Bleach Role Play

([MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION]: Smoothly played my friend, very nicely handled. The whole thing there I mean.)

Kishi managed to throw up a barrier before the full extent of the blast could hit her. It absorbed most of the blast, but broke away easily with her depleted reiatsu stores. What the barrier couldn't hold back hit the brunette head on, slamming her back into the cement wall of the sewer, cracking her head against it. It tore away at the edges of her clothes, her grip on her blades finally slacking and dropping.

She groaned when she finally could fall to her knees, blood flowing freely from the top of her head. Her green eyes were glazed, her vision blurry as she stumbled back up to her feet, her now resealed blades in its single form katana. She used it as a crutch, hobbling towards the original sight from where she had entered the sewers. She inwardly growled, the arrancars were stronger then what did that mean for Grimmjow?

She shakily jumped up onto the ground, waving Moon down before truning towards the shop, "Oi! Urahara ya can let down the barrier now!" She hobbled in just after speaking, not shutting the door for Moon. The substitue shinigami girl rolled her eyes as the blonde shop keeper cheerily came out, waving his fan like an idiot like usual.

"Tessai-kun is taking care of it Kishi-chan~! No need to worry!" His fan stilled, hiding his face yet, "It seems we have a problem on our hands ne?" His fan fluttered, "But let's get you patched up, we can take about it while we do that." He turned away waving the girl forward.
Aime reverted back to herself for a second as a weird octopus like creature appeared behind Aime. Though all its tentacles were already attached to aime and fully controlling her actions. It had basically uncloaked itself. But it was not a regular hollow it was a ghastly creature with an unknown reiatsu. Detaching itself from Aime it took a human form and right before Riyoshi got sucked into the portal it blasted Aime with a powerful aura blasting her back into riyoshi, forcing the two of them into the portal.

"We've been watching you for awhile now. You will be our guests because their is something you must do for us. With that..." She paused for a second. "Welcome to hell..."

The door flickered and vanished, much like a video game powering down.
(Thank you, gonna message you about my plan for what we maybe should do next)

Thankfully Urahara was a genius and a master when it came to coming up with counters to Arrancar's tricks. In truth Pizarro never had any cure, but Urahara quickly came up with an antidote to counter act the neuro toxin infecting both Kishi and Moon. They now finally had a chance to relax.


Torres finally returned to Urahara's as he noticed the barrier and the scars. He knew there had been fighting, but to be honest he was preoccupied. That guy, the one in bandages. What he had said to Torres...
Appearing upon the other side of the portal, they landed upon cold marble tile. Looking up, Riyoshi seen a large figure with red tribal tattoos covering his body standing towards the corner of the room. The room they were in was large with white walls and what seemed like black veins running up the walls. Riyoshi took in a deep breath and exhaled as he looked towards the girl that welcomed them.

"Why have you brought us here? What do you want with us?" Riyoshi asked as he got up to his feet.

The man in the corner grunted as Riyoshi's hand neared his zanpakutou.
(okay...I lied. I'm not gonna use Rani, she's to nice. Meet my hollow OC. I like her...)

Kishi sighed, her now bandaged head resting against the wall of one of the back rooms. She perked up slightly when she sensed Torres returning, but something was off about his reiatsu...She stood up, her quickly replenishing energy evident in her hurried strides towards the front. The brunette smiled cheerfully, her now blood free face showing no sign of anything having happened, and waved, "Hey Torres!"

She moved towards him but paused before coming fully to him, "What's wrong guy?" Her voice showed concern, moving her lightly bandaged arm and hand up to brush her bangs away.
Torres simply looked away from Kishi.

"Nothing, me, Riyoshi and the little runt just helped Riyoshi fight a Hollow and revealed his true Zanpaktou. I left those two to sort out the rest."

He said, lying about what had happened after.

"I see you had a battle of your own, I sensed it was an Arrancar. Who was it? Not Gimmjow, and I thought Aizen's army was gone..."

He asked still looking away, rather surveying the battle damage of the area.
Kishi absentmindedly reached up with a lightly bandaged hand, brushing the giant white bandage of death on her head, "Oh...yeah, but what you did sounds a lot more exciting." She shrugged with a small wince, "I mean...Me and Moon were doing okay against the guy until he pulled a leeching attack on us." She looked around, surveying the damage along with Torres, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"And you know what the worst part about that is?" She turned to face the arrancar, the question hanging in the air, "He was a low level arrancar. I mean, I doubt he's Aizen's or anything....Because I think Grimmjow is building his own army." Her face moved to a stony visage, "And I think we're going to be dealing with some super power uped Espada and arrancar..." She rubbed her arm anxiously, because seriously? She had barely survived this....And she wasn't to sure about how Grimmjow would react to seeing her again. No, not true, he'd probably kill her with more joy then he usually held...
"Well if Grimmjow is training his own army I can understand why. I did not know him that well, but still I cannot imagine him going easy at all on training. So I imagine these Arrancar would be strong, I doubt anything but the toughest would survive Grimmjow and he would go full on with them until they got stronger..."

He looked back To Kishi.

"If he sent one, it may only be a matter of time before he sends more. You should rest, you need Shinigami need to heal. Where is Riyoshi and the little runt?"

He assumed they would have been here by now, he had not gone directly here as he had met him... So unless they did something else they should have arrived a long time ago.
Kishi nodded, "Alright, give me a moment and I will. And those two...they ditched us, headed back to Soul Society. I really didn't think they would do that though..." She turned back towards the shop before looking back at him, "You coming?" She raised a brow, her green eyes sparkling with the question.

______________________________________(bwaha, but nothing major)

The red head calmly sat on top of one of the many poles that lined the streets in the world of the living, her slitted purple eyes focused on the two outside the front of the shop. "So these are some of the shinigami brat's friends?" She grinned, her pointed teeth showing as she did so, "Well, this may actually be fun..." She turned, and snapped her hand down, opening a Garganta as she did so. She would have to report Pizarro's death to Grimmjo-sama, and pray he didn't take his anger out on her...The woman walked through and disappeared, the Garganta closing.
Riyoshi and Aime stood in the middle of the complete marble room with these two other people. The lady looked upon her servant and shook her head slightly. The man backed down from his growl and continued to watch Riyoshi.

"Easy fella, I was only getting myself to a standing position. You do not have to worry about anything as long as we all play nice." Riyoshi spoke out as he looked from the man towards the woman.

She smiled as she finally got the attention from Riyoshi.

"Looks like your hand is healed nicely, Let's go ahead and skip formalities. We brought you here for one reason, and one reason alone. That is to help us get rid of a mutual problem." She spoke out as she brought her hand up and snapped her fingers.

With the snap, boxes formed around Riyoshi and Aime and they were taken to another room. These rooms were on opposite sides of the area and the boxes vanished from around Riyoshi and Aime. Riyoshi looked around at the newest room he stood in and it made him feel a bit calm, down to his very core.

What is this place? Riyoshi thought out to himself.

"This place is what you can call a bit of training facility. After all, you can not help if you are weak." A voice boomed from high above him.

Standing upon the other side of the Garganta as the red headed girl walked through it, His face showing little to no emotion. He watched as she appeared, his arms coming up and crossing across his chest.

"It is about time you came back. Where is pizzaro?" Raiden spoke out as he looked past her and into the garganta.
Purple eyes flashed with amusement, the pupils slitting narrowly before expanding once more as they adjusted, "Well, he ain't gonna be coming back ta report, that's for sure." Her dark chuckle broke out through the room as her eyes betrayed her, worriedly scanning the area. She shoved her hands in her jacket pockets, not to unsimilar to Grimmjow's uniform as she moved past the other arrancar, "Sooo, where's Grimmjow-sama eh?"

Truth be told she wasn't looking forward to reporting to the blue haired man, despite her talk, she knew Grimmjow would not hesitate to take her out if the mere thought crossed his mind.
Countless bodies lay upon the ground in the room where Riyoshi stood. His breathing was heavy and blood drip from his wounds. Time had seem to fly by while he was in this so called training room. His appearance has changed from the time he had spent in hell. The woman appeared in front of him and smiled.

”You are progressing very well. Next is obtaining your bankai, and with that, you will have to compete with your own zanpakutou.” The woman spoke as she snapped her fingers.

As she snapped her fingers, Riyoshi’s zanpakutou appeared in the katana form. She grabbed a hold of it and brought it up to her shoulder. Placing the katana and sheath upon her shoulder, she smiled and a dark red aura formed around her. The aura began to take form behind her, the form of a large fiery bird. The large bird peered over towards Riyoshi and spoke out in a deep booming voice.

”I am sorry Riyoshi, but this time is long over due.” Suzaku spoke out as he spread his wings.

Just as Suzaku spoke, The woman leaped at Riyoshi and unsheathed the zanpakutou. Slashing down vertically towards Riyoshi’s left shoulder, she growled. Leaping to his right, missing the blade, he took in a deep breath and wiped some blood from his face.

“I thought i was fighting my zanpakutou!” Riyoshi yelled out as he turned to face the woman.

”I never said you would be fighting him alone.” She replied as she pointed her left index finger towards Riyoshi.

Gritting his teeth and clinching his fists, Riyoshi hated what he just heard. Leaping towards her, he started speaking out a few words under his breath. Black energy formed on the woman’s finger before firing what looked like black lightning towards Riyoshi. Seeing this, Riyoshi planted his left foot upon the ground and with a twist of his foot, he vanished from sight. The black lightning hit at where Riyoshi once stood and he appeared behind the woman. Clinching his right fist tightly, he thrust it towards her shoulder. With a flash of fire, Suzaku appeared in human form. Grabbing Riyoshi’s wrist, he spun him around and threw Riyoshi away from the woman.

”You will have to do better then that, Riyoshi sama.” Suzaku spoke out as he took a defensive stance.


“I can’t really seeing simple humans beating ‘our’ power.” Raiden spoke out as he grabbed the hilt of his katana.

Appearing In front of Hotaru and Raiden seemed to be a white haired boy. his clothing was white and he stood bare footed. Bowing in respect to them both, he stood and spoke out.

“Excuse me, May i join you two?” He spoke out as he switched his glance between Raiden and Hotaru.

“Ah, Jacque. Come with us, we are just searching for Grimmjow.” Raiden spoke out as he pointed past Jacque.
(I thought we were only doing two more Arrancar besides Grimmjow? If Jacque is an Arrancar...)

Grimmjow let out a roar shutting them all up.

"So Pizarro is dead, not unexpected.."

He smirked to himself as he sat upon the pile of bones like a throne.

"Pizarro was always weak, I never expected much from him. I knew he wouldn't return. There was no way he could stand up to Ichigo, of course that boy destroyed him."

He grumbled as he rested his cheek on his right hand, looking bored and annoyed.

These Arrancar really annoyed him, they were weak and pathetic. They couldn't even tell when he had entered, he may as well just tear them apart now. However for now he would use them, he needed them to help keep Ichigo's worthless 'friends' busy so he could have that bastard to himself and finally get his revenge.

Grimmjow's body began to surge with an incredible amount of reiatsu as he thought of his revenge, the pure rage and ferocity of it was enough to make the other Arrancar in front of him feel physically ill.


Torres nodded as he followed Kishi, but he still seemed distant. He barely spoke anymore and every night he disappeared, no one knew where he went, he just got up in the middle of the night and would leave.

In the wee hours of the morning, just after midnight Torres stood breathing heavily with his hands on his thighs.

"How much longer do I have to do this!"

Torres coughed as he gasped for breath.

The individual wrapped in bandages just smirked.

"You haven't even told me your name yet!"

"Is it my fault you can't remember?"

He spoke in a feminine voice as he/she laughed. His/Her one eye which was yellow with a black schlera showing from beneath the bandages stared directly at Torres.
((OOC: You can think of jacque as being more or less, a helper to raiden. If anything, they will fight Riyoshi while you guys are fighting your arrancar. I was thinking it would be cool to have a 2vs1 fight. but if it messes up the story, i can change it up to a normal one on one.))
(Ok, cool no I think a Fraccion could be useful. He could have many uses, he could be a distractor in Raiden's battle or even a sacrifice for one of Raiden's power ups. Limitless options.)

"He was defeated by someone else... It seems Ichigo's friends do have some power after all. To be honest, they all seemed weak and worthless to me... However if he has acquired some new and more powerful Shinigami allies, then you two twits may be useful to me after all."

He smirked.

"You hear that Ichigo, I'm going to crush you! I'm gonna crush you and your little, pathetic and worthless friends too! I'm gonna tear you apart!!! HAHAHAHAHAAA!!"

He screamed out to the sky as he laughed.


"Tell me who you are!"

Torres charged at the mysterious individual going in for a punch, but the being simply jumped out of the way, however the jump seemed more like a levitate as it simply floated up as if completely weightless and landed back on the ground gently as if gravity didn't even exist.

"Hehehe, you are funny Torres. Still have that temper..."
As Grimmjow roared and as his reiatsu shot through the roof with intensity, Raiden and Jacque froze in place. Raiden was able to withstand to a certain point, but his stomach felt a bit queazy. Jacque on the other hand, fell to the ground. Jacque’s body lay upon the ground seemingly lifeless.

“We are sorry Grimmjow sama.” Raiden spoke out as he leaned down and picked Jacque up.

Placing Jacque upon his shoulder, Raiden cracked his neck and stepped back a step.

“So this Ichigo guy has some strong friends? I hope that I can fight one of them.” Raiden spoke out as he looked up towards Grimmjow.
Hotaru sighed, she liked to beat people up as much as the next person, but Grimmjow was just obsessed. She wouldn't say that of course, but hey. She bowed deeply, closing her jacket at the bottom with her hands, "Thank you Grimmjow-sama, I have been looking forward to a fight." She smirked lightly at Raiden as she stood, but grew serious once more, "One of them though...from what I could tell. He's one of us."

Her smirk returned as faced Grudge, "And I would like permission to take him sir, as an opponent I mean." The girl brought a hand up to toy lightly with her hollow remains, the necklace of teeth that she had around her neck.
(Nyaaahaaaaaaa! I've been off for too long! I've been going up against imps trying to get back on here. So, everything from the battle with Pizarro seems to have come to a conclusion. Phew....)

I was sleeping in a tree, somehow not falling out of it. But my cat, Nyra, was awake and bored. She walked around, sniffing at random things in Urahara's shop, occasionally breaking objects with no one's notice. Eventually, she knocked down a huge box, causing a loud noise that would attract anyone within a ten foot radius.
The landscape stood with craters, charred from flame, cast in ice, and scarred from battle as Riyoshi stood before his foes. One knelt before him seemingly defeated, the other, stood their ground firmly. Riyoshi on the other hand, blood dripped from his brows as he wiped some blood from his eyes. His clothes were ravaged from battle, and his appearance continued to alter. His hair, now a red in color and draped to his lower back in length, his facial hair grew longer. It had been like time was altered while he was in hell. It was as if, this person was wanting his training to fly by while the outer world stood still in time. Looking out towards the combatants, Riyoshi took in a breath and lifted his right hand up and pointed his index finger at them.

“Are you going to come at me, or am I going to have to come to you?” Riyoshi asked as he took his offensive stance once more.

”That is enough Riyoshi. Our fight here is done. You were able to defeat the both of us. You still stand and are ready to fight even though you have taken some severe wounds to your abdomen, and arm." The woman spoke out as she placed the zanpakutou into it’s sheath.

As the blade entered the sheath, Suzaku’s spirit vanished from it’s physical form and returned to the blade. Tossing the blade over to Riyoshi the lady smiled and turned away from him. Cathing the blade with his right hand, Riyoshi closed his eyes and concentrated upon his inner world. Arriving in the inner world, the scenery had changed from the endless ocean to that of a volcano surrounded by wasteland. It was the perfect place for a large fire bird to roam.

“It’s good to see you. I am glad you are back.” Riyoshi spoke out towards Suzaku.

”It’s good to be back. I missed this place very much. It was strange not being in touch for that time.” Suzaku replied to Riyoshi.

”But it seems your power had grown exponentially since our time here. You have earned my bankai and earned the title of phoenix lord, at least from me.” Suzaku spoke out as he stood in front of Riyoshi.

Riyoshi smiled as he got the compliment from Suzaku. Reaching his hand up and placing it upon the back of his head, Riyoshi was a bit speechless. He had never really earned that kind of respect from any one before and was not really sure on how to respond.

”I understand your speechlessness. But there is something that we need to do now, You know what that is.” Suzaku spoke out as his fire engulfed Riyoshi.

Back in hell, Riyoshi’s wounds started to heal and his skin was becoming scar free. Opening his eyes to see the woman turn her back, he reached his hand out and spoke aloud.

“Excuse me. Thank you for all of your help, but there is something that i must do now.” Riyoshi spoke out as he took a step.

”I know that.” The woman spoke out as she lifted her left hand above her head.

With a snap of her fingers, a box had appeared around Riyoshi. As the box vanished, he found himself inside the portal leading from the senkaimon once again.

“What the...” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked around.

Leaping from his spot, he headed for the portal leading to the real world. As the portal opened, he stood high above the city. His warm aura poured from his body as he searched the area. He closed his eyes and focused upon a certain reiatsu. One that he was familiar with. As a smile cracked across his face, his eyes opened and he crouched down slightly. Pressing off, he shot down towards the ground, a loud crack, almost like thunder, was heard as he vanished. Appearing upon the ground, Riyoshi stood up, staring at Urahara’s shop.

((Riyoshi’s new inner world. ))
Kishi snapped awake, moving before she was aware of her own actions towards the noise that had woken her up. Her groggy mind finally caught up to her, and she warily grabbed for something to use as a weapon...her pillow. Well that's not useless. The girl sighed, continuing towards the main part of the shop, ready to attack as necessary.

Purple eyes flashed as the girl in her body flashed the lights on in the room, scanning for the cause of the noise and potential threats. Kishi growled heavily, her arm and hand holding the pillow falling slack against her side, "Ah, freakin' neko, wakin' me up in th' middle a the night." Her obviously sleep fogged speech broke the deafening silence as the brunette stared groggily at the cat, rubbing the heel of her free hand against her brow.

"I'ma gonna back ta bed." She clumsily turned around turning the light off as she went, all the previous adrenaline inspired grace gone from her limbs. She yawned, "Stay outta trouble Neko-chan, ne?"


Urahara was just stealthily coming to see what had happened, in his usual stealthy Urahara-creep way when he noticed Kishi taking care of it. He chuckled softly as he shook his head, going to deal with the cat.

He stood in front of the mischievous little thing, bending over at the waist with his hand on his hips, "Why are you making problems in my humble shop?" The blonde stared down at the cat unblinkingly as if expecting a response. When he didn't get one he just shook his head lightly, scooping her up and carrying her to a room that she could cause a bit less trouble in.
(Sorry I haven't posted in so long...)

Grimmjow grumbled at their pathetic apologies.

"Yes, you will get your chance to fight them. I don't want any interruptions when I get my chance to fight Ichigo again. You will split up and fight them... You make sure they do not interfere, kill them if you like I do not give a rats ass. I just want Ichigo, but if they get away for even a second and bug me... Well if they haven't killed you, I will!"

He growled at them as he looked to Hotaru.

"One of us... he must truly be a pathetic Arrancar to have aligned with humans and Shinigami. He will be truly weak, but fight him if you wish. Now prepare, in two days we head to the Human World."

He smiled to himself as darkness seemed to creep around the four Arrancars.

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