Bleach Role Play

(i figured it was fine since he was in the same room as Riyoshi) Kishi waited as everyone filtered into the room before speaking up again. She clapped her hands together, startling Ichigo slightly, "Alright all of ya, shut up and pay attention to Riyoshi."
(Yea, but the reason he knows you speak to your spirits is because Urahara told him when he was explaining about Inner Worlds to him)
I listened to what was to be said attentively. I knew it was important. My stomach could wait for the time being, anyhow.
As Aime sat down, Riyoshi’s gut kind of sank. He was wanting her to help him out with the speech since she was going to be a main part of it. But he took a couple deep breaths and as everyone came into the room, he looked at each one of them with a friendly smile.

“Okay everyone. I have a few key points i want to tell you before i get down to business. When i first met you, i had told you all that i was the third seat of the thirteenth division. That was not entirely true. I used to be a part of that division until i was tasked into a different division. One were the soul purpose was to oppose the strongest of enemies. I was sent here to scout out any potential allies or threats.” Riyoshi spoke out as he leaned back against the wall.

Taking in a deep breath once again, he continued his speech.

“This division was created by the central 46, and was hidden away from the eyes of the Captain Commander. I was tasked to this town by the central 46 to recruit the strongest allies. They knew that with the rise of the arrancar’s, there was surely going to be something greater to follow.” Riyoshi continued with his long winded speech.

Stepping forward off the wall, he then walked towards Aime, and placed his hand upon her head.

“And this girl here. She is not just any shinigami. But actually the captain assigned to this division. Now that i have all of this information out there, I would like to ask you all one question. Would you join our cause? Would you fight along us in the protection of our worlds?” Riyoshi spoke out while looking out among the faces of the group.
Ichigo was staring at Riyoshi, his eyes wide, "What?! the hell kind of question is that?!" He stood, the chair he had been sitting on falling over in his haste, "Th-that doesn't even make sense!" His reiatsu was wavering off of him in confused waves.

Kishi stepped forward and bopped Ichigo on the head, causing him to drop to the ground like a sack of flour, she turned to Riyoshi, "I thought it was weird you claiming to be the third seat...that's those two idiots always following Ukitake-san right?" Her green eyes watched him curiously, " want us to join your little division. What would be in it for us?"

"Woah..princess is greedy today huh?"
Kishi grinned at the remark, d people that come to Not at all..I want to see what Riyoshi wants, we'd fight the bad guys no matter what. So yeah..' ​The busty girl smiled, amused.
Torres didn't answer, he had only listened intently and then watched as Ichigo and Riyoshi interacted. He looked to the side to see some of the others, one of them called Chad also seemed silent, just watching and waiting for others to react.

He brought his gaze back to Riyoshi and occasionally switched between him and the new little girl Aime. She seemed small, so it was hard to believe she was the Captain, but one can never judge on size. Arrancars become far more powerful by taking on small forms after they break their masks.
"If it is to protect our worlds, then there isn't really much of a choice, is there? I for one shall fight to protect, even if it means giving up my own life in the process," I said. Nyra pawed at Ichigo in cat-like curiosity. I gave a small half-smile and held back a giggle at the sight of the cat. "I can't wait for a real battle. It's been too long," Ketsueki Gekko's voice resounded in my head.
Riyoshi looked over at Ichigo as he got up quick enough to knock the chair over and had a little outburst. His reiatsu wavered from him in his outburst, but Riyoshi did not worry too much about him.

“It’s a simple question. I am extending a friendly hand from our division to your town. You would be a proud member of our division, but have no obligation to return with us back to soul society. You are more then welcome to stay here.” Riyoshi spoke out towards Ichigo with a less friendly tone then he started with.

Looking over at Kishi, he spoke out once again.

“That is right. They are the third seat of the thirteenth division. I do apologize for lying to you when we first met, but i was not sure that i could have told you that i belonged to a secret division hidden within the ranks of the 13 court guards.” Riyoshi answered her question with a long winded explanation.

Glancing around the room until Moonlight spoke out, Riyoshi soon turned his attention upon her.

“Thank you. This means a lot. Our duty is patrolling different realms looking to stop any potential threat from becoming a problem to any realm of life. If your city here was to be attacked, you can guarantee that we will be here to help out with the protection of this place, and I would expect the same if soul society, and also, if Torres joins, he can count us in to protect his home.” Riyoshi replied as he extended his right hand out in a friendly handshake towards Moonlight.
Torres looked to Riyoshi.

"I have no home anymore, I gave up Hueco Mundo."

He said bluntly as it seemed everyone else had agreed, even the quiet human and the other quincy with the strange mask over his eyes that looked similar to like Syazel's mask.

He simply stood there not answering as he leaned against a post in Urahara's shop.
Ichigo sputtered at the change in Riyoshi's tone. He hadn't been expecting that, but he quickly recovered, patting the cat absentmindedly as he spoke, "Well, alright. It doesn't seem to different then what I've been doing." He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh, "I guess I'm in." He looked to Kishi who hadn't actually answered yet, waiting to see her response.

The girl folded her arms underneath her ample chest, "Fine, I'm in. It's not like I have much choice ne?" She looked to Torres, "Oi, stop wallowing in pity over there. Karakura can be your new home." Her green eyes flashed as if she dared him to challenge her, "And you're supposed to defend your home."
"It is not pity, it is a fact. There is no point in such a thing as pity as is a home. I don't need a home, it simply limits you and I have already had that once. I will go wherever I choose."

He twiddle his fingers over his Zanpakuto.

"I am not in."
((guys i am so sorry. Ive been busy with work and my little girl has been sick. Been late nights and long days. I'm glad you could carry on without me and still keep my character involved i really appreciate it.))

Aime watched all their expressions. Some were of satisfaction, others seemed scared. sitting in her spot on the ground she kinda shrugged as Riyoshi placed his hand on her head.

"You know i hate it when you call me ma'am. I'm Only 12..."

Her eyes looked up into his but he was preoccupied with the speech and trying to calm others down. She addressed them truthfully and seriously.

"While a Division we are not numbered, only spoken in name. We are The White Lotus. I may be the Taichou, but i do not hold rank along side the other divisions. The only captain i have respect from is Captain Kyouraku as he is my biological father. I've never proven myself in battle along side any of them so they will be quick to judge. They will be harsh."

Remaining stern and straight, arms crossed she continued to speak.

"I don't expect you to follow us blindly. Even I am not pure shinigami. Ichigo," She paused, "I know your loyalties lie in protecting your friends, family, and those in Karakura town. I respect that. Kishi, Learning to strengthen your power and master the understanding of it is something you find important as well. Even as an Arrancar like Torres, His goals, powers, and strengths will be different. A want to understand yourself as a person and a hollow puts you above others of your kind in my opinion. All of you were hand picked by Riyoshi and myself to be the ranks."

Carefully she stood up and glanced into each of the recruits eyes. This was the team, they would be the protectors.

"However, as you know there is a fine balance between the spiritual realms and the living realm; between Heuco Mundo, Soul Society, and the Human World. We need a group of individuals who can set differences aside and simply live for one goal. 'Preserving the Balance'. This may not seem like a lot but let me explain fully what this entails. Anyone, and i mean anyone, who seeks to destroy this balance, will be delt with accordingly. Shinigamis, Quincys, Hollows. We protect any realm, from any enemy, at any cost. It wont always end with cherries and peaches on top. Shinigami have always sought to protect this balance, but... they can be arrogant. We do not hold these values. We will be each others allies, we may receive help from others but we will be solely loyal to each other. This trust will be built, not given, respect earned, not taken."

Aime had much, much more to say but she knew even this was a whole hell of a lot to take in.

A sigh escaped and her checks flushed a little, only a little and only for a second before returning to her seriously serious posture. Arms folded, head cocked, ready to answer any and all questions. The hope was they would all accept after hearing there speeches combined. She decided to throw in a little extra info.

"Our base is in Seireitei, but located in the outer reaches of Rukongai. Secrecy is important however all other divisions know about us. We were created in secret but announced once actually created."

Another sigh then the final question. "Any Questions?"
Rather than grab his hand, I grabbed Riyoshi's forearm just below his elbow in a form of handshake. It wasn't as if I was trying to hide the fact I was weird. "I am the type who would die to protect a complete stranger if for the right reasons," I said. I turned to Torres. "Speaking of 'homes', a home only limits you if you don't know what to do when the time comes to protect it," I said.
Riyoshi grabbed ahold of Moonlight’s forearm and as her hand grabbed his, he held back a slight emotion of pain.

“I am glad that you are on board. After all this, i would like to discuss some information with you regarding battle strategies.” Riyoshi replied to Moonlight.

“I am glad to have the two substitute shinigami’s on our side. You will be very helpful in this squad. I also would like to have you help out with a training session.” Riyoshi spoke out as he removed his hand from the hand shake.

Walking over to Aime’s side, he knelt down and whispered into her ear.

“Do you think it is okay to have an arrancar on our side if he truly does not have anything to fight for?” Riyoshi whispered as he quickly glanced his sight to Torres.

Standing back up, Riyoshi looked up at Kishi as he took a quick breath.

“Do you know where i can get some healing done around here?” Riyoshi spoke out as he put his right hand upon his left shoulder.
Kishi startled slightly at Aime's words, apparently she wasn't the only one with a notorious captain for a father. She the turned and grinned at Riyoshi, "Hai, Kisuke can do that for you." She shrugged, "Or I could, if you don't want the crazy shop owner doing it." She uncrossed her arms and stood forward, her hand going to the purple wrapped hilt of her zanpaktou. There was nothing threatening about how she was standing, or how she had moved. She had just put her hand on the comforting entity, ready to draw it to heal the man.

Ichigo nodded, "So, what are we doing? Going to the Soul Society?" He doubted they could get into there without somebody noticing it, plus he was more concerned with the upcoming battle with Grimmjow. "What about the bastard who came in here yesterday challenging me..again."
The little speech did not change Torres' mind and he simply ignored Moon's little saying, he would still not join them.

He also noticed Riyoshi whispering something to Aime, he could guess it was about him and his refusal to join. It only made him more sure he would not join them.
I nodded and picked up Nyra. The black cat mewed, looking at me with her violet eyes a if to ask if I was sure I wanted to go through with wha I'd decided. I just smiled at her. "Strategy. Backup strategy. It's all a part of battle," Ketsueki Gekko's void resounded in my head. "Shut up. You are not the one he was talking to, so it is not your place to say as of the moment," I thought to her. There were times when my zanpakutou was just plain annoying, but I had to admit, it wouldn't feel right without her.
Kishi sighed, rolling her eyes, "Ichigo, shut up, it doesn't even matter. Either way Grimmjow is going to meet Zangetsu." She sounded confident in her words, her free hand going to rest on her hip. Her green eyes looked at Riyoshi, expecting a comment from him.

Ichigo grinned at Kishi, "Heh, yeah..." His eyes were serious though, and he turned back to the man and women offering them entrance to the secret division, arms crossed over his chest, "But seriously, what are we doing?"
((OOC: I am going to pull some characters “Aime&Torres” till they get back))

“Ichigo, you need to focus upon your own city before i can have you join me in Soul society.” Riyoshi spoke out as he soon turned his sight to Kishi.

“When it comes to Grimmjow, You do not have to worry to much about him. We are not the only ones that are in this division. There are a lot more of us residing in Soul society.” Riyoshi spoke out as he walked next to Aime and picked her up.

Walking over to Urahara, he spoke out to him with a friendly tone.

“Do you mind looking after Torres’ training while we go downstairs once again?” Riyoshi asked as he nodded.

Turning away from Urahara, he looked upon the group.

“I will be hosting another training session, for all those that want to join in.” Riyoshi spoke out as he vanished from the room and appeared in the training room once again, this time, Aime upon his shoulder.
Kishi rolled her eyes, that did not answer her question. Grimmjow had challenged Ichigo, not anybody else, and knowing the stubborn bastard...this referring to both the boys, they would just end up fighting with everyone else until they got their way and got to fight the other. She sighed and decided to go down to the training room with was better then doing nothing, and she honestly wanted to finish their fight. She walked out of the room they were currently residing in and jumped down the hatch to the training room, nimbly landing on her feet, the reishi pulling up almost visibly around her.

Ichigo was still in the room, a deep scowl on his face as he focused, thinking about the situation. His arms were croosed over his chest as he leaned against a wall, wondering how to go about this. In one hand, the strange man was right, but on the other protecting the city included keeping Grimmjow out of it. He pinched his nose between his fingers, "Damn it.." He had no idea as to what he could do in this situation, and he didn't like that.

Urahara smiled, pooping his fan open and putting it in front of his face, fluttering it lightly, "Okie~" He turned to Torres and his eyes turned serious while his smile remained, "Lets get to it." He sat down and motioned for Torres to do the same.
(I'm back! Like I said, only a few days!)

Torres grumbled at Urahara.

"Ugh! I've had enough of that meditate and be calm ****, I wanna get some fighting and then I can do that calm junk again..."

He growled preferring to rather fight.
Riyoshi felt the presence of Kishi behind him and it made him smile. Walking over to one of the numerous mounds, Riyohsi set Aime down and placed a barrier around her. Looking back at Kishi, Riyoshi took a breath.

“You ready for this?” Riyoshi spoke out as he removed the blade from it’s sheath.

As he asked the question, he flash stepped away from Aime and appeared in the sky.

“Like i said, there was something that i wanted to show you before, but we got interrupted.” Riyoshi spoke out as he rubbed his hand down the top of his zanpkutou.

As he did so, his reiatsu began to rise and his blade split off into two. He was in his shikai state.

All right Ryujin, we ready for this? Riyoshi thought to himself.

Question is, Are YOU ready? Ryujin replied to Riyoshi.

Cracking his neck and stretching his arms, Riyoshi looked upon Kishi and awaited her response.
Torres followed as he felt the powerful change in reiatsu, his Pesquisa told him this was going to be big. He peeked his head so he could see Riyoshi high up as his eyes focused on him.

"What was the little Shinigami up to?"

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