Bleach Role Play

Ketsueki Gekko dodged the cero, I no longer in control of myself because of using the Taurus side of my Bankai. She smirked and charged straight at Pizarro in a sudden burst of speed. It may have looked like nothing to worry about, but the spiritual pressure emanating from Ketsueki Gekko and me said otherwise.
((OOC: pyro, you can control Ryuujin since he is no longer in the inner world. The only thing that i would appreciate, is that you do not go and kill him. You can wound him all you want.))

Ryujin was angry at this point, Torres never made the attempt to attack him. He only ran away.

"You talk this big game, but you only run away. You truly are a weakling. Ryujin spoke out as his large wings extended high into the air.

With a flap of his wings, he stirred up a large dust cloud and vanished. Appearing high in the air, Ryujin was able to see the entire battle field and looked upon Torres. He felt that his power was slipping and was slightly lower then Torres. He was using too much power, and Torres was not sending any at him. Opening his mouth wide, he charged a cero.

"You will die here!" Ryujin roared out as he continuing to charge the cero.
(Duly noted Back, I won't kill him)

Torres simply smirked.

"I told you, you aren't mine to defeat. Riyoshi was the one to let you in, he must be the one to finish you. I had originally thought he had done so when he expelled you from his inner world. Hence why my initial offer to let you leave or die, but since you refused to leave and chose rather to keep absorbing power. Oh well... your loss. Why is it people always choose death over life. It bothers me so..."

He used Sonido to get up to where Ryujin was.

"Besides, quite simply you aren't worth my time or effort. I find it so funny with the fact that you absorb other's powers that you still haven't figured it out yet. Sad, really. Well come on, show me all the awesome power you absorbed."

He bent over backwards showing Ryujin his backside and gave it a good pat.

"Come on, fire away!"

He levitated there patiently waiting for the creature to fire it's Cero that it had absorbed from him, continually mocking him.

Ryujin roared as he fired the Cero, which blasted forward. It's power could not be denied, but he was getting slower where as Torres speed remained the same as he simply smiled and dodged the attack. Ryujin realized what the pathetic little Hollow was trying.

"You are making me waste all my energy while you use none."

"Bingo little snakey. The problem with absorbing another's energy is that it eventually runs out and you are left with only what you original had. You completely and carelessly fire out all the energy you used in combined blasts. Your so full of yourself and the power you absorbed, you fire it all haphazardly without worry of running out... but you are using it up."

Torres smirked at the creature, only adding to his mocking.

"What would you know of absorbing power, I was able to absorb both yours and the little Shinigami's power in such a short time of you entering his world." He growled at Torres as he fired more of those electrically charged Bala, each one slower than the last.

"Amateur, simply absorbing a copy of the power from others is nothing. Even when you combine you only use half of each and fail to use both sets of energy to their full potential. In the end all the energy you absorbed will just fade away and you'll be left as nothing."
Aime had been watching the whole thing but she herself was obstructed by the blast. The little girl had never realized the devastating power of her own attacks. As she watched the debris cleared and neither the Arrancar nor the Hollow seemed to pay heed to her. Anger was a strong emotion, and that is what fueled her.

Standing there. Her clothing and skin was scorched. Her hoody? Gone. All that remained was a single strap holding up her tank top. Her capris crispified into short shorts and the red hue of her blood smeared across her body. Her hair fell down across her face and the full length extended down to the dimples on her back. The grip on her sword creaked as she squeezed it as if choking the life out of an enemy. Aime started to walk towards the beast.

The sky had cleared up and the sun was back to shining. When she used external attacks, the weather always seemed to be affected. Which was ironic since she loved stormy gloomy days and especially the sound of thunder; the flash of lightning.

As she continued at a slow pace, and a slight crackling sound, barely audible, sparked from her fist. As she walked ever closer it did it again. This time around her shoulder, then around her leg, and finally down the length of her sword. Still in shikai amazingly. In a second she was gone.

After the last Bala was first from Ryuujin, she flickered into sight right next to the beast. Both hands on her sword, one standard, one reverse, mid swing on the creature. The sword connected with the thinnest part of his armor; the little about a foot above where his wing connected to his body. The sword stopped. Appearing as if the creatures heirro was stronger than she. But after a moment the sword sparked. Electricity arced all around her body, hands shoulders legs and especially the sword. Aime Roared.


With a large burst the sword severed through the wing, completely cleaving it off. The beast Tumbled towards the ground, unable to maintain its ability to fly anymore.
Ryuujin took the attack with a smile. He was not angry, for Aime in all her anger, walked right into his plan. As the lightning charged sword hit his wing, he started to absorb her attack. As her attack furthered with power, his absorption rate increased. When her attack finished, her blade cut through his wing and he fell towards the ground. Off in the pile of ash, it began to move and reform. A hand formed and grabbed the handle of the dagger. Completely forming his body, Riyoshi looked into the air to see Ryujin falling towards the ground. With a smile upon his face, he gripped his zanpakutou tightly and leaped into the air.

"Nicely done Aime!" Riyoshi yelled out.

Flash stepping from below the dragon and appearing above Ryujin, Riyoshi focused his reaitsu into his feet and launched a powerful kick to the back sending his rocketing towards the ground. As the large dragon hit, the ground exploded sending debris in every possible direction. Large chunks of earth shot upwards towards Riyoshi, Aime, and Torres.

"You bastards! You will regret this!" Ryuijin spoke out from within the dust cloud.

As the dust settled, Ruyjin was nowhere to be seen, nor was his reiatsu anywhere to be felt. He had left kurakura town and retreated.

"Looks like we won. I think that we finally destroyed him." Riyoshi spoke out as he dodged the large debris.

"I wouldn't be so sure Riyoshi. We shouldn't assume that thing is dead unless we have proof." Suzaku spoke out in his mind.
Kishi narrowed her eyes, her emotions hard to read behind her soft cloth mask. She waited until the last moment to shunpo up and out of the way of his attack, swinging down her right blade a swirl of fire disengaging from the hilt itself.

Her eyes widened when she saw Moon coming in just as she loosened her attack.
Aime huffed and puffed with exhaustion. She felt so weak and insignificant. But upon hearing Riyoshi's face she turned and was surprised to see him alive. Relieved though. Slowly but surely she made her way over to Riyoshi. Upon reaching him, her face grew dark and she attempted to round house him in the eye.

"Don't EVER do that to me again. Next time I will kill you..."
She said as she tried to hide the cracking in her voice from emotion.
Torres shook his head in agreement.

"No, I know death. I have seen it enough in my life to know he is not dead. Not yet... he will be back. A little worm like that who desires power will not give up so easily."

He looked to Riyoshi as Aime attacked him.

"Well I'm glad you were able to rid yourself of that parasite and unlock your true power. It seems in the end we were able to discover why you could not control you power, because it was not even yours..."

He looked down at the ground.

"You two should probably go get healed up, you each took some damage."

He looked to Riyoshi.

"I thought you might be the one to help me find a way into my Inner World, help me understand my power and what is inside me. I now see I was very wrong, that is most certainly not the case."

He sighed as used Sonido and disappeared, leaving the two alone.


Pizarro was struck by the intense fire which made his form wobble, causing him to slip out of his spin as suddenly Kishi disappeared and the other girl came flying towards him, he wasn't afraid of her until she suddenly struck with him such force. It was in merely a second when he felt her connect with his body with her horns that he felt that incredible physical power that shot through his body like being struck by a whole building and then the moment passed as he felt his body flying, he tried to move but the pure force pushing back seemed to numb his body along with the intense pain as he shot through the air like a bullet smashing through the trees until he suddenly hit an incredible invisible force that stopped his body flat as he felt the pain smash against his back from being hit into Urahara's barrier.

His eyes opened wide as he coughed out blood and he slowly slid down to the ground.

Pizarro looked up as blood dripped down his mouth from when he had just coughed up some as he glared at the two girls with intense hatred.

He couldn't believe them, how was it possible for them to stop his Hoja de Sierra Circular was just insane, these were just a bunch of worthless chicks. He would have to use THAT, he hated it! He couldn't believe he had to use THAT on them , he was suppose to save it for Ichigo so he could test him for the boss, Grimmjow but he would have to use it on them. How pathetic was he.

"OK you little b!$@#es! Now you die!"

Suddenly his body began to inflate as he took a deep breath as his chest expanded like a balloon. He glared at them with intense loathing in his eyes as he opened his mouth and-


He let out a disgusting and extremely loud burp from his huge mouth as the area seemed to shake as he did this disgusting technique. As he finished burping the area seemed to be filled with green and misty aura as it smelled disgusting to the girls.

(Ok we are reaching the final stage of the battle with Pizarro he is bringing out his big gun)
(just fire, and...ew. But cool at the same time)

Kishi's nose wrinkled in disgust, her sensitive nose taking in the smell immediately. She retched slightly and clawed her hand over her face, her mask appearing over it. Her reiatsu wavered, rising, but she had put it on to help further distance her nose from the smell. Her now yellow eyes were actually watering lightly now.

She staggered back lightly, before the thought hit her to enswirl a vortex of ice around herself. She wasn't overly worried about Moon right now, she had her own problems.

(I don't really know how to react to this. Sorry)
Pizarro began to laugh as he saw Kishi and Moon gag on the gas as his toothy grin grew bigger then ever.

"Now it's all over."

He looked to them as turned into his Farala form and spun towards Kishi, as fast as ever.
Kishi tried to pull her blades up, the respective elements flaring out and hardening into blades once more similar to her shikais. But the hold was weak and she barely could block the Farala, flying back into the roof of the shop. She rolled, trying to stay moving, but that was a bit hard to do when the wind was knocked out of youyand you were breathing what seemed like noxious gasses.
Pizarro slashed past her as he stopped above her in the air as he unrolled.

"So you've noticed already. Your strength, speed, getting weaker. My Gases Nocivos has an almost immediate effect to anyone who breathes it in. You see it affects your Reaitsu by entering your body it is absorbed inside every vein where it attacks your reaitsu slowly making you weaker, slower, more tired. It continues to consume reiatsu until you don't have any to perform special techniques and soon you won't be able to attack. Finally when you have none left... you are gone. No reiatsu equals your death."

Pizarro smiled as he let out his maniacal laugh.

(I ask you please don't use some magical or cheap deus ex machina to simply cure or ignore this technique. Otherwise we may already end the battle, it's more fun to let it last like a countdown to beat Pizarro quickly before you die while you still have some life left with less energy then you had before and your bodies getting weaker each second.)
Riyoshi listened as Torres spoke. He listened as Torres spoke some good points about the hollow known as Ryujin not giving up so easily. Then Torres struck the point of him using a power that was not his and how he was not able to control it, This made him hang his head in shame for a second. Torres soon told them to get healed and Riyoshi looked up at him and shook his head.

“I will be ok. Suzaku will heal the both of us.” Riyoshi spoke out to Torres.

Then after he spoke out, Torres claimed that Riyoshi would and more then likely could not help him find a way into his inner world, if there be such a place. Riyoshi felt a little bit of pain as it sunk in that he was not able to help a comrade. All the training he had ever done in his life, all the good that he has done up till now, what was it for? NOTHING?

Reaching his hand out towards Torres, Riyoshi tried to say something but Torres had vanished from the spot. He was not able to track his movements for his own power was wavering too much. Looking over at Aime, Riyoshi took in a deep breath.

“So, what will we do now? Our plan to have people join us is basically ruined. Our whole plan, thrown out of whack. Will they trust us anymore?” Riyoshi asked out as he soon felt a presence off in the distance. It seemed as if it was coming from the shop, but he was unsure.
(Wouldn't dream of it. Unless her zanpaktou was a wind elemental...Then that would be another matter.)

Kishi turned her head up to see him, a feral hollow sounding scream erupting from her mouth, her mask splitting open with the ferocity of it. Golden eyes narrowed as she sluggishily shunpoed away from where she had been, a few feet up and away. She slid a bit as she stopped, stumbling and having to catch herself with her hands, "What the hell kind of dirty technique is this!?" Her watery voice broke, cracking towards the end of her sentence.

The hollow mask shattered, golden eyes fading away to reveal the bright green again. The girls long braided hair swung out around her with the motion of her stopping, all of this having happened in seconds, "Damn it." She muttered, her voice returning back to its soft tone as she stood to look at the arrancar more squarely in the eye. But she was still in her ban kai form, the soft cloth mask on her face an indication of that. Hands raised in defense, her blades solid once more.
Aime kind of frowned. None of this had went how they had planned. But that was the way of life.

"I'm afraid they may have to join after they decide themselves."

The girl collapsed on the ground next to Riyoshi, breathing deeply, exhaustion finally catching up to her.

"And what about the arrancar in this area. It seems while we were playing around others were battling. What's our next movie?" asked Aime.
(Wouldn't help, you've already breathed it in and your poisoned. Blowing away the gas wouldn't help, it's in your system.

"Well I could wait for you to die slowly, but I'm impatient, so I'll just kill you now!"

He smiled rolled into his blade Farala form and went shooting for her at top speed.


Torres had already Sonido'd a decent distance away when he decided to take a deep breath.

It seemed no one could help him after all, he would never know what he was inside, who he was....

"Are you really surprised Torres, seeking help from Shinigami as if they have any ideas of Hollows!"

The strange voiced laughed out loud as Torres' eyes sped towards the sound to see the culprit.

It was a strange man dressed completely in white bandages which wrapped around his entire body covering him with only his one eyes visible which did not look human.

"Who are you?!"

Torres snapped at the man.

"You really don't remember me.... well it has been THAT long." He smiled under the bandages.

"I can help you answer some of those questions you ask...."
Kishi swore, letting the reishi beneath her fall away. She dropped like a stone, her body penciled so that she would fall faster. She held on tightly to her zanpaktou, unwilling to let go of them as she fell.

She rolled as she hit the roof of the shop again, a heavy oomph escaping from her lips. It was muffled by her cloth mask, her moist warm breath misting the material. She looked up, knowing that she was screwed if she didn't get her shit together. She stood again, her zanpaktou raised and mockingly waved her right towards him, a silent challenge. Behind her mask she smirked, doubting the arrancar could resist it.

"Master, keep yourself calm. Breathe." Mizu's voice was strong, unresiliant, and most importantly reasurring. "Our contact may be weakening because of that ass, but we're still here." Hi was a bit more... insistent.
Being reckless, Ketsueki Gekko ran straight into the green miasma coming from Pizarro with a smug smirk. "Are you trying to kill me?!" I thought towards Ketsueki Gekko,"You're recklessness is going to cost me more than a few cuts and bruises if you keep this up!" "To late now," she thought back. I could swear if I didn't get control back, Ketsueki Gekko was going to wind up getting me killed.
Pizarro growled with a grin as Kishi coaxed him. He shot right past her as he smashed into the ground, disappearing into the Earth. It seemed quiet for a second when suddenly a large green Cero shot out of a random spot on the ground straight at Moon.
“I noticed the presence too. But what i am not understanding, is why Kishi has not let out her full power and destroyed the thing.” Riyoshi spoke out as he reached his free hand towards Aime.

He placed his hand upon her head and at that point, his zanpakutou lit up. The blade lit up and Riyoshi took a deep breath. In an instant, Aime was covered in a crimson crystal. It only lasted a second, but Aime was fully healed once again.

“All right boss. Do you want to stop by there and check out what is going on?” Riyoshi spoke out as his blade reverted back into its katana form.

Unlike its previous form, the katana was no longer the dark colored blade. This time, it was a warm colored blade. It’s sheath was a crimson color and instead of putting the blade upon his back like before, he placed the blade and the sheath in his belt upon his left side.
"Lets scope out the area but not join in yet. No one gains power by having someone fighting their battles."

She hopped on Riyoshi's back. and straddled him in a way.

Ketsueki Gekko barely dodged, my arm getting singed. "Stop being so reckless," I thought. "We won't get anywhere if I'm not," Ketsueki Gekko thought back. Now I was just annoyed. I started ignoring her and whatever she was doing, and thought of how to regain control of my own body as quickly as possible.
Pizarro burst out of the ground as he spun like a saw blade and shot between Moon and Kishi trying to slice them up.

He stopped for a second as he turned back to normal and smirked.

"What's a matter, feeling weak!"

He smiled as he burst out laughing.

"You'll be dead soon. If you want the cure, it's right here!"

Implying the the only way to save themselves was inside him and they had to beat him to get it.

He turned back into his Farala form and continued his onslaught trying to slice them up as he burst into the ground and would come up at randomly to attack them.
With a smile upon his face, Riyoshi flash stepped from his location to just outside the battlefield that Kishi, Moon, and Pizarro were creating. Looking upon the battlefield, Riyoshi tried to analyze what was going on. Riyoshi looked upon the battle as the combatant that was facing Kishi and Moon seemed to winning.

“Wait here Aime. I am going to check something out real quick.” Riyoshi spoke out as he set Aime down.
(Keep in mind Urahara has set up an extremely powerful barrier around the area so Kishi and Moon could go all out, you guys can't get in even if you wanted to. If that helps with story purposes for your characters not entering the battle)

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