth his staff. From within the staff, Jacque began to charge his own cero.

“You are going to get it now!” Jacque yelled out towards Kishi.


“Let us move this along!” Riyoshi yelled out as he appeared in front of Hotaru with his blade high in the air.

He was still in his sealed state, as his blade was a full length katana. Reaching up and grabbing the hilt with both hands, he looked at Hotaru with a fiery blaze.

“Flame Barrage!” Riyoshi yelled out as his blade lit up with flame.

((If you want, you can negate his fire, after all, im only in sealed state. xD You can damage him if you really want to as well. Its all fine with me.))
(Hmm, fire versus electricity. This should be fun. Lol.)

Ichigo stopped when he figured that he was far enough away from the city. Or at least when the only people he could still sense were the people fighting. He stopped, head turning to see as Grimmjow caught up. he knew that the other man was right behind him, but that didn't mean he couldn't catch his breath for a second.


Hotaru had been about to reply to Torres, a small smile on her face, and her blade lowered. But then the shinigami attacked her, and her purple eyes narrowed angrily, an electric blue cero being fired from the tip of her pointer finger straight at Riyoshi. It 'missed' barely by anything, just above his head.

Turning her attention to the man who had so rudely interrupted her conversation, she growled, "Stupid shinigami. Never learning your manners." Her blade crackled with electricity once more before she disappeared with sonido. And she prided herself with her speed, if nothing else.

Appearing suddenly by the shinigami's side, her leg swung out into his side, knocking him down and aways. Might have felt something break, but she wasn't sure. She turned back to Torres, pushing red hair out of her face, "Sorry, looks like we got to fight."


Kishi glared, ice spreading over the arrancar's hand, breaking it away from him. And she laughed, if quietly, but she laughed. Green eyes flicked over to the boy, and she shunpoed out ofthe way of the oncoming ceros, grabbing the white haired boy's arms, twisting the one holding the staff behind his back and pointing it at the older looking one.

"Its not like I enjoy picking on little kids. And if you haven't noticed, Ichigo and I are both minors." The raven haired girl stuck her tongue out at the older looking arrancar, her blades elemental ribbons wrapped around her wrists so that she could hold on to the white haired one.

Inwardly she sighed in relief, she'd almost gotten it there for a second, and might have even had to used her barriers. Or worse, her mask. Shit, these guys had gotten a hell of a lot stronger then they had been. And she didn't like it. and she was facing two? But at least this one really did seem like a kid...

(And sorry Lash about Riyoshi. Hotaru has...a short fuse.)
"Looks like it, Shinigami can be stupid sometime. Well, let's at least try to have fun."

He smiled with a laugh, it was a shame.

"Hey about this, maybe we can settle this through fighting without having to kill each other since neither of us in a particularly murderous mood. We'll make a game of it, like only Arrancar could out of such a grave situation. What do you say?"

He sonidoed next to her, his blade out but he still did not attack. he was ready to strike, but first he was going to wait for her answer.

(Where is Kaine?)
((Kaine has some life issues he is yelling at me about when i tell him he needs to post. For now, its just us))

Riyoshi was shocked that an arrancar would 'miss' with an attack. Just as he looked back towards the arrancar's eyes, he seen her blade light up with electricity. A smile grew on his face as he seen her holding her blade.

Maybe she is going to get serious. Riyoshi thought to himself as he leaped to the side of Torres.

“Whats the plan?” Riyoshi asked as he landed next to Torres.


Raiden smiled as he heard what she spoke out.

“If you are truly a minor, then I will enjoy killing you.” Raiden said as he clinched his fist and shattered the ice from his hand.

As Jacque was taken hostage, he only smiled.

“This is a fun game, but it looks like Raiden sama is starting to like you.” Jacque said as he looked over his shoulder at Kishi.
Kishi blinked, "Oh because that's not creepy. But that's great." She turned her attention back to the other man, the kid being fairly easy to keep pinned, but she twisted, launching him at his, what she assumed, Master or whatever.

Flicking her wrists, her blades twitched up with the motion, catching them in her hands once more before she shunpoed above them, "Moetatsu Hi!" Swinging her right hand towards the two, a swirling vortex of flame shot towards them, big enough to engulf the two.

(If you can figure a way to get out of it, its cool)


Hotaru ahd been about to respond to Torres, but her purple eyes narrowed angrily at the shinigami as he came back. He recovered quick for a shinigami... She turned her attention back to Torres, "I don't think not fighting is an option. But..." She didn't need to attack him yet per se, unless he tried to help the shinigami.

She knew she would have to eventually, he had betrayed his own kind, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Pushing bright red hair back she twirled her blade in her fingers for a moment before deciding to attack again, moving with sonido towards the shinigami. Hotaru wouldn't allow them to plan.

With complete silence the arrancar appeared in front of Riyoshi, blade crackling as it swung towards the shinigami.
Torres kept his eye on the Arrancar, it was a shame Riyoshi had attacked. Surprisingly it seemed there may have been a very tiny possibility she could have been reasoned with, but now....

As Riyoshi stood next to him, asking what to do next.

"Well consider we don't know anything about her I su-"

Before he could finish telling what he suggested Hotaru came forward with her blade, Torres used his to block the blade that crackled with electricity. It was unusual for her to use such abilities outside her released form. He blocked the attack, aware it may shock him but he hardened his body with Hierro to see if he could withstand it. It was best to measure his strength now while it was still largely being held back and see if his Hierro could be of use during it battle.

"And I don't even know your name yet, you know mine is Torres. Also another question, if you are not a big fan of fighting why are you following Grimmjow, his royal highness in overkill?" 
(May backlash should help you with Raiden then and later on he can switch back to help with Hotaru otherwise it's 2 Arrancar vs 1 Shinigami and 1 Arrancar vs. Shinigami. In any world that seems silly, unless maybe I can play either Chad or Uryu just to assist Kishi? Or until another member shows up or Kaine returns.)
(I'm cool with, like Ishida, showing up. And if you want to play him its fine. And do you just want to almost kind of skip over the Ichi and Grimm fight?)
(Yea, I'll stick with Ishida, that way I can at least use Vollständig to match up to Ressurecion. But I'll use him mostly for support. Yea let's skip Ichi and Grimmy's fight. We've already seen that in the anime.)

Uryu using Flying Screen Step to reach up to Kishi, he was later because he had to change into his usual Quincy uniform. He readied his Quincy Bangle and formed his bow (The newest one, the small material one since this is after Aizen.) He pulled back on the reiatsu string as the bow grew in length, he looked over to Kishi, ready to help her.

"What happened to Kurosaki, don't tell me that fool went off on his own again?!"
Leaping back from the clashing arrancar, Riyoshi placed his free hand over the blade of his zanpakutou.

"Bring forth the rebirth of the phoenix. Bankai." Riyoshi yelled out as his blade began to light up with flame.

As the blade light up with flame, it began to dissolve into the air. Flame began to circle his being as his expression begin to change.


Raiden looked up and with a smile, he stood still and awaited for the attack. Jacque on the other hand, looked at the fire with bit of fear. Dropping his staff, Jacque brought his hands up and clapped them firmly together. As he clapped his hands, he sent out a large shock wave created from ice. The ice created a dome around Raiden and himself as the fire scorched around the outside.

"sir, why dont you just kill her already?" Jacque asked Raiden as he looked upon the older arrancar.
Hotaru blinked silently at Torres, a small pulse of electricity running through his blade. Purple eyes narrowed lightly as she felt the shinigami activate his ban kai, and she pushed away from Torres. Slashing her blade through the air she focused her attention on the man, watching the flames light his blade up. But she addressed the other arrancar when she spoke, "My name is Hotaru."

Her lips pulled up in a tight smirk, readying for the shinigami's attack completely ignoring Torres' other question. It wouldn't do any good to say anyway.


Kishi glared at the dome of ice, deciding just how to deal with it and wondering if her own ice could counter act it when Uryu showed up. She glanced over at the Quincy, green eyes rolling, "And what did you want him to do? Stay here so more innocent people could die?"

She then turned to facde him fulling, idly swinging her blades before flicking out the right one once more towards the dome, "Moetatsu Hi." Her voice was almost absentminded as she said it, "We shouldn't even be fighting here, not with how many elemental types are going on. Fire, fire with ice, ice, and electricity all in one big bang. Its like asking for a tornado or something..." The girl turned her attention back to the dome, her flames not yet having died out.

Kishi turned a slightly miffed look at Uryu, "And you do NOT have to change in that stupid outfit every fight we have. Its impractical."
Torres jumped back as Hotaru was the first to pull back from their attack, he would let Riyoshi do his attack and rather act as back up for now.

"Nice to meet you Hotaru."

He said his final greeting before letting Riyoshi attack, he always knew it was not best to strike first.


Uryu grumbled at Kishi.

"I'll have you know this traditional garb of the Quincy and carries with all the history and pride of the Quincy. Changing into these clothes IS the most important thing in a fight!"

Uryu yelled out before regaining his composure, she was just like Ichigo.

"Besides. I have a message from Urahara. He has been planning for these battles a long time and has come up with a plan for how we can fight without destroying the city. However he isn't done yet, he says we need to give him a few minutes more before we can execute the plan...."


"Come on Tessai, hurry up! We have to move it before those kids start over doing it as per usual."

"Yes boss!" The two ran around the shop trying to prepare the final preparations.
Um hello can i join this rp? i really like bleach and have a really good grasp on it. If i can join mind filling me in on everything?
(Kay, ThatFatsoHachi, before I can even say yes, I need your character sheet. I know there isn't one in the character sheets for this rp, I started this when I was fairly new. But post it here, and then I'll tell you my decision.)
My character is a soul reaper who is a scientist in the 12th division. He is tall and lanky. He has short dark spiky hair and has bags under his pitch black eyes. Nobody see's him sleep. He dresses in the regular black kimono. He has 2 mechanical hands attached to his back. He always sit on a one wheeled chair that he uses as transportation. It can go really fast and fly with rockets on the bottom. He has a keyboard that floats and displays holographic monitors. His zanpukto Anaraiza ( analyzer ) shikai activation is activate. My blade grows a green orb near the hilt but on the blade. It grows a jut on the tip of the blade. By cutting a person with the blade i analyze their power, abilities , weakneses and such. The blade also generates electricity that it can only realease through physical contact. The Bankai is shorai no bunseki ( analyze the future ) in which the blade grows an extra jut. Wether before or after cutting the opponent after using Bankai allows me to see the persons future plans for attack and allows me to send electricity through short bursts. My name is Toshiyuki Kimura. I am around 22 years old. I also practice kido and excel at shunpo.

( btw i live in hawaii so im going need a time that usually are on so i can rp or i will be left out.
(Try set it to this Character Sheet Skeleton:




Lives in:





Release Phrase:



As for your powers, I'm not sure about your Bankai powers, future is a tricky thing to play with. I've discussed it with Kishi. While it would work nicely in the anime/manga and be awesome, it doesn't practically work in an RP. Please choose another Bankai....

Also it'd be a bit strange for a low ranking member in the 12th Squad to possess a Bankai, so either change that or at least give a very good reason for it...

As for times don't worry, we usually not always on at the same time. So just leave a post per day at any time and there is no chance you will be left out.)
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Toshiyuki Kimura


Soul Reaper 12th division

lives in soul society

his personality is robotic like so he is very monotonic and honest. Every now and then he will crack a joke if he is in a good mood.

Tall, Lanky with short spiky hair curving to the left. He has bags under his pitch black eyes due to never sleeping. He always has many pockets on his lab coat.

My zanpaktou is a regular katana thats case is pitch black. Its hilt is black with yellow in it. Its name is Sakybusa ( succubus )

its release phrase is " strike fear "

When in Shikai the blade turns dark and splits into 2. The 2 blades twist together like a braid. Its special ability is when it twists it paralyzes the victims in fear as in their mind they face off against their worst fear.
(Alright, if you can think of a practical way for your ooc to get to the world of the living, then you are welcome to join! I don't know if you want to wait or not though, we're in the middle of a big fight. Although another person's help would be okay. Welcome to the Bleach RP. Bwahahahahaa)

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