Bleach Role Play

(I don't want a god-mod. I just want to be weird because that's just me. Just for the record, the wolf ears and tail have something to do with Kurotsuchi and at the moment I am inicapable of using any of my "powers". So I'm not really....okay, so I don't know what I'm not really. Bleh! Mind blank! Goddess, I should have eaten something before trying to post this! Stupid high metabolism! Oh yeah! And Nyra is just a normal cat now as not to set anyone off about that whole deal, so just ignor what I put about her being a shadow cat and what I said about the Shadow Realm.)

I peeked in and stayed lingering in the doorway in a shy manner. The black cat with violet eyes yawned boredly and hopped on Orihime's lap, wanting to be petted.
(hey its okay, I'm just trying to regulate this, and make sure it's fair for everyone. Don't worry about it.)
(Eh. I just don't like when people start complaining because all I really want to do is be my weird little self. It's like whenever I tweak something to make it fit, people come after me and start with that "you're too powerful" bleeblob -alternative cuss words!- when that's what I'm not and they don't even let me explain, which i can give a pretty good explanation, why and/or how I'm not "too powerful". I mean, no one has really said anything about me being to powerful here, but I had to change my race/species twice. Ah well. All is fair in love and war, and I'm the backhand switch that seems to always be pulled down the gutter. Erm...Don't ask. That expression isn't really one of my explainable ones. Anyhow, since I can't be a witch, I'll at least be one on religious contexts as a Wiccan and temporarily freak out a few of the main characters! ^w^ Oh, and I need Urahara or someone to say something for me to continue. Comepletely off the wall info: Sajin is and anthropomorphic wolf that is sometimes mistaken for a dog! Yay! Wolf chara so no one can complain about me having wolf ears and tail! Ha!)
Riyoshi had stopped walking and looked back at kishi, his cape dangled around his neck as he stared upon the entire group.

"What is it you want?" Riyoshi asked out as he stood waiting.
"...We're being briefed by Kisuke, don't you think you should be here for that." She deadpanned not quite sure what was up with him. Ichigo was staring at Riyoshi like he had a giant purple growth on his face.
(???So none of the other characters are going to notice me just standing there by the door? This is new...And what the heck took you guys so long anyhow? I've been checking often enough, yet no one had posted for nearly a week if not longer.)

I continued peeking in the doorway, lingering there for as long as possible. If no one told me anything, I would just stay there for a while.
((Ooc: well, i am without any internet for my computer is acting up. i am in need of a new one, so i am only able to post on my phone every now and again.))

"I know you are being breifed by Urahara-sama. I will be breifed later but for now, you will have to worry about the guest you brought here." Riyoshi replied as he started to stare back at Ichigo.
Jinta came shoving his way through the door as he pushed past Moonlight followed by Ururu who apologized with a flushed face.

"Hey weirdo, are you just gonna stand in the door like a freak or are you gonna come inside and join the rest of these weirdos!"

Jinta yelled at her in a mocking tone as he walked past the others towards Urahara, he had become so use to the boos constantly bringing in these weird nuts. First that half Shinigami along with his friends, the nerd, the pretty girl and the big guy. Now he was bringing other Shinigami, Arrancars and even weirder things to join his little group. It was annoying, but he just learnt not to even care what came through the door.

"So are you going to tell us why we are here or not? I'm getting bored..."

This was the second time Torres had asked and he really was getting annoyed just standing there...
"Actually, I was waiting for it to rain," I joked. I didn't mind being called weird. I fit me. It was just other things I did not like being called. I walked in and plopped down next to the boy with glasses.
Urahara nodded with a sigh, "As you all probably know...Grimmjow returned here." Ichigo's grip on the table tightened, the wood starting to crack. Urahara's green eyes calmly placated him while he continued, "He said that Ichigo was to meet him in six days to fight. Obviously we can't let this happen." Ichigo stood up, his rietsu swirling angry around himself, "What! Why the f*ck not?!"

Kishi, who had been beating on Jinta this entire time, walked forward and punched Ichigo in the kidney, "Shut the hell up and listen." She turned and leaned against the wall muttering to herself, something about stupid strawberries and killing a death god. Ichigo was clutching his side, face pale and kneeling on the ground...Urahara went on, "For two reasons, one, we can't fight him here. There are to many innocent souls that would be harmed in the process. Two, you never go into a fight blind." He stared pointedly at Ichigo.

Kishi's green eyes rolled in exasperation, "But what do we do when he shows up here in six days?" Everybody's eyes were on the blonde shinigami.
"It's true, I know when Espada fought in Hueco Mundo the destruction was great, there where only sand and darkness exist, it doesn't matter. But this world is filled with weak human souls and all these large useless buildings, a fight with Grimmjow would annihilate everything if we were lucky... "

Torres didn't really care about this place that much, but it would be kind of sucky if this place that had light were destroyed completely.

"We need somewhere we can fight where you guys won't have to hold back to save others, where one can fully release and fight full force with no risk or fear of hurting others and no problem destroying the area. I assure you Grimmjow will not care and he will not hold anything back, nothing!"
Riyoshi stood just outside the main room while still listening to the groups conversation.

if grimjow wanted to just fight ichigo, then why wait six days? Riyoshi thought to himself.

Leaning back against the wall, Riyoshi was deep in thought of what Grimjows real plan was, if he had a different plan that is.
Kishi frowned, Grimmjow couldn't actually be planning something out could he? He was to impatient to do something like that...

"Woman." The brunette's green eyes looked up, burning holes into the cerulean ones they met, "What the ****-" She was suddenly being dragged through Los Noches, "What the-Where the hell are we going!?" The bluenette smirked down at the busty shinigami, "To Hueco Mundo, I want to see if ya can do any good in a fight." He kept walking, dragging Kishi by the arm as she quieted down.

Kishi shook herself as Kisuke resumed speaking, "So Ichigo will be training here again as I formulate a plan. Anyone else who wishes to join us is more then welcome."
"Something about this just feels I can't place it, but I don't like this. I'm starting to not want to know how any of this ends," I said. The black cat with violet eyes hopped off of Orihime and came over to me. That cheered me up slightly and I petted the tiny cat.(Wouldn't it be funny if Ichigo mistook Nyra for Yoruichi? You know he would. LOL!)

"Something about all of this just feels I can't place it, but I don't like it. I'm strating to not want to know how this all ends," I said. The black cat with violet eyes hopped off of Orihime and came over to me. That cheered me up slightly and I petted the tiny cat.(Wouldn't it be funny if Ichigo mistook Nyra for Yoruichi? You know he would. LOL!)
" Yea, I suppose that could have it's benefits."

Torres looked over the room as he saw genuine concern in the majority of individual's face. It seems many of them had faced or at least met Grimmjow in some way before, that was good they had some idea of what they were getting themselves into. Going to fight Grimmjow without knowing and thinking he was just some other Arrancar was a foolish idea at best.

However six days was not a long time, could less then a week really be enough to prepare. Was it enough time to see any real difference in power for any of these creatures.
Ichigo was staring at Urahara impatiently. The elder shinigami's green eyes met chocolate brown ones somewhat surprised, "Oh, you want to start training now?" Ichigo stood and started walking towards the underground training facility as a way of answer, 'Duh, dumbass. I won't let anyone get hurt like last time...' The carrot top didn't voice his thoughts though.

Kishi started to follow rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, she looked expectantly at Torres, "Well are you coming or not? Better not to waist todays training opportunity huh?" She nudged her head in the direction that Kisuke and Ichigo were going, "Come on." She started to follow them, her fists clenching and agner, anticipation? She didn't know, what she did know was that she wanted to see someone bleed right now. "Woah now, yer startin' ta sound like me there." "Hai, and while I don't mind a little blood shed myself-" "This is odd coming from you." Mizu finished her twins sentence for her.
Torres nodded as he looked at Kishi's eyes, looking her right back as he followed her, Kisuke and Ichigo.

Training, he thought to himself. Would this be like the training he had been doing with Urahara before, it hardly seemed like training to him. Arrancar's training was much different, but this was their world and they knew best. At least he hoped that.

As he followed Kishi he decided to try learn more.

"I have a question, if you and Ichigo are Shinigami then how come you do not live in Soul Society, I was led to believe all Shinigami came from Soul Society."
Kishi chuckled, "Well I guess that's complicated...I was born half-shinigami and so was Ichigo when our dads decided to come to the World of the Living. Ichigo's obviously stayed...well becasue he had to. He was basically human...mine, not so much." She glared at nothing in particular, "So Urahara helped awaken the powers inside us." She shrugged, "Simple as that, we never lived in the Soul Society to begin with." She started descending down the ladder, her hair whipping from an updraft caused by Ichigo and Urahara. Ichigo patient? No, not so much.
"Speaking of being half shinigami....." I said, trailing off. Should I tell them and get it over with? They'd find out eventually. to me, it didn't matter what others thought of me. I just didn't want a freak out scene. I sighed. "Speaking of being half shinigami," I said, my voice a bit louder with determination,"I have something to say." I'd might as well tell them sooner rather than later.
Torres looked at her.

"Half-Shinigami, how does one become half of a Shinigami. Did you cut a whole Shinigami in half and eat him or something? Is that like a special ability or something?"

He was very curious how those two became half of a Shinigami. What happened to the other half of the Shinigami? He remembered hearing about Hollows who could absorb the powers of other Hollows, but taking only half seemed gruesome to him, especially thinking about how Hollows usually took "half"

He turned back as the other girl seemed to want to speak, but couldn't seem to finish. He would let her say it if she wanted when she wanted, if she really needed to say something, she would.
Kishi face palmed, "No...our dad's are shinigami...are mom's are human...therefore only half of our blood is shinigami....Torres, did you live under a rock in Hueco Mundo? Even the rest of the arrancar kind of understood this.." She then turned to the other girl as she finally just shook her head, "Yeah?"
"This will sound crazy and improbable, but....I'm half shinigami and half quincy," I said. No turning back now. I hoped they took this well.

The others had stayed in the other room when I followed Urahara, Kishi, Ichigo, and Torres.(Bleh! Oneliner moment!)
"Oh! Now I get it!"

Torres said in complete realization as his eyes went wide, he then turned his face away from Kishi and whispered to himself.

"What the heck is a mom and what the heck is a dad!?!"

"Quincy aren't those that humans with the pointy blue glowy things. I remember Gin mentioning them and talking about one of them who had four eyes."

He said looking to Moon, who didn't seem like she had four eyes but her other eyes might be hidden.

(Yes Torres does seem like a complete idiot, but as said there is a reason that he doesn't remember basic human notions. Let us just say for a particular reason he is unable to access his original human memories or reasoning. Also he doesn't know who Kishi's father was, whether he will find out we will see. Though he needs to know what a father is first.)
"I think this Gin you speak of means the boy with glasses back in the other room," I said to Torres. It annoyed me when people called someone "four eyes" just because they wore glasses. It was mean and uncalled for.
Kishi just stared blankly at Moonlight for a moment before shrugging, "Eh, why the hell not? We've got Ichigo and me who are effed up in to many ways to count, Torres hear I'm pretty sure did live under a rock...I'll explain stuff later to why not. Ishida'll be happy to know he's not the 'last Quincy!'" This last part was said with melodramatic waving of the arms before she fall from the ladder all the way to training ground floor. She meant to do this...she landed nimbly on her feet and shouted up at the two, "ARe you coming?! Or are you afraid I'll whip your asses to hard?!"

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