Bleach Role Play

Torres pulled his arm away from Kishi when his eyes suddenly went wide hearing Kishi.

"How do you know abou.... How do you know about that thing!?"

He stared at Kishi wondering they knew about that bandaged freak, who had told them.

He looked to Ichigo when he asked his question.

"Yes, I knew him and spoke to him on a few odd occasions when I was part of Aizen's army, but first. How did you know about that creature, that shade?!"
Kishi blinked, "Um...because he threatened me and Riyoshi?" Her brow furrowed, "Now, would you let me heal you, or at least help you bandage those properly?" She raised an expectant brow, ignoring the exchange of words between Ichigo and Torres. She didn't care honestly, she knew what kind of man Grimmjow was, Aizen had made sure of that when he locked her in, but anyone else could come in as well.

Ichigo frowned, that hadn't been what he was looking for. He supposed he had been looking for some earth shattering revelation that would help them defeat Grimmjow. But he supposed that would be to much to ask then wouldn't it?

Kishi sighed, the boys were being difficult, as always. She was tempted to just bash the back of their heads up a bit to make them listen and do what needed to be done.
Riyoshi stood there as he watched the ‘shade’ disappear from the area, with what seemed like no trace was left anywhere. Soon after, Kishi had taken off to where Ichigo’s reiatsu was coming from, so Riyoshi was going to follow after till he heard a statement from Alex that he was hoping wouldn’t come at all.

“Unfinished business?” Riyoshi spoke out as she appeared in front of him.

Watching her closely, Riyoshi mentally called back all his flame to the surrounding area around him. He did not want to have to fight this girl, and if she really was the same Alex as before, he did not want to have to cut her down again, the first time was hard enough to do. As her blade materialized in front of her, Riyoshi was studying her entire structure, her stance, even how she looked upon him.

“I see while you were there, you learned a some new tricks of the trade, but I do not want to have to fight you.” Riyoshi spoke out.

Just after his sentence, she flickered towards him, but only a couple of feet, and slashed her blade horizontally towards him. Trees in the surrounding area seemed to be cut in half, so Riyoshi brought his right hand up and formed a wall of fire to block the attack. The wall of fire was the height of Riyoshi and spanned all of the space in front of him as well. The trees on either side of him were cut in half, but the trees behind him were fine, making it apparent that Riyoshi was also fine. Bringing his hands together he clapped them together once. As he did so, the flame wall exploded out towards Alex. Riyoshi stood looking with a saddened expression on his face before snapping his fingers and turning the explosion into the same crystallized flame chains as before. They shot out towards Alex with a considerable amount of speed. There were five chains headed at Alex’s person, they were aimed at her arms, legs, and waist. He was merely going to pin her down so that no more damage would be caused.
Torres pulled away again.

"I'm fine!"

He was obviously more concerned with that *beep* coming up the others.

"Why on Hueco Mundo was that thing talking to you. Just pretend you never met it, it's crazy. Whatever it is...."

He growled, he thought it was best to change subjects. So he tried to think of something quickly.

"There is only one thing to know about Grimmjow, he lives for destruction. It's all he knows... I heard some of his Fraccion talking once. When they first joined him, they looked up to him and worshiped him as some sort of king. I think he had delusions of grandeur to become king of Hueco Mundo, become the most powerful Hollow in all of existence. Then he met the true king of Hueco Mundo and Aizen and his tune soon changed. Still I don't think he ever lost sight of that goal, to become more powerful. He has an ever hungry desire to grow stronger and become king of all Hollows. If anything stood in his way, if anyone ever beat him....

Well, let's just say that one individual would become his sole obstacle, his new goal, his only hurdle to overcome or should I say rather, destroy... He would do whatever it took to eradicate that opponent and anything that stood in his way.... That is Grimmjow, that is why he was the Espada of Destruction."
Kishi glared at him, and stood crossing her arms over her chest, "Fine. Don't need to be mean about it." She understood his worry, but Kishi wouldn't be herself if she acted like that. Those instances were few and far between, not liking to let people in her inner bubble.

Her eyes narrowed as he spoke of Grimmjow, well, that wasn't to surprising except for the fact that he's gone know crazy. She sighed, running a hand through her black hair as she did so and looked over to see how Ichi was handling this.


Ichigo was glaring hard up in the air, his brown eyes focused like he could see into Hueco Mundo and Grimmjow himself, "I...I just don't understand." He brought his hand up to rub his face, turning to look back at Torres, "So that's why Grimmjow is so hellbent on coming after my friends and me?"

If that was the case, then Grimmjow wouldn't be playing like he was before. It would probably be best for them to go to Heuco Mundo instead of staying here and waiting in the World of the Living. To many people could get hurt, and the carrot top couldn't stand for that. Just the thought of it made him sick. "We need to head to Urahara's then." He started walking away at a brisk pace.


Kishi's eyes widened in surprise, she had no idea what conclusion Ichigo had come to, but it felt better to have a purpose, "Come on then." She motioned to Torres, expecting him to come as well.
Twisting, The young woman spun with amazing speed for a brief moment, forming something much like a tornado. Normally her attack would shatter the attacking weapons but in Riyoshi's case, it simply deflected, but the chains continued to try and bind her. She swung a few more times, getting distracted she huffed before swinging around and forming a palm towards Riyoshi blasting a large amount of reiatsu towards him to blast away the wall of crystallized flame.

Suddenly, her body flickered behind the man with the sword cocked, both hands on it as it was brought down The sword connected with his body and went straight through. Though thats because it was an illusion made to distract. She actually thrust the sword straight from where she had been previously, aiming mid chest. and striking through the hole in the crystallized Flame.

Her face unshifting, evening pleasing that she was about to strike a killing blow.
Torres looked to Ichigo.

"I would not recommend taking the fight to him, that would be the worst idea. I have been in this a world only a short time, but already I can notice I am weaker in this world then in Hueco Mundo. Going to Grimmjow would be exceptionally ill-planned. He will be far stronger in Hueco Mundo, not to mention it is unknown how many Arrancar he has swayed to his position. It is best to wait for him to come to us.

Acting unnecessarily and wasting time to prepare for his attack is foolish."
Riyoshi kept his concentration upon Alex as his chain’s were knocked away. Watching as she spun, he seen her form stop just before launching an attack. Launching the attack, it hit the wall before cracking it and creating a hole. Riyoshi was not aware of this as he shielded his eyes from the debris of the crystal. Feeling a presence behind him, he turned his head slightly to look over his shoulder as Alex brought the blade down upon his shoulder. The blade had made contact and went completely through his body, but it did not feel a thing. An expression of shock mixed with anger shot across his face as he realized that she basically tricked him with the same trick as before.

“Well done Alex!” Riyoshi yelled out as he shot his gaze back towards the crystalized flame wall.

Just as his eyes made contact with Alex’s form, her blade entered the hole in the wall and pierced his abdomen. With a smile on his face, Riyoshi grabbed her blade and pulled her in closer. The wound around the blade did not bleed, but it was glowing like it consisted of lava.With his free hand, he snapped his fingers sending the crystal transforming back into flame.

“This is a nice trick, but you will have to do better!” Riyoshi yelled out as his flesh began to glow a bright red.


Raiden and Jacque were upon the sand of hueco mundo training. Jacque's skill and reiatsu were exponentially raised from before his training, and they were now comparable to a captain of soul society. Their battle raged with an intensity far greater then a pair of comrades should ever have done, but when Grimmjow was giving the orders, then there was no other choice.

"Raiden sama, can we take a break?" Jacque asked as he looked upon Raiden as he continued to dodge Raiden's ceros.

"Are you kidding me! Training never stops!" Raiden roared out as he sonido'd to the side of Jacque.
(Are you kidding me!? I already posted this!)

Ichigo grumpily looked back at Torres, "Well, you don't have to be so damn mean about it..." The carrot top gruffed, turning fully to face the arrancar with his arms crossed over his chest. A dark scowl crossed his face, his dark brown eyes lighting with his anger.


Kishi growled, "Kamis above, I hate this! You two, grow up, I'm going to Urahara's anyway, because at least its something to do okay?!" She practically was screaming at them in her frustration and anger. Why did everyone treat them like children? They had probably been through as many battles, if not more then the rest of all the others.

She turned away from the two, and jumped into the air with such force that part of the ground broke and pushed up. She ran across the sky, straight in the direction of Urahara's obviously not caring if the other two followed.


Ichigo sighed, Kishi was as impulsive as always. But he wasn't one to talk there...."I'm going to follow, Kishi is in one of her moods..." He turned to move, "If you're coming I suggest you do so now before she gets more pissed off....Things don't usually end well, for anyone, when she is." He jumped into the air, expecting Torres to follow.
"Spouting logic is mean..."

Torres asked, honestly confused by the reaction. Humans were very confusing, he still did not get them. These half human - half Shinigami, had enough human to befuddle him.

He watched Kishi leave in a huff, not really affected or in any particular mood. He was more focused on what the heck that shade was up to. He was snapped back with Ichigo implied for him to follow. He would have to meet up with the shade later. He still had to finish training and had some questions, but for now...

He got up and used Sonido to keep up with the two halflings.
Crystal? As if she would be fooled by such a tactic. Which, in a way she already had. Pissed her off. With a burst, she thrust her sword again and released a dense burst of reiatsu from the weapon. The riyoshi infront of her cracked and spider webbed but did not break. In her frustration, she pulled the sword and sparta kicked Riyoshi fake in the chest shattering him into pieces that fell to earth.

"Enough of this! Lets battle like real warriors!" She yelled.

Alex dive bombed towards the ground and with a sonic boom right before she hit the ground exploded and a wave of pure energy forced out, slicing all the trees at the very base of their stumps but they did not move. They all stood among the dust as if untouched. The young woman rose from her stance and stabbed her blade into the ground to hold its place. With that the nearest most trees exploded into toothpick like shards. A few others fell over from the force but most of them just stood still.

"Your's may be fire but mine is destruction. The force used to destroy anything and everything. SHOW YOURSELF AND LETS BEGIN!!!"

With another release of reiatsu she was now at the level of bankai. The toothpick like shards of tree began to rise off the ground, maybe of them began to disintegrate even more than they all ready were. Her eyes lit up slightly, and her blade, now pulled out of the ground and in hand, the shaft and middle of the blade began to glow. As she swung the sword around and forward slowly, the edge that touched the ground scorched the earth, melted it and almost looked as if lava had touched it in that lone spot. Her blade did not melt, or appear hot other than the radiant heat emitted from it, distorting the view of her upper torse and her head from its current stance.

"I believe you shinigami call this BANKAI!"

The ground around her began to compress as if something heavy was laying on it, and the wood of the trunks closest to her began to smolder, small coals forming on the edges.
(Lol, sorry. Emotions not his thing?)

Kishi reached Urahara's shop, slamming open the door with a huff, slipping her sandals off as she entered the main shop, "Hey, I'm back." Her frustration showed in her voice as she flopped down at the circular table, the brunettes head thumping against the wood solidly. Urahara walked in, his usual smile on his smug face.

"Konbanwa Kishimoto-chan!" he settled down across from her, his fan up and out flapping air across his face, "you seem to be tense. Is it the boys fault?" He could sense the two fast approaching presences, obviously Ichigo and Torres. And with Kishi, it could be normal teenage girl problems, or the strains from her job.

Right as Kishi was about to answer, the door flew open although not as harshly as when Kishi did it, and Ichigo walked in, "Ah, hey Urahara-san." He waved sheepishly, before his eyes settled on Kishi.
Riyoshi was soon attacked again and cracked even further, but he resisted the force of being shattered. That is until Alex brought her foot up and kicked him in his chest, forcing his body to blast apart. The area underneath were they once stood, now blanketed in a massive reiatsu. This reiatsu belonged to Alex and from the shear force of it, it was now time to get serious.

“You want to fight like a warrior! This makes me laugh!” Riyoshi’s voice boomed from all around her.

The crystal that was once in the form of Riyoshi now crashed upon the ground, the residual heat from Alex kept them intact and in large shards. Riyoshi presence was felt from nowhere but he was there, within the battle field that they had created. The crystal that lay upon the ground began to glow, and Riyoshi spoke out once again.

“You shinigami? You act like you are no longer a shinigami!” Riyoshi yelled out as the crystal shards exploded into flame.

The fire began to collect in a single point in front of Alex. The fire was taking upon Riyoshi’s form, haori and all. As his form began to show clearly, he was in striking distance from Alex. Looking upon Alex, Riyoshi pointed upon her.

“I see that your power has increased from our last encounter.” Riyoshi spoke out as a sinister smile began to emerge.

In his free hand, a crystal blade began to form. This blade was not a normal blade at all. This blade resembled Alex’s zanpakutou.

((OOC: We figured that with this fight, it would occupy time and get our characters to bond once again and we could introduce the arrancar when you guys are ready.))
(I'm done training so whenever you guys are finished, we can make it the next day and bring in the Arrancars)

Torres followed after Ichigo just barely brushing him past him as he entered, walking through and not issuing any greeting to Urahara.

(He's an Arrancar from Hueco Mundo, not really....)
"See if a copy of my own blade has the strength of mine. I will strike that copy and your body asunder!"

Taking one step, brought her sword around and up and leaped, trying to knock Riyoshi skyward and break his stance. The blade cut through the ground like a razor through flesh.
Urahara eyed up the two new entries, before standing, "Mah, I suppose you three will want to rest here while you wait then for tomorrow. I suggest you get in some last minute training if you can." With that the shop owner was gone, as if he was never there in the first place.

Kishi sighed, "Well, I'm going down to the training grounds, its almost night though so you guys should get some sleep then." She was probably going to end up sleeping down there anyway, if not from pure exhaustion the from neccessity.

Ichigo sighed, "I'll come with you. We can practice our ban kais together, get them in top shape for the fight with Grimmjow." He stood, walking away with her leaving Torres alone.

________(Heuco Mundo)________

Hotaru panted as she resheathed her zanpaktou. She had mad equite the satisfactory mess of the throne room a time ago, having moved onto hunting the slow lesser hollows of the desert. While it wasn't much of a challenge, it was enough to help better her.

(Alright, I'm ready when you guys are for the next day. And Yukishi, we're pretty far into it. I don't know if you would be able to join even with my permission.)
(I say let her, you never know who will disappear after one day or stick around. I joined pretty late, at least give her a chance... If you are willing.)
(then by all means do so, I like having character variety in my roleplay anyway. So just give your character sheet, feel free to put it up on here, and just kinda skim over and read whats going on. I don't know if you just want to jump in now or what, but I welcome you to it.)
(I'll read through first, just so I know whats going on. And here's my character sheet

Name Mitsuki Suzuhara/ Shiroi Makino

Kanji 鈴原 三月

牧野 白い

Romanji Suzuhara Mitsuki

Makino Shiroi


Race Youko/Shinigami

Birthday November 18

Age 127

Gender Female

Height 5'0

Weight 40.82 KG

Eyes Gold eyes (true eye color blue)

Hair Black

Blood Type O

Unusual Features In youko state, her hair is pure silver, bloody demon eyes, claws and fangs

Appearance:She has the appearance of a beautiful young girl with long black hair that almost reaches to the ground, golden eyes and natural complexion. She is kind of petite. She wears a rosario that Kaguya gave to her, to control her youko abilities.Mitsuki also wears a hair locks which is colored pink and white. She is the slender type.

She wears a Shinigami outfit with sleeves and wears a short-sleeved captain's haori coat.

Post Timeskip, She still wears a short-sleeved captain's haori coat. She wears the white scarf made by the master weaver, Tsujishirō Kuroemon III. The scarf is made from the silver-white, windflower light silk (ginpaku kazahana no uzuginu) that Byakuya gave her. Her hairstyle changed as well, the hairstyle is almost similar to Nakoruru from Samurai Showdown. And the ninja gloves are the ones Kohaku and Hayate wear in Sakura Hime Kaden.

Professional Status

Affiliation Gotei 13

Previous Affiliation Sagashite Castle

Occupation Captain of the 5th Division

Head of the Makino Clan

Previous Occupation One of the protectors of Kaguya and Tomoyo

3rd seat of 10th Division

Team 5th Division

Previous Team Youko

10th Division

Partner Momo Hinamori

Previous Partner Toshiro Hitsugaya

Base of Operations 5th Division HQ, Seireitei, Soul Society,and Sagashite Castle

Personality: She can sometimes be kind, caring, and passionate, but when it comes to her youko side, she can become violent and wild. She can also be protective of people who are close to her.

Power's and Abilities:

Swordsmanship Expert: Mitsuki is a an expert in swordsmanship, capable of flawless precision and lethal attacks with some great effort.

Shunpo Master: Her usage in Shunpo is the same level as Byakuya's and Captain Suì-Fēng's. She actively uses her expert of Shunpo techniques and is highly proficient in evasion in close quarters as well as from a distance. Thus making hitting her almost impossible if not for the advanced combatant whether normal form or her youko state. Her movements are noticeably so fast that few would be likely to see an attack take place.

Kido Master: She too has displayed her knowledge of high level Kido spells, able to cast several in quick succession whether with or without incantations and almost no effort and possesses intimidating power. She has been shown to use kido spells up to level 81 and possesses advanced knowledge of Kido application and density. She can use a low-level spell in rapid succession and with devastating effects, as well as a counter to attacks.

  • Immense Spiritual Energy: Though being Captain has the necessity of having very high spiritual pressure, since her youth she has been known to have already high spiritual pressure. This high spiritual pressure made it hard for her to communicate with her Zanpakuto, to achieve Bankai and to control its power.
  • Master Strategist: Though being Captain has the necessity of having very high spiritual pressure, since her youth she has been known to have already high spiritual pressure. This high spiritual pressure made it hard for her to communicate with her Zanpakuto, to achieve Bankai and to control its power.
  • Enhance Endurance: Though being Captain has the necessity of having very high spiritual pressure, since her youth she has been known to have already high spiritual pressure. This high spiritual pressure made it hard for her to communicate with her Zanpakuto, to achieve Bankai and to control its power.
  • Her reiatsu looks like light aura around her, her power immense and somewhat controlled. In her youko side however, dark aura surrounds her and it shows her eyes turn from gold to demon-bloody eyes.

Youko Form: Mitsuki's youko side can be violent and dangerous. Once the Rosario's amulet is seperated from the chain, her hair turns to pure light platinum, purple markings under her eyes, claws and fangs, eyes red like bloody demon eyes and has somewhat a murderous aura.


Shikai Shana (shinigami's zanpakuto)

Chizakura (youko's zanpakuto)

Bankai Nietono no Shana

Kaden no Chizakura

((OOC: go ahead and bring the Arrancars through the portal. I will bring my two after your post.))

Riyoshi watched as Alex took a single leap towards him, bringing his crystal blade up, he blocked Alex’s zanpakutou. The force of her strike forced him to leap off the ground and into the air.

“It would seem that with your prolonged time in hell, you have gained some strength behind your swings.” Riyoshi spoke out as he tightened the grip upon his crystal blade.

Lifting the blade vertically above him, he placed his other hand upon the hilt of the sword. Taking in a deep breath, he slashed downwards towards her as the blade lit up with flame.

“Flame whip!” RIyoshi yelled out as a large pillar like wall of flame shot out towards Alex.

Landing upon the ground, Riyoshi leaped back one more step and awaited the response of Alex.
(We still have to wait a day, a day for rest from training. So we need night to fall and morning to come so all characters are rested and prepared for the big battle)
((Sorry guys andrew and i have been hella busy with work. promise ill post tomorrow. i get off early for a change.))
Kishi fell to the ground, throwing her hand over her eyes, "All right, 'm done now."

Ichigo fell next to her, mimicking her actions, "Agreed." He wasn't exactly looking forward to fighting with Grimmjow the next day but hey, at least he had his friends with him. Not that he would let them get in harm's way. But with most of them he knew he didn't have a choice.

The carrot top grinned as sleep pulled at him, slowly taking him to troubled and restless dreams.
(It's fine, there is something small I can squeeze in about Torres. But Kishi, I'll need you and Urahara's help.)

Torres had been disappearing and reappearing constantly, to go train with the Shade unbeknownst to Kishi and the others. It was a rare time where he had returned to the shop, he popped in to see Kishi and Ichigo going at it. At least he had finally found someone who could train with him, the Shade seemed to understand him in the way the humans and Shinigami's didn't. It could help unlock his inner world.

He looked on as his vision blurred, maybe he had trained too much. He started walking back when he passed Jinta.

"Hey watch it Hollow boy! Woah... you don't look so good, whiter than usual. You gonna be sick man, if so do that crud outside! I ain't cleanin' nothin!"

Torres just grumbled at him when he suddenly collapsed on the floor causing Jinta to yell out a profane word in surprise very loudly, after which he immediately covered his mouth hoping Tessai didn't hear because he didn't want another red.... well you know...

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