Bleach Role Play

Kishi stopped, who? She looked around her eyes searching. She wasn't overly alarmed if Riyoshi wasn't but she was curious. She decided to leave him to what he was doing and kept walking.

"I'll keep going on ahead, see you there." She waved and turned, her black hair shimmering in the light as she did so.
After the wave of spiritual pressure from Torres had passed, I was even more hungry. I tried to ignore that. "I'm going to get back in my body," I said and went to where I placed my body during training. I got back in and nearly threw up from hunger.

"Hell!" I said, keeping myself from throwing up.
Torres huffed in annoyment, it was then he saw a new Shinigami he had not seen before who Riyoshi recognized. Sheesh how many Shinigami were there?

Otherwise it seemed Riyoshi and Kishi had finished their training as well and now it seemed Moon was gone as well. He took a deep breath and grumbled in agitation. Maybe it would take time to figure out this inner world thing, but he was not a patient Arrancar.
I returned to where Torres and Urahara were, my stomach feeling like it was trying to eat itself. "Ermm....Urahara-san. I think I should probably eat something...." I said. I gagged a bit, still trying to keep from throwing up. The black cat with violet eyes from before padded over to me and mewed. I picked her up and petted her.
(sorry for late reply been a long week)

Aime snorted as she heard Riyoshi speak her name. It was as if he was going to scold her again. But not this time for sure. Its not like she had done anything wrong. Enjoying a show was simply entertainment right? Simply!

"Wat..?" She replied with a blank look upon her face. Eyes kind of slouched, staring blankly at him. Her mouth in a frowny position and shoulders relaxed in bad posture. She continued to walk until at arms length from the man. Before he said another word Aime spoke.

"Your mom... That's what I think."

Continuing past him she just kept walking... blankly and expressionless.
Riyohi sighed a little at her remark, but at the same time, he was glad it was the same old Aime. Reaching up and brushing a few stray hairs out of his face, he soon caught up with Aime and rested his hand upon her shoulder.

“How are you doing? I take it your mission was a success?” Riyoshi asked her as he walked side by side with her.

As he walked, he pondered on what could have possibly created that odd feeling over such a vast area in such a burst. Was it really Torres? Could it have been from someone, or something else entirely?

Picking Aime up, he placed her upon his shoulder and flash stepped to Kishi’s position. As he appeared, he slid into a walking stride next to Kishi. Placing Aime down, he stood in the middle of the two women. His wounds were not severe, but if you watched carefully, you could see a slight expression of pain when Riyoshi walked.

Glancing over at Kishi for a brief second, he looked upon the hilt of her zanpakutou.

Such power resides in that blade. Power that resides on different sides of the elemental scale. How is it, that even though she has both, she does not use them as so? Riyoshi thought to himself.

That is the reason boy. She said it herself, she does not have full control over her strongest attack. After we figure out what caused that burst of sorrow, you should talk with her about that attack. You should help her train. Help her develop that attack. I will even help out this time. Ryuujin replied to Riyoshi’s thought.

How about WE talk before anything. You almost got me killed! You need to relax on that half breed shit. You heard her. It was not by choice that she is like that. Riyoshi demanded back at Ryuujin.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Ryuujin roared back as he snapped Riyoshi from the realm of the living and brought his consciousness to the inner world.

As Ryuujin did so, Riyoshi stopped walking and seemed to be in a soulless state of mind.


Inner world


“What do you think you are doing!” Riyoshi yelled out at Ryuujin.

"You think that I was doing that for my own pleasure? Look at the level of attack she had. The ferocity she had within her. I was only meaning to tap into that and figure out what she had in store.” Ryuujin said as his dragon like figure flew above Riyoshi.

Flying from the sky, he landed upon the ground, his serpent like body slithering upon the ground, his wings folded upon his back, he rushed himself up to Riyoshi, pinning him against a wall.

“You need to fill me in on this, you can’t just go off on your own, calling someone a half breed. She was an innocent in becoming a vizard.” Riyoshi replied to Ryuujin.

”She might be, but you on the other hand. You were not an innocent when it comes to being a half breed. You chose to be what you are.” Ryuujin replied as he let up slightly on Riyoshi.

Growling under his breath, Riyoshi clinched his fists and glared at Ryuujin.

“Are you serious! I had to do what needed to be done! It was for.....” Riyoshi started to say before Ryuujing threw him out of the inner world and back into the realm of the living.


Urahara’s shop


Riyoshi started to walk again as he was merely a second behind the girls. It felt as if he was in his inner world for longer, but it just seemed that way.

“So Kishi. After all of this, can we talk about what happened in our training session? And Aime, i would like you to join us.” Riyoshi asked out as he was back in line with the girls.
Kishi had looked at the newcomer oddly, but Riyoshi had seemed to know her so she merely walked on. Her green eyes however wandered over to the pink haired girl. "What do you think Kishi-chan?"

Kishi ignored the fire twin aspect of her blade. When she didn't reply the cooler tempered water and ice aspect twin spoke up, "It's never wise to ignore Hi-oniisan..." Somewhere in her innerworld she could feel a blast of reiatsu and the busty girl stumbled slightly, 'Dear Kami, what have I done..' "Hahaha, that's rich!" The hollow was watching this unfold bemused.

Kishis noticed that Riyoshi's stride had broken and looked back at him, he seemed fine. She nodded surprised when he spoke to her, "Okay..." She didn't understand what about exactly... Although now there was a decent sized hole in the shin area of her hakama. She looked towards the male warily, what was his blades ability...
(lol kishi my character is not pictured in my signature. my character has blonde hair blue eyes with a white jacket and purple plaid pants/skirt and flippy flops. sword over her should only visible to other reapers, arrancar, and +humans. and a flower ornament in her hair. Hair up in an elagant bun. Dont bother editting its no biggy just wanted you to know for future reference :3. unless the pink haired girl is someone i missed ._. )

Aime snorted.

"Mission... What mission. I was doing nothing of the sort. Besides ..."

She stopped and turned around. her eyes staring him down sharply.

"THAT! would be none of your damn business."

Her hand came up and she sprang her index finger at him. Leaning her head back, eyes sharply down glancing at him like a human striking down a witch with a death stare. Though it was only an expression of "die" in a joking matter. She started to giggle.

"Seriously though..."

Her hand came up to the hilt of her sword.

"Informing you of the details of my mission would require you to die quick and painfully there after."

A Huge evil grin crossed her face. Her head cocked and launched back and out from her throat emerged a cackle so heinous a puppy would pee at the sound of it.


Then she was picked up and shuttled over to Kishi and then promptly removed. Odd.

"This ones a little girl." She blurted knowing the one next to her was older and much taller than herself, head angled up at Kishi's piercing eyes. Aime's lips parted in a smirk. "But seems like
your mission was a success. The recruits... nicely varied in powers and strengths."

Her head came to hang low as they continued to walk, not noticing Riyoshi had actually left their conversation for a moment.

"I sence an... hmm. What? I thought they were joining us?" She answered his question with another.
Riyoshi hung his head as she yelled at him. He KNEW he was out of place asking about her mission, but he just wanted to be in the loop.

“Sorry ma’am. I didn’t mean anything by it.” Riyoshi replied.

Snapping back into reality made him rethink the situation of the training and his entire situation. Catching up with the girls, he looked back at Aime and with a single breath he spoke up.

“About them joining us, I have not come to the conclusion that all or even any of them are worthy. I am not sure that they possess the skills necessary to do what really needs to be done.” Riyoshi spoke out to Aime.

Reaching his right hand up and placing it upon his zanpakutou. Taking in a deep breath, he thought for a minute.

“I know that i was supposed to assess the situation and come to a conclusion while getting all the candidates on board, but i was unsure if any of them could be trusted.” Riyoshi continued to speak to Aime while not trying to hide the information from Kishi.

Looking back at Kishi, he nodded and spoke out again.

“No offense, But i would really like to discuss our training session and all other battle tactics.” Riyoshi said aloud to Kishi.
(lol I'm so sorry, I'm so used to people having their OC in the signature or as their avatar that I just automatically looked at that when I did that post. I know what your character looks like (Thanks for the pic btw) but I slipped up. *bows at the waist* My deepest apologies! Kishi's seventeen....)

Kishi was curious as to the mission that the girl and Riyoshi were talking about. But, it was none of her business she decided and she kept it that way by not asking. That didn't mean she wasn't going to listen though....

"So much for it not being none of your business huh girly?" Her hollow's voice was amused as she spoke up, notingthe way those two interacted with each other. Her master might not be wary of the way they spoke of 'recruits'...but she was.


"I agree, it does sound ominous, but you must give them the benefit of the doubt Hish-san."
Kishi couldn't hear Mizu speaking, it was a private thought directedtowards the hollow, but of course Hi had something to add, "Of course if they ruin that...Well, they won't like the consequences."


The three spirits for once in perfect harmony on something...the want to protect their master.

Kishi shuddered lightly, something had just happened that she wasn't quite sure she was comfortable with...she sighed, she was always out of the loop. She turned to Riyoshi and nodded, "I'm fine with that, but I don't promise everything that I'll be willing to tell you." There were some things that only two living people had ever seen.
Hmm. She was most amused with his answer. She could tell from his tone that this; this mission, these people, he was in deep, in it all, and for the win. She knew with time they would join. Aime and Riyoshi simply needed to earn their trust and comaraderie. When it came to protecting whats important, they would come. When that time arrived, they would be waiting.

"Riyoshi. As you being lead on this I'll follow as you wish." She smiled sincerely. They had an odd relationship like that.

"If yourself and Kishi don't mind, I'd enjoy joining in on training and meeting the others."

Her eyes like that of a puppy, trying to add that
you wouldn't leave poor me behind expression on her face.

Aime kind of prances around, skipping happily as she waited for a reply. Seemed like the mood was a lot lighter.

Glad someones amused. Your too soft...

Aime glared on the inside.
Riyoshi nodded back to Kishi, for he knew that she wanted to keep some things a secret, but he needed to discuss it anyway.

“Thank you ma’am. I would enjoy you joining in on the training. But before you meet the others, I would like to let you know, they are of quite different origins then us.” Riyoshi replied to Aime while placing his hand upon the top of her head.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi placed his right hand upon a small scorched section of his chest.

“You have the right to withhold any information you are unwilling to share, but there is some things that i would like you to know, just in case the time comes.” Riyoshi replied to Kishi.
Kishi pulled away slightly, coming to the ladder. She looked back at Riyoshi and the stranger, "It is not information that I will be withholding, I will not be showing you my techniques. Its plain and simple as that." Her green eyes flashed before she turned back to the ladder and jumped up the full length, her toes using the reishi to make it, her hakama pants flapping around her legs.

She looked around before making her way to where she sensed Torres and she opened the door barring the way, "Hey are you alright in here? We felt something strange in the training room."
Torres relaxed his gaze accepting the fact that this stranger had just arrived. Riyoshi and Kishi seemed fine with it, so he guessed for now there was no need for any escalation. He nodded towards Kishi now showing he heard her question.

"Yes I am fine, I was simply attempting what you Shinigami called Jinzen with Urahara, trying to access my Inner World if I even have one."

He sighed.

"But at this point I believe it may be a futile effort."
"Nyra, I'll never know why you keep running off on me," I said to the black cat in my arms. I had temporarily forgotten my hunger. That probably wasn't a good thing.
Aime watched on as Kishi cleared the length of ladder. It was quite impressing to see a human lunge that high but rather any quincy could do it as well. As a human herself she figured it was appropriate to follow in the same.

She lifted her foot slightly and with a flicker she disappeared and reappeared at the top next to Kishi.

"I don't expect to see
everything, but be sure your confident in yourself and your attacks."

Her eyes kind of showed slight sorrow her hands clenching, hidden in her pockets, but glanced back up at Kishi's. The sadness disappearing and confidence returning.

"You aren't the only one that pays in a battle for being ill prepared. But anyways let's continue."

Coming back to reality and she realized there was an arrancar in their presence, and on top of that was a friendly one. To be trusted? She wouldn't know for sure yet only time would tell, but a variety in skills would make their division most successful. Listening to him talking she had a theory of her own.

"A shinigami's inner world is literally one's own soul. Your strength is your inner power correct? Well from our understanding..."

Her hand came up to her waist. The other one up as if pointing out a criminal.

"...Arrancar gain strength by consuming other hollow and making someone elses power their own as well as strengthing your own power you already have. While trying to access your
inner power you may have accessed every soul every consumed by you and others weaker than your own persona. In theory, if you could sync those souls as one with your own, you may achieve a power never before witnessed in an arrancar... But thats just my own opinion."

After shrugging she went back to minding her own business.

"Riyoshi, whats first?"
(Your already figuring out what I've got planned for Torres' inner world)

Torres listened to what the new little girl said.

It is true Hollows and Arrancar consume other Hollow souls to become stronger, so if that was the basis of his power what exactly did that mean he would find in his Inner World.

"But power is not my concern, I have plenty of that... My concern is other matters..."

Torres' purpose for trying to access his Inner World were for completely different reasons. Besides Hollows never got along, they always fought so the idea of getting any souls to sync seemed ridiculous to him.
(LOLS! Mad deductive skills! You go girl! Kyaha!)

I went up the ladder, seeing as I was now being ignored by near everyone in the vicinity. I randomly snuck up on Ichigo whacked him on the head. Nyra went back with Orihime and mewed. "Konnichi wa, baka-kun!(Hello, idiot boy!)" I said, smiling.
Ichigo's head shrunk forward slightly from his head, arms moving out like awkward bird arms, "Oi! What was that for?" His angry eyes turned to meet Moonlights.

Kishi didn't reply, perfectly confident in her attacks. "Yeesh, everybody wants to see everybody else's moves, but when you ask them to do the favor back they'll just boot ya out the door." While annoying, the hollow had a point, not many people would be willing to share their abilities so openly, unless you were Ichigo..but Ichigo was an idiot.

She stepped towards Torres with a smile on her face, "You know, its not really that great of a thing. Especially if you don't have a zanpaktou spirit, I'd imagine it be really boring." Yeah, hers was just plain weird, and if her zanpaktou spirits weren't there to inhabit the be frickin creepy as hell.
Torres looked to Kishi his eyes very blank and focused, in an almost terrifying way. No smile visible on his face.

"That is always easy to say when you already have what is sought. You are able to go in your own mind, see what lies within your very soul. Speak to not only the powers that make you a Shinigami, but even your Hollow side, the darkness with in.

My entire life I have wondered, endless questions with never an answer in sight. I have lived in a world of darkness, utter darkness only ever knowing fighting, endless battles between Hollows to quench an undesirable thirst for more power for nor reason other than the power itself. An endless dark journey of pain, anger and death with no reason or explanation. After asking questions that have never been answered by the world, is it so wrong to want to look on the inside for why? Who? and What?"

He looked down.

"But the answer can be more terrifying then the unknowing question, what if it is empty. What if inside it also endless darkness and emptyness. Nothing...."

He rose his face towards her as continued to stare at her with those eyes, those eyes you could not explain.
"Because I'm freaking hungry!" I pouted. I couldn't ignore my own hunger and was somehow keeping from throwing up. "Goddess! How long was I in my inner world that I feel like I've gome feral?" I asked rhetorically. I knew exactly how long. I wasn't dumb enough that I couldn't figure it out.
Riyoshi was only mere seconds behind Aime, but that was all he needed to be out of the loop of her informative side. With a twist of his foot, he vanished from the bottom of the ladder and appeared behind Aime. Placing a hand upon her shoulder, he was catching the last part of her theory.

“Excuse me ma’am. I would like to point out to you something of far greater importance.” Riyoshi said just as she finished her thought.

Looking up and towards Kishi, Riyoshi soon took a breath.

“It is not that I want to see you techniques. I know far and few between what your upper limits are. I only want to help you perfect a certain skill. And in turn, i wish for your help to improve one of my own.” Riyoshi said out with a tone of acceptance.

Reaching his right hand up, he pointed just to the right of his heart. Taking in a deep breath, he spoke out once more.

“When the time comes, i need you to do something of grave importance.” Riyoshi said aloud as he soon turned his gaze to Torres.

“You have great power, sir. I would also like to take the time to introduce myself and my friend here with greater detail, if EVERYONE would like to hear about it.” Riyoshi spoke out as he moved to the side of Aime.
(she didn't say that, her hollow had) Kishi froze, and Hishi spoke up "How the hell did he know that you ould talk to me? Hi and Mizu were in agreement with the hollow on this.

Kishi felt guilty for her words and knelt down next to Torres, her soft black hair falling in an enveloping curtain around the two, "I never meant to offend you with what I said, nor did I mean to say that you shouldn't try. I'm just saying don't be to disappointed if you can't get there." She smiled softly at him, her bright green eyes taking on a light glint, "And to comment on what you said earlier, it wasn't just for the power, it was to keep your individuality as a being." She tucked away the hair that was hiding them from everyone else behind her ear, "That is nothing to be ashamed of, don't ever be."

She stood turning to Riyoshi, "I'll go get everybody from the other room, they'll listen to me better." She walked out, and was amused to see Ichigo being bothered by Moonlight. She stood there for a moment before taking in a short breath through her nose, "Alright, everybody, human, substitute shinigami, quincy things...Let's head in here, we need to have a group meeting." She motioned to the room she had just exited with her hands, her index fingers pointing.

Ichigo had been attempting to fend off the weird girl, "Go eat something!" He turned startled when Kishi walked in and listened rapt, "Is this about Grimmjow?!" He shot up, immediately on his feet, "Alright, let's do this!"
(Sorry, didn't realize. I'll edit! I see quotes and think talking. I try to make my thoughts as different as possible with only inverted comma around text and italics, but regardless someone always makes a mistakes and sometimes thinks you actually said it.)

Torres didn't respond, he wasn't offended. Hollows and Arrancar constantly insulted each other, usually followed by the physical attack. It was the physical attack we prepared for, words never hurt him, they seemed futile and worthless to him.

As Riyoshi and Kishi announced the plans for a meet, he figured he may as well.

"I do not see why not, in a battle with more than one it can be beneficial to know your allies better to be more proficient in battle. In other words, yeah go for it!"

He listened as Kishi announced the different species, did she not mention Arrancar by accident or did she simply assume unlike the others he had heard Riyoshi and knew full well to be ready for the meeting.
"It's not my fault I get overemotional before, during, and after the full moon! I'm just affected weirdly by things," I said. (This is true for me in real life. I have an emotional high every full moon. It's weird, but I'm used to it.) I followed into the room Kishi pointed to right behind Ichigo. I looked at my quicy bracelet. It was different because of the pentagram etched in the centre of the five-pointed cross. It could merely be because of my own strange beliefs or it could be because of something else. Either way, I didn't really want it to mean anything.

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