Bleach Role Play

I released a barrage of arrows at Pizarro, then swiftly went into soul form. I placed my left hand on the hilt of Ketsueki Gekko. "Ready, Ketsu?" I thought to my zanpakuto. "Like the stars in the night," her voice resounded in my head. I used Hirenkyaku to quickly get close to Pizarro, preferring to use Quincy technics even in soul form.
But special mission? What did her brother have in mind? They were fresh so it wouldn't be something of too great importance. Would it?

"Just us?" Her face showed some concern? "Where do we begin?"

She knew better than to question something like? What for. They were shinigami and that's what they did, was missions. It was simply a question of where to start. Plus she figured he'd probably boot her in the face again.
“Yes, just us. We are a secret division going upon a secret mission. With this, i will determine what division you enter.” The man spoke out as he looked up at Riyoshi.

Taking his hands from across his chest, he placed his left hand in his pocket and his right he pointed past the two of them. A small red orb shot past them and stopped 10 feet behind Aime and Riyoshi. The orb grew in size and created a door with which the man walked towards.

“A secret division....A secret mission?” Riyoshi spoke out as he tried to take all this information in.

“That’s right. Do not lolly gag here. Come on.” The man spoke out as he walked past Riyoshi and Aime.


Inner world.


Riyoshi turned back to Torres to see Ryujin charging a cero. The large 500 foot dragon and the giant cero. Reaching his hand up, Riyoshi charged a kido spell.

“A name means everything. Much like your ressureccion phrase, your name unleashed your held power. The name I call out is the name of my spirit. With that, i can harness his power.” Riyoshi spoke out as he kept charging his kido spell.

“You think that you two can stop me!!!” Ryujin roared out as he shot off his giant cero.
Aime was in awe. Her brother was acting like an unfamiliar person. She had never been around and seen him so serious. As she nodded in compliance, her being was giddy with excitement and the idea of a secret mission with a secret division.

Turning around she droped her hands down and walked to the door, following swiftly behind Brother and Riyoshi.
Entering through the door, Ichirou, Riyoshi and Aime stood high above the desert.

“All right. This is where the test starts.” Ichirou spoke out as he pointed to the far end of the desert.

Riyoshi looked upon the huge desert. His breathing a bit heavy but it was mostly from the shock of seeing something so barren.

“Riyoshi, you take quadrant 332, which is this section here.” Ichirou said as he pointed out a section of the desert.

Looking back to Aime as she exited the door, he reached his hand up and placed it upon her head.

“You are going to take quadrant 261 which is this section here.” He said as he pointed to a section of the desert that looked like an oasis.

“I will take the rest.” Ichirou spoke out as he looked deeply upon the desert.

Riyoshi’s eyes widened. This desert was large. There needed to be more people for this place.

“What are we looking for anyway? If i may ask.” Riyoshi asked out as he looked at Ichirou.

“We are looking for anything out of the ordinary.” Ichirou replied.
Kishi grinned and just before he attacked her managed to snidely bite out, "It was meant to." She blocked and parried with her twin baldes against his own blade. Against the bala she quickly brought up a barrier, thicker then her usual ones. It cracked and fell away none the less but it did its job. She mentally thanked Kisuke for training her in Kido as she did this.

Hishi was getting impatient, "Use your mask again, let my power tear him away!" The hollow growled deep and feral, ​"This measly bit that your letting through is not enough!" Hishi, of course was talking about her yellow eyes, a reminder of the fact that she was a vizard. The two other spirits were quiet, their focus on the battle, their bladed froms singing as they sought to tear the flesh of Pizzaro off his bones.

Kishi's yellow and black eyes drained back to her bright green suddenly, a gasp of surprise leaving the girl. She was glad that the other one had showed up when she did as she somewhat sloppily rolled back. Hishi apparently was not in a good mood.
The heat in this place was tremendous. Literally sucked the life out of her. She couched as she tried to breath in the searing heat.

"Hell. That's where this is right?" She asked impatiently. But she was met with no reply for Ichirou had already let them and disappeared.

Cocking her head to the side she faced Riyoshi. "Well, so much for team effort..."

Pondering for only a moment she decided to make a game of it.

"Make you a deal. First to find something out of the norm wins an icecream on me."

And with that she flickered away out of sight to her zone.

Appearing once more, she softly put a foot down in the sand. Ahhhh. it was hot, but mostly is was dry, soft and silky. She jumped and plopped her butt down in it this time, giggling as she ran her hands through the grains. It reminded her of times with her brother out at the lake in the farthest reaches of Rukongai. Very few new of its existance, even less of how to travel that far. But time was wasting away as she reminisced about the past. It was time to get on. If it was a hollow they were searching for she may as well try to lure the stupid thing out.

Reaching into her shuhakushou, she pulled out a device. Long and slender. Aime never came ill prepared. Thrusting some reiatsu into it, the device multiplied it and sent out a pressure wave. Alerting any and all hollows within an area to detect it. Strong hollows would ignore it, smaller ones looking to grow? Not so much.

The young girl reached over her head and unshealthed her sword. Her how attitude suddenly changed. Much darker, more sinister. She mumbled.

"Common you bastard. Time to die."

The device clicked indicating it was charged. She tossed it into the sand about twenty feet out in front of her. Turning around, it decharged the reiatsu blast as she began to walk away. She giggled through that blood thirsty smirk on her cute, innocent little face.
Torres looked to him.

"Are you telling me you Shinigami can't use your Zanpaktou without knowing it's name! Well that makes sense to some degree, with Arrancar it is our own power so we can use it freely. However you Shinigami borrow your power from Zanpaktou spirits, but the fact that you need to a learn a name just to be able to wield your own blade's true power. How you Shinigami manage?"

He saw as Ryujin fired off his Cero and Torres let off his own Cero, of course his wouldn't be enough to stop or overwhelm the former's Cero but it could at least make it detonate early and fade before it could do too much damage to them.

He then grabbed Riyoshi and used Sonido to try get a safe distance away from the Cero's blast radius.


Pizarro noticed the sudden drop in Kishi's power and used it to kick her away powerfully as he again tried to dodge Moon's arrows, getting hit by a few when she suddenly appeared close to him he fired off some Bala towards her.
“We manage by building our own strength until we learn our spirits name.” Riyoshi replied to Torres just before the cero’s collided in the air.

As Torres grabbed him and used sonido, Riyoshi kept charging the kido. Appearing upon the only pillar that was intact, Riyoshi witnessed Ryujin’s cero continue past Torres’ cero and obliterate the pillar they once stood upon.

“Hado 73, Sōren Sōkatsui!” Riyoshi yelled out as two shots of blue fire left his hand and flew at Ryujin.

Getting his footing upon the pillar, Riyoshi looked back to the crimson pillar to see something that shocked him. The man and Aime were gone. They no longer stood upon the pillar. Looking back at Torres, he spoke out calmly.

“Did you see them leave anywhere?” Riyoshi asked out as he turned back towards Ryujin just as the fire hit him in the face.

The two shots of blue fire exploded upon impact, burning the left side of the dragon’s face.


flash back


Riyoshi looked down at Aime as she was given her order. Her place to scout was an oasis. A seemingly paradise in this wasteland. Looking back to his section, he seen a couple mounds that looked like they were not supposed to be there.

“Deal.” Riyoshi said as he jumped from his spot and flew down towards his section of the desert.

Landing upon the sand with force, he sent the sand flying from around him. Beneath him was hard compacted earth. Taking in a deep breath as he stood up, Riyohsi looked around at the crater that he stood in. Leaping from the center of the crater, Riyoshi placed his right foot upon the mound of sand and looked around. Proceeding into a walk, Riyoshi headed for the first mound of sand.

“There is no way I am going to lose to a little girl.” Riyoshi spoke out like he was talking to someone.

As he was about halfway to the mound, Riyoshi felt a slight rumble from beneath his feet. Stopping and kneeling down, Riyoshi tried to figure out if it was something of a normal phenomenom or if it was something out of the ordinary. He would hate to contact the captain if it was just an earthquake.

Come on. Please just be an earthquake. Riyoshi thought to himself as his right hand pressed upon the sand.
I narrowly dodged the Bala and got to a distance. "So you're finally going to use bankai?" Ketsueki Gekko's voice resounded in my head. "Yes," I thought towards her. "Ketsueki Gekko Middonaitoāchā!" I shouted. My zanpakutou glowed and morphed into a silver bow with a blood-red swirling pattern on it and was now in my right hand. I pulled back on the bowstring and a silver arrow appeared. I released the arrow in the same motion. Halfway to Pizarro, the arrow seemed to disappear as if it never were.
She had been waiting and prancing around for nearly ten minutes and nothing. Aime had been wrong about this being a hollow hunt apparently. She picked up the device and put it away. Disappointed she drug the edge of her sword through the sand, spelling her spirits name in cursive. Aftering looking at it and being thoroughly impressed, she moved on to investigate this barren wastes though she suddenly realized it was quite lush. Venturing onwards she entered into quite an intense and dense jungle.
A serpent like figure rose from the sand behind Riyoshi. It was not a large creature, and it did not attack him. As the rumble stopped, Riyoshi stood up and looked towards the mound once again. The creature growled as he lunged towards Riyoshi. As Riyoshi heard the growl, he unsheathed his blade and turned around slashing the blade horizontally at the creature.

“Agh!” Riyoshi exclaimed as he swung the blade.

The creature used it’s right hand to catch the blade and slammed his head into Riyoshi’s chest. As the creature’s head hit Riyoshi, he was forced backwards, sliding on top the sand. As he was getting his footing, Riyoshi’s heel caught some sand and he was forced onto his back. The serpent took advantage of this and dove at Riyoshi. Landing on top of Riyoshi, the creature pinned his hand down and stared fiercely at Riyoshi. Riyoshi felt like the serpent was smashing the life out of him as it grew larger. As the serpent got larger, it was squishing all the air out of his lungs. Just before he blacked out, the snake let up and allowed Riyoshi to breath. At this point, Riyoshi was most vulnerable. The serpent started to glow with a very dark reiatsu.

“Your soul belongs to me.” The serpent spoke out as it slammed it’s head into Riyoshi’s chest.

“Do not let him take control of you. Fight back. Use your power. Call upon me, Suzaku!” A voice rung out in Riyoshi’s head.

Riyoshi gripped the blade tightly and opening his eyes, Riyohsi swung the blade above him towards the serpent, but he was gone.

What was that just now? Riyoshi thought to himself.

Looking down at his Zanpakutou, he thought for a moment.

Was that you just now? Was that your name you called out? Will you tell me again? Riyoshi asked out in thought.

“Why sure. The name is Ryujin. Call upon me with this phrase. Dissolve Ryujin.” The spirit spoke out from within Riyoshi’s inner world.

Riyoshi looked around at the landscape he was in and wondered about where the serpent went to. He wanted to know why he was still alive, why it attacked him.

“Dissolve Ryujin!” Riyoshi called out as a dark reiatsu shot outwards in all directions with tremendous force.

The reiatsu could be felt from all over the desert. To whom all felt the presence would show up with blades drawn.
Kishi spat angrily as she landed harshly, sliding as her feet caught on the reishi. She wiped the back of her hand across her face as she stood righting herself with a soft curse. Her eyes followed the arrow with curiosity as it disappeared, looking over at Moon like she was asking for clarification. Her hollow laughed, "Well that was a bust move." Mizu silenced her, "Not everything is what it seems. Silence hollow."
Torres didn't even look at Riyoshi, he kept his focus on the Dragon and it's next move.

"Nope, couldn't be bothered."


Pizarro stepped back a distance once the second girl activated her Bankai, he could immediately feel the incredible change in her reiatsu and he had heard of Bankai so he knew to be weary of it as it was a Shinigami's most powerful weapon.

He watched as she fired off the arrow, he got ready to dodge but it was moving so fast he wouldn't be able to when the arrow suddenly disappeared.

Pizarro looked around, trying to figure out where the arrow would strike from. It couldn't possibly of struck already...
Shrugging off the fire, Ryuijin looked over at Torres.

"Those attacks were weak. You think that you can do better this time?" Ryujin spoke out as he clearly was mocking their power.

Opening his mouth one more time, he fired off two bala that traveled at Riyoshi and Torres.
The arrow reappeared through his right shoulder. That shot took a bit out of me, but it wasn't too bad. I could still fire a lot more. "When I fire an arrow with my Bankai, I never miss," I said.
Kishi grinned,immediately swiping her mask back on across her face. She launched off the air, hoping to catch the man off guard. Her blades were lightly showing of their elements, the flames and ice coming off them.

She quickly shunpoed, zigzagging through the air before slicing down at him.
Torres smirked at Ryujin.

"You must be truly weak to have to mock and try goad your opponents so..."

Torres stayed close to Riyoshi, it was better the two work together.

First Cero, now Bala. All things Torres knew, Ryujin really was a Hollowy creature.

Torres used his Zanpaktou and sliced off a large chunk of rock from the pillar he then kicked it towards some of the Bala as he used Sonido to dodge the rest.


Pizarro was still looking for the arrow when he was suddenly hit in right shoulder as he went flying.

'What power... it's completely different from those pure reiatsu arrows she was firing before...' He thought to himself as he went flying when suddenly Kishi appeared above him and brought her blades towards him as he then shot straight down into the ground kicking up a cloud of dust.

As the dust cleared, Pizarro got up, more tears on his clothes and his shoulder bleeding quite badly.

"I don't believe it, fine! Since you are bringing out your big guns with your Bankai.... I guess I will too, even though you are only pathetic girls. Just be warned, this battle will be over in a second. Girls like you should consider yourselves lucky to see it considering you should be in the kitchen."

He grabbed his Zanpaktou and lifted up to his mouth as he opened his jaws showing his sharp teeth and then bit into the blade of his Zanpaktou with a huge chomp as he suddenly glowed and a huge blast of reiatsu shot out.

"Snap Caimán!"


"Sheesh what is going on up there!"

Urahara said to Tessai as the shop shook again.

"Is it ready yet?"

"Yes sir!" Tessai nodded as he pressed a button as energy surged through the shop and suddenly a barrier began to form around the grounds of the shop.


Suddenly Jinta popped his head out from the shop and looked to Kishi and Moon.

"Hey ugly and flat-chest! The boss told me to tell you he has activated a special barrier around the shop to keep you guys from doing harm to the city. He said you can go all out! You don't have to hold back anymore and..."

He looked around as all the trees bent from the force of the reaitsu.

"Something tells me you are gonna need it! Hahaha!"

The energy blasted outward as Pizarro transformed. His mask remenants grew outward so they were no longer a flat smiling sharped tooth jaw, it now extended out like a snout with even sharped teeth and grew along his nose into a spike above his forehead. His green hair grew out and formed to become spikier as it suck straight up.

Suddenly the back of his clothes tore as white armor formed and blades began growing out his back. Along his white armour back he now had rows of metal thick blades like that looked Zanpaktou metal. He also had the armor and blades sticking out along his elbows and knees. Finally his armor back with blades extended into a long and powerful tail that swished behind him.

"Are you ready!"

He laughed as he roared out with power.
I couldn't help smiling at that. "The tables seem to always turn around to where it is the mouse chasing the cat," I said. "Quit with the riddles and use me!" Ketsueki Gekko said in my mind. I pulled back on the bowstring and this arrow was a deep purple rather than the silver of the one from before. "Kishi! You'll want to move far back from him! When this arrow hits him, you could be hurt too this time!" I called.
Riyoshi had no choice, but to use his blade. Looking at the bala that was coming at them, he seen Torres destroy one, but leave the other. He used his sonido to dodge, but the only pillar left was the red crimson one. Gripping his blade tightly in his right hand, he unsheathed it slashed horizontally at the bala.

"Dissolve, Ryujin! Dragon Fang!" Riyoshi called out as his zanpakutou changed and split into two.

The attack that he called out shot off very corrosive liquid that once made contact with the bala, it stopped it dead in it's tracks.

"You really are pathetic Riyoshi." Ryujin spoke out as he sunk back into the water.

"I thought you would have lasted a little longer then this." Ryujin spoke out from underneath the water's surface.

Using his flash step, Riyoshi followed Torres. Taking a deep breath, Riyoshi spoke out.

"I think i might know how to defeat him. But there is a huge risk in it." Riyoshi spoke out to Torres.
After a few moments the captain, Ichirou showed up, flickering into view. For a moment he sat and stared at Riyoshi. Then turned, glancing around then back at Riyoshi. About that time Aimeka showed up as well, though she was out of breath. Hunched over on her knees she took a few more lung fulls before she was back to normal.

"For what reason did you call upon your zanpakutou for? There is no beast here."

Aime agreed but she had sensed one just for a second she thought. But she dare not speak it. If her brother had not sensed it then surely she was wrong.

"Anyways, I was done sweeping the desert. Reports were inaccurate."

"All i found was jungle. It was kind of pretty." Aime added.

The Captain spoke again, "We ready to depart?"
As time seemed to stand still, Aime stood outside her own body looking upon the three of them. Walking up next to her was a man, he was clad in a crimson robe.

“This was my first memory with Riyoshi. This is where he should have called out my name. But instead, the hollow invaded and corrupted his soul. I have been fighting ever since to sever the tie with the hollow, but it grew stronger the more he used it.” Suzaku spoke out as he stood next to Aime.
It was amazing watching Riyoshi's memory play out as she stood with Suzaku. It was different from what she remembered but it made sense. What was really weird was seeing herself also lying on the ground with him still healing her. The spirit touching her head was the only explanation for how all this was happening.

"But even though i know your name, i cant tell him. It would be like giving him my sword and telling his Ragnarok's name and expecting him to use it." She looked at the spirit with eyes full of worry but wanting to help. "Is there someway I can enhance the second of that memory where you spoke his name? I'll do anything to help him. I owe it to Riyoshi."
“But that is the thing. Since i am his spirit, it should be ok. You have to be the one that jogs his memory of our first mission.” Suzaku replied to Aime.

Snapping back into the inner world Suzaku and Aime looked upon Torres, Riyoshi and Ryujin battling it out. Ryujin was in between the farther pillars while Riyoshi stood on the nearest pillar, in his shikai state. Suzaku brought his right hand up and covered his face.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Suzaku spoke out as he finished healing Aime.

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