Bleach Role Play

Hmm. This was interesting. Aime could watch everything. She got down off of Riyoshi's shoulders and stood there. Still in her tank top and her bottoms ripped, her hair dangled down just past her shoulders, sword slung over her shoulder, across her back. Taking her fingers and swiftly putting the hair behind her ears she waited to see what Riyoshi was going to do.
Kishi growled, whatever that vapor was, it worked quick. She could barely keep her mask on for twelve seconds. Its like she had begun training all over again. She shook her had, using a barrier to block one of his oncoming attacks, 'Keep your head clear of random thoughts.' She breathed deeply, squinting as her barrier was easily broken the second time he hit it, pushing her back.

She cockily grinned behind her cloth mask, calling out, "Oh what, you're the cure?" She snorted, "I think I'd rather die!" Her bright green eyes flashed, and internally she hoped he took the bait. Because her elemental blades couldn't hold their respective elementive forms anymore, they were solid metal instead. All this happened as she dodged his Farala, barely doing that anymore either.
With a twist of his foot, he vanished from sight. Appearing on top of the barrier, the force of his flash step caused a loud boom. Riyoshi grunted under the force of hitting the barrier. Kneeling down, he placed his hand upon the barrier and examined it’s strength.

Dang Urahara. You made this thing really powerful. Riyoshi thought to himself as he looked down towards the combatants.

“Hey! Kishi! What the heck is going on!” Riyoshi called out as he scanned the battlefield trying very hard to figure everything out.
Pizarro growled as Kishi continued to avoid him.

"Fine, no more kid stuff. I'm finishing you dames once and for all, no more wasting time on you..."

With that he burst back into the ground disappearing.

This time however he did not come back out, it seemed completely silent as there was not a sound from below ground or a trace of Pizarro. It's like he was gone, but everyone knew that was not the case, he was up to something, something really big!
Kishi jumped back up towards the barrier near where Riyoshi was. Her green eyes scanned for Pizarro, faltering lightly on her hold of the reishi. The brunette caught her self smoothly , making it look as if she had been moving again, "Grimmjow sent a warming party." Her voice was irritated, and she reached up to pull her jagged cloth mask down beneath her chin.

It revealed delicate and light patterns along her lower cheeks and jaw in light blue and orange, "And he used some sort of reiatsu sucking attack. And," She paused her eyes narrowing, "He's coming to his end game." She pulled her mask back up, raising her blade and swinging down viciously with her left one. Jagged chunks of ice flew towards the ground.
The ice smashed into the ground, but nothing seemed to come of it. Pizarro was deep underground, he had gone all the way to the sewers as he sat there in the filth. He sat perfectly still on all fours as his body shuddered, he was doing something big as his chest bloated up and glowed green.


Grimmjow sat upon his heap made of Hollow left overs that he had ripped through as he thought. His knuckle against his cheek. That Pizarro was taking his time, true he was his weakest soldier but still, what could take such time. Either he killed off those weaklings or he should be dead already. Pizarro was a joke, although... If he used that, he would win in a heart beat. If he used that attack of his, he could destroy them all in one move... That was for sure.

Grimmjow remembered back to their training session.


"Is that really all you've got Pizarro, you truly are pathetic."

Grimmjow laughed as he kicked Pizarro away.

Pizarro growled as he slid onto all fours, blood leaking from his mouth.

"No, I'll show you I have power. I'll show you Lord Grimmjow that I can be strong, that I can be one of your warriors!"

His chest inflated as the gas swirled within.

Grimmjow laughed.

"That gas of yours is a joke!"

Grimmjow laughed as Pizarro's chest glowed and he opened his mouth as his green Cero began to form.

"A Cero? No, he is combining the Cero with his gas..."

**********End of Flashback**********

Grimmjow shook his head, he had barely survived that. He remembered having barely dodged and being left almost dead, blood pouring out and his arm almost destroyed again. He barely survived and that was after dodging. Pizarro only charged that Cero for a few seconds...

Pizarro's gas was not only noxious and deadly, but also extremely flammable and if mixed with a Cero, the results were catastrophic. If he actually charged and used that Gástrico Cero, then the majority of his problems would be over.

(Moral of that interlude and flashback, stop Pizarro from using that attack NOW! Like seriously!)
"Damn him! I would join in, but this barrier is too strong. I can't get through this thing. Do you know if this barrier goes all the way underground or if it just hits the ground?" Riyoshi asked as he just face palmed himself.

"Never mind that last part. I think that i can help." Riyoshi spoke out as he placed his hand upon the barrier.

The imprint of his hand left a warm aura that penetrated the barrier and drew closer to Kishi. If anything, her spirits would accept the feeling of warmth from the once dark and cold aura he possessed. With a flicker, he was gone. Appearing upon the ground, Riyoshi knelt down next to one of the man hole covers. Grabbing through the holes of the cover, he lifted it up and look into the hole. Moving his head away real quick, a disgusted expression upon his face.

That really does not smell good. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Leaping into the hole, Riyoshi found himself in the same line that led under Urahara's shop.

"Ok, If i am right in this hypothesis, I should be able to pass the barrier if i go right through this pipe." Riyoshi spoke out to himself as he walked down the pipe towards Urahara's shop.
As Riyoshi traveled under the pipe he soon slammed face first into Urahara's barrier, Urahara being the genius he was knew to make the barrier a full sphere and luckily too since Pizarro had taken the battle underground at certain points of the fight.
(The most annoying writer's block has formed to gump up my mind for this RP! Gah! I can't stand it! And I am most certainly not used to it!)
Kishis flew down to towards the ground, looking for Pizarro's point of entry. She searched for his reiatsu, her own a bit shaky beacuse of his attack but found him not to long after wards. She dropped down, her eyes squinting to see in the dark but seeing something glowing green in the dark. Her delicate nose squinted against the smell of sewer but she pressed forward, that glowing is where she sensed the arrancar.

"Arrancar!" She raised her blades in an 'x' before slashing them down wards, snow and water bursting from both her blades in a huge rush, some of the water from the sewer rushing up as well. She knew he was charging a big attack, she could feel it, and she wasn't taking chances, "Enjoy this, I hear Hueco Mundo doesn't have much water." She grinned behind her mask, it may have been a lame thing to say, but hey, it worked.
Pizarro was immediately frozen due to all the extra water surrounding that frozen him in the ickiest green ice ever seen, also in part in him focusing his attack. He now sat legs bent forward frozen in place in a huge chunk of ice, but he was still glowing, he was still charging the attack and he was still going to fire.

The area began to shake as the enormous reiatsu began to leak out and the ice began to crack, but Pizarro was still trapped and now was the time for the girls to finish him off.
As Riyoshi walked through the sewer, he slammed face first into the barrier. Backing up from it, he shook his head slightly and grunted with anger.

“Damn that Urahara. I didn’t think that he would have put it down here as well.” He spoke out as he was able to see the cero being charged.

Slamming his fist against the barrier, he soon felt Kishi’s reiatsu approaching. She soon appeared in the sewer between the beast and himself. She used an attack to freeze the water in the pipe and covered the beast completely.

“You got him! Kill....” Riyoshi yelled out as he put his hands flat against the barrier.

Just as he was about to finish his sentence, he felt a wicked reiatsu from within the barrier. This reiatsu made him shudder, but it was only for a second. Shaking the thought from his entire body, Riyoshi stepped away from the barrier.

“Just get rid of that thing! Im going to try and find a way into this thing and come help you.” Riyoshi said as he turned from Kishi and ran back to the man hole.

Leaping through the hole, Riyoshi flew up towards Aime. Sliding to a stop next to her, he turned and look at the barrier that surrounded Urahara’s shop.

“It is completely surrounded. There is no way in that i could find. It even is sealed under the ground.” Riyoshi spoke out as he continued to try and figure it out.
"I hate to say it but i think there is nothing left to do. I'm sorry comrades." With sword in hand, she put her hand up and turned it. The senkaimon opened and the gateway to soul society opened.

"If they cannot defeat such a simple enemy then they have no reason to be a part of our division. Riyoshi... We are leaving." With that she flash stepped into the gate.

Aime held back her emotions. She needed to be stronger than before but she had a plan. As she left the battle she thought to herself, "Hold out a little long girls. We will be back."
(sorry about my long absence, I've been really busy and I haven't been able to get on to tell you guys I wouldn't be on. Again, really sorry. -Kishi)

Kishi gathered her withering reiatsu, his previous attack taking its toll more rapidly now, and quickly struck. Her mask reformed, needing that little last oomph of strength as she raised her twin bladed katana, the blades in their metal form. She could feel he was still readying his attack, and hse hoped that Moon would get the idea to come down here for the final strike.

Her mouth formed a battle cry as she jumped, poising to decapitate his head in one fluid motion.

(I didn't know if you actually wanted him offed righ now or not,
“But Ma’am, don’t you think that you are taking this matter a little lightly? If they can not defeat this beast, it will rampage throughout the entire city.” Riyoshi spoke out as he lokoed upon Aime and pointed his hand at the barrier.

“Even if they can not defeat this enemy by themselves, does not mean that we should just turn our backs to them! We are here because we wanted them to join us, that means we can help them to show them our trust!” Riyoshi yelled out for he was now stepping out of line.

As he heard her speak the words, “We are leaving.” He knew that there was nothing that he could do to stop her. Anything he did at this point would only enrage his Captain and the Captain Commander. Exhaling strongly through his nose, he looked away from Aime and back towards the barrier.

“I am truly sorry that i was not able to help you.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked back towards the senkai gate.

Taking a step towards the senkai gate, Suzaku spoke out.

You know that your captain, even though she may be young, is very skilled in battle. You can’t just attack everything head on. You just need to take a step back sometimes and analyze the situation before stepping into the battlefield. Suzaku spoke out with a very caring tone.

Nodding at the response of his zanpakutou, he followed through the senkai gate after his Captain. Appearing upon the other side, he arrived just slightly after Aime.

“Now what are we supposed to do?” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked back at Aime.
I managed to regain control and was now back to using the bow form of my zanpakuto. I fired the silver arrow I had used the first time and it disappeared in the same way.
((OOC: Moonlight, you know that Pizzaro and Kishi are IN the sewers beneath the shop and not out in the open like you are? Unless in your post you had went in there and just forgot to post it. >.> ))
As soon as Aime and Riyoshi entered soul society in the First division she began shouting demands.

"Close the senkai and readjust the coordinates for it 15 minutes by 56 minutes with a negative turnaround of 7 degrees and open the gate again now!!!"

The few people at the main senkai controls began working and within a few seconds the gate reopened.

"Common Riyoshi. Time to fight back!"

Aimeka quickly flashstepped through the portal, readying herself for a battle.

Thats what's great about a senkai gate. Dimensions could not be barred by simple things such as barriers.
As Kishi sliced opened the frozen Pizarro she managed to cut a large X in his chest, but as blood poured out it seemed he was about fire as the silver arrow suddenly reappeared and pierced Pizarro's chest right in the center of the X. His eyes went wide as the energy suddenly exploded and he was literally forced to self destruct as his body blew up in a large blast of green Cero energy.
As Riyoshi looked at Aime, he wondered what she was calling all those numbers for, then she told him to follow her. A smile broke across his face and he laughed.

"You sneaky devil you. I did not think that you would just leave them to die." Riyoshi spoke out as she flash stepped into the portal.

Leaping from his spot, he entered the portal and followed Aime step for step.

"So when we get back to the other side, we are going to eliminate that little hollow, Right?" Riyoshi spoke out as he gripped his zankutou with his left hand.

Taking in deep breaths as he caught up Aime, he was beside her as they traveled through the portal. As they were about half way through the portal, a bright green light flashed from the opposing side that they were heading to. As the light traveled through the portal, it began to change and alter before their very eyes. The feeling of the portal began to change and melt away. From the center of the pathway, a crack formed as if the reality itself broke. The crack began to grow and soon it shattered, forming a doorway. Riyoshi stopped running and looked behind him, to what he thought would have been Soul society, but to his shock, it was no longer that way. What he seen, was far more disturbing.

"What the heck?" Riyoshi spoke out as he seen what looked like a black hole spinning off in the distance, but it was getting closer to them.

Turning back towards the shattered doorway, he looked upon it to only see a faint light off in the distance.

"What just happened?" Riyoshi asked out as he looked down towards Aime.
Aime was running fast, but suddenly something happened. She wasnt sure what it was. Her plan had failed miserable? She was afraid that the barrier would have side effects to the senkai but it just proved her point that the barrier was not a normal one. There was a bright flash of light, green and she was blinded for a brief second.

In that second reality shifted, crackled and a door opened. Aimeka was about to tell Riyoshi to back away but it was like her conscience had been taken over. It acted against her will. The green light filled her soul. Step by step she moved closer to the light. Her voice spoke in a dull tone.

"Common for the ride Lil boy. You know you want to."

Stepping next to Riyoshi her hand reached out and grasped Riyoshis wrist. But it wassnt gentle. The grip was fierce and cruel, nearly breaking every bone in his hand.

"Come now you little shit!"
Aime had reached up and grabbed a hold of his wrist with more force then she had ever shown before. With her bearing down with her grip, he heard and felt most of the bones in his wrist shatter. Cringing in pain, he let out a loud grunt as he tried to ignore most of the pain. His eyes were closed tight as he was sent into his inner world for a second.

What is going on! Riyoshi asked out in his inner world.

"I am not sure. I sensed an alteration within the realm, and then the reiatsu seemed to revert and explode at the same time. Do not worry about the wounds, i will take care of you." Suzaku replied to Riyoshi as he placed the wing over Riyoshi.

From the wound upon his wrist, crimson crystals began to grown and cover his skin. Ripping his arm from Aime's grip, Riyoshi took a step to his left and looked at Aime.

"Captain! What the he..." Riyoshi started to speak.

Just as he started to yell at his Captain, a giant arm shot out from the cracked door, and grabbed Riyoshi. The hand covered his entire body and in an instant, pulled him through the door.

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