Bleach Role Play

Kishi frowned, "What does that mean exactly? There are many kinds of 'not good.'" She cocked her hip to the side a bit, placing her hands there, "If I remember correctly, one of those involving a hollow of any kind was mine. So what?"

Her voice was grim, her stare unwavering. She didn't really understand what Urahara was getting at, but whenever he deemed something 'not ood' it definitely was not good. 
(Lol, its okay Zakari, you're new. But you need to read over the rp to know what's going on. Kay? Because trying to help people along while rping makes it difficult and less fun for everyone. Re-read Pyro's post and that'll help.)
"Yes, but it is different. While you simply contain a Hollow spirit within you. He is truly a Hollow, with all the same limits and weaknesses."

Urahara took a breath, before he said it. He knew he would have to tell Kishi, but he wasn't sure how she would react.

"He is hungry..."
Kishi's eyes widened, and she slumped against the closest wall, "But...I thought Arrancar and Espada could survive off of regular food?" She frowned, although Yammy had been sucking in souls when he first entered the world of the living.

She frowned, "How do we....We can't let him eat the souls of innocent people though!" She stood back up, starting to pace. "I don't know what you're gettin' so worked up on abou' over there. A person's got ta eat."

Kishi shushed the annoying hollow, she really wasn't helping matters right now.
((Zakari, Riyoshi and Alex are out in a field. Riyoshi is sitting while looking at the passed out Alex. And Torres and Kishi are in Urahara's shop.))
Riyoshi sat and kept watch of Alex until she woke up. He hoped that she would return to the lovely little girl he was sworn to protect long ago. He had thought that their time in hell, would have ended when he left hell, but with her return, it seemed to bring more of it back, then when they were there.
(Do you guys know WHERE the fight that I'm going to be in will be taking place? Because I think I'm only going to introduce my character once the fight has begun.)
((Just jump into the rp and please stop adding the OOC posts in here. This is the RP thread. So bring your character in and start interacting with all of us. Build some connections with us so when the fight starts, we dont just see you as a burden, but an actual ally.))

Riyoshi looked upon his zanpakutou with a simple thought.

Riyoshi. I am sorry that she had to return like that. They must have done some unthinkable things while she was trapped down there without us. Suzaku spoke out to Riyoshi.

I know Suzaku. It was bad enough they made us fight eachother. Riyoshi replied to Suzaku in thought.
"While Arrancar can eat human food, they still require spiritual energy to survive. Especially any Hollow of such high power, as soon as a Hollow evolves into a Menos it requires constant spiritual energy to survive or it will revert to a Gillian and devour itself. In Hueco Mundo that is why they eat each other, because humans are no longer enough. Torres is a very powerful Arrancar so he needs a vast amount of spiritual energy which is why I'm surprized, from what I can see he hasn't devoured other Hollow for many many many years.

From what I see Torres hasn't actually eaten any soul for a very long time, a very very very long time. He survived in Hueco Mundo because the very air and ground of Hueco Mundo is composed of spiritual particles for him to devour without him even noticing. However here in this world, the only source of Spiritual Energy is humans....

He can survive in Hueco Mundo no problem without having to eat human souls, probably living a bare minimum as he was doing, but here.... no. I can give him some special spirit particles to sustain him for now, but soon enough he will need to eat and a lot!"

Urahara looked to Kishi, he knew it was hard to hear but she needed to understand. This was not something that was going to go away, it was a big problem. He knew Torres was a friend to her, but he was still an Arrancar which in truth was just a Hollow with it's mind returned, but it still had that hunger... that same hunger that makes Hollows monsters, monsters that devoured others. That is why Arrancar fight, that is why they have that desire, that blood lust.
Koara took out her Zanpakuto, crying "Shoot, Banbuburedo!" it transformed into its Shikai, and she slayed a hollow, sending it to the society.

She sighed and put Banbuburedo back in its pouch, and carried on walking throughout Earth, searching for hollows.

There was not much luck today, she had only slain about 3 already, and she had been there for 5 Earth hours, just no luck really... she was beginning to get bored, missing Rukia. This was her first time hollow hunting alone, she wanted to do her sister proud, doesn't look like it at the moment though...
Kishi blinked, her green eyes big as the news sank in, "But the battle with Grimmjow..." He was going to be coming soon, probably within the day. They couldn't, "We can't have him like this and expect him to fight, and we can't take the fight to Hueco Mundo!" She rubbed her temples lightly starting to pace.

The girl sighed, stopping in front of Urahara again, "Is he awake?" She wanted to see him and to talk to him. The teen needed to know what he wanted to do as the next course of action. This was not a good day, so stressful...
"As said I've given him some spirit particles of my own design. They've stabilized him and he will even be able to fight tomorrow. Maybe not at 100%, but still at a decent level and for an Arrancar of his power that is something. But it is only a temporary solution. Something needs to be done in the future, we must prepare..."

He looked back at the room.

"He is sleeping for now, he is the room being fed spirit particles through some machinery of mine. It's best he is not disturbed, he's need to rest and recharge. Tomorrow he should be fine and able to help fight if he feels up for it..."

(Ok that is it for my extra little thing, sorry it took so long :( )
(Alrighty then, moving onward!~ To new horizons! ...Ignore me.)

Kishi nodded, "Alright." She looked back at the door behind Urahara, concern still evident on her face, "But..." She sighed, she hated feeling useless like this. "And you don't think that I could heal him either huh?" The girl's hand twitched, as if reaching for her blade, but she was in her body.

"I guess we'll just have to train like hell today. I can heal up everyone so that their not worn out and tired." She wouldn't be able to do it herself, but maybe Orihime would come over and help heal people up, and heal her up too.
(OK, if that is all. I say we make the day pass, so we can wake up tomorrow. Then I'll bring in Grimmy and his two friends)
The night passed as Torres woke up early in the morning and disappeared without anyone knowing to do more training with the Shade.

The sun slowly began to rise on Karakura Town as Urahara and Tessai worked on their biggest project, without this it wouldn't matter how much the Shinigami and Arrancar trained, everyone would die. He had to complete it before Grimmjow arrived. He had to..


Grimmjow stood to at the base of his ruined empire in Hueco Mundo with his subordinates behind him.

"It is time...."

His eyes glowed with a fierce rage as his finger stretched out and touched the air as the world itself ripped opened creating a Gargantua for them to step through.

Grimmjow stepped through as he breathed, ready for what he had waited for, for so long. He stepped out high above Karakura Town as he stared down it. Ichigo was down there and today he would die and Grimmjow would prove himself king of Hueco Mundo. With Aizen gone, with Barragan gone, with that worthless Ulquiorra gone.... he was going to become king of Hueco Mundo, not that worthless b***** Harribel. He was the true king of Las Noches, but first he would kill Ichigo Kurosaki!

As the Arrancar arrived, immediately their horrifying reiatsu began to rip through Karakura Town as each citizen was shocked away by this horrible feeling of forboding.

He looked to his subordinates.

"You want to know how we make those Shinigami come to us, let me show you. It is very easy."

He held out his hand as it began to glow red as he formed a normal Cero and released it full blast straight down as it hit a set of houses as they exploded killing many people as Grimmjow smirked.

'Now come to me Kurosaki...' He thought to himself.
Hotaru frowned as Grimmjow senselessly killed humans. What a waste. "Tch." Her body flared with her own electric blue reiatsu as she watched. A light growl emanated from her as her purple eyes narrowed. The girl pulled her jacket taught, "I prefer a more silent and subtle approach, Grimmjow-sama."

She descended slowly from the air, sparring a look for the blue haired man as she did so, a disgusted look on her freckled face. Honestly, that man. she waited for the shinigami to come to them. they would now, now that Grimmjow was killing innocents.


Kishi shot up right, falling over Ichigo who stumbled over her in turn as they scrambled for their mod souls, "F*cking hell Ichigo! Get..Out of my way!" She vaulted over the scrambling ginger, grabbing at her bag and tearing through it. Grimmjow was firing some serious power out there, they needed to move fast. In a second she was in her uniform, Ichigo not far behind her.

Brown eyes glared, "Shut up Kishi, we've got more important things to worry about right now." He jumped out of the window, shunpoing to where Grimmjow was. Kishi wasn't far behind him, her green eyes narrowed.
Riyoshi cracked a little smile as he looked into the air. Taking in a deep breath, he closed his eyes and thought deep before exhaling his breath slowly.

"I am sorry Alex-sama." Riyoshi spoke softly as he looked down upon Alex.

Placing the blade of his zanpakutou over the heart of Alex, his blade began to glow a bright red.

"Crimson prison!" Riyoshi yelled as his crimson fire shot forth and covered Alex.

The flame hardened in an instant and created a rock solid casing around Alex, healing her completely from within. Rotating his right shoulder, it cracked with every degree, and he looked into the sky once more. Feeling the presence of humans disappearing, and the arrival of four powerful foes, Riyoshi knelt down slightly before taking in a deep breath.


Raiden and Jacque followed behind Hotaru as they walked through the garganta.

"So Raiden, can we go kill some things now?" Jacque asked with his childish tone.

Raiden looked over at Jacque, and with a firm tone, replied.

"Not now, unless you want to be obliterated by Grimmjow." Raiden spoke out as he looked down towards the city.


With a blast of reiatsu, Riyoshi vanished from the park and appeared over the bloody scene taking place. Looking at the three still in the air.

"What are you doing here Hollow!" Riyoshi yelled out at Hotaru, Raiden and Jacque.
Grimmjow didn't even bother to look at Riyoshi, there was absolutely no acknowledgement of his arrival. He was not Ichigo, he meant absolutely nothing! He was of no importance to Grimmjow, his arrival had no affect on him whatsoever.

Torres arrived soon after Riyoshi, using his Sonido. He immediately kept his distance, knowing all of his opponents were strong. He saw Grimmjow with three others, each very strong. He looked them over, he recognized two of them, he may have seen them once around Aizen's Las Noches, but had never spoken to them and didn't even know their names. The third little one, he had never even seen.

He kept far away, his hand on his Zanpaktou's handle behind his back as he prepared for the upcoming battle. This was it..... what he was training for. He couldn't help but smile, even though he knew.
Hotaru's eyes flicked over to the arrancar, a soft sneer spreading over her face. She didn't agree with killing innocents, but him.. Switching to fight with the shinigami was low. She sonidoed away from her little 'group' and in front of the man, "Torres right? Its pretty low, even by our standards what you're doing."

She glared heavily, her hand going to the zanpaktou at her side. Purple eyes were slit into dangerous lines, a low growl emanating from her chest.


Ichigo got there a second before Kishi did, his brown eyes narrowed in anger, "GETSUGA TENSHOU!" The ginger let loose the blue wave of energy towards Grimmjow, not even pausing to break stride.

Kishi's eyes went wide, he was... "Grimmjow you bastard!" She drew her zanpaktou, shikai immediately in hand.

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