Bleach Role Play

Riyoshi chuckled at the back and forth of torres, moon, and kishi. He loved when none of the information connected.

"Listen kishi. I'll be down in a..." Riyoshi said before taking in a deep breath.

Pushing himself off the wall, he vanished from behind moon and torres and appeared before kishi. As he landed on the ground, it cracked under the force.

"second." Riyoshi finished saying as he looked kishi in her eyes.

Standing up, he cracked his neck and stretched his arms. Removing his cloak, he tevealed his shinigami attire. Upon his left shoulder sat a small vice captains badge.

"What kind of training you have planned?" Riyoshi asked as he continued to look upon kishi.
"Ishida is the boy with glasses, I presume?" I asked. I already knew the answer to my question, but I asked anyhow. I wondered to myself how the others would react to this as I jumped down next to Kishi.
Torres just shrugged as he jumped from the ladder and fell down the great distance as his body turned into a spin and then landed in the ground on his knees with a huge crash kicking up dust and leaving a small crater with unnecessary destruction.

"Ok, let us try this training..."

Torres said interested in what they had in mind, he still hadn't had much of a chance to really fight and flex his muscles so to speak.
Kishi stared back at Riyoshi for a moment. Her green eyes didn't blink when he landed but she pulled her arms up and started stretching them. "We should train against people who we feel least comfortable against, ability wise." She turned to Moon, "Yeah, the idiot with glasses is Ishida...who do you wanna fight anyway guys?" She turned to Riyoshi sizing him up and then looked at Torres and Moon, so many interesting choices...
(Okay...for my chara to make sense again, no wolf ears, no freaky randomness with Kurotsuchi. I want to use my powers, but I can't do that with wolf ears because from freaky past experience.)

"I don't care who I go against. I never liked fighting in the first place, but there are times when fighting is necessary, so I will when I have to. You pair me with someone to train with. Like I said, I don't really care who," I said. I glanced at Ichigo and Kisuke, getting the feeling that Ichigo was going to win, even if he happened to be at a disatvantage at the moment.
Kishi nodded, "Torees and you should do well against each other. Your powers seem to be exact opposites " She said this with her green eyes focused on the half blood girl. "Riyoshi, yo're with me." She started to walk away from the group and away from Ichigo's and Urahara's fight.
Riyoshi smirked at the result. Stretching his right shoulder, he followed behind Kishi. Taking in deep breaths, he brought his right hand up and placed it upon his zanpakutou.

"Why did you choose to face me?" Riyoshi asked he kept his distance from kishi.
Torres nodded, he didn't really care who he fought. It really didn't matter, he had fought so many anyway. In truth Torres was the best option for all of them to fight for the basic fact that their opponent was an Arrancar and he was an Arrancar too, thus making him the closest to their opponent in species and abilities.

He turned to the girl Moon.

"Are you ready, because I do not hold back."

He pulled out his Zanpakuto and held it ready, he knew this fight would be different as this girl did not use Zanpakuto, this would make for an interesting battle and challenge.
Kishi paused thinking how to phrase what she was about to say, when she replied however, she kept her back to him, "My powers are similar to Torres' on a level. And I'm more powerful then him in the way that, because of Urahara's help, I have awakened a....friend of mine." She turned to him and her eyes were no longer green, they were yellow. "Aww, we're friends now are we? That's so adorable of you to say!" Hishi was quickly silenced by one or both of the twins, Kishi couldn't tell.

She fully turned to face him then, absentmindedly rubbing the braided red, blue, and purple ribbons that circled her waist, also going around to tie around her white zanpaktou sheathe. She always thought it was ironic...She looked up to Riyoshi her hands falling loosely to her sides, her eyes still yellow, "Ready?"
I smiled at Torres. "Ironic. I always hold back," I said honestly. "Hey! Go into soul form and use me! I'm bored," said a voice in my head. "Not yet, Ketsueki Gekko. I want to see how well he can hold up against a Quincy bow and arrows first," I thought back. "Don't take too long. And your really should stop holding back. It's like you're trying to get yourself killed sometimes," the in head voice, Ketsueki Gekko, said. "You know why I hold back. You won't convince me to do something I don't want to," I thought back. "Just hurry up so you can use me. And go bankai at least once. I mean really. You never use bankai anymore," she complained. "Only if he's strong enough," I thought. "Fine....just as long as you use me." I took my Quincy bracelet out of my pocket where I had it hidden and put it on my right wrist, being left handed.(I'm left handed in real life. Don't judge.)
Torres nodded thinking the equipping of her weapon meant she was ready, not realizing she might not actually be ready yet as he charged forth with Sonido.

He wasn't going to start with anything flashy, first just get a feel for his opponent as he sent a simple slash her way with his Zanpakuto. Nothing powerful, but if she just took it she would certainly be sliced in two.
"You are one of those. This is going to be perfect." Riyoshi said as his reiatsu began to rise.

Exhaling a dense reiatsu from his mouth, he smiled before leaping straight into the air. He headed for the 'ceiling' of the training room.

"I finally get to try this out." Riyoshi said as he turned upside down in the air.
I swiftly dodged the blow and jumped, doing a backflip and formed my bow. I pulled back with my left hand, forming the arrow, and released it while still airborne, not giving myself any time to aim, yet with perfect accuracy. For the first time in a long while, I smiled during a fight. I was actually having fun.
Torres was completely unprepared for the arrow as it shot past him just barely missing him. There was certainly nothing like this in Hueco Mundo. He had slid back to avoid the arrow as it rushed past his shoulder moving his jacket slightly as he smirked still skidding back, his hand glowed with red energy as he fired a Bala with a punch that shot toward Moonlight.

"I can do long range too!"

He said with his big goofy grin with a tinge of creepy as he was still sliding back along the ground of Urahara's training room, for something reason trying to put distance between his long range opponent which some might argue is a bad idea...
Kishi's muscles tensed, her legs bunching as she jumped up into the air and away. She had no idea what the hell she was doing, 'Use your zanpaktou! Take him out!"Her hollows voice rang out and she quickly shushed the annoying spirit, Hi and Mizu to focused on the fight to do it themselves. She landed a few feet away from him, her left arm slightly down on her side, her rightslightly raised defensively, "If I asked what you were doing, would I get an answer?"
I laughed in a happy sort of way. I usually hated fighting, but this was just training. I easily dodged, more prepared for an attack than last time. Unlike most people, I didn't just assume how others fought. I never expected anything, and therefore was prepared for anything. I fired another arrow, this time purposely missing him as cause for a distraction without making it look as if I was going for distracting him, then fired another one at him, once more with perfect accuracy.
"Well, I will let you see in a minute." Riyoshi replied as more of the condensed reiatsu poured from between his lips.

Stopping his upward movement, Riyoshi was upside down and looking upon the yellowed eyed Kishi.

"I will have to say, i am happy i get to face a power much similar to yours." Riyoshi said as half of a human jaw form on his face, much like grimmjow's mask.
Torres saw the arrow completely miss him as he was confused by why she suddenly had such bad aim when another arrow was already on it's way. He didn't have time to dodge, as he barely used another Bala to intercept it causing the two to explode in his face sending him back with smoke around his eyes. She could fire them quickly, that was unexpected. He smiled.

He raced forward with his Zanpakuto and fired another Bala to try distract her so he could get closer and to try slash her with Zanpakuto again.


The creature lay wrapped in bandages in the small white observation room, no doors, no windows just a room where two individuals watched the creature.

"Yes, he is definitely an interesting creature..." Gin looked at the monitor showing the room, his usual smirk.

Aizen just stood silently watching the creature.

"Where ever did you find such a Hollow, who would have thought anything like him existed...." Gin looked up to Aizen's face.

"Yes, he truly is an interesting specimen. He was a truly lucky find." Aizen replied, his body unmoving and his face showing no emotion.

"To think you found him just wandering around, others would have thought him just another Hollow. But you were able to see it, weren't you... I wander what kinda of Arrancar he will make." Gin smiled as he looked back to the monitor.

"Aizen-sama..." Tosen entered the room to make his report, but his concern shifted.

"I do not believe you should make him Arrancar, he should be destroyed. Wouldn't it be unwise to create such a creature...." Tosen tried to plead.

Aizen simply smiled.

***End of FLASHBACK***
Kishis's stance didn't relax, "That's fair enough I suppose...but if you bring out your mask would it be common courtesy for me to?" She smiled at him, humor in her voice as she asked, in reality she did not wish to use her mask unless it was absolutely necessary...and this was training. She had not realized that her normally bright green eyes were yellow, the black sclera shining ominously.

She did ready to draw her zanpaktou against him though, "One more question, if its not to much to ask, how did you become a Vizard? Was it like everyone else?" There was genuine curiosity in her voice as she asked this.
"Hahahaha! Vizard. What makes you think i am a vizard?" Riyoshi said as he turned his gaze from kishi to the battlefield bellow them.

As he looked at the two other battles, he decided that the power he was going to use was a little too much for a friendly battle, but he was going to use it. Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi exhaled deeply as he removed his zanpakutou from its sheath.
Kishi did finally draw her zanpaktou, the braided ribbon on the end of the hilt swaying out gently, the colors the same as the ribbons on her waist. The two charms tinkled as the clinked against each other. She brought the otherwise normal looking blade up to chest level, both hands holding it, arms bent slightly at the elbows and drawn back. "So you're not a Vizard then?" She was slightly confused, then if he wasn't a Vizard...what was he.

She had noticed his attention be drawn away but decided not to attack, no need to fight dirty against a comrade after all. Her yellow eyes blinked as she directed her thoughts to the beings living inside of herself, 'What do you think? Shikai or not?' "Stay in sealed form for now Kishi-san." Mizu's calm voice of reason answered and Hi picked up on the thought, "Yeah, don't need to show him everything we have right away!" Hishi was still pouting, "I still want you to go full mask andjust kill him...."
Exhaling his breath, condensed reiatsu poured from hus mouth and formed the remainder of the human's bottom jaw, and formed the top of a dragon's skull.

"I am just a mere shinigami." Riyoshi replied.

Still standing upside down, Riyoshi looked back at Kishi. Holding his sword out in front of him in a defensive nature, his eyes peered from beneath the dragon's teeth.

"I am surprised you hadn't attacked yet. If i was you, i would have." Riyoshi said as he released himself and fell towards the ground.

He had found what he was looking for and with a push from his reiatsu he took off towards the body of water in the distance.

"Follow me. I am not going to reveal this to just anyone." Riyoshi said aloud as he flew towards the body of water.
"..." Kishi didn't respond to his attack comment, she didn't want to because she was curious as to what he was doing. She shunpoed appearing not to far behind him and started to run with him, "Then I guess I should feel honored! I might even feel obligated to show you my Ban Kai." Her voice had turned steely when she said the words Ban Kai...almost as if she didn't use it very often...which was the very truth of it.

"Water...that should help us somewhat."
Mizu's voice was serene and underneath was a tone of pleasure. Hi huffed, "Yeah, for you...I don't particularly like water..." Mizu was slightly shocked, "...But I'm your twin..and the essence of water and ice..." Kishi sighed, 'You two should just shut up when I fight, it's like having backseat drivers in my head...its extremely annoying." Hishi chuckled, "Does that mean I should join in?"

Kishi's yellow eyes clearly showed she was somewhere else.
I knew my best option was to keep a good distance, one that was not too close, yet not too far either. I kneew exactly how far I should stay. With how he was moving, I could tell what he was trying to do next and I dodged another bala, but I made sure I stayed at a distance. I wouldn't let him get any closer than he already was. "Come on! He seems pretty strong, so use me already!" Ketsueki Gekko's voice rang in my head. "Do you want me to get taken out before I can get the chance to use you?" I asked in my head. "No. That's a stupid question. Then I would be bored even longer," she said. "Then shut up before you become a sistraction." "Doesn't seem like I'm much of a distraction with how you instinctively dodge so well even when you don't see something coming." "Huh?What are you getting at?" "You just dodged more of those long distance attack of his without even realising it." the whole time I was convering in my head with Ketsueki Gekko, I had a distracted look on my face, but when she shut up for a few seconds, I camme back to reality to find that she was right and I was keeping a distance while dodging without my own notice. "Told you so," she chimed. "Shut up before I go back on my promise to use you." "You would never go back on a promise. That's comepletely unlike you, little Sagitarrius." "Just shut up, Ketsu." She laughed before her voice faded from my head and I came back to reality again. I fired another arrow.
Torres was ready this time and as soon as he prepared to fire another arrow he used his other hand to fire his bala so the two would intercept again. Though he made sure to do it fast as soon as she launched the arrow so this time they were connect closer to her face hopefully surprising and maybe even blinding her enough so that he could close enough and send his sword down towards her in an arc, using his Sonido to try get closer which was getting surprising faster. It was a small difference, but it did seem to be getting just a little bit speedier.

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