Bleach Role Play

"I did not gain power, i simply unlocked what i was to weak to realize i had all along."

After pushing herself, she maxed out her reiatsu to defend and destroy Riyoshi's attack. She brought the sword up and and faced the blade's edge towards Riyoshi. As the attack hit, she released a burst of Reiatsu. It fought against it for a moment before deflecting the attack around Alex. As the attack passed, Alex Launched another attack. Taking a step forward and swinging her sword once again something went wrong as she brought her sword down it shattered, completely disappearing.

The young girl was stunned she didnt understand and as suddenly as it shattered, her body ceased, created the most horrific amount of pain throughout her entire being. She screamed aloud as her reiatsu suddenly cut off, like a faucet being turned off instantly. Her visual blurred and without having much choice she collapse unconscious into Riyoshi.
The battle had raged on for quite some time, with Riyoshi and Alex demolishing the park they were in. The battle was at it's peak and with the next move, seemed like it had not even began. With his last attack, he would force Alex to push her new found power to the limits, but Riyoshi had not expected anything like this. With her final attack, her zanpakutou had shattered and her reiatsu vanished from the location. He had kept a sharp eye on her this time so he was not to lose her once again, but she had not gone anywhere. She merely fainted and fell towards him.

"What the..." Riyoshi spoke out as he caught Alex.

Soon placing her upon the ground, Riyoshi reverted his zanpakutou to his sealed form and placed it into it's sheath. Stepping away from Alex, Riyoshi took a seat and watched her. Taking in deep breaths, he placed his right hand upon his ribs. The height of the battle had sparked a past injury that he had hoped was completely healed, but it would seem that even with the zapakutou's healing, this wound wouldn't heal completely.
Tessai came rumbling out, the gentle giant about to chastise Jinta for yelling so late when there were people trying to sleep but he was more concerned suddenly with the fact that there was a passed out arrancar in the front of the shop. "Jinta, go fetch Shop Owner."

With those words the brute of a man picked up Torres, taking him back into one of the empty rooms to wait for Urahara, starting to examine and see what he could do for the ailing arrancar without the blonde.
Urahara looked over Torres carefully, as he began running tests and hook up machines to him. It was he expected and worried about... Urahara had been in there for a few good hours and wasn't letting anyone in, even Tessai.

After about 3 hours he eventually emerged from the room to give the group the news.

(Give you time to post what happens with Kishi in those 3 hours.)
(Kay, I got grounded from my computer again and only option is phone. I'll say what I say to everyone else who wants to joun. You're welcome to it, but read over the roleplay and post your character info in here. I'll do a proper post whem I can, promise guys.)
Ok, my character profile is here;

Name: Korara

Last Name: Kuchiki

Relationships: Very Close Sister with Rukia, Love-Hate Brother Relationship with Byakuya. Former crush on Ichigo (ended). Best Friends with (insert one of somebody else's characters name here)

Personality: Shy, Independent, Strong-Hearted, Weak Soul Reaper (why Byakuya sometimes yells at her), Easily Scared, Gullible, Kind, has a strange obsession with Koala Bears and bamboo, and Strong (only when in danger.)

Zanpakuto Name: Banbuburedo (pronounced 'ban-boo-boo-rey-doh')

Zanpakuto(Normal Form):


With my amazing editing skills, I managed to find a blade i liked, and customized it to look like the one i had in mind.
Awful edit, i know, just imagine the two grey leaves are made out of the same material as the actual blade itself. Power: When Korara slashes someone with Banbuburedo, the opponents life force/energy drains into the the 2 razor sharp leaves. The life force is then given to Korara, and any cuts/bruises/energy will be restored.
Zanpakuto(Bankai): Not yet reached. Will post once reached it.


I look exactly like this, just imagine me in a soul reaper costume and this hat;

Squad: Squad 13, 5th in command.
((OOC: When ever you guys are ready to bring in the arrancar, kaine and i are ready. We will be ready when the time comes. And if anything that comes about, I will make a new arrancar to battle Zakari. I can create a good opponent for this shinigami xD ))
(LOL WHAT, I did say my soul reaper was weak, do you think It could be a double battle?? My character can't handle an arrancar on her own O_O)
(I agree, it would best if they rather join in the battle against either Raiden or Hotaru, we will let her decide. A double battle against two Arrancars is more than enough. Too many battles are confusing, besides it is better to have multiple fighters against the Arrancar anyway. It makes it more balanced out.

Also poor Zakari, leave her alone. She just got here and already you wanna make one of your villains to torture her. Sorry about the grounding Kishi, I'll wait till you can post...)
That awkward moment when I'm a guy :| And yeah, IF we are fighting, I think it should be Korara and someone else fighting 1 arrancar, so 2v1?
(I was actually worried about that, but I read your character sheet saw it was a girl and hoped for the best :P

Also even without you the battles will be 2/3v1 Arrancar, so you will actually be a third or fourth)
(Please first wait for Kishi to approve your character, however you have to read over everything as Kishi stated, if you've done that just wait for her to accept you and then you may introduce your character. I'm waiting for Kishi to post as she is the only one with my character right now)
(Thanks for the sympathy Pyro. I'm sneaking on right now, so this is a bit rushed, apologies to everyone. And Zakari, Kishi will probably take Korara under her wing, she likes Bya but she can't stand Rukia. And here's my post. And that's a lot for taking the reins while I was out Pyro, that means a lot. You're now the honorary admin when I'm gone.)

Kishi had fallen asleep but the sudden drop of reiatsu was enough to wake her from it, carrying the worried and flustered girl up to the room she could feel Torres with Urhara. She joined standing outside of it with Tessai, "What happened?"

Tessai just shook his head, "Shop Owner has been with him, I'm sure that he can tell you when he finishes his examination." The giant man lightly patted Kishi's head, trying to be reasurring but mostly managed to put a crick in her neck.

when urahara finally did exit the room, the young girl rushed him, "Urahara! What happened to him? Is he okay?" There was a soft questioning in her voice, but the concern on her face was overwhelming. Tessai gently shook his head. 
(Okay, now to address all the other craziness that happened. Zakarai, I'm making an exception for your OC because I prefer not to have relatives of characters. Because I don't like that. ButI like the sound of her, and I think she'll gt along with the other characters.

Now for the battles. We have Raiden and Jaque(sorry if spelt wrong), Hotaru, and Grimmjow. Grimmjow is going to be handled by Ichigo. Hotaru will be fighting with Torres if I remember correctly, Raiden and Jaque with Kishi. Riyoshi...I forget where Riyoshi is fitting n with this, probably with Grimmjow. So, decide how and who you wish to fight with and message me or just talk it out on here.

I think that's everything, and if I missed addressing something, just tell me and I'll get to it. Promise.)
((I was hoping that Riyoshi and Alex were double teaming Raiden and Jacque.))

((And when i said that i would make and arrancar for Zakarai, i was going to make an equally powerful arrancar to face her. Was not going to make a god mode arrancar to face her.))
(You can't fight your own characters. That's just redundant. Sorry if you don't like that, but I can't have that happen because then everything just gets all long posts with everyone being else being excluded from the action. So Alex has the thumbs up on that fight, but not Riyoshi. Really sorry.

And yes Zakari, I did. Sorry that that was confusing, I didn't mean to be.)
(Yes, I think the best setup is. Hotaru vs. Torres and Riyoshi, Raiden vs. Kishi and Alex. Grimmjow vs Ichigo. Korara I suggest can join either battle, depending on who she ends up with as she joins. Though I suggest going with Kishi to the Raiden battle as while me and Back are very active, Kishi could use the help and as said she would be sympathetic to her, while my character and Riyoshi are not so much... :) As for Ichigo and Grimmhow, we don't have to show that battle as it is between NPC characters, but me and Kishi will reveal what will happen after. Now on to posting! Oh, and thanks Kishi I will do my best)

Urahara looked to Kishi, it was clear in his eyes it wasn't the best news.

"I expected this might happen eventually, he is an Arrancar, a Hollow in essence after all.... I'm actually surprised it took this long."

He looked up to Kishi showing his worry.

"It's not good."

(As I said, just gonna finish this little plot very quickly and then the battles. Just to also give Zakari a chance to introduce his character. Also a suggestion, maybe her character can be part of Riyoshi and Alex's special squad recruited from Soul Society, if possible, that way she can easily come in to story. It have to be discussed with you Back, just a possible idea...)
Seeing is how you are a 5th seat shinigami, I would advise you go against Jacque. I made him to be a bit of a diversionary tactic. I think that you would be a great combatant for him seeing how he is not truly powerful. Hes still a child, a good opponent for someone whom does not have a bankai. Raiden would be best classes against 2 or even 3 bankais.

So I think that the fights should be classified like this.

Ichigo vs. Grimmjow.

Kishi and Alex vs. Raiden

Zakari vs. Jacque

Riyoshi and Torres vs Hotaru.
(Backlash, you already said Jacque was not made for fighting and your brought him in purely for plot purposes. Regardless of whether it's a good match, Zakari just joined in the RP so it is very unwise for him to fight alone. It's best for them to fight with others to help build friendship and relationships with the other characters. Unless he wishes to fight Jacque I would suggest against it.

You have already made so many enemies for us to fight in this RP, take a break. You've already got Raiden to fight with. I know you like creating enemies for us to fight, but in this case just stick with Raiden as we have enough battles and I really think it's best for his girl character to fight with one of us to build strong bonds firstly. Otherwise she is just coming into the human world just coincidentally to fight a random Arrancar she knows nothing about or has any reason why he is here.

Maybe after fighting with us, then his character can be the one to later fight Jacque. But first he needs to fight with us to build those bonds at the very least)
(Well I agree with my character to not fight alone, so I guess I'll fight Raiden with Kishi and Alex after all? or is Kishi and Alex the arrancar?)

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