Bleach Role Play

Kishi growned slightly, he hadn't called out his release statement. It wasn't the first time she had seen that but she had never attempted it. She shook her head, clearing out that notion, she wasn't about to try and look like an idiot if it didn't work. She looked up to Riyoshi before launching up towards him, a good few feet away and slightly below his level, "Yeah, if you are." Oh she sounded so enthusiastic.

She brought her right hand over to her left hip, gripping the hilt of her zanpaktou, pulling it free from its sheathe, the blade glinting lightly. She almost rolled her eyes as she muttered, "Dream HiMizu." and pulled the katana apart with her left hand, the transformation taking place quickly, "So show me then."

She readied herself for an attack and waited to see what he was up to. From earlier she had taken in some his movesand understood better how he fought, but it was still forreign territory here."Calm down, sheesh, yer gonna have a heart attack there Hime." 'Hishi, you're comments are not useful right now.'The brunette glumly thought back at her hollow.
a smile upon his face, he looked upon the female shinigami.

"BANKAI!" Riyoshi yelled out as liquid shot out from his blades and enveloped him. The liquid soon turned black and his reiatsu could no longer be felt from inside.

"Get ready half breed." Riyoshi spoke out, not really directed at Kishi.

The liquid exploded from around him and he stood there in the sky in his bankai state.

((Bankai: ))
Torres smirked as he saw Riyoshi transformed and felt the incredible increase of Reiatsu, he had to admit he was definitely impressed. He could tell he was far more powerful then before and not something to be taken lightly. But that look, he looked rather Hollowish, very like the Resureccion of Arrancar, but that was not the case. It was something else, his reiatsu indicated that clearly.
(that's what I was thinking. Are you going to elaborate later on that lash?) Kishi snarled, a somewhat feral sound. If he was going to use his Ban Kai, and with such an amazing reiatsu that came with it...She was going to have to use more. Her hollow snorted, "So you're gonna use me finally huh? Bout damn ******* time."

Kishi smiled grimly, 'Not exactly Hishi-san..' She moved her katanas in her palms, wiggling them. The best way to fight a ban kai..was with a ban kai. HI full out laughed, "Yes, its been to long!" Mizu was apt to agree, "We are ready Kishi-san."

The brunette tightened her grip on her zanpaktou, her reiatsu suddenly flaring out around her in a giant prple wave. Her eyes were glowing with it as well.

(sorry about the cliff hanger, I'm in arush, but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging with no post from me.)
Aime just sat in her little cubic of a barrier while Riyoshi and Kishi decided to bankai rage out at each other. Sure they may have been training but where was the building up to the end game not storing off the movie with a climax. It felt kind of bland and she was sure that this training would not take too long.

Either way she longed for the feeling of battle. lift her hand up and pointing her finger out, the tip of her finger touched the barrier and in an instant it dissolved turning to dust then nothing. An explosion of reiatsu blasted her and it was exhilarating! She gasped in its awe. Closing her eyes and releasing her mind it poured into her very essence.

Now that's what I love little missy. The power. The force. All that destructive nature being released. When was the last time we felt this high. You know... Why don't you join in???

Her eyes opened and her expression, lips, cheeks, and brows, all scowled.

You know better than that. I will not join for our ecstasy alone. This is greater than yourself and I. We will not interfere until participate until asked to do so.

Ragnarok snorted but smirked. Aime just watched. Analyzing both participants. Evaluating.
((This form is strictly a bankai. Think of it like Toshiro and his ice dragon. Only with Riyoshi, he is clad in the bone of Ryujin, his zanpakutou.))

"That's right. Let's get this power going!" Riyoshi yelled as he vanished from the sky and appeared upon the ground.

He was merely keeping his distance until he seen what she was like in her bankai form. He would not take long to analyze a fighting style, nor would he ever keep his the same.

"Let's get this started woman! Ryujin said as his personality overrode Riyoshi's for a minute.


Riyoshi sat in his inner world upon the lone pillar in the middle of the ocean. As he sat upon the pillar, he was in a meditative state while Ryujin took upon a human form and sat across from Riyoshi. Their right hands extended in front of them and they were pressing their fists together; They had a connection that was unique.


Stretching out his arms, he looked into the sky and waited for Kishi. As he looked into the sky, he felt a slight presence that was all to familiar. Taking a quick glance down, he seen Aime outside of the barrier.

This is not going to be good if i keep this form up. Riyoshi thought to himself.
Kishi smirked as Hi and Mizu joined hands together in her inner world and she breathed deeply, "Bankai." The statement was simple but the explosion of reiatsu more then made up for her, her long hair flying up around her. A cloud of her rieatsu surrounded her, shrouding her form. She sliced her arm through the air, clearing it.

"Hishou HiMizu." She disappeared, her speed monumentally increased now. She appeared not far away from Riyoshi on the ground, "Indeed, let's get this moving." Her teeth grit at being called woman, but she decided she would get back at him for that later though.

Her bladeless hilts were held in her hands, softly gripping them, arms down at her sides. She smiled at Riyoshi, before disappearing and reappearing behind him, hand flying towards right hand flying towards his head, on arc of flame coming out of the hilt.

(links to bankai, shikai, and hollow mask: ..nevermind, its not working right now...I'll get it up later.)
Riyoshi stood there watching her every movement, trying to find a pattern, no matter how slight. As she appeared in front of him, what he seen was extremely unusual. Her zanpakutou were only hilts. the blades had vanished. Once again, she had vanished from sight, but he felt her behind him so his movements were less defensive and more curious. "I don't really like your fighting style. Attacking from behind, never wanting to face your opponent." Riyoshi said as his left wing came in and wrapped around himself as his right wrong came up like a shield against the fire. With his wings still covering him, he jumped away from her location. Landing upon the ground, he turned and removed his wings from around them and looked upon her.
Torres stood watching as he studied both Bankai's very carefully.

"Very interesting."

He watched how both moved, fought and defended with their full power being released. He had come to understand that a Shinigami's Bankai was the final release of their Zanpaktou where as Arrancar only had one. While their bodies did not exactly always changed, the full power of their sword was released. In Riyoshi's case it seemed to cover him like an armor similiar to Arrancar. However Kishi's seemed interesting, her blades seemed to have vanished and rather taken on a pure elemental state only for when attacking. This was though, only an initial assessment. There was still a lot to watch and understand.
(Sorry I haven't posted in so long! No school means no Internet for my iPad and it's hard to get to a computer with my mum. Heh....)

I watched the battle with interest for a bit, then I went over to Torres. "Want to finish our battle?" I asked.(Gah! Can't think of anything more to put. My next post will be longer......hopefully.)
Kishi grinned softly from behind her mask, "With my blades state, it doesn't give much for defense. I don't have much choice to fight this way then do I?" The flame coming from her hilt looked very much like a blade, but receded to nothing.

She dropped to the ground, launching a new attack at him, using her legs this time time. The right one swung out towards his knees as her other left the ground as well, her body spinning as she launched towards his chest with it.

Her bladeless hilts were in her hands, waiting for the next opportunity to strike.
Torres crossed his arms, he was severely pissed. Those two love birds were always fighting with each other leaving him out, all he had left were the two wonders, the girl with a cat and the new little one both of who had their heads else where and didn't seem to want to fight.

(No offense, but this is majorly unfair. You said we can't make anymore small plots and bad guys to keep ourselves occupied, but now you and Riyoshi just fight with each other and I'm left alone because Aime and Moon aren't on as much as we are. Otherwise I can go to the other Bleach RP, I don't mind you guys fighting with each other all the time but then I at least should be allowed to give myself something else to do, even if it is a small bad guy or something since you are focused solely on each other.

Yea I can do the whole inner world thing and such, character development. There is only so much one can do especially as an Arrancar without a Zanpaktou spirit or Hollow Spirit. Besides it's best done in scenarios with the outside world influence. Otherwise there is no point in doing it in an RP with others.)
(I'm so sorry, I trying to get everybody into the plot and then the person who was writing grimmjow left. If you want you can write him, and I will definitely try to get you in more. Kishi thinks of torres as a friend and will definitely try to hang around him, and to spar with him. But riyoshi at the moment has got her attention, he seems more a threat to her then Torres does, which is why she is sparring with him and joined his group or squad. No offense riyoshi or Aime...she doesn't trust shinigami much though. But again, I am so sorry you got left out Pyro, and I would really appreciate it if you could take Grimmjow?)
(Two Arrancar is a bit weird, but I suppose. Though fighting with Torres against myself as Grimmjow seems strange, so for now I'll need something else to do. Maybe I can just RP as Grimmjow preparing and making his way to the Real World.)
(Okay, thanks so much. Although if you don't I would have to do it, so therein lies the same problem.)
Riyoshi stopped moving for a second and brought his hand up to his face.

“AGH! You said you wouldn’t do this!” Riyoshi yelled out as he gripped the mask upon his face.

Ripping the mask from his face, his form seemed to disintegrate from around him. Dropping to the ground, his zanpakutou appeared next to his body. Looking up at Kishi, he looked at her with an expression of sadness.

“I am so sorry.” Riyoshi said as he grabbed his zanpakutou.

“You need to get everyone ready for what is about to come.” Riyoshi said exhaustedly.

Standing up, he placed his zanpakutou in his sheath and flash stepped past Kishi. Appearing next to Torres, he placed his right hand upon Torres’ shoulder.

“Help me.” Riyoshi said quietly.

As he spoke, there was a serious tone of sadness that could be heard and felt. Flash stepping out of the training room, Riyoshi walked out of Urahara’s shop and into the streets of the city. With a twist of his foot, he vanished from his spot and appeared upon the outskirts. He stood there looking upon the lake, thinking if Torres would be able to find him.
Torres was surprised when Riyoshi suddenly appeared next to him and asked for help, what the heck?! He decided he should help, but then Riyoshi suddenly disappeared but Torres was watching so he made sure to follow. Keeping up thanks to his Pesquisa was easy, he knew Riyoshi's reiatsu and it was still flowing with that bankai's extra energy made it all the more easy.

He soon appeared next to Torres using his Sonido, using his body to support Riyoshi in case he collapsed.

"You can't really control that power can you. I can sense your reiatsu slightly change when your using it, like it's not you. Sort of like when Kishi wear's her mask. But not the same... different."

Shinigami seemed so different from Arrancar, having their power come from different sources they seemed unable to ever full control it or master it. Arrancar's power came only from themselves, so their power was their own... but Shinigami were different.


Meanwhile within Hueco Mundo, Grimmjow growled as he crushed the arm rests of the black stone chair he sat upon.

"I'm tired of this waiting shit! I still have a debt to pay to Ichigo!"

He clenched his fanged teeth as he remember Ichigo cutting right through his Desgarron and slicing right through like he was some worthless Numeros. He had been an Espada...

He looked to the number 6 on his back which now had very deep claw marks through it making it barely visible any more.


He let out a monstrous roar as the dark sand below his shook and rumbled out in waves as the sky seemed to shake.
“It may be true that my reiatsu changes slightly when using my bankai, but i have mastered the form. It is what lies within the form that has not been mastered. I was hoping that you could give me some insight, if you want to.” Riyoshi asked as he leaned against Torres.

Bringing his hand up to his heart, he took in a deep breath. Looking over at Torres, he looked him deeply in the eyes.

“It feels as if it trying to devour my body, like it is trying to escape. I felt a strong connection, just for a brief second back there in Urahara’s training grounds. That presence came from you.” Riyoshi spoke out as he reached across and pointed at Torres’ heart.

As he spoke, he closed his eyes and just smiled. Just as he did so, his body went limp and was dead weight against Torres.
Torres opened his mouth to speak that he really had no idea about Zanpaktou spirits and he had no idea what was in his heart if he even had one when he felt the added weight and realized the Shinigami was unconscious.

"Seriously! Why do all you Shinigami just keep going unconscious.... I hope you don't do this in actual battles or it will be very inconvenient."

He put Riyoshi on his back properly so he could carry him.

"Time to take you back to Mr HatMask."

Suddenly Torres heard some moaning in the distance that sounded oddly like Urahara. He shrugged and used Sonido to head back to Urahara's shop. It really was the only place he knew in this world, except maybe that school Mr HatMask mentioned, he had visited once but in truth he didn't like it. He sensed evil in there....

(Poor Torres, everyone keeps fainting around him. He is not getting a good impression of Shinigamis...)
((OOC: I only said i went limp. Never said i blacked out. xD ))

As Riyoshi was picked up onto Torres' shoulders, Riyoshi exhaled deeply.

"Im not unconscious. I merely have some compatibility issues." Riyoshi spoke out as he was carried back to Urahara's shop.

As his reiatsu began to stabilize, he could feel his feet once again. Tapping Torres upon the head, he pointed towards the ground.

"I do not want to go back there just yet. I brought you all the way out there for a reason. I was hoping that you might be able to help. I don't think that Urahara can help me." Riyoshi spoke out as he awaited Torres to put him down.
Kishis stood there blinking, sorely confused. she was left in her bankai state after him agging her on for so long to do so and now..nothing. Her hollow laughed, "Man don't even know how to please a girl." Kishi blushed lightly, "Shut up Hishimoto...that's disgusting." She quickkly resealed her bankai into shikai, and her shikai into its sealed state as she lowered to the ground.

"What the real question here is...prepare everybody for what?" She had notcied that he had stopped clutching at his face, yelling at what she assumed was his inner spirit. She frowned,she had met him before and she didn't wish to again. Mizu agreed, "A spirit taking over their master unwillingly like that is unatural and wrong." Hi snorted, "Because we don't know what that's like..."

As the three bickered Kishi quickly shunpoed back up to the shop, beckoning for Aime to follow. She hooked Ichigo by the collar and pulled him along behind her, his struggling protests ignored.


Urahara watched bemused as Kishi dragged Ichigo along, his fan flipped over his face. He twitched as he swore he could here that arrancar calling him Mr. HatMask again. But his face was serious, something was in the air, something was about to happen.
(It's like every few minutes or hour or so that someone faints. It's actually pretty amusing.)

I became bored and went to find something to do. I decided to randomly sneak up on Ichigo. "Woof!" I yelled from behind Ichigo.(This fails, but it's better than nothing.)
(( Pyro Id like to fully apologize to you for not posting and not allowing you to interact at all. Yes i have kids and a job that distract me but so does backlash and he still finds time. i get unmotivated and dont post which then i miss out. i see where i could of posted three or four times but didnt because i was unmotivated. Ive asked backlash to kick my ass into gear but as well if you have a phone feel free to text and pester me. (four 0 five) 5 eight 9 - 8 one 3 seven. I dont want random internet bots whoring my number. Just text me who you are and ill add you and feel free to pest any time. That goes for any of you kishi and moonlight. I swear ill try to be more active. This sucks ima cut this post short cause its senseless to add what i wanted as it doesnt really matter anymore my fault for not posting lesigh. ))

Aime was utterly confused. She did not understand as to why the sudden change in Riyoshi's behavior. They had been friends for quite some time but it seems like over the last few months while she was in Seireitei and Riyoshi was here in Karakura he had changed. Almost a completely different person. Somehow she felt like it was her fault.

Aime rose to her feel when Kishi beckoned her too. It was easy to tell she was worried as well as frustrated. Aime shocked kichi when the girl touched her shoulder. Purely an accident and a side effect of her zanpakutou. She giggled at how ichigo was getting pulled along as well; very amusing. Either way she quickly followed in her trail remaining ever quiet and observant.
(@Kishi I just wanna ask is it ok to give Grimmjow lackies or must I just bring him in alone and direct?

@Moonlight @Kaine Please make no mistake, I was in no way blaming you guys. We each have lives and can only come on whenever it is possible. Please don't feel forced or that my comment was directed in you at any way. It was simply towards the fact that I am active as Kishi and Riyoshi, but I find my character being left with very little to do while they spar. I in no way blame you, nor is it your fault in any manner.)

When Riyoshi spoke he freaked out Torres causing him to drop him and as he tumbled to the ground.

"Whoops, sorry... I just felt your weight and reiatsu drop so suddenly.... Besides, I've gotten use to all of you guys just randomly fainting..."

Thankfully he hadn't gotten far, he simply picked Riyoshi back up and turned back to face in direction they had been before.

"And what is it you think I can help with. Unlike the girl and the annoying yellow haired boy, I do not believe you have any trace of Hollow in you..."
([MENTION=2599]PyroWarriorZ[/MENTION] ...Well yeah, when does Grimmjow not have lackeys? Except when the shinigami killed them all of course...)

Ichigo jumped slightly startled glaring at the girl who had barked at him, "Nandeskou?!" He pulled away from Kishi to stand away from the group. He didn't see Riyoshi or Torres anywhere, and he didn't sense them nearby. He wondered where they went.

Kishi sighed, ignoring the small shock she had recieved from Aime. When everyone got into the room she shrugged, "Riyoshi said to prepare you all for something. He never said what so, I'm kind of useless right now." She glanced to Urahara who happily waved his fan at her, "I guess the floor is yours."

Urahara didn't step forward, "I think all you kiddies can go home for now, except Ichigo, I'm going to grab you and take you back to train again. You've had enough of a break." He happily started away, the carrot top grumpily following.

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