Bleach Role Play

( well since i am part of research and development i can go into the world of the living for research on the enemy. Mind telling me what the big fight is about and who the people are fighting? )
grimmjow brought arrancar to the world of the living to fight Ichigo and his friends. ((grimmjow thinks he is a king lol)).

Kishi(shinigami) is fighting Raiden and jacque(arrancar)

Riyoshi(shinigami) & Torres(arrancar) are fighting Hotaru(arrancar)

Ichigo and grimmjow are off fighting eachother.
(Hey Lash. You should post. If you can give the information that I already have on here, then you could at least have posted as well. We're waiting on you.)
((Ill have you know, that the post i did was on my break at work. plus this last few days at my house has been hectic. I have had no time to get on the computer.))

The ice that jacque created was beginning to crack under the constant attack of fire and he was also starting to feel the effect of it. dropping to one knee, jacque began to breathe deeply.

"Jacque, on the count of three, i want you to drop that ice." Raiden spoke as he peered through the ice and at Kishi.

"But sir, won't" Jacque spoke before Raiden interrupted him.

"Just do as i tell you!" Raiden said as he brought his hands up and formed a diamond shape in front of him.

A bright green light began to glow in his hands.


Riyoshi's blade disappeared into the flame that appeared around his being. Pointing his right index finger at Hotaru a chain formed and shot out from behind Riyoshi. Focusing upon the tip of the chain, he formed a spike. Snapping his fingers on his free hand, the chain exploded into 5 chains and they all shot out towards Hotaru's location.
Uryu noticed Raiden was beginning his move and thought it best to intercept him before he continued. He immediately pointed his bow at Raiden and let loose with a flurry of arrows that shot towards Raiden, he then immediately used Flying Screen Step to move quickly to another point and fire arrows from Raiden's right and then again used the Step to move to another location, ready to fire more.


Torres watched as Raiden attacked, he hadn't seen too much of his new abilities after revealing his true Zanpaktou. He only knew it was fire based and was somewhat curious. He saw the chains fly at Hotaru and readied himself, if she dodged he could use Sonido to get in quick and try strike from behind.
(I apologize. Next time please try to tell us that you won't be able to for a while. I'm sorry that things have been hectic at your house. Also Pyro, the ice has yet to fall.)


Kishi watched as Uryu fired at the ice doom, seeing it cracking rapidly beneath the blows. But she could sense a strong force of reiatsu being controlled inside, readying herself, "Ishida! Six o'clock!"

It was probably the best warning she could offer, her twin blades ready as she herself waited. Those two were planning something, and she wondered exactly what it was.


Hotaru sighed, so chains huh? Great idea when your opponent's zanpaktou obviously generated reiatsu powered electricity. Purple eyes narrowed, waiting for the right moment before she swung her blade out, catching the chains on the long katana blade.

Smiling at Riyoshi, she sent a pulse of her reiatsu through the blade which sent currents of electricity pulsing through the chains. The arrancar wasn't playing anymore.
(Sorry thought only Jacque was in da dome...

Also Fatso, you gonna be waiting a long long long while! I doubt if you wait that long you will bother coming back to the RP.)
As the arrows hit the dome of ice, they pierced the outer shell but did not threaten Jacque or Raiden. As Raiden finished charging his attack he fired his bright green cero off towards Kishi's location. The cero would pierce through the fire and head directly for her. Jacque cancelled out the ice dome and leaped from his location towards Uryuu. Materializing his staff in his hand once more, he charged his light blue cero.

"I do not like you four eyes!" Jacque yelled as he ran towards Uryuu.

Raiden stood in his position and awaited the response of the shinigami.


Riyoshi's chains were not effected a much as she had originally wanted for they were made out of crystallized fire, and not metal. The electricity did travel up the chains, but since they were not connected to him, they just crackled with the electricity.

"Electricity huh? We will see who has the best element." Riyoshi called out as he clapped his hands.

As he clapped his hands, the chains exploded into flame. The flame exploded outward towards Hotaru and Riyoshi flash stepped from his location and appeared above Hotaru. Aiming his left hand at Hotaru, he focused his reiatsu into an orb on his index finger.

((Chains: ))
Not expecting that move Torres began to form a crimson red Cero in his hand.

"I wouldn't advise you let him finish charging. He is know for his flashy moves, he likes to overdo. So I'd warned you, either give or you better be willing to kill us now before it's too late. Otherwise if you don't stop, we will have to stop you."

He aimed the Cero at her, he still wasn't fighting properly. But then neither was she.... Only Riyoshi was taking this seriously and giving it all. He could tell with his Pesquisa she had an incredible power and she was holding back a lot.


Uryu didn't reply, he just lowly grunted at the silly child's playground insult. He used his Flying Screen Step to move around and try get behind Jacque.

"That doesn't matter to me, I don't care much for Hollows either and you'll be dead soon enough. I swear it on my pride as a Quincy. You foul creatures will be obliterated."

With that he aimed his bow and got ready to fire when suddenly he seemed to disappear for a split second and a barrage of arrows seemed to come out of nowhere from the sky at Jacque.
"Son of a whore!" Kishi shunpoed upwards as fast as she could, her foot getting seared a bit. It was always best to just avoid a cero, at least it was in her mind. Blocking it gave the opportunity for it to break through your defenses.

She snarled lightly, green eyes flashing, "God I hate ceros." She quickly lunged at him, her blades raised and moving for two different sides of him. The teen was really not in the mood for this, ceros, arrancar, and Grimmjow especially.


Hotaru chuckled, "Ceros then?" Purple eyes moved to focus on the shinigami, "Tsk tsk, what would your fellow shinigami say if they could see you now? Would they call you monster?" She brought her left hand, palm out, up to face the shinigami. Her cero didn't take to long to charge, she only wanted a short blast, the electric blue ray firing off at him.

Sonidoing away from where she had been standing, she watched her cero fly towards the shinigami for a split second before she looked at Torres. The red-head had moved to a higher position, so that she could look at both of the men. And to dodge the little attacks.

She tapped her blade against her thigh for a moment, then sighed. "I'm pretty sure I was clear earlier. I have to kill both of you, but your death won't bring me any great pleasure." Hotaru frowned, wondering if the chains would follow her movement. So far, she noted that he more then likely used the chains to hold his prey down so he could deliver the final blow. So, staying out of their hold was crucial.
“You hate ceros? Why is that shinigami?” Raiden spoke out as he let the blades strike at him.

Even if he was to move, he would hate to not be able to test her skills. Using his ability, he seemed to phase out as the blades made contact. He seemed to be a mere after image. With a smile upon his face, he leaped backwards and formed a diamond with his hands again.

As Jacque listened to the quincy, he gritted his teeth. He was not a hollow. He was far from it and he slid to a stop, aiming his staff at the man. Just as he was about to fire, the man vanished from sight. Before he could react, arrows appeared from above him and he was taken by surprise. The arrows pierced his body and forced him to the ground.


Riyoshi seen her fire off her attack, and with out so much as a hint of trouble. This ticked him off, but he did not have the time to worry about that, this attack came straight for him. Letting his attack go in the form of pure reiatsu instead of a fucused kido, he was able to block about 80% of the force of her attack and he was hit by the rest before he could dodge. As the attack passed over him, his clothes singed upon the end.

“You are quite the arrancar. Firing off a technique like that without really charging it.” Riyoshi spoke out as he flipped away from her.

Taking a stance and still being beneath her, his chains were nowhere to be seen. Brushing his clothes off slightly, he looked up at her and with a smile upon his face, he took in a deep breath.

“Why is it you keep such a distance? Is it because of my chains?” Riyoshi asked as he tilted his slightly with his question.
"I warned you.."

While Hotaru had been focused with attacking Riyoshi that had given him a time to charge his Cero properly, she then suddenly move above them as Torres smiled.

"Bad move..."

Now he could fire without risk of hitting the people below and with that he aimed it up and as Riyoshi's and her Ceros had collided and caused an explosion, he used that as a distraction and cover let loose his powerful Cero at Hotaru as the red energy shot up blasting out with incredible power having had the time to focus properly. Hopefully the collision of the two attacks would keep her focused on that so she wouldn't notice his attack till too late.


Uryu adjusted his glasses, that seemed too easy. This couldn't really be one of Grimmjow's Arrancars, he remembered hearing stories about Grimmjow so to think such a weak, simple-minded and young Arrancar could be among his ranks seemed unlikely. Uryu kept cautious as he aimed his bow again at where the boy, no he was no body. He was just a creature, a Hollow.... He kept an eye out where it had fallen as his bow pointed directly at it and he pulled back as the arrow of light formed. This boy used ice so he would have to be careful...


"Aha! It's done!"

Urahara yelled out in excitement as he jumped up.

"Get them on the channel Tessai!"

"Yes boss!"

Tessai brought him the communicator holding his stern look as usual.

"Hey everyone, listen up! Don't worry how I'm communicating with you, I may or may not have bugged you all while you were sleeping or unconscious. Don't worry the bugs are in a safe place and they are only in slightly awkward areas. Also there is only a 35% chance they could explode and kill you.

Now listen up, I've come up with a plan for how you guys can fight these guys full power without destroying the city below. We are going to use the Tenkai Kecchu, yes they were destroyed completely but I have a plan. Is everyone listening to me firstly, I'll need you all to do exactly as I say!"
(First, thanks Hachi. Second. Pyro. I love you, you're so awesome. Third, I have writers block right now. I know that's a horrible excuse, but I have no idea what to write. And I didn't just want to leave you guys hanging without knowing what was up. Feel free to hate me, its deserved.)
(Bluh, I know. Laugh all you want. But then when writers block hits you, WABAM, don't come crawling to me. Lol, no its okay. Sorry about that guys, I just haven't been able to get a coherent thought down lately. I can't even draw, let alone write. But I'll try.)

Kishi blinked, her arms flying out as they met no resistance, "Wha..What the hell?" She looked around, eyes landing on the arrancar and noticed what he was doing. Damn it..

Bringing her left blade in front of her body and then slashing out in a diagonal angle towards him, she slashed the blade threw the air, "Kogoeshinu Mizu!" A twisting rolling column of ice and water moved rapidly towards Raiden, hoping to catch him.

Hand flying to her head in surprise as Urahara's voice broke out she blinked. then swore violently, damned blonde scientist. "And wh you mean only 35%!?"


Hotaru kind o cocked her head in response to Riyoshi. He was right of course, she wanted to be far enough away to dodge the chains... But her attention was immediately torn back to Torres, purple eyes going wide as she swore.

Sonidoing back and away she growled as her left side was caught in the blast, "Damn it..." Her good hand moved to her damaged arm, blade still in hand as she did so. Being ceroed. Never fun.

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