Bleach Role Play

After throwing some attitude at Torres, She shut up quickly after hearing the rage in the spirits voice. Her inner world was one thing, but anothers was quite different. The young girl wasnt quite sure what to expect. After a few moments though another voice can threw. A familiar voice. The echo in it chilled her down to the bone.

You could even say it frightened her a bit. A hollow. But how? Was it interference from outside. No it couldn't have been. This was from within. Maybe somehow Torres had awakened it inside of him. Her mind was a racing with confusion. There was also
That possibility, but it couldn't be. Wouldn't they have noticed before now? Wouldn't Riyoshi of told her?

Her hand came up to her forehead and she rubbed it vigorously contemplating all the different ways. Sadly, she would have to wait to see. The girl stood ready for anything.
Torres simply stared down the creature just as hard and let go of the handle of his Zanpaktou after Riyoshi told him to.

He looked at the creature, he had seen all sorts of hollows so his form did not frighten him at all. He just continued to glare back at all.

"Firstly I did not draw, just grip it in precaution as I always do. Secondly I was told this was Riyoshi's inner world. Not yours..."

He glared at the creature, so this was a Zanpaktou spirit. Cheeky and annoying things, this was not what he had expected. He expected a reflection of Riyoshi or at least a humble servant, not an annoying and loud-mouth snake. He understood while having this annoying whelp yelling in Riyoshi's head all the time made it difficult to manage his power.

Torres then heard another voice and turned to see who it was, he thought Riyoshi only had one spirit, the Zanpaktou spirit unlike Kishi, that was what he had been led to believe. Was he wrong?
”You are wrong young boy! This world is mine. Before i got here, it was a barren wasteland.” Ryujin roared out at Torres.

High above the four of them, the voice roared out again.

“I actually liked it better that way.” The voice said aloud from above the clouds.

The dark grey clouds above them lit up red as a figure lowered itself. As the beast hit the top of the clouds, they began to separate. As the clouds separate the figure could barely be seen through all of the fire.

“This world is so glum with all this water everywhere.” The large fiery bird said aloud.

”Get out of here stupid bird!” Ryujin roared at the bird as he lunched back into the water.

(( Ryujin: ))

(( Bird: ))
The Arrancar had just completely ignored her. She would of pouted but once she actually stopped to lay eyes upon Ryujin and the fierce looking bird. The searing heat from its body could be felt as far back as she was. It tinging at her cheers. Figuring it was best to lay low for the moment she sat her butt down on her pillar overlooking the other four. She decided to listen.

Suddenly from behind a familiar soft voice emerged.

"So you decided to stop running your trap and take in the beauty that is a Dragon's Physique... besides my own?"

That statement troubled Aime.

"What do you mean? I thought all Zannie's were different? Why compare Ryujin to yourself?"

She looked over her shoulder at the figured sitting next to her. Sure enough it was Ragnarok in all her Mystique ethereal figure. A somewhat smoky figure only outlined in faint blue which reverberated as she spoke and emotion flowed with conversation. Though for this one she maintained what was a relatively small body compared to usual only about the size of an oversized timber wolf.

Though in this form she had the snout of a dragon, the body and long slender legs and tail to go with it. Blue ethereal stripes like a tiger went down her face and around her body, pulsing with her breath and heart. Normally the stripes were on her wings as well, but they were tucked next to her body with head resting upon her from two claws; Watching, waiting.

"We may be different but spirits have many origins, birthplaces, and powers. Certain types of spirits emerge as Dragons. Usually the most powerful of elementals. My true form is ever shifting but a Dragon suits me best because I am a dragon at heart. Still lesser than him though. I can tell just be his form that his raw power is more than you could ever imagine, whereas mine is more subtle. Still deadly but in a different fashion of use."

Aime just listened in awe. It was rare for Ragnarok to be so informative. Most of that the young girl did not understand, but Aime trusted her words. So she knew to pay heed. Turning back straight ahead she carefully watched the events to unfold, hoping to learn of what this was all meant for.
(so yeah, Kisihi is waiting on the arrancar Torres...otherwise I'll OOC him and send him gimping back to Grimmjow with a message.)
(I am so sorry Kishi, I specifically planned to post the arrancars post with Torres, but I completely forgot! Please remind me when I forget, I specifically tried to remind myself X_X)

"So if this one is your Zanpaktou spirit Ryujin, what is the giant birdy one?"

Torres turned to Riyoshi for an answer.


"If you expect me to me scared or surprized by that little trick, hardly! Grimmjow told me of you useless Shinigami trying to emulate us by wearing Hollow masks and the powers it can grant. Is that the only way you can think to face us, by trying to match our powers!"

He pulled out his Zanpaktou which was the size of Wakizashi but a bit smaller and it's one side had a very sharp and jagged serrated edge.

Pizzaro charged forth at Kishi using Sonido to try appear in front of her and bring his Zanpaktou to slash her face and chest.
Kishi brought her zanpaktou up, the block effortless and bringing up sparks. She chuckled, the sound distorted and watery, "Scare you? No, at the most I may have been hoping to startle you. But I didn't want to waist my shikai on you." She smirked, not that he could see it behind her mask. She slashed downward with her blade, breaking them apart. She immediately launched after him, "After all, there is no need for matching your power when I already have surpassed it.

Kishi brought her blade sideways towards the arrancars ribs.
The attack slammed right in his ribs as he was sent flying back straight off the roof and went down towards the ground surrounding the shop.

After the dust that clear was kicked up, Kishi could hear laughing.

"I hope that wasn't the full extent of your power which has surpassed mine."

He slowly rose up still laughing as he floated in the air just next to the roof where Kishi was, his clothes torn from the Zanpaktou but no damage to his ribs.

"Care to try again? Or is that really the limits a little girl can do?"
(Oh, come on! What the heck do I do now......? Hrmmm.......Cheese!)

I watched Nyra play with a ball of yarn for the longest time. I took out a book that was in Greek and started to read with a small sigh. I now felt ignored.

I stopped reading and went to help Kishi fight. I shot an arrow at Pizarro.(And that caused an annoying one-liner. And yes, I'm mentioning every time I wind up with a one-liner. It is most likely OCD.)
Kishi glared at the arrancar, his words biting into her ego. The arrow did catch her off guard though and she looked over towards the other girl, while the help wasn't wanted or needed, it was fine. "No, I'm just warming up, although if you would like?" She returned her attention to the arrancar, knowingt the girl would fall into to help with the fight.
Pizarro barely noticed the arrow as it flew past his head, he managed to move at the last second just to avoid it.

"Well now, this is truly sad. Now I'm fighting two girls, this is really pathetic. The guys won't let me live this down, only one thing for it. I'll have to wipe the floor with you ladies quickly and then find the real warriors, where ever those guys are."

Pizarro smirked as he turned his Zanpaktou around and then used Sonido to perform a kick at Moon's chest only to try use it as a kick off point to launch towards Kishi blade first.
Feeling another presence upon the group, Riyoshi looked over at Aime. He spotted a spirit; a smoky colored figure with an outline of blue. Looking for just a second, Riyoshi soon figured it was her zanpakutou’s spirit. Ryujin had felt the same presence and circled around Aime’s pillar. Slowly reaching his head out of the water, he was behind Aime and Ragnarok.

“So this is your zanpakutou?” Ryujin asked out as his voice boomed behind Aime.

Riyoshi looked back at Torres, and took in a deep breath.

“That dragon there, that is my spirit. His name is Ryujin, the dragon king.” Riyoshi replied to Torres’ comment.

Looking up at the bird as the heat from the body of the phoenix could be felt now, he tried to figure it out.

“That is the thing. I am not sure what, or even who this bird is.” Riyoshi spoke out as he looked upon the bird.

“Well well well. If that is how you are going to treat a friend, I wouldn’t be surprised if these two end up turning on you.” The bird said as he lowered himself towards the water.

As the phoenix got close to the water’s surface, a crimson pillar rose out of the water, pushing and evaporating all of the water from around it. Landing upon the pillar, The phoenix loked upon the group of people and spirits.

“May i ask why all of you are here to begin with?” The phoenix asked out as he continued to scan between everyone upon the pillars.
Torres glared at the bird as it landed, his eyes focused in on it.

"Well let's just take a look-see!"

As Torres focused on the bird his eyes suddenly burst wide open.

"It won't work... I can't. Dang, it doesn't seem to work in this world."

He looked to Riyoshi.

"How unfortunate, I tried to use Pesquisa on this thing to tell me what it's power was like. But it doesn't seem to work in this world, this whole world just feels like your reiatsu. I assume it works the same for you Shinigami, when you feel it. Fine I guess the best way to find out, is the simplest. Just ask."

Torres looked back to the bird.

"You may ask why we are here, but we shall not answer until you tell us who or what you are?!"

Torres yelled at the bird, not in an angry tone but rather a stern one to show he wasn't going to take any nonsense and was going to get an answer.
Kishi nimbly dropped back onto her hand, quickly back flipping away from the man. She didn't respond, as much as his words had pissed her off. As she came up she slashe horizontally with her blade, a low growl emitting from her. Any other time, arrancar like him would be no problem...She just really did not want to go into her shikai while using her would be to much in this area with to many weaker people around. Mainly humans counted in that category..but still.

A small burst a rounded flame flew towards the arrancar after she shunpoed above him, slashing towards him that way.
((Sorry backlash for assuming ryujin is huge ill change my post if i need too))

Aime had been so locked on the bird that she completely lost Ryujin's location. When the voice boomed from behind aime damn near jumped out of her skin and squeaked to accommodate her actions. Landing on her hands and knees she quickly scooted back.

Ragnarok puffed in a poof of mist like black vapor cloud and reappeared behind Aime. The small dragons figure sitting on hind legs this time but stopped Aime from scooting off the edge of the pillar.

The cloud like dragon's solid blueish eyes closed to slits, head now bowing with arm extended as in courtesy. Slaw like fingers extended as if introducing one to royalty.

Aime slid under Ragnarok as the spirit spoke.

"Excuse her manners, Truly an honor to make your presence Ryujin-dono. I am Ragnarok, Aimeka's Zanpakutou spirit. The little girl in front of me being Aimeka Nozara"

The little girl was stunned and in awe. Never had she seen Ragnarok so polite, let alone introduce her in such a way. It was never expected. This made her question herself though. Was her relationship with her spirit not as sound as she had believed all this time. In a way it upset her and without knowing it, the emotion was showing strongly upon her face; in her brows and mostly in her eyes.
The bird just laughed at Torres.

“You expect to use your ability in here? I know all about your kind. The thing is, that skill you used, actually works. But it cant distinguish what power the source is coming from. After all WE are the same in here.” The phoenix said to Torres.

“I see. Since you can’t figure out with your intrusive technique, you result to grasping for straws.” The phoenix continued.

Ryujin nodded at Ragnarok and the respect that was given.

“I know all about you, After all you are within my inner world.” Ryuujin replied.

Leaping up and over the pillar that Aime was on, and swimming in between the pillars that Riyoshi and Torres stood upon, Ryuujin leaped out of the water and lunged at the Phoenix.

“That is easy. I am...” The phoenix started to say as Ryuujin wrapped around him and dragged him off the pillar and into the water.

“Ryujin! What are you doing! Be careful!” Riyoshi yelled out as he reached his right hand out towards the two of them.
The poor little girl was in awe. She felt out classed and outmatched here. Was it because this was something other than battle? Normal she felt confident in her skills and power, but in here. She felt small.

"I feel the same Aimeka. While I show respect something feels off. And that Phoenix... Lets continue to watch."

Ragnarok crouched down, twisting around the young girl as to comfort her.

Aime could feel the spirits warmth. It was almost the same as the Phoenix. All this was so weird and strange and confusing. Her small physique shuddered for a second and she collapsed slightly against the spirit, she herself suddenly feeling exhausted. With Ragnarok was an ethereal spirit her figure felt soft as down and warm as a fire. About that time Ryuujin attacked the fiery bird and took it beneath the surface of the infinite ocean. Steam rose fiercely and the light from the bird could be seen, but darkened as it was drug deep and deeper.

"We need to help Riyoshi, Something is seriously wrong here." She confirmed with Ragnarok on the previous statement.
Pizarro swiftly dodged the fireball, but suddenly turned to see Kishi appear above him. He took his Zanpaktou and used it to counter hers as the two blades clashes, he held his blocking hers as he grinned.

"Having fun girly!"

He said as it suddenly seemed like he was doing something odd with his mouth


"Well duh! I did just that was obviously the case since this entire world feels like Riyoshi's reiastsu, not need to restate the obvious not mention what I just said!"

Torres mumbled to the Phoenix.

Torres grumbled when he saw Ryujin attack the bird, that stupid Zanpaktou spirit. The bird was just about to spill, Ryujin must not want them to know which may be part of the problem.

He jumped after the dragon and bird into the water, his fist then glowed red as he fired off a Bala towards the two to make Ryujin let go of the bird so he could get his answer.
(Gah! I would have been able to post sooner if my iPad hadn't gone and acted up! I would have posted yesterday if not for that.)

I was annoyed that he had used me as some sort of take off point. There was no was that was happening again. I let loose a barrage of arrows at Pizarro, moving swiftly from different angles. My strong point had always lied within archery, even in soul form. "You'd better use me soon! I want to get that guy for doing that to you," Ketsueki Gekko shouted in my head. It was amazing that was able to concentrate through that split second with her.
The bala that Torres fired into the water exploded right in front of his hand. The water was far too dense for him to swim, let alone attack. Ryujin dragged the phoenix deeper and deeper into the water. Farther then Torres would be able to get to in the time he was in the water. Riyoshi leaped onto the surface of the water just over the spot that Torres was located. Placing his palm over the water, chains left his palm and wrapped around Torres, before dragging him back to the surface.

“What the hell do you think you are doing! Did you not understand the rules! If you were to attack them directly, they would unleash their powers upon you and they WILL kill you. After all, you are in my inner world which means your power is MINIMUL.” Riyoshi said as he grabbed Torres’ collar and dragged him out of the water.

The water beneath their feet started to warm up and the crimson pillar began to glow bright red. Shooting out of the water, The phoenix was carrying Ryujin in it’s claws. A loud screech soon left the Phoenix’s mouth as he dropped Ryujin in the water, behind Aime. Lading upon the crimson pillar, The phoenix looked at Torres.

“That was a dumb move diving into this water.” The phoenix said aloud as the water upon it’s body evaporated.
Kishi threw barr u in frt of her, her eyes widening in shock as the arrows also flew towards her, she shunpoed away from the arrancar quickly, not able to retaliate with her next attack. Her hollow within her growled, "Can we kill this one after the arrancar is sent limping back to Grimmjow?" Hi was apt to agree with the hollow for once, the water element twin hushing them.

Kishi's head snapped to the other girl, "Watch your attacks!" Especially when she was right next to the bastard! She sliced her katana through the air, venting some of her frustration as growled. She would stay back out of range for now, noticing just now that her upper right arm was bleeding. Her eyes narrowed, from the looks of it, it was from an arrow....F*cking hell.
Pizarro tried to use Sonido to dodge but he also managed to get two in his back, thankfully his Hierro prevented them from going too deep. He waved his arm around his back smashing through the energy arrows. He growled.

He didn't think the girl would be smart enough to attack her own ally, he believed they would be like any girl with all that love and togetherness crap... but she didn't seem to care if she killed her friend in the process of killing him. Well maybe he could use that to her advantage.

He suddenly swished his cheeks to the side as he launched 6 green Bala towards Moon, these were stronger and faster then Torres. He then used Sonido to get close Kishi, he was definitely fast as he brought down his sword towards her face with impressive speed.

(Don't think your gonna be able to beat this guy without Shikai....)


Torres grumbled as he realized this water was not like normal water, he pounded on the water out of frustration knowing it wouldn't do anything other then let him vent. Annoying... This really was another world.

He growled at Riyoshi as he dragged him back and asked such a stupid question.

"What do you think I'm doing!!!! YOU asked me to help you solve the problem of your powers going out of control and trying to find inner peace, as I see it they are the problem if they are fighting with in. So I'm doing as you asked and helping, I'm not going to stand back I will do something about it, whatever I can.

Furthermore I assure you I am not afraid to die, I never have been, never will be! There is no need for a fear of death in Hueco Mundo! It is simply a foolish ideal of humans and Shinigami!"

He broke through the chains showing his strength but immediately took a deep breath and showing some fatigue. Breaking out of those chains was harder than it looked. He did it just as the Phoenix re-emerged.

"So now that you are free, if you would please finish answering my question that you were about to say before you were so rudely interrupted.

Who or what are you?"
I swiftly used Hirenkyaku to dodge the Bala and shot an arrow at his sword as to slow the momentum of his swing to help Kishi. I may not be exactly buddy-buddy with her, but I knew the importance of teamwork as opposed to useless pride. That was one reason where I was different from most Quincy. I didn't go along with that whole "Pride of the Quincy" bull. That was just annoying to me.

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