Bleach Role Play

(Wow, Hotaru-sama? Now she feels important. Thank you, that's flattering.)

Kishi turned back to Riyoshi, anger clearly evident on her face. He hand flew to her hip, unsheathing HiMizu and readied herself as if waiting for an attack, "What the hell do you think you're doing Riyoshi?" Her voice was soft, but clearly hearable.

She didn't like being screwed with, especially not with the elements that her zanpaktou controlled themselves. Usually she was insulted when that happened, or she just laughed, but right now? She was pissed, because this was Riyoshi, who was supposed to be her ally.

She obviously was waiting for an answer as the sun started to brighten the sky, turning it a deep blood red. Well, that was fitting at least.


Hotaru numbly looked up from the crumpled pile that she was, her purple eyes dead, and made a shooing motion with her hand, "I'm fine Raiden-san. Just...get out of here." As much as she may not like the other two, she didn't want their Master's wrath coming down on their heads as well.

Despite the fact that she could barely breathe, and that her reiatsu was still raised in an attempt to keep herself from suffocating more under Grimmjow's own, she was somewhat grateful to the other two. Shakily, she started to stand, her zanpaktou still crackling, but now restrained to the blade itself.
Grimmjow then disappeared with an impressive Sonido, his presence no longer felt. It was if he no longer existed in Hueco Mundo. However the lingering presence of his rage filled reiatsu still remained.


"The next part of your training cannot be done here..."

"Then wh..." Torres froze immediately knowing where it meant. "No I do not wish to return there! Listen you shade! I left there for a reason..."

The one Torres had called Shade smiled. "Hueco Mundo is your birthplace. The very sand is energy your body resonates with. Besides trying to communicate with yourself and within in this world is dangerous to all those around you. Your... friends already got a taste of what happens when you dig too deep in the dark and it frightened them."

The Shade referring to back when the group trained in Urahara's basement. While Riyoshi and Kishi fought, Urahara tried to help Torres gain access to the Inner World, though he failed there was a moment when he felt something. That moment was felt by the others, a horrible feeling of despair. It was that feeling that foolishly led Riyoshi to ask Torres for his mutual assistance.

"You may decide what you wish, I shall return after giving you time to think."

Shade disappeared, it had decided now was the time to visit some of those friends.
Riyoshi put his hands up and looked upon Kishi.

“Your weapons are useless in this situation. We are not going to fight. And even if we were, this would be the most inappropriate time anyway.” Riyoshi spoke out as he continued to walk towards her.

Taking his final step towards Kishi, Riyoshi flash stepped to her side.

“I will let you know, your zanpakutou’s and mine, are on totally different levels. You are in a different playing field. I am going to use my ability to heal you now. Do not freak out any more. It is different then your healing techs.” Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his right hand upon her right shoulder.
Reintroduction. Hope you don't mind. I wont interfere with anyones fights, promise.


Name: Alexandra; Formerly Aimeka Nozara

Age: 248/22

Gender: Female

Race: Ex human/Zanpakutou

-Rank: Ex Captain - Rogue

Station: Karakura/Soul Society


After spending what felt like 2 lifetimes in Hell and seemingly being betrayed by her partner and number 1, Riyoshi. A cataclysmic event happened that changed the young girl into something else. Both her and her zanpakutou died, but reborn from that was a person entirely different else.


Zanpakutou Appearance:

(Welcome back Kaine, I was wondering what happened to you. But I don't know where we're going to fit in your character right now. I'll try and think of something and I'll probably message you when I have more time.)

Kishi lowered her guard, shaking his hand off for a moment to resheathe her blade, "All right then....But don't just do something like that. In the future a simple, 'Hey Kishi!' Or even Usunaki-san would be nice." Her voice was gruff.

She stood there calmly though and waited. She didn't remember healing being one of his abilities, or maybe he was going to use kido? It was a possibility, and not being knocked out because she used her own was a nice change.

Although she did feel a bit stupid now. She had been in to many ifghts for that not to be a natural instict anymore. She sighed as she waited for him to heal her.


Hotaru glared in Grimmjow's general direction, but didn't question the seemingly vanishing reiatsu. Her head turned to face her fellow arrancars and she gave a sharp toothed grin, "Alright then. Thank you once more, but I'm going to leave now."

She made for the exit, intent on training some more now that she had the feelings to fuel it. She growled lightly, those humans and shinigami wouldn't even knew what hit them.
Shade soon appeared to where Riyoshi and Kishi were arguing, it's presence would not be known as neither would recognize that kind of reiatsu. It soon stepped through the trees.

"So you are the ones who have allied themselves with Torres."

The creature had a humanoid appearance but was completely wrapped in white bandages except for it's right eye which didn't seem human. It's figure was hard to determine under all the wrappings so it could be either male or female and it's voice did not help determine this either. It looked at Riyoshi and Kishi with the one eye that was unwrapped.
(I don't want to mess up your fight too much. I talked to Backlash a lot in person before i redid my sheet. My char before was too complicated and it pulled me away from the RP so i kept it simple this time and i think it'll help keep me focused this time. i'll post soon i hope.)
Riyoshi was about to start his healing techs when a strange being spoke up from behind him.

“And if we are!?” Riyoshi spoke out as he spun around towards the being.

Swiping his hand out towards the being, Riyoshi called forth all the chains to shoot out towards the being. The chains started to rattle and change, a spear appearing upon the tip of the chains. Taking a step towards the being, Riyoshi placed his hand in front of Kishi.

“Kishi, I will heal you at the same time.” Riyoshi spoke out as a small flame like tribal tattoo lit up under his shirt.

The tattoo began to sine brighter till it reached his knuckles. Lifting his left hand up towards Kishi, flame began to roll off his hand and began to circle around Kishi. The fire was not hot and it began to coat her entire body. The fire soon covered her entire body and hardened into a fine crimson colored crystal.

“Phoenix tears.” Riyoshi spoke out just above a dull roar.

Soon after, the crystal cracked and shattered away from her body, revealing that her wounds and all were healed. Taking in deep breaths, Riyoshi made his chains circle the opponent. The chains did not make a wall around the enemy, but it did make a one foot thick barrier around the waist of the ‘shade’.

Jacque stood outside the rubble as Raiden was inside talking to Hotaru.

“I understand everything Hotaru sama. We will be here if you need anything. You can call us or even find us if anything comes up. We will be out training until Grimmjow calls for us.” Raiden spoke out as he turned and vanished from sight.

Jacque was soon to follow Raiden with a sonido. His technique was slower, but just as effective. They appeared upon the outskirts of hueco mundo. Taking up his stance, Raiden pointed his right hand out towards Jacque.
Shade didn't move as the chains shot towards it, even when they spiked it did not move as stood watching them shoot forward and then suddenly wrap around the waist area. It simply looked the chains over as if they were not really anything important. It then looked back to Riyoshi.

It simply raised a brow as a smile formed under the bandages.
The air, cool, swirled in spot for a moment before i slight sonic pitch sounded and a thin black line appeared in mid sky. No one seemed to noticed this, but it wasn't unnoticeable. After a second, like an old boob tube, the line beamed on and turned into a long rectangular shaped door. It just stood there and flickered a few times before stabilizing. After a few more moments, a small surge of strange reiatsu burst from the door as it connected to the land of the living.

Flames burst forth from it and an intense heat. From it a white shoe came down and stepped upon the air, then another and the rest of the body emerged. It was not a creature nor was it the old shinigami. It was a new person entirely. White hair, fierce, baby blue eyes, a smile, White clothing, someone resembling that of a quincy, but more stylish like that of an arrancar. Her hand came up and crest the hair from her face. The brisk wind of Karakura struck her face, Aime's face. But this was not Aimeka anymore.

She sighed.

There was no weapon on her person, and she needed not have one. Her arms reached for the sky and she stretched; her back popping in a few locations. It had been far to long since she had seen this realm. Suddenly with a fierce burst, she looked down upon where Riyoshi was standing as well as Kishi, and within a moment she was completely healed. Her arms finally crossed and she stared Riyoshi fiercely as he spoke to the being being wrapped by his chains. An interesting skill that she had not witnessed in any years.
For the moment that Kishi was engulfed by the flame and the hard shell, she breathed deeply trying to keep calm. She had not known Riyoshi very well before now, but he didn't seem much the same anymore....

A deep sigh of relief split her lips as the crystal like substance broke off her and fell away. She began to take the bandages off of her head and hands, warily looking at the new...enemy? She felt another prescence above them, but ignored it for now, because she didn't know how Riyoshi would act towards someone who claimed to know Torres. Wait....

"Even if we did, how do you know him?!" She shouted towards him, dropping her bandages to the ground. The ones on her chest would have to wait till later, and she drew her blade. That hidden smirk....oh that made her angry.


Hotaru had paused for the barest of moments when Raiden spoke. She wasn't entirely sure that he really did understand, but the fact that he had come to do what he could and see if she was alright made her feel better. And begrudgingly respect him more for it.

She made for the throne room, intent on destroying it further then it already was. Because Grimmjow seemed fond of the throne, being the self proclaimed king that he was. She wonered how stone would take to her lightning....
Shade looked to Kishi as she asked her question, the expected response.

"We knew each other, once a long time ago..."

The creature seemed to be thinking, almost reminiscing as it stared up.

"But we were both very different back then." It said as it was snapped back to reality.
Standing there for a second, she body flickered down a few feet next to the being that had spoken. She was intrigued by it.

"Different back then? Are you implying that you and Torres are the same now?" She asked, genuinely interested in his answer, but before he could answer she shot a glare at Riyoshi and stuck her hand into her coat. Putting her hand into her coat she pulled out what looked like a sheet.

In actuality it was her old captains haori. She tossed it at the red hair man.

"I believe that is your's now. You rightfully claimed it when you killed me." A smirk appeared on her face. though she bowed politely, "And once more, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Kishi."

"My name now is Alexandra"

The girl came back up and watched those in front of her, really waiting to see Riyoshi's reaction.
Riyoshi soon looked upon the newest girl that appeared in the group, and Riyoshi felt a slight connection to her right from the start. There was just something about her, something that seemed to draw him to her.

“It’s nice to see you Alexandra.” Riyoshi responded as he reached out and took the white sheet.

As he took a grip upon the sheet, it unfolded into what looked like a captain’s haori. Upon the haori, was a mark all too familiar to him, it was the mark of death. The strike that Riyoshi had done to end his torment in hell. Looking back at the shade, Riyoshi took in a deep breath as he put the haori on.

“Interesting, but if you do not start explaining yourself, then you will be answering to my complete power.” Riyoshi spoke out in a demanding tone.

Lifting his hands up towards the shade, the chains began to shift. The glass chains evaporated into flame. The flames then dispersed into thin air and traveled back to Riyoshi. The flame concentrated into a katana as he grabbed ahold. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi glared at the Shade and awaited the response.
Shade smiled as it's head pointed down.

"I suppose you could look at it like that, but no. What I rather meant was we are each very different from what we use to be. We have both changed, quite a bit it might seem."

It seemed to enjoy reminiscing as it snapped back gently. It didn't really bother with Riyoshi's questions, it always preferred girls to boys. They were smarter. But since he had already answered them, he might as well answer him.

"To answer your question as to so what if you are Torres' friends. Well then if that is the case, you shall die."

It said haphazardly without a care or negative emotion, as if it had said something sweet instead of talking about their impending deaths.
Kishi blinked handle right now. She bowed her head automatically in way of greeting but she didn't know that person...Her green eyes flew to the haori now laying on the ground and they widened, "Wait...." She shook her head, her main objective was the so called 'Shade' now.

"Do you really think that we'll just roll over and die?" Her eyes sparked, her hands tightening in a fist around her hilt, the other ones nails digging into her palm. But she forced herself to be calm, moving forward to gently lay a hand on Riyoshi's shoulder. They couldn't afford to be losing their heads right now.

She didn't normally have to deal with these situations, Urahara or Ichigo always came swooping in, either to pull her out or to take over. She sighed, stupid men thinking that she needed saving. But with this Alexandra....her eyes creased in an almost physical pain, she may not have know the former captain well before but....Still.

Her eyes flew back to the Shade, her blade steadying a bit in her hands that until now, she hadn't realized were shaking.
Oh? Well, wasn’t this interesting. The woman had not even been here long enough to really know what was going on, but yet this creature before her was already threatening their lives. Alexandra owed nothing to Riyoshi or Kishi, but even within that mixed personality of hers, she still hung on to one emotion; the desire to protect life. It was just that her ways of obtaining that had changed a little.

Leaning back as far as she could, she placed her hands on the ground and did a small somersault backwards. Riyoshi and Kishi were still off to her right, but they wouldn’t mind this at much. They were mumbling and groaning about something, they almost seemed scared maybe? Either way it was none of her concern. She was about to get this party started.

Placing her hand out in front of her, a sinister grin broke her lips. Alex had been waiting a very, very long time for this. Before anything appeared, she finally stopped holding back and let her new found power release, flooding the area with a dense reiatsu. The woman was far more powerful than she had been in their previous encounter, and she spoke.

“You don’t look like the Riyoshi that cut me down. Why don’t you let out that emotionless beast you released back then.”

A hardy chuckle escaped and she spoke again with her eyes locked on the Shade to test its abilities out.

“Jūgeki Byakurai” A medium sized red orb in the palm of her hand shrank in size to nearly that of a quarter then instantly shot out towards their new opponent's heart. At least where it would have been if it were human.

((OK ima just through this out there to let you know. Cause im gonna play it like this. She is battle hungry. I suck at battling so ill try my best to be creative though ill prolly fail. She is ignorant of events as shes been in hell realm surviving. If you really don't want her in battle, just barricade her or something or have some random arrancar teleport her elsewhere. Heucomundo, newyork, bottom of ocean, i dont care lol. She doesn't know what the shade is, so she figured wth and just attacked lol. As of right now, she isnt on anyone's side, she simply knows riyoshi so thats where she went first. Have fun with this ill play along with anything fufufu. ))
Riyoshi stood there ready for an attack as he listened to the Shade. His grip upon the crystallized katana grew tighter and his expression cracked a slight smile. Leaning forwards slightly, as if to attack, Riyoshi soon felt a hand upon his shoulder. His smile faded away and he looked to the hand and his anger dulled down slightly.

“Kishi, Since you are not in bankai and I already am, Let me deal with this threat. Try in touch with the others, just in case.” Riyoshi spoke out softly to Kishi so the Shade could not hear.

Taking a deep breath, Riyoshi focused upon the Shade until Alex spoke out. Without looking over at Alex, Riyoshi just listened to what she had to say.

"i may not look like the same Riyoshi that cut you down, but you also do not look like the same Alex that i was forced to cut down." Riyoshi replied as he kept a stern eye on the Shade.

Just as he finished his sentence, he felt a dense reiatsu from behind him. Before he could turn to look, a quarter sized orb of kido shot forth towards the ‘Shade’. Bringing his left hand up, he snapped his fingers and his katana exploded into flame.
The Shade stood still as the attack came towards it, seeming unphased by the will of it's opponents to fight back. It didn't move an inch until suddenly it's wrappings shot out and wrapped around the ball, normally bandages or mostly anything couldn't hold pure energy like that but these seemed to be special as they were able to hold the ball with no side effects as it swung them to the side diverting the attack and sending it on another path as it would collide with a tree or something else in it's path and deliver it's effect.

"No I don't expect you to just die, I expect you will fight and fight. To your last breath, but quite frankly I do not care. you are of no concern to me, I was simply curious to Torres' supposed Shinigami friends and why... Why he would choose to associate with you in anyway, to be honest I am still unsure.

Regardless, you may want to fight me, but I would not waste my time with you. You can barely speak, so I imagine your fighting is far worse. I simply responded to your question. You asked 'And if we are?!' in response to being Torres' friends and my answer is simple. You will die, it won't be by my hands. Whose hands I will leave you to figure out, but do you really think you can befriend someone whose heart was born in the darkness and not be consumed. Your choices are your own, but know this. Remained allied with Torres as he now calls himself and it will only lead to your death."

The Shade gave this a look over and with it's bandages swirled around it as it disappeared. The sound did resemble a Sonido, but it was different. It may have used some aspect of Sonido to move, but this creature had disappeared very quickly using some other technique. It's unusual reiatsu which did not resemble that of a Hollow, human or Shinigami was hard to track. It simply disappeared, without a trace leaving the three Shinigami to their own questions.
Kishi glared lightly at Riyoshi, her reiatsu spiking. She was not a child to be ordered around. But she wasn't in the mood to argue, so she shunpoed away with a 'hmph' heading for Ichigo. She was curious as to the interaction between Riyoshi and 'Alex' but she wouldn't question, as it wasn't her place.

She was worried about Torres, and Ichigo's presence would calm him down. She quickly came up onto him, the other teen's face breaking out into an uneasy smile, "What's wrong Kishi?" She just shook her head and motioned for him to follow her. She moved towards where she had last sensed Torres, worry furrowing her brow.


Ichigo followed his friend, a girl he had knew since childhood. He knew that face, something had happened that bothered her, and like usual she was not saying anything. But, he supposed he wasn't one to talk when it came to that aspect, was he?

Of course he kept his thoughts to himself as they moved, right behind her or occasionally moving ahead of her but always going back. He didn't know for sure where they were going, but he had an idea. After all, kishi always made connections ridiculously fast with people she barely knew. He smiled a bit as they continued to move, just barely avoiding running into her as they came upon their destination.
What an awkward situation to be in. Her ex-friend in front of her. In Bankai of all things.Her body flickered away, down in front of Riyoshi. Her face turned all serious. She had waited for this moment for what seemed like lifetimes. She never dreamed it would happen so fast. Her reiatsu buffeted the area. Now she only cared about one thing.

"I think you and I have unfinished business. I won't fail this time."

Holding her arm straight out, her sword, the same blue one as before started to materialize from the hilt in her hand, slowly out to the tip of the blade. Particles coming from no where and materializing into something solid. After forming, it came down and even in her adult form, the sword as still a two hander, but it was not required with her current level of training.

Taking the weapon in both hands, she readied a stance, blade tip towards Riyoshi. Flickering only about 3 feet forward, she used the momentum and slashed as hard as she could across the air towards Riyoshi. Her attack strong, silent and deadly. An Invisible line of reiatsu. She hoped to cut the bastard in half.
Torres laid in the park, sitting on a bench where no human could see him thanks to him being an Arrancar as he wrapped some bandages and strange medicinal paste on his wounds. That Shade, who the hell was he or she. It bugged Torres because he felt he should know, it was familiar to him. He just didn't remember...

He leaned on the benches top as he wrapped his arm and cringed in pain, that thing fought like nothing else he'd seen. He still had to get stronger, that reiatsu of Grimmjow that somehow leaked into this world. It meant he was coming soon.... The day was almost over, night would come and who knows what would happen tomorrow.

He wasn't hiding so it would be easy for Kishi to find him.
Kishi sighed in relief, droppin from the sky to land lightly on the ground not to far from Torres. She wanted to run up to him and just squeeze him, that's how glad she was that he was alright. But she restrained herself, not sure if he wanted to be alone for now.

Ichigo had landed right behind her, more graceful then most people give him credit for, and lightly punched her shoulder. Torres wasn't his friend, and even if he was, Ichigo knew that he wouldn't leave the arrancar alone at a time like this. No, this was more Kishi's thing.

Kishi turned to glare at Ichigo for the briefest of seconds before finally rushing over to Torres and kneeling on the ground next to him, "Hey, are you alright?" She wanted to examine his wounds, but she decided to let it be for now. She would heal him later whether he wanted her to or not.

Ichigo just stood with his arms crossed, a brief smile crossing his face before he turned around, his stance rigid every part the shinigami on guard. He didn't trust Grimmjow, and he certainly didn't like the way his reiatsu had swept over his town. The carrot top couldn't understand why Grimmjow had such a problem with him, afterall he hadn't killed him, he had even stopped Nnoitra from killing the bluenette! Ichigo sighed, although with Grimmjow's personality, that could be all the more reason for him to come after Ichigo and his friends.
Torres shrugged away.

"I'm fine, just been preparing. I assume you came because you felt it too. Grimmjow is getting angsty, he will be coming here soon and we need to be prepared."

He noted the boy with orange hair, he had not really spoken with him and had no desire to. However he was the last to defeat Grimmjow and the Arrancar probably held a grudge against him for that.
Kishi frowned, "Well..yeah." She couldn't stop herself from taking his hand so that she could look at his arm, "Its kind of hard not to notice Grimmjow's reiatsu you know." She frowned a bit deeper at the wounds, "What happened to you anyway? Was it the damned Shade?!"

Her voice had risen a bit more in its volume, but she controlled herself, and merely went about examining his wounds a bit more.

Ichigo wandered over though, keeping his eyes everywhere and nowhere, still 'guarding'. But really he was curious, "Did you know Grimmjow when you were still in Hueco Mundo?" HOw had the others ot thought to ask the arrancar this before? He probably was a well fll of things they could use to their advantage!

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