Bleach Role Play

Feeling that kishi was hot on his trail, he flash stepped and landed upon the water.

"This should be good enough." Riyoshi said as he turned and looked at kishi.

His eyes peered through the dragon's teeth as he dip the blade of his zanpakutou into the water.

As the tip of the blade made contact with the waters surface, the water began to slowly boil.
He had fired the next bala a second too slow and the blast from the bala and my arrow connecting didn't get to either of us. I fired another arrow before the smoke could dissapate, already knowing his position and which direction he would take. I then quickly used my Hirenkyaku ability to quickly get to the other side of the feild and behind Torres, firing another arrow from there.
Torres smirked as both arrows hit their target, as they stood against his body but not penetrating and then dissipating as he brushed off the dust, he turned his head to look at her.

"I'm not sure you are familiar with Arrancar or not, but we refer to that as Hierro. By condensing our reiryoku we can our skin as hard as any material, the more we use the harder it becomes."

He smiled as he turned around to face her properly.

"So if you want to continue this battle, you are going to have stop hiding your power and start firing those arrows with some real power."

His Pesquisa wasn't just good for locating strong opponents, it could sometimes tell him if an opponent was hiding some extra power and it was always for sure. However it was easy to see this girl was still only playing, testing out the field.

"I'll tell you what, you start using some real power and I'll stop only using my Bala at 35%." He yelled the offer out to her.
Kishi backed up slightly. Her green eyes blinking slightly at the happenings below her. Her hands lightly golowed with her purple reiatsu, readying to protect herself from an attack.
I knew his bala was stronger than that and, actually, the thought of him using stronger attacks seemed like fun. Ironic how I had never liked fighting and yet it came so naturally. I shook that thought. "Come on! Use me already!" Ketsueki Gekko complained. "Fine. I guess I could use you now," I said aloud, smiling. "Torres, you mind giving me a second?" I called, then the next second, I was out of my body in soul form in soul reaper attire. My kimono had a little flower pattern around the arms and lower part and above where my heart should be was a swirling pattern that looked to be a labrynth, and I was still barefoot. I had my body over my shoulder. "I need to put my body in a safe place before we continue if you really want to see me use stronger power than what I've been using, if you really want me to stop holding back as much!" I called. "Ha! Finally! This should be fun, little Sagittarius," Ketsueki Gekko said in my head.
Asking for a moment did seem peculiar to Torres, but it was only training after all. He nodded to indicate to her it was ok. Besides if it would make the opponent stronger, he would always be up for her.

He saw her changes clothes as she left the human body, now this was something he recognized more, but the battle could still take any unexpected turns. He began tapping his foot waiting for her to put her body safely away.

"Come on already, I'm getting bored. You can attack first when your ready, go for it!"
I placed my body in a safe place and laughed at his comment. I quickly returned and took hold of my zanpakuto with my left hand. "You ready, Ketsu?" I asked aloud. "I've been waiting for this moment the entire battle!" Ketsueki Gekko said in my head. I smiled and nodded as I unsheathed her. Her blade was elagant and fragile looking and made of pure silver and her hilt was the same crimson red as my eyes. Her gaurd was the same silver as her blade. "Let's do this," I said. "This is going to be fun," Ketsueki Gekko said, once again in my head.
"About time!"

Torres used Sonido to come right in front of Moon so that there Zanpakuto were connected.

"I said you could have the first attack, so I would recommend taking it before I get bored and rescind my offer and attack you full force"

He smirked baring his fangs as the two blades connected as they scraped each other giving off a high pitched sound as if they were both singing with anticipation of fighting each other and getting to use some real power and get a decent work out.

Torres began to release more of his energy which was easy for Moon to sense as it began to swirl around the arena. It wasn't a truly massive amount, but it was still very noticeable.
As Riyoshi stood there upon the water, he looked at Kishi in a defensive position, and soon took in a deep breath.

"Let me ask you one thing. Why is it you became a vizard? Was it to be like that orange haired man?" Riyoshi asked as he lifted his blade out of the water and pointed it upon Kishi.

Taking a step closer to Kishi, a sinister smile could be seen from beneath the dragon's teeth.

"Or is it, you crave to shed the boundaries of being a helpless half breed?" Riyoshi said in a deeper tone of voice.

Lifting his right leg into the air, he soon stomped upon the water and created a large explosion. Out of the explosion was a vertical razor like pillar of liquid shooting towards Kishi. This liquid was not water but the ability of his zanpakutou, Ryuujin.

"Dissolve, Ryuujin." Riyoshi called out from within the mist.

Riyoshi's zanpakutou had changed from the single katana to a dual blade type. He held one blade in each hand and looked upon Kishi, the sleeves of his kimono were no longer resting upon his arms, but lying in the water beneath his feet. A smile broke out upon his face as he awaited the reaction and retaliation from Kishi.
Kishi dodged the the pillar of liquid and growled at his comment, "I didn't become a Vizard out of choice!" Her voice had risen to that of a shout, did he just call her a fcuking half-breed on top of that?! "Release us." The noramlly level headed Mizu was furious. And Hi, who it didn't take much to piss off...was absolutely fcuking livid, "Kick that bastards ass! Pound him so hard into the ground he comes out the other side of the world!"

"Dream HiMizu." Her katana's ribbon broke off wrapping around her right arm as she pulled the twin katanas away. The blades had jagged designs along the edges...better to tear the enemies flesh with, "So! Now we've had the pleasure of meeting each others shikai...Let's begin." She shunpoed, disappearing with that tell tale swish sound.

"Oh, this should be fun." Hishi chuckled lightly.
"I am glad you released your blade. I would have hated to defeat you before you got the chance." Riyoshi called out just as she vanished.

Looking around for any indication of her, he kept very still upon the water. He was listening for any trace of foot steps or any slight sound. This is what he was going to use to his advantage.
Kishi appeared above him, swinging down her right zanpaktou, "Moetatsu Hi!" A swirling vortex of flames went flying towards Riyoshi. She used shunpo to appear in front of him, "Kogoeshinu Mizu." A similar vortex to the flaame erupted from her left blade, only of ice and water.
I couldn't help but let out a small giggle as our zanpakuto connected. "So you've finally sarted to like fighting, have you, little Sagittarius?" Ketsueki Gekko's voice resounded in my head. "Oh, shut it, Ketsu. Just because I happen to actually be having fun doesn't mean that I like to fight any more than I always have. I still very much dislike it," I said aloud. I then pushed forward with ketsueki Gekko slightly, forcing Torres to slide back a few feet. "You're still holding back quite a bit with me," Ketsueki Gekko said. "So what? I said I wouldn't hold back as much. I never said that I would stop holding back completely," I thought to her. "Well, you'd better use bankai at some point. I haven't been used in bankai in a while, or even used at all for a while for that matter. I'm surprised you can still use me so well," Ketsueki Gekko said. "Fine. Just let me have my fun," I thought back. "That's what I want to hear from my weilder!" "Doesn't matter, I'm srill the weilder and you the one weilded." "Heh heh! No one will expect the type of bankai we have. I can't wait to see our challenger's reaction when you do use bankai." I smiled at that thought. It would be interesting to see Torres's reaction to my bankai when I released it. Funny how fast thought went by. That whole conversation in my head with my zanpakuto only took half a second and I was ready for anything, yet expecting nothing as to not get caught up with dodging and countering any specific moves.
Torres smirked, she was taking her time again thinking. It seemed like anyone who was Shinigami half or not was always in taking their time in their heads as if doing something.

With his other hand Torres launched a Bala, this was one was far more stronger like a true Arrancar Bala that shot forth with amazing speed like a bullet and far more destructive power. He then fired another and another with great speed from only one hand as he still held his Zanpakuto. He then used Sonido to appear from the only direction that one might use to dodge the Bala to send a kick flying towards her upper region with great force, that along with Hierro would definitely hurt.
Instead of dodging the bala this time, I cut through it with Ketsueki Gekko as if it were nothing and did the same thing to the others. The weird part was that it felt like I'd done that before a few years back. When The smoke from the blasts cleared, it revealed that I was perfectly fine and that I hadn't even moved. I looked over to where Torres was. "You'll have to do better than that, now that Ketsueki Gekko is out. She bores pretty easily," I said.
Torres laughed.

"And you haven't even released her yet. Guess I will have to do better!"

He smiled as he put his hand forth and cupped it as red crimson energy began to form in it, this was no Bala but a Cero which was quite simply insane for Torres to be performing right there for training.

"By the way, I would recommend trying to block this with your sword even in it's second form if you release it..."

The energy continued to charge in his hand as it formed a red ball, Torres smiled baring his fangs again as he released the incredibly powerful blast that shot forward ripping apart the ground as it headed towards her.
Riyoshi couldn't hear any sound until she appeared above him. Her calling out her attack made him smile. Holding his breath, Riyoshi knelt down a little. She soon vanished and appeared in front of him. Her next attack was on the other side of the heat spectrum. The first attack was that of heat and fire, while the second attack was ice and water. If he timed this correctly, he wouldn't be injured. This was clearly was not his play style. He wanted to see what her full power consists of. As the vortex of fire hit him, he cringed a littke but as the vortex of ice hit him, he was frozen in place and covered in ice.

Got to admit. she is fast. Riyoshi thought to himself.

Exhaling a small portion on his breath, he vanished from within the ice. His zanpakutou still lay frozen within the ice and he appeared behind her.Kishi. Leaping backwards, he needed to get her away from his blades and he wanted to unleash some power.
"Heh. This guy's nuts. Want to make him freak out?" Ketsueki Gekko's voice resounded in my head. "Really? What did you have in mind?" I thought back. "I know how to reflect that cero back at him. Just do as I say and it'll be easy without even having to release bankai," she said. "Hmm. Sounds interesting. Guess I'll have to act on impulse and not mess up then, won't I?" "Get ready, it's almost here." I did everything Ketsueki Gekko said and she was right. The cero was reflected back at Torres and I didn't even need to use bankai. "Are you sure you're a normal zanpakuto,Ketsu?" I asked in my head. "As normal as things get in a world where people can use freaky powers, little Sagittarius." I giggled at that. I had to admit that was all too true.
Torres looked as the Cero suddenly came back towards him as he used Sonido to dodge it knowing exactly how it worked so it was easy for him.

"Ok, now you are going to have to tell me how you did that with even a movement."

Torres smirked having made it behind her.

(Seriously, that will need an explanation or it is way GMy! Even Ukitake one of the stronger captains has to use his Shikai to do that and it the Shikai's main and only ability and even he needs to make a movement to do it as well as some time...)
Kishi leapt away from Riyoshi, off the side of the water. She was slightly releaved to see that he hadn't been horribly injured...but she hadn't been quite thinking straight with the taunting. She was a ways from the frozen mound where Riyoshi should be and she looked at it and saw a blur of color..."What?" She looked towards Riyoshi's hands, his zanpaktou! She chuckled before raising her left sword, pointing it at Riyoshi and twitching it forward as a 'come get me' move.

"He is very strong indeed if he managed to get away like that." Mizu's voice was analytical as she spoke. "Who cares? That just makes this more fun!" Hi's was not...
"You have the upperhand and you still keep your distance." Riyoshi replied to Kishi.

Clinching his fists, Riyoshi charged straight for kishi.

"I hope that wasn't all you had."Riyoshi called out as he ran instead of flash stepping.
Kishi's blade had dug into the ground as she met him head on. Please, she fought with more dignity then that.

Her yellow eyes sparkled, "I don't see any fun in whomping on an opponent so easily."

Her right hand struck out, attempting to catch Riyoshi's temple on the left side. And all she had? Hardly.
Riyoshi ducked under the attack at the last moment as her attack to go through his hair. In a crouching position, he threw a straight left jab at the inside of her left knee. His punch was not meant for friendly combat, but to do some severe damage.

I need to slow her down. Riyoshi thought to himself.

"You should have kept your swords you half breed. If you so much as slightly back down on your power, i will kill you." Ryuujin said from Riyoshi's mouth.
Kishis's eyes snapped wide open as she jumped back, flipping up into the air and slightly away from Riyoshi. His hit had landed enough to throw her off balance though and she stumbled a little. "Again with the half-breed shit! For kami's sake shut the hell up and fight!"

Hishi had enough of this, "Either you pick up your zanpaktou and start fighting seriously...or I take over and kill him. I will not stand for this fcuker calling you that." Hi and Mizu agreed wholeheartedly.
(Yeah....I just couldn't explain it at that moment. Heh.)

"Erm,well,Ketsueki Gekko just taught me how at that moment," I said."Eh.You can tell him if you want. He may need it at some point. Ifhe it," Ketsueki Gekko's voice resounded in my head. "It would be easied to just show you in slow motion. Watch," I said. I moved my right leg behind my left amd clossed my eyes. I held my zanpakuto in front of me, the flat of her blade facing me. As I did so, my spiritual pressure rose. I flicked Ketsueki Gekko forward sligtly and a silver flash appeared, then dissappeared just as quicklu. I opened my eyes and my spiritual pressure went back down to what it had been before. I looked back at Torres.

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